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March 20, 1932 - Image 1

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VOL. XLII. No. 123







rsonal Philosophies
Will Be Subject
at Meeting.

Williamson Will Head
Group in Charge
of Conference.

Whether ideas or ideals are the
biggest assets in achieving suc-
cess will be considered at a parley
on personal philosophies to be
held the second week following
the spring vacation.
Faculty members, including
scientists and scholars who have
achieved a recognized standing,
will gather informally around a
table with interested students and
reveal many interesting facts
about how they view the broad gen-
eral problems of life and happiness.
With a representative cross section
of philosophical thought, including
athiests, free thinkers and the
more orthodox believers, clashing
mentally on questions of work,
idealism, sex, personal happiness,
it is hoped that a hitherto untouch-
ed field of student interest and
opinion will be opened up.
To Be Held in April.
Initiative for the gathering was
begun about a week ago when a
small group of students got togeth-
er and put the question: "the fac-
ulty members give us academic in-
struction in a multitude of the sci-
ences and professions, why can't
they give us some of the intimate
personal ideas which they hold in
support of their theories on how
to live, whatever they may be?"
Headed by Ivan Williamson, '33,
a committee. was chosen to put the
Idea into- concre form. -April 23
and 24 have been set as the dates
for the parley which will probably
be held in the union or the league.
Professors have been interviewed
and many students have already
expressed a keen desire to put the
professors "on the carpet" with re-
gard to their philosophies of life.
Pian Breakfasi.
The first day of the parley, a
Saturday, will see two round table
conferences at 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock
while on the following Sunday
morning a breakfast for those at-
tending will be scheduled for 8:30
Other students on the committee
which is making the plans for the
two-day session include: Wilbur J.
Meyers, '32; George M. Rubenstein,
,33; Edgar Backus, '33L., George R.
Innes, '32E.; William Kearns, ,32
Cile E. Miller, 132; Winifred V. Root,
'32; Mary . McIntosh, '34, and
Martha King, '32Ed
Wilkins Backer Is Sued
Over Death of Seaman
NEW YORK, March 19.-(IP)-
Suit for $100,000 damages was be-
gun today against the Trans-At-
lantic Submarine Expedition Co. of
Delaware, which financed the expe-
dition toward the North Pole led
by Sir Hubert Wilkins.
The action was brought by the
administrator of the estate of
Willard L Grimmer, seaman who
was swept from the submarine
Nautilus and drowned last March
State Bulletins
(By the Associated Press)
Tuesday, March 15.
BAY CITY-Motion to squash the
indictment charging conspiracy to
violate the prohibition law against
Mayor William H. McKeighan. of
Flint, city manager Ceasar Scavar-
da, Detective Sergeant Ben F. Baker
and Albert Verge will be filed in
United States district court here


