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March 19, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-19

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jIt ilgn~ itt
lied every morning except Monday during the University
e Board in Control of Student Publications.
er of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
Associated Press is exclusively entitled. to the use for re-
of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
this paper and the local news published herein.
d at the Post Oficee at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
er. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
iption by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
: Ann Arbor Press 1huilding, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
:or .......... .... ..........David M. Nichol
r....... ..................... Carl Forsythe
Director.............. Beach Conger, Jr.
tor......... ........ Sheldon C. Fullerton
ditor ...... .. ...........Margaret M.' Thompson
E ws ditor.........................Robert L. Pierce

The fraternities and sororities affect to be somebody,
socially. Yet they are trying to mooch their way on
the Kansas taxpayer like a idt of scummy bums.
There is no reason in the world why a sorority or
fraternity house should not pay taxes like any other
house and the far-fetched excuse that these places.
are students' dormitories is too thin to bear much
When the farmers of this state are having to give
up their land because they can't pav taxes. it doesn't

Capitol ,News
I3 Tom II o100VER
Special Daily Correspondent

Cilbteth J. Culen Xennedy James
la rid A. Goodman Jerry E . Rosenthal

look very well for the young people in their teens The prevalence of economy in
and early twenties who are particularly favored by our government was again ques-
birth, means and circumstances, to go around trying tifned when Senator Pt Hrrisson
to dodge their taxes. Mississippi pointed out that
sometime ago $1,700.00 was paid by
T. N. T. the Agricultural Department to a
(Harvard Crimson) college professor for the prepara-
"America is seriously threatened. The greatest tion of a pamphlet on "The Love
danger arises from the joining of the forces of the 'Life of the Bullfrog." And now
gutter Anarchists with the so-called intelligentsia that this fact has been disclosed
in our educational institutions." With this ringing the Agricultural Department has
challenge, Edwin Marshall Hadley, casts the gaunt- found it necessary to publish a sec-
y, gbrot- !ond edition due to the demand and
let at the feet of American education and its broth- d Itis dusinto note t
ers-in-crime, The Federation of Churches, the interest. It is amusing to note the
League of Nations, Soviet Russia, Albert Einstein, and Iar emsh plusie tat st
the Harvard Liberal Club. From the excerpts, relat- marycsiems aue thatsn
ing to the American College, from his book, T. N. T., many citizens are interested in
and quoted elsewhere in these columns, it is possible raising frogs.
to sample the vitriol with which Mr. Hadley would P e
fortify every good American. President Hoover has stopped
To accept T. N. T. as a menace to liberal thought shaking hands. The reason has at
is to dignify an extravagant and abusive propaganda last been found - he plans on
beyond its merits. To rush to the defence of Pro- saving all of his energy so that he
fessor Einstein or fight for the good name of "Com- can shake his head to the plans
rades" Dewey, or Frankfurter with the temperate of the Democrats.
sword of cmmn-P snsP is to e .h f nr a l d. ia horn-


Sports Assistants
Jones f ,h W. Tholmas
V. Arn heim Fred A. lRuler
F. Ylankertz Iiarol F. Khlte
t:. (:amvihell I-IllnS-.Mal-Imll
Connellan Roldand -Martin
;Deutscl I1, Sf er
Fridman Albert lI.'Newman
1 . i'eoine Pettit

Ch'iarles A. S.,n ord
Jolmn W. Pritchardl
IOSeh Ker'ihan
(% i I art Sc-iaaf
13raeklcy Shaw
l'arkrr Siyltr
kkicnk. Winiters
Margaret O'Srimn
'Bverly Start
Josephine XWoodhains


Pridene Foster
Frances j'vl lhester
I;iElabth Ann


Telephone 21214
S T. KLINE ........................Business Manager
P. JOHNSON............ .......Assistant Manager
Department Managers
g........ . ..,..... , Vernon Bishop
i. Contracts .. ................,... ary R. Begley
t service.............................Byron C. Vedder
ns ..................................William T. Brown
..s .. ..s..................... icharil .Sra ein
Business AManager ... ...................Aim XW. Vernor

e Jackson
Layl in

Arthur F. Kohn
Ilernard Schnacke
(rafton XW. Sharp
Virginia\I C'omb
(Caralilie Mshcr
elcien Olson
Il elcn Schmude
Akay Seefried

