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March 23, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-23

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74I a 1133


VOL. XLII. No. 125




Weather: Fair and warmer.


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Regent Bealt SupportsFraternities;
Objects to University Paternalism


Abolishment of Oath
to King Seems
Parliament R e piv e s
Notice-of Irish
LONDON, March 22. -(P) -
The Irish Free State, served notice}
on an anxious England today that
the oath of allegiance to the King,
almost the last tie that binds Erin
to Great Britain, would be abol-
is. d.
he'Irish situation, which J. H.
Thomas, the British secretary for
dominions, described in Parlia--
ment as "grave," will be discussed
at a cabinet meeting tomorrow
J. W. Dulanty, high commissioner
in London for the Free State, in-
formed Mr. Thomas that the Irish
peole, by overwhelming vote in the
last election, had made mandatory
the oath's remioval.
His statement, which admittedly
made the Irish situation serious
after ten years of peace between
the two nations, was in answer to a
request of the dominions secretary
for "correct information" as to the
intentions of the new Irish Gov-
ernment of President Eamonn de
Purely an Irish Matter.
Mr. Dulanty said that whether
the oath to the British crown
shoulid be retained was purely an
Irish matter and the people had
signified their wish 'n the vote that
raised De Valera, R publican leader
to power. ,
-e ree Stateovexrnment4 Mr.
Dulanty told Thomas, had decided
1The oath was not a manda-
tory part bf the Anglo-Irish treaty.
2-Since the Irish constitution
was a people's constitution, any--
thing affecting it belonged to the
internal sovereignty and was purely
a domestic matter.
3-The people had declared "with-
out ambiguity" their will and it in
itself was "more than sufficient tc
make the Government's de'cisio
final and irrevocable."
"The new Government has no de-
sire whatever to be on unfriendly
terms with Great Britain," the
commissioner said. "Quite to the
contrary. But the British Govern-
ment must realize that real peace
in Ireland is impossible so long as a
full representation of the people in
Parliament is rendered impossiblc
by a test of their character."
No Annuities, De Valera Says.
It was understood that the twc
officials did not discuss the Irish
land annuities, which Mr. D Val-
era has said would be withheld
from England.
De Valera, new president of the
Irish Free State, gave notice in the
Senate at Dublin, however, that his
Government intended to carry out
its policy of not paying the annui-
ties to England.
When the Irish Free State was
established there was included in
the treaty a provision for an oatL
of allegiance to the crown. De Val-
era, While he was campaigning in
the recent Irish election, said tim
and again that one of. the firs
things he would do if he became
president of the Free State would
be to abolish that oath.
His point is that the terms of the
treaty do not make the oath man-
datory. That document reads, he
has said, "The oath to be taken
shall be-." He contends under this
phraseology no other form of oath
than that prescribed is possible, but
the oath itself is not obligatory.

English Department
Publishes_10 Essays
"Essays and Studies in English
and Comparative Literature," a col-
lection of ten, essays by members of
the English department, has just
been published by the Unive'sity
of Michigan Press as the eighth
volume of the series of Language
and L terature works which are for
the most part by English professors
in the university.

Prof. Howard Muniford Jones
deliver the first of a series of
dresses at 8 o'clock tonight in
auditorium on "Writing for
Hopwood Awards."


By Frank B. Gild reth
Supporting fraternities because
"they have saved the state and the
University thousands and thousands
of dollars by providing suitable
places for undergraduates to live
and board," and consequently not
making obligatory the construction
,of dormitories, Junius E. Beal, re-
gent of the 'University, stated in
an interview yesterday that he be-
lieved that houses should be allow-
ed to initiate first year men at the
beginning of the second semester, if
they so desired, providing that the
freshmen had made their grades
required for pledging.
"I am not very much in favor of
paternalism," he stated, "and de-]
ferred rushing seems to be a form
of it." He said, however, that he
thought that having pledging de-
ferred a semester was a good thing
for the houses themselves since, "it
Weather Predictions
Foolish,_Says Hobbs
Thunder, Lightning With Snow
Inexplicable Phenomena.
"It is in most cases foolish for
even scientists to make any attempt
at explanation or prediction of the
weather," Prof. W. H. Hobbs, head
of the -geology department, said last
night when approached for a state-
ment on Ann Arbor's characteristic
unusual weather a s manifested
yesterday and last night.
Such manifestations of Boreas,
Jupiter Pluvis, Donner, and Blitzen
as were displayed Monday when a
sleet and snow storm was accom-
panied by thunder and lightning-
and all this on the first full day of
Spring-were considered beyond his
powers to explain, Professor Hobbs
stated. "It is practically impossible
to make any sort of accurate state-
ment regarding explanation o f
such phenomena," he said.
' i
i. |

