THE MICHIGAN DAILY r was relieved of its nakedness by righteous Tammany- S jnti ites. Now the San Francisco Examiner prints a fresco __centered around a nude female model. The artist Published every morning except Monday during the University and model were surprised when the picture was run by the Board in Control of Student Publications.b Memler of the Western Conference Editorial Association. to find a hand-painted bathing suit adorned the The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- limbs of the girl. ication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ited in this paper and the local news published herein. An Oklahoma City artist complains of the diffi- Intered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second culty he has in making paintings in the nude in this matier. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant state. He is not the first artist to find the public's dread of uncovered bodies handicapping his efforts. Subscript on by carrier, $4:00; by mail, $4.50 The same unreasonable attitude is found in the Ofi-ees: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, stringent censorship laws which this country toler- l°i in. Phonicartes: Editorial, 4925; Business. 21214. sates. Through them some of the world's best liter- EDITORIAL STAFF ature is denied American readers if they cannot secure bootleg copies at ridiculously high prices. MANAGING EDITOR InRalph Parlet"e, a nationally known speaker, said RICHARD L. TOBIN on recent visit to A. and M. tha- in his vorld 7R Em ~o . . .. .- - . . . - - . . . David M. Nichol, SPRING? Days of snow and sleet follow other days of snow and sleet and still the much-lauded springtime does not commence. We might as well admit that we are getting pretty darn sick of announcing spring week after week only to be the laughing stock of the elements. A week ago we were all primed to play some baseball but now ourl SALE SPRING SUITS All shades $20.00 ORDER NOW FOR EASTER C. DOUKAS 1319 South University "I w SEE PAGE SEX C ,C r i tr CLASSIFIE D i Delic,-ions Chocolates , irvr .......... .. .... ..... ...... V. 14cfU ty Editor .......................................Carl Forsythe litorial Director .............................Beach Conger, Jr. orts ditor................................Sheldon C. Fullerton omen's Editor............................MIdargaret Al. Thompson sistant News Editor ...........................Robert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS ank B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis SGoodman Jerry . Rosenthal l;1 iffcit George A Staiitcr travels he found the women in countries where least arm is so sore from throwing snow- clothing was worn were the most modest. Evil is balls that we can hardly lift it. as evil thinks. And what evil minds we Americans Chalk up another casualty to the have. weather. MUSK PENNY CARNIVAL HOAX . I all W. Jones lIey XV. Arnheimn rilyL~. (:ancil mas Contenllan erIt S. 1 ui :cl rt l.. fl r i ci n an Sports Assistants Jahn %V. Thomas REPORTERS JFrcl A. fii uer luinl Idartin t Ii. Newman 1""t Kit Prudence Foster Alie i -Glbe-.t Ar,:ice9 l ain, hester tFlimaieth sMann C1marles A. Sanford Joihin W. Pritchard I osezph NKemiian C. i I art -iclaaf 1racic:ly Shaw Parke'r Snyder Glein . Winters Margaret ' Brien l everly Stark Sima \\adgwnrih Josephine VWoodhains 1 r (This is the conct~sion of an artice by 1. Levi, jxof s2301 emeritus, on Gocthe's ideas on education.j The first installment appeared iii Sunday's Daily.) The Ancient Classics i I i i am Carver trice Collins ise Craituall i. I lutmin BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 HARLES T. KLINE ..................... Business Managet ORhIIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manager Department Managerse s dvcttisi>g ... ........................... Vernon Bishop dv"rtising Contracts............................Harry R. Begley dvertising Stvice ........... ron C. Vedder bl)ications .....................................William T. Brown lccttf5......................................Richard .Strateme9Hir ome1n's Bus. ic .._,M amagtr. ........................Atin XV. Verner vil Aronson ,ert E. Bursley n Clark Bert Finn nat Becker zine Fiscl und herine Jacksoan 'otlhy laylil Assistants \li thur F. oin Cimmiloi W. Sharp Viriania l ccomhb C'aroline M osher lIl cien Olson E i elen Scimilde \l a> Scecried< Donald A. Johnson, 11 I)ean Turner Donn Lyon Bernard if. Good Ilden Spencer Kthryn tiancer Katthryn Stork (lce Ler: - l :ry 'El i/iilwtli XmItts Next to the Bible we find that Goethe was a great admirer of the ancient classics. But let Goethe speak for himself: "Though one of the Greek tragedians may seem rather greater and more complete than another, their work as a whole has a single pervad- ing quality. It is marked by grandeur, excellence, sanity, complete humanity, a high philosophy of life, a lofty way of thinking, a powerful intuition. We find these qualities in their surviving lyric and epic poetry as well as in their drama: we find them in their philosophers, orators, and historians and, to an equally high