F-11, a"
____________________________ I .~ A.J. ~.J 4~.JA..'SA.
Published every morning except Monday during the University.
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City Editor ..... ......................... Carl Forsythe
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Old Fiddler's Breakdown
MOZART: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik: Serenade for
orchestra in four movements: played by Bruno
Walter and a British Symphony Orchestra; on
Columbia Records- Nos. 68016-68017.
On a single one of the days in the year 1787-the
year of 'Don Giovanni"-Mozart wrote 'this little
evening music'. 'A few years before, he had written
his father that the Salzburg musicians planned to
play several serenades 'by torchlight in the squares
of the city. These four little pieces, then, are 'social'
art-written with the intention of pleasing, of pleas-
ing immediately. As such, they are 'illustrative of
the external demands which conditioned the use of
music in the Haydn-Mozart period even when the
intentions in composing were more complex-if they
ever were.
Evidently the people of Salzburg liked neatness
and balance. The opening allegro is gay (because
Mozart achieves continuity Jkith such incredible
ease). But the melodies-the material which flows
so smoothly-are all stated in temporal spans which
were fixed and familiar (which reans that the gaiety.
can never be tumultuous, irreptessible or insistent).
The gaiety is, so to speak, adjudicated. Similarly, in
the Romance, there is a pleasant, good-natured, in-
telligent approach to the problem of 'sentiment'.
Sweet melodies testify honestly that 'sentiment' is
present in Salzburg; but the simplicity of statement
and development prevent sentiment' from 'thicken-
ing' into undue prominence in the lives of the peoa
ple of Salzburg. The sentiment is, so to speak, ad-
udicated. In such ways does this 'little night mu-
sic' suggest a period when the 'taste of the people'
ws good taste.
WAGNER: Siegfried Idyll: played by Bruno Walter
and Symphony Orchestra: on Columbia Records
This composition, in which Wagner took an in-
terlude from his cosmic pretentions to express a do-
mtstic devotion to his wife and son, is one of the
happiest of his orchestral compositions. All the the-
matic material comes from various pprtions of his
Nibelungen music but it is all presented with refer-
ence to the central emotion - a very lovely, quite
honestly sentimental, German tenderness for the
sleeping Cosima.
Bruno Walter-lately guest conductor of the New
York Philharmonic-gives it a very good reading,
ha'rdly differing from the recent performance by
Karl Muck for Victor records. They both try to give'
it in one long line-so sensitively modulated that it
will not become tedious.
HONEGGER:Rugby: Symphonic movement for Or-
chestra: played by Arthur Honegger and Symphony
Orchestra on Columbia Records no. 68018.
Arthur Honegger had already shown in 'Pacific
231' an ability to use a piece of mechanism as a pre-
text and support for lyricism. Circumstances con-
spired to make him similarly use the old English
middle-class game. As the story went, Honegger,
after attending a game of Rugby, remarked to a
friend that the musical -equivalent of the sporting
emotions ought to make an interesting composition.
The friend happened to be a journalist. He published
the news that Honegger was working on a new com-
position dealing with 'sportirig emotions'. Honegger
received offers from symphony orchestras for the
work in progress. So he wrote "Rugby", which is a
sort of symphonic scherzo.' With its abrupt, broken
rhythms and its generally precipitate texture, it may
or may niot express such 'sporting emotions' as pride
in agility. firce annoyance at unexpected frustration.
at least, it is a good scherzo. W. J. G.
(Editor's note: This is the eleven-
th of a series of articles on out-
standing members of the Univer-
sity faculty. Another in the series
will appear next week.)
By E. Jerome Pettit
The Board of Regents of the Uni-
versity decided in 1926 that in-
creased activities of the institution
called for the establishment of a
new office. A clearing house for
academic problems from the Uni-
versity point of view, the academic
needs as reflected in the budget,
was desired.
So Dr. Alexander Grant Ruthven
became the University's first Dean
of Administration. Three y e a r s
later, when President Little 'esign-
ed, he was elected chief exeputive
of the University, a rather obvious
step on the part of the Regents,
since, by their direction, Dr. Ruth-
ven had more than ably represent-
ed the University before the ledis-
lature for six months and had Brac-
tically discharged the duties of the
presidency throughout the summer
of 1929.
Dr. Ruthven was not, primarily,
an administrator. He was a zoolog-
ist. And, according to the recogni-
tion of fellow-scientists, one of the
In the twenty-three years he was
affiliated with the zoology depart-
ment of the University he traveled
Alexander G. RuthvenjIIi
Gilbert B. Bursley
Allen Clark
Robert Finn
Donna Becker
Martl'a Jane Cissel
Genevieve Field
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann Gallmeyer°
Mary Harriman
John Keyser
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
Ann Harsha
Katherine Jackson
Dorothy Layin ,
Virginia McComb
Carolin Hosher
Helen Olsen
Graf ton W. Sharp
Donald A. Johnson, II
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts
The Press and
Prohibition .
HE Minnesota Anti-Saloon league recently'
j adopted resolutions condemning anti-prohibi-
tion papers for "coloring the news" and also the
"great news-gathering agencies" for "over-empha-
sizing, events calculated to prejudice the public
against prohibition." From this report, one would
gathearthat the League has the same slant on the
news angle that Senator Wheeler has, when he
recently denounced American newspapers for what
he 'believed to be an anti-prohibition conspiracy.
These resolutions would give the impression
that the large news services are paid to issue anti-
prohibition propaganda. Perhaps the trouble is
more that the League is so prejudiced that it can-
not- even tolerate freedom of. public expression
against this law. The large press associations, and
the; leading ones are conceded to be the Associated
Press and the United Press, have to serve such
large and different interests that they cannot
afford to take a partisan viewpoint in any of the
nevfrs they send out.