prevents fraternities from having
the embarrassment of pledging men
that they will later have to drop
because of ineligibility."
He said that he agreed' in part
with a statement by Col! Henry W.
Miller, professor in the engineering
school, which appeared in The Daily
yesterday, to the effect that the
University should not supervise fra7
ternities any more than was abso-
lutely necessary, as this was an as-
pect of "paternalism."
"Fraternities should be allowed to
initiate men as soon as possible,"
Regent Beal stated, "to get the beh-
efit of the additional finances which;
the freshmen will bring in."
He also said that to his knowl-
edge, the Board of Regents had had
very little to do with any deferred
rushing regulation but that it was
probably passed 'by some under-
Majority of 3,000,000 Votes'
in Canvass Indicates

Associated Press Photo
A searching party which was or-
ganized in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to
search for Col. P. it. Fawcett, Brit-
ish explorer. who has been missing
seven years, reports that a white
man had been seen captive in the
Brazilian jungle.

English Professor Will Speak
to Contestants Tonight;
Others Invited.
"Writing for the Hopwood Awards"
will be the subject of the first of a
series of speeches for those enter-
ing the Aver, and Jule Hopwood
creative writing contest 'and other
to be delivered at eight o'clock to-
night in Natural Science auditori-
um by Prof. Howard Mumford
Jones, of the English department.
Professor Jones is well known in
eastern and southern'literary circles
and he has had a recognized amount
of experience in the fields of litera~-
ture, literary research and creative
writing. Head of the.. English de-
partrment at the University of North
Carolina before he became Professor
of Comparative Literatures- on the
Michigan faculty; Professor Jones
became prominent for his work on
the Victorian period. For many
years hie has-been recognized as an'
authority on this period in English
literature and has contributed to
manyrpopular magazines as well as
literary journals on literary and
scholastic subjects.
Besides being recognized. as an
authority on Englishliterature, Pro-
fessor Jones is well known for his
writings and translations. Several
of his plays have achieved success
and it is in recognition of his ability'
to write, as well as his capacity for
literary research, that he has lately
received a grant by the Guggen-
heim Memorial foundation for con-
tinuation of his work.
Oes to Be Collected
Today and Tomorrow'
Collection of Senior class dues,
which 'are two dollars, will continue
today and tomorrow in Angell hall
and in the League. Canes, caps, and
gowns may be secured only on pre-
sentation of the receipt which will
be given on payment of the dues.


A . ..r A -L-'-- LT ...._ ..._ ..

Dry Defeat. i-Inn A roorronors
Sufficient wet sentiment in the Goethe 's . e m o ry
individual states to effect a repeal in Mf ass 4ssembly
of t h e Eighteenth amendments

seemed almost definitely confirmed
yesterday with the release of the
first figures in the Literary Digest
poll which include every state of
the country.
Only one state, Kansas, shows a
bare majority in favor of a contin-
uance of the prohibition amend-
ment. Out of 3,040,000 votes tab-
ulated so far, 2,277,000 favor repeal
and only 763,000 favor continuance.
Only one state of the 47 in the
wet group is conceded to have a
chance of changing over to 'the dry
side. The 26,082 repeal votes from
North Carolina are being hard
pressed by the 25,589 continuance
ballots from the same state. # A
small number of returns from Ar-
,kansas indicate a close contest
there also.
Michigan continues to be wetter
than the national average by about!
10,000 ballots, with 21,000 for con-'
tinuance and 73,000 in favor of re-,
'peal' Ohio on the other hand
shows returns slightly dryer than
the national average with 85,000
for continuance and 220,000 for re-