,; y
, 5
When the League of Nations commission of inquiry on Manchuria
reached Tokyo, the situation was explained to them by Premier Inukai
of Japan. Front row, left to right; Lord Lytton of England, chairman
of the group; Premier Inukai; Count Aidrovandi Marescotti of italy.
Second row: Dr. Heinrich Schnee of Germany, Gen Edouward Claudel
of France and Maj.-Gen. Frank R. McCoy of the United States.
HOUE DMOCATSMichigan Highest
Case Club Finals
Open Revolt Against Leadership Four junior law stufents will face
ofGanroie Upo what will probably be one of the
Support. most awe ispirig tests of their
legal careers April 22, when the en-
WASHINGTON, March 19-() tire suprem6 court bench of the
Open revolt against the Democrat-ssion ofMinhirncMaschura
ic leadership was voiced on the sateeof Mihigan come to An
House floor today n the face of a Arbor to judge the finals of the law
statement by Speaker Garner that school* case club competition.
he would support thesales tax po In accordan' coith an invitation
visions of the new Revenue bill, of Dean Henry M. Bates, the entire
The Speaker's views were made bank of eight judges will adjourn
clear i a statement issued shortly court in order to attend the Found-
before debate opened. In it he in- er's Day celebration at the lawyer's
dorsed the bill brought out by the club, it was learned yesterday. Be-
Ways and Means committee and sides the case club competition a
said he was ready to yield every banquet will be held at :30 o'clock
economic opinion he ever held for in the commons of the law club,
the fnancial salvation of the which more than two hundred
Coun ry. students, the entire faculty, and
A little later Rep. Fuller, Arkan- probably more than a hundred jur-
sas Democrat, said in debate the ists and lawyers from the entire
Democratic insurgents would con- state are expected to attend.
tinue to follow their present course sp rtben$ ofe h.
of opposition to the leadership rte sfi of 00 n ofered.A
"just aslong toasinthsfceoarrtommiteuTe e- efinals of the asecu
st 10 eonrg eamrat this competition took place last Thurs-
sid olwthee crtary of thei day and the two teams which will
oreasury."h compete for the hundred dollar
"ef y re-oo ursue hi awards on Founder's Day were se-
orse tuet s lng asuit is nec lect.amLedele a. DeBdw, 32L, from
toy adefeatns comalea,"sihesKalamaocandRoeti.Goon a,
esaid '33L., of Washington, D. C., will op-
"We don't need a leader; we have pose Charles E. Jones, '32L., of
f t votes." Wichita, Kansas, and Henry Y.
Faced by such a combination of Morrison, '32, of Frankfort for the
revolting Democrats and Indepen- coveted honor.s
dent Republicans that was over- Founder's day h a s been a n
turning one by one the revenue annual event in the law school
plans of the ways and means com- since the opening of the lawyers'
mittee, Democratic leaders abrupt- club eight years ago. As a tradi-
ly adjourned the House in the tion Founder's Day has developed
midst of debate, So that at present it usually at-
The adjournment motion was put tracts a large number of prominent
by Acting Chairman Crisp of the lawyers and jurists from through-
ways and means committee in an out the state who make Ann Arbor
effort to give time for some of the a rendezvous for that week-end. As
disputes to be ironed out before a result of the decision of the su-
proceeding with the bill. preme court of the state to attend,
He put the motion after sales tax an unusually large number of vis~
opponents had scored a third vic- iting members of the bar and bench
tory in having stricken from the will come to Ann Arbor this year, it
bill a section eliminating credits is believed.
for American taxpayers to foreign To Present Emblems.

governments. Finals of the case club comepti-
The House then was brought tion will take place at three o'clock
back by an appeal of Majority in the afternoon and will last until
Leader Rainey to consider the shortly before five o'cock. Speeches
measure. by visiting members of the bench
will feature the banquet in the eve-
POLICE SEEK FAKE ning. Besides this the law club bil-
letsINSPECTOR es will be presented at this time.
These are small emblems about the
size of a watch charm which con-
Man Who Defrauded Merchants tain many symbolic figures identi-
Is Sought in City. fied with the law club and the le-
gal profession in general.

umber of Churches Will Haveg
Daily Programs During
Comning Week
ster Music to Feature Rites;r
Large Attendance Is
?alm Sunday services in Ann Ar-~
churches will usher in Holyp
ek today. Sermons in keeping
h the entry of Christ into Je-_
alem will be preached from the
ious pulpits, supplemented by
cial music. A fewchurches will
d daily services urng the com-
week, while theremainder will
erve Good Friday 'with special
Ittendance at the servees today
d throughoutthe week and on
ter are expected to ;exceed the
mber of otheryeas. As a part
the services, several churches
11 holdcommunion.
Fisher to Give Two Sermons.
the Palm Sunday sermon at St.
drews Episcopal church will ush-
in a full week of observance. Rev.
nry Lewis, pastor, will deliver thea
mon, and the choir will givet
ecial selections. The confirma-
n class will partake of its first2
mmunion at the 8 o'clock servicet
s morning. At 5:30, the student3
oir will sing "The Psalms." y
Beginning with the 10:30 o'clock
vice, Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, of7
e First Methodist Episcopal1
urch, will give two sermons to-
y. The first, "Victorious Exper-8
ice," will be followed at 7:30r
clock this evening by "The Cruci-l
:ion." At this service, Stainer's
rucifixion" will be sung by Ar-
ur Hackett and Hervey Lyon, so-t
sts, and by the choir.
Joint Services at Unitarian. a
The Rev. R. Edw d ayles, of the4
rt Baptist chth, will preach onC
esus Before Pilate" thismorning,n
ile at the First Presbyterian
urch, the pastor, Rev. MerlerH.n
iderson, will preach on"Palms-
r Our King."
Joint services will be held at thev
iitarian church at 10:45 o'clock
is morning, at which time Rabbi
rnard Heller, of the Hillel Foun-
tion, will give an address on "A
wish View of Jesus." At the Zion
theran church, a German service
9 o'clock will precede an English
amon, "The Victorious Christian,"
Blessing of the palms and their
tribution before the 10:30 o'clock
isses, both at the St. Thomas
tholic church and St. Mary's
apel, will mark Palm Sunday for
tholic church-goers. Rev. A.M.
tt, D.D., professor of Latin and
eek at Sacred Heart seminary,F
troit, will conduct the annualt
rty hours adoration and retreat
ening the mass this morning in
. Mary's chapel. The retreat willt
At through Tuesday with the exer-
es at the following hours: Mon-
,y and Tuesday morning mass at
and 7:45 with a short sermon at t
(Continued on Page 2) 1
teel Helmets Throw Support
to Hitler But Concede