Donaldl A. Johnson, IT
Dean Turner
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
Y eln Spcncer
Kathbryn Spenccr
Katbryn Stork
C.lare t ger
Diary ETlizabeth WattsC

cking U on
r Representatives
N the most optimistic wet leaders did not
:pect a victory in Monday's House prohibi-
o11. But 'the intention of the. vote was to
:e a much-needed showdown on the status
ase mem bers in'regard to this highly-import-
>blem. Too many representatives have been
ag re-election by playing to both the wets
e drys. Too many wet districts have been
mted by notorious fence-sitters. The matter
: last, been cleared up.
tong the gentlemen who have occupied posi-
In the fence for many years is the congress-
om this district, Mr. Earl Michener. When
nthicum resolution was first mentioned, Mr.
ner found himself in a quandary. Himself
he realized, however, that his district was
derantly wet... But when the resolution
y reached the floor of the House he voted
he drys. The people of Washtenaw county
w know how to deal with Mr. Michener in
ctions this fall.
st of the leading newspapers of the country
hed the full roll call on the Linthicum
ment. Good citizens will clip this list and
in their memorandum books. Then this fall
rill take this clipping with them to the poll-
lace and mark their ballots accordingly.
ly the result will be that the men of the next
ess will have the courage to fight the dry-
dist aristocracy in Washington.
(Daily Kansan)
are now a senior. In a few months we will
duated from this institution of higher learning.
ve spent four years of our life in preparation
chosen occupation. We now confess that we
ailure. Ve find that we know exactly nothing.
;chool we have accomplished nothing. We have
friends. We have taken certain prescribed
. We also have a certain number of grade
This is supposed to guarantee one a job and
y large enough to furnish food and lodging.
d, however, that we have been fooled. We have
of the magic elixer and have found it to be
g but water.!
friends who finished school last year have
lished nothing either. They are still going to
living at home with their folks and loafing,
king at a job that pays them only enough
to keep them from starvation. We had higher
and kept on with our education, until slowly
rely we have become convinced that a college
ion is a flop.
ple who merely finished high school and went
k have jobs. They are now married and started
ife of happiness. We, the seekers of the light
her education, are looking forward to a poor
one at all, and a long hard grind to catch the
who started out ahead of us with only a high
ollege education gives one a background, the
sts say. But what good is a background going
when we are faced with the prospects of man-
bor for a life occunation?