Western Division of Philosophy
Group to Hold Three
Day Convention.
The western division of American
Philosophical society will hold its
annual eeting Thursday, Friday,
and Satrday in the Grand Rapids
room of the League building. This
is the' first time since 1916 that the
society has met in Ann Arbor.
Papers on philosophical subjects
will be read by prominent philoso-
phers from western universities.
Among the most noted members of
the society will be Prof. E. B. Mc-
Gilvary, of the University of Wis-
consin, Prof. E. S. Ames, of the
University of Chicago, who is noted
for his treatises on religious sub-
jects, and Prof. T. V. Smith, also
l of Chicago, who is editor of the
International Journal of Ethics.
Prof. A. P. Brogan, of the Univer-
sity of Texas, president of the
society, will address the members
at a dinner in the dining room of
the League at seven o'clock Friday
evening. The subject of his address
will be "Philosophy and the Prob-
lem of Value."
The sessions will be open to the

University students, faculty mem-
bers, and townspeople last nightl
honored the memory of Johann
Wolfgang Goethe in a program held
in Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Alexander J. Ruthven acted
as chairman of the ceremonies. In
his introductory speech he said,
"This occasion is one of great sig-
nificance, since it not only com-
memorates the death of a great
man, but the birth of a new area in
society." He went on to say that
the silly hatreds and antagonisms
of the war time period have been
abandoned as is shown by this spir-
it in which 'we unite to honor a
German. This celebration is evi-
dence of 'a world returned to sanity.
Mr. Fritz Hailer, German Vice-
Consul at Detroit, offered the sen-
timents of the German government 1
for our participation in honoring
Goeth . He also said that Goethe
was the reincarnation of the Ger-
man spirit of freedom.
The University 80 piece sym-
phony orchestra played the over-
ture from Egmont, and Miss Thel-
ma Lewis sang several of Goethe's
Prof. J. W. Eaton, chairman of
the German Department, gave the
principal address of the evening.
"Goethe as a Guide to Living." Ea-
ton'suspeech concerned Goethe's
serious view of life, his influence on
mankind in general, and his amaz-
ing activity. He classified Goethe
along with Socrates and Plato and
said that all great men are the
common heritage of humanity.
Taming of the Shrew' Will Be
Put on Thursday Night
to Fill Requests.