Defeat at Polls.
BERLIN, March 19. -(A)-The
rtain withdrawal of the steel-
elmeter, Theodore Duesterberg,
om the presidential run-off elec-
on April 10 was indicated tonight
'hen the nationalist party an-
>unced it would not participate in
le second contest for the presi-
An official party statement indi-
rted its support would be thrown
Adolph Hitler, the Nazi leader,
though it was conceded the re-
ection of President von Hinden-
urg was certain.
At the same time it was made
nown that the United Patriotic
cieties had decided to vote for
itler in the run-off, but the steel-
elmet affiliates of the organiza-
on announced they did not con-
der themselves bound by this de-
It was indicated the steel-helm-

By E. Jerome Pettit. i
"A penny saved gathers no moss."
Last night fraternity men robbed
t eir roommates' banks, indepen-
aents broke up their penny-ante
games, and all small change made
a rapid turnover, as the Women's
Athletic Association staged its an-
nual penny carnival in Barbour
Hundreds of persons paid the
nominal fee to enter the girl's gym-
nasium and the same hundreds
paid much more before leaving, as
collegiate "Guinans" swarmed the
midwaytselling this attraction and
Many men enjoyed paying two
cents for a shoe shine by an Alpha
Phi, many tossed horse shoes and
threw hoops for Zeta Tau Alpha
Walter Spenc- Features Eastern
Intercollegiate Meet; Yale,
Navy Triumph.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., March 19.-(G)
-Walter Spence of Rutgers scored
the feature triumph of the 26th
annual individual meet of the In-
tercollegiate Swimming association
at the naval academy pool here
today by capturing two crowns, the
300-yard medley race and the 400-
yard swim.
Navy also took two titles while
Yale, who entered the finals with
15 qualifiers, netted one first place
and divided another with Dart-
mouth. Harvard, Brown and Co-
lumbia gained one champion each.
Spence, who competed in the 1928
Olympics for Canada, won the
medley race without great effort
and then came back to capture the
440-yard swim in 5:13.9, clipping
0:08.5 off the naval'academy's pool
For the first time in the history
of the association, two champions
were declared in a single event
DETROIT, March 19. - (P) -
Johnny Schmieler and Taylor
Drysdale of the University of
Michigan divided the Michigan
A.A.U. swimming championships
in the state meet here tonight.
Schmieler did the 100-yard
free style in 54:6 and the 200-
yard breast stroke event in
2:41.5, while Drysdale was first
in the 150-yard backstroke with
a time of 1:46.8, and in the 200-
yard free-style in 2:27.8.
Banfleld of Dartmouth and Fobes
of Yale raced to a dead heat in the
50-yard swim and as officials were
unable to pick the winner, each
was given a right to hold the title
jointly for the coming year. Their
time was 0:24.2.
Stowell of Harvard made the
only other record-breaking per-
formance when he clipped more
than a second off the 150-yard
backstroke mark set yesterday in
the preliminaries by Anderson of
Yale. Stowell's time was 1:47.1.
Brown won the 200-yard fresh-
man relay race in 1:40.4. Butler
led two Yale teammates in the 220-
yard swim, winning in 2:23. Mc-
Campbell of Navy took the fancy
diving with 88.1. Thompson of
Navy, last year's 50-yard champion,
won the 100-yard swim in 0:54.9 in
a close race with Fobes of Yale.
Callahan of Columbia won the 200-
yard breast stroke in 2:41.2.