degree, in their surviving sculpture." "Where," he said, "would one look for a greater orator than Demosthenes, or finer dramatic poetry, next to Shakespeare, than that of Aeschylus or Soph-t ocles, not to speak of Euripides?" Goethe confidently hoped that the ancient classics, more especially thee Greek, would always remain the staple of a liberalc education. Being a strong believer in the value of the ancientd classics as an important element in a liberal educa-V tion, I may be permitted to suggest that it is notd indispensable to become acquainted with their beautyo and wisdom through the study of the originals.I Indeed it is quite possible to get their substance byf means of translations of which, fortunately, we pos-3 sess a number of excellent ones in English.a We went to the penny carni- val in good faith. We took five pennies with us but we found to our dismay that it took all five just to get through the door so we don't know much about what was on the inside of all those cloth booths. We went upstairs and walked aroinid the running track and looked down into booth after booth but we didn't see a thing that had more than a passing interest. The prize razzberry goes to the Sorosis Nut Booth, which bore the illuminating poster "AW NERTZ!" We were so depress- ed by it that we didn't even go in to see Helen Dooley dance. This snow and slush is really getting us down. It is so difficult to get around the streets that lots af people are staying home, not even making an attempt to get to class. State Street is choked and blocked with traffic stuck in huge drifts. The Rolls photographer was right on the job and got a dandy picture of the terrible state our transportation system is in. These people are patiently waiting for the tow truck, not knowing that the tow truck is mired in the ditch two blocks away. ' . WHI TMANS GILBER TS W14ILERA YS S(00 and up IL Remember your loved ones this Easter Sun- day with a box of thcse d icious chocoates. "We will wrap them to mail at no extra charg e." qa ' _ ar; .. .. ., , u Night Editor-KARL SEIFFERT TUESDAY, MAROI 22, 1932 Something unknown in ie Floral Business. Instead of raising prices for the Easter season the 606 East Liberty Phone 9055 are lowering their prices on cut ROSES. $1.00 PER DOZ. and up. The quality is as usual. Owing to the fact that there is an abundant cut of Roses at our greenhouses we are giving our customers the benefit and REDUCING PRICES for the EASTER trade. A large variety of potted plants also in stock. Arrangements for all purposes artistically combined. Potted Easter Lillies also at lower prices. 4. Brodie UGH BRODIE, associate professor of survey- ing in the engineering school and prominent his work in connection with the surveying of Grand canal in Shantung, China, during the ars 1918-20, died Saturday night after having en a member of the University faculty for nearly uarter century. Even more impressive than the prominence he ned through his achievements in the technical rld was the esteem with which he was regarded colleagues and students alike. Professor Brodie came to the University to .ch at the age of 37, after he had spent several ars at Florida State college and had received~ th the B.S.C.E. and the C.E. degrees. Born in Mount Pleasant, he is survived by two ters, one of whom lives in that city, the other iding in Grand Rapids. Professor Brodie became an assistant professor 1914 and an associate professor in 1925, which e he held at the time of his death. His survey- operations in China were carried on with the operation of Prof. C. O. Carey. Details of the )ject appeared in the Michigan Technic of iuary, 1921. He was a member of the American Association Engineers and of the Society for the Promotion Engineering Education. Death came after Pro- sor Brodie had undergone an operation at St. seph's Mercy hospital.' The University mourns loss. History -! I IEIDXIIIAL COIMMENTI I DEFERRED FRATERNITY PLEDGING (From the Purdue Exponent) A severe condemnation of deferred fraternity pledging came last week from the University of Michigan, where both the Dean of Men and student leaders are working to throw overboard a deferred pledging arrangement which has been in operation for only a single semester. Under the system used, freshmen were allowed contacts with the houses at dinners and smokers, and at the beginning of the second semester both freshmen and fraternities submitted preference lists to the Dean of Men. The system was all right qnI paper, but the trouble was that it simply wouldn't work. Out of 642 eligible freshmen, only 240 were pledged through the Dean's office, although 67 fra-j ternities which handed in lists named more than' 1,000 men on them. Seven houses received no men at all. With the weaker fraternities facing bankruptcy and ruin, the student leaders are naturally looking for a new system of pledging. Perhaps they will soon return to the old system, which, in spite of its alleged shortcomings, is as satisfactory as any other system. Fraternity leaders may complain about the problem of moving pledges out of rooming houses, but their woe would