Tornado Deaths
I ount to 243;.
IFive_~States -HIit
190 Persons Die in Alabama; Tennessee, South
Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky Also Stricken;
Communications Restored
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 22.-(P)-Two hundred and forty-
three persons were estimated to have been killed by the series of
tornadoes that dipped into five southern states last night and today.
Hundreds were injured and made homeless, and damage amounting
to millions of dollars transformed the afflicted country into chaos.
Alabama bore the brunt of the storm, ore of the South's major
disasters. Here, 190 persons lost their lives when the howling winds
blew down homes in two score widely scattered communities.
Thirty-three were killed in Georgia, 16 in Tennessee, two in Ken-
tucky and two in South Carolina.
Death List Grows.
Not until broken communication
lines were restored today was the
Sfull extent of the storm's toll
+ learned.
The death list grew from only a
few to more than a hundred ur-
infi the night, but rescue cr ws,
Several Noted Orchestras Are aided by daylight and the restora-
Considered by Sigma - tion of communication, brought re-
. - ports that sent the casualty list
Delta Chi. mounting.
The twisting winds struck first
The possibility that the music at near Marion, then at Northport,
Sigma Delta Chi's Gridiron dance, killing 28 and' injuring scores of
to be held April 22, will be broad- others.
cast over a, nation-wide network Traveling a runabout course, the
was seen last night when Beach storm apared next at Demopolis,
Conger, Jr., '32, chairman of the Faunsdale and Linden in t h e
arrangements committee, said that southern section of the State. It
negotiations are under way to put struck next in the northeast sec-
the dance on the air. tion, hitting Lomax, Tiorsby, Co-
Conger declared that through lumbiana and other communities.
arrangement with the Senate Co - Baby Blown Into Well.
mittee on Student Affairs permis- At the same time, a tornado dip-
sion has been granted Sigma Delti ped down on a half dozen commun-
Chi, professional journalistic fra- ities in Tennessee. Five members
ternity, to continue the dance of one family were killed near Pu-
which is to take the place of th, Laski, when they were buried be-
traditional Gridiron banquet, unti neath the wreckage of their home.
2 o'clock, women to be allowed tc Five others lost their lives near
remain out until 2:30 o'clock. Conasauga.
Orchestras Considered. Another man who was picked up
Members of the committee iL and blown from sight by the wind,
charge of the dance denied tha'' has not been located.
any definite selection has beef Other scattred casualties were
made with regard to an orchestrE reported and at Cleveland the
for the affair, although Russ Mor- storm snatched an infant from its
gan's, of Detroit, Ben Bernie's, o mother's arms, dropping it into a
Chicago, Guy Lombardo's, of Nev well, where it drowned.
York, Jack Denny's, of New Yorl A tornado took more than a
Coon-Saunder's, of New York, an' score of lives near- Dalton, Ga.,
Isham Jones', of Milwaukee, hav Cartersville, Athens and Rome.
been under consideration. Single casualties were reported at
Officers of Sigma Delta Chi de. Decatur, Atlanta and Milledgeville,,
elated yesterday that the dance i Ga.
to be strictly invitational, only 20 Gale Cuts Wide Path.
tickets being placed on sale at $2.5 A path ' quarter of a mile long
each. The affair will be formal, the- was left in Whitfield and Murray
said. ;;ounties in North Georgia, and
To Send Invitations. churches, homes and barns were
The ticket sale will be carried o. wrecked.

New Outdoor Sport
Into Being.


A newcomer among outdoor sports,
the sitting hammer-throw, has at
last come into its own. It is the
invention of an unknown student,
and until yesterday had languished
in the dismall recesses of the un-
A reporter was crossing the mass
of slush on North University atI
Twelfth street when his attention
was distracted by a travelling bag
whizzing by, apparently of its own
motivation. Across the street lay
the owner of the grip stretched full
length against the surface of the
The ovner of the grip rushed
1L - _J ^..J _ _ a I


By Donald F. Blankertz.
Without a parallel in the history
of print exhibitions at Michigan,"
is the tribute paid by Prof. Bruce
M. Donaldson of the fine arts de-
partment to the collection of 100
prints being shown daily in Alumni
Memorial hall.
Undoubtedly it is a great exhibit
because of the large number of ar-
tists truly famous in the fields of
etchings, dry-points, lithographs,
and woodcuts during the past four
centuries, whose works are shown,
he said.
A number of prints in the exhibit
are the work of members of the
Flemish school. Four etchings by
Anthony Van Dyck, celebrated for
his portrait studies are included, of
which the study of "Pieter Breu-
ghel" is, perhaps, the most repre-
One of the etchings by Rem-
;brandt Van Rijn, also of the'Neth-
erlands, is a portrait of himself
drawing at a window. It is noted

eighteenth century. Prints by "Ga-'
varni" give some of the few hum-
orous touches to the exhibit.
Charles Meryoni internationally
known for his street scenes, was an
artist who won amazing popularity!
-a popularity due in no small'
measure tg his superb mastery of
architectural line drawing.COne of
his works, "Le Pont Au Change,"
has been judged by many to be the
finest print in the exhibit.
Jean-Louis Forain, another of
this noted group, is also represent-
ed in the showing. Forain was the
greatest of modern etchers until
his death last year.
The Anglo-Saxon representatives
in the display are not without their
The print which has proved the
most popular, with the possible ex-
ception of Meryon's "Le Pont au
Change," was d que by a contem-
porary Eng 1 i s h m a n, Muirhead
Bone. Bone's prints have had a re-
cent showing in New York city,
where they met with much admir-