Hoarded Coppers Clink as Campus
Attends Annual Penny Carnival

and Alpha Epsilon Phi kisses (can-
dy), while others received three-
cent "advice to the love-lorn" from
Sigma Kappas.
The Alpha Gamma Delta house
operated the "Pig and Whistle,"
complete with trap-door, cards up-
on entarnee, dimmed lights, pretz-
els, and bottled - pop. The Daily's
City Editor was seen hanging
around its swinging door.
Al Donahue was seen receiving
one of Delta Delta Delta's five-cent
manicures; other notables strolled
the midway purchasing balloons,
pop-corn, candy, ice cream, and
other indigestibles.
A ten-penny show on the second
floor featured Helen Dooley, pop-
ular campus dancer, and other
singing and dancing celebrities. The
show's popularty caused such a run
on the bank that tickets had to be
collected and sold over again as
rapidly as the "suckers" could dis-
pose of them.
Dancing started at 9:30; the
whole show was over at 12:00. By
then. all comeris had. seen Mosher-
Jordan's bathing beauties and
heard Theta Phi Alpha's earful of
campus dirt. And from the number
of sheets used in constructing
booths, many co-eds must be sleep-
less this morning.

Professor of Zoology
Picked to Succeed
Dr. Hinsdale.
Youn g Is Re-elected
Secretary; Bishop
Concluding its 1932 meeting,
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters yesterday elect-
ed Dr. George R. LaRue, of the
department of zoology, president
for the ensuing year. He succeeds
Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, custodian of
Michigan archaeology of the Uni-
At the 'same time, the Academy
elected Robert B. Newcombe, of
the department of conservation at
Lansing, vice-president. He suc-
ceeds Henry T. Darlington, of Mich-
igan State college.
The secretary, treasurer, editor,
and librarian were continued in of-
fice. They are: Secretary, L. J.
Young, of the School of Forestry;
treasurer, E. C. Prophet, Michigan
State college; editor, Peter Okkel-
berg, of the department of zoology;
and librarian, W. W. Bishop, librar-
ian of the University.
Seven of 13 section chairmen
were elected yesterday. They in-
clude: Anthropology, L. A. White,
of the University; botany, Cecil
Billington, Detroit; geography, J.
0. Veatch, Michigan State college;
geology and mineraology, W. A.
Thomas, Saginaw; psychology, Mar-
tha G. Colby, of the University;
sanitary and medical science, N.
W. Larkin, department of health
at Lansing; zoology, A. E. Wood-
head, of the University.
Sections in which chairmen are
to be named include economics and
sociology, forestry, fine arts, his-
tory, and political science, lang-
uage and literature, and mathe-
Geologist Tells Academy Group
of Progress in Locating
City Water Works.


cast Fifty Million
as Week's Prima


Break Records.
WASHINGTON, March 19.--()-
The American electorate is saying
it with ballots these days as Presi-
dent Hoover and Franklin D. Roose-
velt gather in most of the delegates
who choose the presidential nom-
The past week gave ample dem-
onstration of this in national and
local political tussles, and Presideni
Hoover was asked to encourage the
vote-conscious movement in gettinc
out 50,000,000 votes in November.
The North Dakota primary whici
brought out 80,000 ballots in tl
Democratic preference race, or si:
times the previous record, furnish
ed the only big political develop.
ment of the week.
big ballot.
All of which may indicate a trenr
toward an avalanche of votes o.
.Nov. 8 to top the all-time record c}
36,000,000 n 1928.
Washington Will Get
Statue of W. J. Bryai'
WASHINGTON,- March 19.-(IP)-
A new statue in heroic mold, the'
of a pleasant-faced, eloquent mar
-the late William Jennings Bryaw
-probably will take its place it
Washington in the next fe.
months. Those who planned th-
memorial expect it to be com
pleted by September.
The site is tentative, but Charl
Moore, of the Fine Arts Commis-
sion, said it likely will be on Massa-
chusetts Ave., between the Unior'
Station and Fourteenth St.
Firemen Called to
Put Out Two Blaze
Two roof fires, one at State anc
Fuller streets, and the other at 817
Henry street, called out the fire de-
partment late last night. Both were:
roof fires, the second one causing
considerable damage.