be the greater if they faced the problems of deferred pledging. History makes us contemporaries of the past, and, knowing the past we understand the present better. History makes us acquainted with important events and great persons, and if the reading is sufficiently wide and wisely selected, it teaches us a rational patriotism, and, finally it brings wisdom and under- standing. Amyot, the French translator of Plut- arch's "Lives," has this on the subject: "How greatly is the reading of histories to be esteemed, which is able to furnish us with more examples in one day.j than the whole course of the longest life of any man is able to do." For Goethe the chief value of history lies in the enthusiasm it awakens and among the various approaches to the subject he recommends the biographical method as the most interesting. The lives of great persons and books of travel were always among his favorite readings. I think educators are generally agreed that the study of history forms a vital part in a liberal educa- tion. Foreign Languages Although Goethe was a great admirer of the ancient Greek writers, he did not know Greek thor- oughly-with the exception of the New Testament. In order to read Homer he made use of translations, both literal and free. Learned friends, moreover, assisted him in the reading of the language. On the{ other hand, he read Latin with great ease. In 'Dicht- ung und Wahrheit" he tells that he learned Latin, German, French and English through use-not by3 rules, because he loathed grammar. As for speaking foreign languages he thought that the ordinary con- versation of a person not a native of the country in' which the language is used, will always be common- place and inelegant with reference to choice of vocabulary and idiom. Goethe's speaking knowledgeI of French, English and Italian was derived from con- tact with natives. According to our poet the chief use of a foreign language is to read it as one reads one's native tongue. AT THE MICHIGAN It has been mentioned in unofficial circles that Clark Gable objected very strenuously to taking the role of Reverend Hartley in "Polly of the Circus" and we don't blame him. Gable as a minister hasn't the vigorous qualities that make him so convincing in gangster roles, in spite of the he-man gymnastics4 and two-towel shower in the Church basement. The best we can say for Marion Davies is that she is well suited to the role of Mademoiselle Polly, the circus performer, but isn't quite so good as Father Hartley's little helpmate, who bravely says "If we're supposed to make it-we'll make it" at well-selected intervals. The plot is a bit weak, revolving about the theory that Church people don't want ministers who are married to trapeze artists, thereby ruining the career of an ambitious young clergyman. Polly is a noble girl, however, and gives up her man for his own good, choking back her sobs as she recites the Book of Ruth. The trapeze stunts are really thrilling, and Raymond Hatton, as the Church janitor, is excellent, but otherwise the nicture is slightly better than Toasted Rolls is considering sending a man to New Orleans to interview Roy Hudson. There are a lot of things about Roy that the campus is interested in finding out, and if enough contributions are made to pay expenses our man will be sent immediately. Checks should be made out to Johnny Chuck and sent to "Toasted Rolls" care of Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor, Michigan. *a * Our opinion of the Freshman Class is sinking lower and lower. Good old Black mustachioed Wal- rus Weinfeld apparently doesn't like to be called Black mustachioed Walrus Weinfeld, because he came over to the Daily office and offered an objection. The irate yearling actually threatened never to speak to the man who wrote the story in Saturday's "Daily". Wheeee. Where do these freshmen get that way? HA - CH-CHA!. A complaint has just been reg- istered with this department that the drinking fountains a t the League are dangerous. Report has it that the porcelain fixtures now in use are distinctly injurious to the upper and lower incisors when the exact location of the drinking' fountain is misjudged. We believe that two or three broken teeth is too great a penalty for a mistake of only half an inch or so, and we challenge the powers behind the Women's League to do something about it. The authorities are again confronted with the problem of placing the Student Council. k sa~ Neatness ~f Apaac Commad R espect v -t STUCK! a_ ,. ..em. ew. .e......,_.; ...u:._ay.ti-. y,.,-- - :,a.,a .... ... . yr B.res u as r/ In your daily business and social associations personal appearance is often a most decisive factor in the for- mation of first impressions, and a neat, wrinkleless collar is an important element of good personal ap- pearance. In having your shirts laundered at the Varsity you may be assured of the most satisfactory job of which modern laundering is capable. We Use Ivory Soap Exclusively COVER THOSE LIMBS! (Oklahoma A. & M. Daily) Since those early days when hundreds of women rer hmrt n witches Americans have been ruled