awvLU vi kV11111lur aci ; isoreal 0 a seage nam-
mer when one is bitten by a flea. Better by far to
accept the "little volume" as a simple gift of the gods
sent to relieve the tedium of depression and that
irritating Eastern imbroglio. This is after all "that
best of all possible worlds" in which everything is
designed to a certain end. Let T. N. T. be the ca-
thartic necessary to purge the American system, for,
as Professor Babbitt would have it, Mr. Hadley has
"poured his baby out with the bath."
A Review
By Richard L. Tobin
The very essence of being a student critic on the
Michigan campus has been, in recent years, the
ability to pick out every possible flaw with the pro-
duction at hand; like it a little, react to it coldly, and
pass it off as just another attempt to bring out the
Anglin or Costello in neophyte actors. And it has
not been amiss in most cases, for the clumsily han-
dled, unfinished symphonies which are foisted an-
nually by our astute dramatic clubs upon us call for
little but despair.
But Zounds! From an untrampled ground comes
"The Taming of the Shrew" to face the critic with
the startling assertion, "I dare you to say anything
against me!" And I find that I cannot take the dare,
for here it is, out of the blue, with no immediate
heraldry of its importance, the most vibrant, well
directed play since "The Wild Duck," if you can re-
member that long ago. There are two reasons foi
its huge and immediate success. Number one is Alan
Handley, whose Petruchio hasn't been touched since
the old man in the Ibsen play. He swears, he swag-
gers (how Alan Handley can stand with his feet
apart and twirl his fake mustache and swagger!).
and he carries Kate off over his shoulder in the most
driving scene in the whole play. As he swings the
Shrew, as yet untamed, over his shoulder like so
much wheat, he turns and faces the astonished
Baptista household.
"They shall not touch thee, sweet Kate," he says
swinging his short whip; and so saying he pats her
gently but directly a la posterus. With that he is off
in a great racket, and Kate's taming is on.
But more than the mere rough comedy which
pleased the Elizabethan audience so well, and even
more than the acting (except, of course, Mr. Hand-
ley's grandeur in the leading role) does the play
become a complete success through the finished
quality of its direction. For example: In Scene 4 an
exit has to be made by a minor character. The
character sits in a chair at the extreme left and his
immediate disappearance to the nearby wing would
be terribly artificial. So he does not go directly out.
He circles the chair; and, when his exit line comes
along, he goes toward the center of the stage, and
then makes a quick removal off left. Again: In the
wonderfully real final scene, wherein all are banquet-
ing in honor of the events of the past few days, there
is a song before the curtain is opened and a great
shout of ecstacy when it has finished. With that
shout the curtain opens, and the audience, thinking
that this was perhaps a clever device to make it think
the banquet table actually contained. joyous guests.
decides that it was all done by a trained choir back-
stage anyway, and isn't it clever? But when there
are a few lines and the song is repeated before ou
very eyes, and everyone seems as happy and con-
tented as they seemed last night-Zounds! What a
gesture! What a coup d'etat! It nearly rivals Pe-
truchio's handing the empty banana skin to Kate's
Shakespeare is familiar enough-particularly this
play through its translation to the motion picture
screen- to reduce comment on the play itself to a
minimum. It is, I think, a pretty poorly constructed
piece in its minor characters and its dependability on
the slap-stick and roughness of Petruchio to put it
over, as Shakespeare goes. All the threads are woven
so obviously-the twelve separate scenes accentuate
them-that only the taming of the shrew becomes
of interest to the audience by the third period. Those
scenes in which Kate and Petruchio are not involved
seem such dull and such obvious filler that we are
glad they're through so we can watch Mr. Handley
man-handle pretty Miss Todd once again. Thus,
having told Mr. Shakespeare how to write his play
after the manner of the John Kendrick Bangs'
"Houseboat on the Styx," I can safely return to the
superb cast, for superb they are in their costumes
and sets.
What if the black chandelier did fall on the table

Senator La Follette is trying to
secure early legislation providing
for a nation-wide advisory referen-
dum vote on presidential candi-
dates for the nomination before
the conveneions meet in June.
The bill will provide machinery
enabling the voters to express a
preference to the candidates in
their party at the polls every four
LaFollette states that, "Unless
the people are offered a popular
vote in advance of the conventions
the Republicans' nominee will be
named by the delegates controlled
by the use of the Federal patron-
age - and the Democratic nom-
inee will be named under the two-
thirds rule as a result of the secret
deals and trades among the bosses
of the powerful political machin-
ery in the larger cities of the coun-
If such a form of legislation
passes we will modify a 100 year old
system. Changes do come some-
times - even though they hobblec
in on crutches.
Prohibition withstood a goodc
hard slap in the face when it was
upheld by only 40 votes a few daysT
ago. The Michigan Representatives
Iooper, Person, Wolcott, Woodruff,'
Bohn, James, McLeod and Hart all
expressed their desire for action.
While Representatives Michener,
Ketcham, Mapes, and McLaughlinf
expressed the opinion that the liq-
uor control should no be returneds
to the states.g
A few of the members backingt
reform have been heard to mum-
ble: ,
There little reform bill, don'ts
you bawl;,
You'll get some votes for papa,t
come next fall.
(Apologies to C.A.F.)c
Perhaps the war in China has
made us forget that we have a war
right here in the United States.
Our war is costing our government
over a billion dollars a year, and it
is a war that is using navy, guns,
tear gas, an air force, together with
all the modern inventions for the
battle front. We remind you that
our government hasn't as yet stop-
ped the "rum war
** *
We have read that dial tele-
phones were installed in. the Cap-
itol to teach the Congressman to
count up to ten. We believe that
the idea was to impress them with,
the fact that there are numbers,
under ten and that all numerals do,
not necessarily have to travel in
the company of an army of ciphers.
*. * * '
The income tax returns so far re-
flect a sharp decline from the re-
turns of last March. It is believed
that the first quarterly payment
will be about $150,000,000, as com-
pared to $335,000,000 paid last year
-and that the payment for the
year will be about $1,000,000,000
showing a reduction of $830,000,000
* C* :
Senator King (D., Utah) remark-
ed that, "There ought to boe a tax-
payer's strike demanding a reduc-
tion of. taxes and government ex-
We were well aware of the fact
that our government is in the "red"
but such a statement as the above
would at first give one the impres-
sion that we have a "Red" in our
government. Such is not the case
but by the word "strike" the Sen-
ator no doubt means VOTE!
* Sm *