The progress made by the stat
v~ Michigan in the location of wa
er supplies fortmunicipalities wa
?escribed yesterday morning by ]
x. Smth, director of the state ge
Alogic survey in an address befor
the geologic section of the Mich
'gan Academy of Science, Arts, an
"Before the geologic survey en
hered the field of well-location
Smith said, "the demand for wate
Lad gone ahead by leaps an
'ounds but the knowledge of th
vest places to find water did nc
%,eep pace with the demand. TI
.dea of 'making' a well had ni
,rystallized. Then the slot idea re
)laced the old screen and the ine
.ciency of the wells due to cloggin
wvas liminated. The original con
ception had been that everythin
must be kept out of the well bu
the reent trend has been to kee
out only the coarsest material.
"The well-makers," Smith con
tinued, "didn't understand engin
Bering principles. Few of them wer
competent and most of these we
expert engineers imported fro
out-state. There were no well re
ords. At first we didn't know wh
we had or where we had it. WV
'lave had a slow advance but w
have a long way to go yet. We ha
resorted to get water where
In conclusion, Smith pointed o
that no municipalities in the sta
aow locate a water supply witho
he aid of the geologic survey. Th
he said, illustrates the extent
which the state's confidence no
rests with the survey.
Dues Requested From
Senior Literary Clas
Senior literary students expectir
to order invitations or canes we
reminded yesterday by Dnavir




KALAMAZOO - Mrs. Virginia1
Hashagen, 19, plans to leave here
Monday for Crossville, Tenn., to
recover her 16-months-old son,
Billy Robert. The child's where-
abouts became known last Sunday
when he was mistaken for the kid-
nainner1 hhv of Col .Charles A.

Police are seeking a man, who,
for the past few months, has de-
frauded Ann Arbor merchants and
contractors of amounts totaling
nearly $3,000 while posing as a gov-
ernment prison inspector. The
man is Raymond Foster, 40 years
old, who is wanted for violating his
parole at Michigan State prison at
Foster was paroled Dec. 10, 1931,
to Chief Thomas M. O'Brien. About
a month ago he violated his narole

State Championship al
Goes to Kalamazoo 1 hi.
Kalamazoo Central nosed out Ik
Lansing Central high school last Hi
night 26 to 24 to win the Class A hi
basketball championship of the ti
state. The game, which was do
played before a capacity crowd, ci
see-sawed back and forth the

HOPEWELL, N.J., March 19.-(R)
-Henry "Red" Johnson, the sailo3
suitor of the kidnapped Lindbergh
baby's nurse, was led about the
Lindbergh estate by detectives to'
day, to determine how much h.
knows about the house and it,
He was not under arrest, buW
detectives wanted to learn whethe:
or not he had been an unwittini
aid to the kidnappers.
While Johnson was being exam-
ined at the Lindbergh home, an-
other man was arrested at South
Plainfield after an attempted kid-
napping or burglary at Highland
Park, about 20 miles away.
This man, who gave his name as

she slept with the Johnson's infant
ion. The interloper fled. Malder
vas arrested and identified by boti'
n~urse and grounds keeper.
He was fingerprinted and thr
irnts brought at once to Hope
:Tell because of the similarity of
the methods of the Lindbergh baby
Kidnapper and the man at th'
Tohnson home, both of whom rais-
ed ladders to nursery windows.
In the morning bulletin from the
Lindbergh house, it was said that
Paul and Kate Engstenberg, serv-
ants who suddenly left their place
of employment in Franklin Park
the day after the kidnapping, had
made complete statements and had
been allowed to return to their new
jobs in Ardmore, Pa.

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