No; the trouble is not, with the news'services,
but with the viewpoints of the members of the
League themselves. Melville E. Stone, whose
work was an essential part in the building up of
the /Associated Press, himself recounts that during,
a presidential campaign the Democrats accused his
correspondents of giving the Republicans all the
breaks. Shortly after the Democratic convention,
the Republicans accused the same set of reporters
of giving all the breaks to the Democrats. And
actually, of course, the writers tried .their best to
present the news as fairly and impartially as they
possibly could.
Probably the same sort of reasoning prompting
both Democrats and Republicans to proitest in
former years has led tie Anti-Saloon League to
this condemnation. Merely because their interests
are not featured consistently on the front pages
of all newspapers, they, feel, as Senator Wheeler
does, that the news is being colored to their dis-
advantage. Undoubtedly anti-prohibition forces
in some sectors feel the same way. Yet statistics
compiled by the Crusaders show that as far as
newspaper lineage .is concerned, the prohibition
cause during the past few years has received much
more space in newspapers than their opponents.,
We do not believe the large press associations
are at fault. It is solely a matter of personal pre-
judice and viewpoint, and the. fact that both sides
have sometimes the same complaint shows this
assumption to be correct.
+r i s ir iiriur1ra. +w.. w w i r rf
Lavish stage sets and tricky camera shots make
"Die vom Rummelplatz" an exceptional example of
the technique of the German cinema studios. It is
a rollicking comedy of European stage life based on
the adventures of a family of side-show actors who
do a Cinderella to the boards of a first run vaudeville
house through the talents of the lovely golden-
!-aired daughter-rand is she talented!
Anny Ondra-blond and all that-is the heroine
of the piece. Her ability to exhibit her graces to best
*dvantage is unusual. Aptly assisting the lead is
Seigfried Arno, who, though actually little more than
z comic, differs from Jimmy Durante mainly in that
lie has something to offer beside a nose. Physically
the two are very much alike.
The tragic element of the story is upheld by Mar-
farete Kupfer, as the kleptomaniac carnival per-
former, and Viktor Schwannecke, as her husband
ind the father of the girl.
Beside Miss Ondra and 14r. Arno the chief interest
in the show is kept up by an extremely good musical
score and the above-mentioned stage sets, which in-
"lude several interesting theatre shots and scenes
back-stage. "Die vom Rummelplatz" is eminently
worth seeing.
A number of very important people pool their
talents for the production of "No One Man," but even
Carole Lombard, Paul Lukas, and Ricardo Cortez fail
to prevent the occurence of a very n tural circum-
stane: a bad story very obviously often makes a bad
The best work in the show is done by George
Barbier, who seems to be threatening the very secure
position Frederick Kerr has earned in the field of
character acting. Barbier does a fine performance as
the illusionless millionaire father.
'The story is all about the adventures of a woman
who can't find just what she wants in any one man
and there are a lot of triangles and other geometric
figures, eternal and otherwise. K. S.
Allo f the freshmen at the University of Maryland
are required to work on the student newspaper one
day out of each week. We wonder how the paper
ever gets to press at all.
over the greater portion of the
western hemisphere, collecting fau-
na for classification. Among those
collected he named five new genera
and thirty-four new species, all
new to science.
Michigan's president has a uni-
que sense of humor. Last year, on
the day he celebrated his 49th
birthday and his 25th anniversary
as a member of the University Mu-
seum staff, he announced the pub-
lication of a new scientific work,
dedicated to the zoology staff. The
day w a s April first, commonly
known as Fool's Day.
But President Ruthven is no fool-
er. The publication referred to is
>nly one of 128 scientific articles he
has published during his career.
A, graduate of Morningside Col-
lege, Iowa, (where he was awarded
an honorary law degree last year)
he came to Michigan's faculty as
an instructor in zoology and cura-
tor of the zoological museum, the
same year that Michigan gave him
his Ph. D. degree.
For some time he traveled about
the United States during spare mo-
ments, studying the prairie animals
of the mid-west, the reptiles of Ari-
zona, and the amphibians of Mich-
Then, in 1910, he began his work
in the American tropics with an ex-
pedition to Mexico to investigate
the fauna of the great savannahs
in the state of Vera Cruz. He fol-
lowed this with subsequent work in
South and Central America.
Four years after his first tropical
venture he went to British Guiana
for four months to study the fauna
of the sandy beaches which run
through the lowland tropical jun-
gle more than four miles from the
present ocean edge. There he col-
lected many reptiles and amphi-
Two years .later he was in the
Davis Mountain district 'of Texas,
then in Tennessee, then in Colum-
bia (a long, hard trip by mule and
primitive sailing v e s s e 1, entirely
around the Sierra Nevada de San-
ta Marta). swift pace of Ame
In 1924 and 1925 he spent the tackle many an ab
summer months in Utah, his last an ingenious solu
adventures in the field. In theseg3
years of travel he studied thousands For instance,
of specimens of reptiles and amphi- cious seconds cou
bians, both living and dead, in his long-estallished
laboratory and in the fielg.
In addition to his specialty of operator used to
reptiles and amphibians, he has by the subscribe)
published articles on molluscs, in-
sects,, birds, fishes, and mammals.
Dr. Ruthven has always adiscour-
aged all talk of danger in regard
to his work with poisonous reptiles
Percy Grainger, Australian-American pianist, will
give the ninth concert in the season's Choral Union
Series Friday evening, offering the following pro-
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. .Bach-Tausig-Busoni
Parttain B flat.......................... Bach
Minuets I and II
Sonata in F Minor. O . 5................Brahms