It pains us more than we can say
to note the parsimonious attitude
exhibited by the Business Staff of
the Junior Girls' Play. The Busi-
ness manager can't seem to get the
idea out of her head that fifty
complimentary tickets means a
hundred dollars, and for that reas-
on has cut the Daily off with only
six tickets when the least we ever
get from any show is fifteen.. The
reviewers and other big shots are
all pretty sore about it because
every one will have to sit alone. To
get personal about the thing, in our
own case in compensation for a lot
of publicity, a review in this col-
umn, and writing two of their songs
for them we get one ticket. We
are distinctly gregarious and we
develop a terrible gripe against the
world when we have to go to a
show alone. Thank God for Free-
dom of Speech and Freedom of the
* * *
After carrying on a long dis-
tance investigation we have
been able to present these facts
for the use of our readers.
1. Everything is supposed to
cost a penny but you can't get out
for less than two-fifty.
2. Every Sorority and Dormitory
has a booth and sells something or
3. You can get Alpha Phi to shine
your shoes for 2 c.
4. La Belle Dooley wil render a
dance, and she can dance brother!
Not to be outdone by any
woman, least of all Marion
Shepherd, we went over and
crashed the gate of the League.
We walked right in the front
door, and we didn't change our
clothes to do it either, but do
you see our picture on the front
page? Are we the toast of the
campus? Why no! The world
is fickle to a fault.
The gridiron dance is to be just
one big caravan of celebrities. Lat-
est reports on the membership of
the function are that the slightly
discolored student council has
sucked in almost to a man. Ed
McCormick, the president, and
Nall Candler, John Denler, and
Howard Gould are slated to be
present. Hon. Harry Benjamin, the
Business Manager of the 'Ensian
will be there if he can find a date.
Hugh Conklin and Ed Kuhn, big
shots of the Union will be ars
gratia presenta. One of the big
features of the Grid Dance will be
the spotlight of publicity which will
glare into the faces of the guests
as they enter the new Press Build-
ing. It was tough work convincing
the Council members that the
"spotlight of publicity" was really
only a stunt and not the real thing.
The boys are shy, you know.
* C C
A young lady of our ac-
quaintance has organized a new
Society called the "Society for
Prevention of Promiscuous Am-
ours of Canines on Campus."
To become a member of the
S.P.P.A.C.C. one must have
been placed at one time or an-
other in a very embarrassing
situation. Applications f o r
membership should be sent

through this column.
C *
The Student Council, as far as
we can see, is in a pretty tight spot
with this election fraud, and we
don't think it will blow over in a
hurry. What we don't understand
at the present time is why the
seven culprits went and confessed
to McCormick, of all people. Oh
well, we don't profess to be very
acute when it comes to the ways
and wiles of politics.
* * *
There Is More Than



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0 k 4


There's No Depression


1933 Junior Girls Play
March 28 to April -2

Seats at:


Seems to Be


$2.00-$1 .50-$1.00

1 . .
_ _

to Producing Plays
* * *





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