across the road and picked uphis
possession. Standing back with a An insistent popular demand has;
sly look on his face, he watched a led Play Production to announce
Buick sedan proceding from the an additional performance of "The
direction of the Dental building. Taming of the Shrew" for Thurs-
Suddenly he hurled the grip at the day evening, according to a state-
approaching vehicle. The bag struck ment of Valantine B. Windt yester-:
the bumper of the car and slid day.
down the avenue. It flew open and kith half of the seats for the
revealed the fact that it was empty. Thursday performance gone lase
night, director Windt decided that
PROHIBITION VOTEut" 2 o'clock Thursday only facul-
tv members' orders would be filled.
LOOMS IN SENATE The necessity for turning down a
large number of requests for tick-
WASHINGTON, March 22. -(P)- ets was the deciding reason in put-
Prohibition again popped its head ting on the extra performance.
up in the Senate today and nean- Every performance that has been
while the House, mired deep in de- given so far during the current run
bate and uncertainty, postponed of the play has been shown before
until Thursday a vote on the con- a packed house at the laboratory
troversial manufacturers sales tax. theatre. Standing room has been
Soon after, a move to curtail the available some of the ,nights, how-
prohibition enforcement forces by ever.,
withholding appropriations h a d. The students in the play have
been defeated, Sen. Tydings, (D., been developing their parts to the
Md.) presented a petition signed by fullest extent during the run, ac-
24 senators asking the judiciary cording to director Windt. He says
committee to submit for a vote one that the whole production has be-
of the many resolutions proposing come stronger and firmer during
repeal or modification of the Eight- the week.
eenth Amendment

through members of the studen
publications staffs during the re
mainder of this week, and invita
tions, which can later be exchange
for tickets, will be sent to approxi-
mately 150 representative student
early next week, Conger said las
It is understood that decoration
for t;me affair will follow the moti
made traditional by the old razz
fest Gridiron banquets, at whici
huge caricatures of campus celeb
rites adorned the walls of the ban
quet hall.
Work on the new building is nov
complete, according to committe
members, who said that plans for
definite scheme of decoration wig
be finished next week.
State to Investigate
License Payment Plar
(Special to The Daily)
LANSING, March 22,-Investiga-
tion into the feasibility of the pur.
chase of automobile license plate
on a quarterly-payment plan is be-
ing made by executives of the De-
partment of State.
Due t o economic conditions
thousands of motorists have beem
unable to pay the weight tax an(
therefore are unable to use their
cars. It is 'believed that if motor-
ists were able topay the tax in four
installments, an appreciable num-
ber could use their cars all year
round. ,
Norton Will Address
Laymens Group Today
Mr. W#illiam J. Norton, secretary
of the Children's Fund of Michigan.
will address the Laymen's League
of the Unitarian Church at 6:15 o'-
clock this evening. The subject of
the talk, which will follow a sup-
per in the church, will be, "Child
Welfare and Children's Aid."
. Prof. Arthur Wood, president of

At Dalton, an unidentfied white
man was blown to the top of a
tree, the wind blowing a piece of
Nood through one ofJis arms. He
hung suspended u n t i l daylight
when he was rescued.
Michigan Tradition Broken With
Election of Co-Captais
Freeman Is Manager.
For the first time in Michigan's
athletic history,;. co-captains were
dected to lead a major Varsity
team as the Wolverine 1931-32
aockey team elected Emerson Reid
ind Keith Crossman co-leaders last
aight in a special meeting.
Last year the hockey team broke
n-other Michigan tradition b y
:lecting Captain Jack Tompkins
this year's leader, thus making him
the Captain of two major teams,
baseball and hockey--
The two room-mates have carried
the Maize and Blue attach all of
this season. Assistant Athletic Dil
rector Cappon said last night that
this was the first time in Michigan's
history that co-captains-were elect-
ed to lead a team.
Ernie Freeman was appointed
manager with Harvey Freeman, '34,
John O'Dell, '34, and Robert von
Maur, '34E, as assistants.
Benny Friedman Signs
With Brooklyn Eleven
\ NEW YORK, March 22.-(A)-
Benny Friedman, for two years
star of the New York Giants pro-

Confident of the dry strength the


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