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March 19, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-19

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4,000 Years Required to Complete
Excavations of Ancient Metropolis

amount of exploration in order to
determine the areas in which ma-
terial of the greatest value for
study purposes may be obtained,
with the least duplication of re-
sults. Of prime importance in this
regard has been a series of air pho-
tographs, fitted together in a mo-
saic to include the area of the
whole complex. The camera has
been able to distinguish and record
the main features of the structure
of the city, especially its upper-or
later, phases.
"These features comprise the
outline of the city walls, the sys-
tem of streets and blocks, and, to
a certain extent, the outline of
monumental structures. The out-
lines are for the most part invisible
to the naked eye."
Seleucia was founded between
310 and 300 B. C., by Seleucus Nic-
ator, officer and favorite of Alex-!
ander the Great, on the site of the'
more ancient city of Opis. Seleucia
was the first capital of the empire
bequeathed to Seleucus at Alex-.
ander's death.
The city flourished for some 500
(Continued on Page 6.)
Participants in Fraud
Known, Council States
Definite proof that the investi-
gation of the Student Council
into its recent elections fraud will
turn into concrete action came
last night with the announce-
ment that several men at the
polling places were known as
those who distributed more than
25 ballots sub rosa to candidates
and other non-council members
during the elections Wednesday.-
Evidence has been substantiated
by partial confession on the part
of a few of those involved, and
their names will be reported to
the Council at itsbnext neeting,
to be held early next week, it was
stated last night.
It was also intimatel that
those confessing parts in she bal-
lot stuffing would be pheed on
"political probation," and in the
case of candidates, would neces-
sarily be withdrawn fr'm the
run-off election to be hdd next,
Chamberlain Advises Dt Valera
His Defiance of Allejiance
May End in Confict.
BIRMINGHAM, Englanc March
18.-(IP)-The British goernment
tonight warned Eamonn D Valera,
new president of the Irih Free
State, that his intention ti abolish
the oath of allegiance to ne Brit-
ish Crown and withhold end an-
nuities payable to Great Britain
would cause the governmnt "the

Hurley Refutes Press Statements
Attributed to Him at
Chicago Meeting.
Administration Leaders Scoff at
Report That Curtis Will Be
Replaced by 'liberal.'
WASHINGTON, March 18.-(P)- -
Prohibition continued to stir on
capitol hill today in the wake of
quotations attributed to Secretary
Hurley in Chicago last night that
the Republican national convention
in June would adopt a "more lib-
eral" attitude tov/ard the liquor


Taking cognizance of this, the
secretary of war tonight issued the
following statement:
"When I want to speak in quo-
tations, the words will be mine and
not what someone else supposes I
have said. I did not mention pro-
hibition in my address in Chicago
nor did I mention it anywhere else
for publication."
Cite Interview.I
Hurley was quoted as telling an
interviewer, "A great many people
are going to look for the wet can-
didates on the ballots next Novem-
ber" and "eventually I think the
prohibition question will be settledI
on the basis of states' rights."
Republican dry leaders at the
capitol e x p e c t anti-prohibition
delegations to make a fight at Chi-
cago for a wet plank in the na-
tional platform, probably with
greater vigor than ever before, but
they doubt it will succeed.
Sen. Borah today stood by his
previous prophecy that this plank
would be similar to the rigid en-
forcement party declaration of four.
years ago.
Sen. Smoot of Utah elected to.
stay out of the pre-convention pro-
hibition dispute, but he and Borah,
both strict drys, will have consider-
able influence in the convention's
resolutions committee if they go to
Chicago in the same capacities
they held in 1928.
Drys Are Confident.
Generally, the dry party leaders
said they would dominate the sit-
uation unless something unforeseen
happens meantime.
With the revival of the wet talk
has come a report that some mem-
bers of the national committee feel
Vice-President Curtis should be
supplanted as a running mate for
President Hoover by a man with
more "liberal" views on prohibition
to attract the eastern vote. Admin-
istration leaders took no stock in
this report.
Run' Made on Play

AssociatdS Press Paoto
'31 Football Captain Busse Orchestra
Married Since Entertains Co-ed

Feb. 1931.

Martin Roy Hudson, last year's
Michigan football captain, and
Mary Niffenegger were secretly
married February 14, 1931, at Bowl-
ing Green, Ohio, The Daily learn-
ed yesterday.
Probate Judge B. O. Bistline, of
Bowling Green, told The Daily that
he had issued a license to Martin
Hudson and Mary Niffenegger, and
that the couple had then been mar-
ried by Squire Charles R. Nearing
the day following the J-Hop.
Hudson registered as a student
from McDonald, Pa., while Miss
Niffenegger registered as a student
from Des Moines, Ia., probably to
avoid publicity. Hudson was also
better known as "Roy" to newspa-
permen. He used only his first
name in applying for the license,
probably to avoid publicity.
The engagement of the couple
was announced shortly after the
close of the football season last fall,
but several close friends knew
about the previous marriage cere-
Hudson, who was a senior, left
school at the close of the first se-
mester this year to play baseball
with the Cleveland Indians. A t
present he has been sent to the To-
ledo Mudhens in the American As-
sociation, a team owned by the In-
Hudson, while in school, wasj
prominent in athletics. During his
freshman year, he was awarded the
Chicago trophy as the freshman
making the most progress in spring
practice. He won three letters in
football, two in baseball, and was
elected captain for this year. Dur-
ing his sophomore and junior years
he was awarded reserve letters in
basketball but left the squad in the
middle of this season.
Championship Semi-Finals
Lansing Central 17, Ann Arbor 16.
Mt. Pleasant 21, Adrian 9.
Niles 24, Detroit St. Anthony 13.
East Lansing 15, Bay City St.
Mary's 13.
Portage 27, Napoleon 21.
Brethern 25, Whitehall 14.

'Alices' at Frolic
The gates of Wonderland were
thrown open last night for dozens
and dozens of little Alices, and their
escorts, who tripped through the
looking glass at the Frosh Frolic
and into the night, danced, and
danced and danced.
Instead of twirling to the mad
notes of the Lobster Quadrille.
however, the merrymakers glided
about the floor to the tunes of
Henry Busse, Pied Piper of modern
The gay costumes of the Fairy-
land goers, lent an air that can
be properly described only as "frab-
jous." Fair visitors who had been
present at more than 40 or 50 Frosh
Frolics declared fervently that they
had never sen such a riotous affair
Black mustachioed Walrus Wein-
feld coyly held hands with Queen
Alice Lois Meyer and led the oysters
about the floor.
Selection of Typical Counties
Is Subject of Study by
Considerable progress in the se-
lection of typical counties in which
extensive research will be carried
on was made by Clarence L. Ayres.
chairman of Governor Brucker's
Commission of Inquiry into County;
Township, and School District Gov-
ernment, at a meeting held in con-
i junction with several of the com-
mission's survey groups, yesterday
in the Union.
Reports from survey groups in-
vestigating the following fields were
heard: social and economic trends
in the state, organization of town-
ship government, financial data
and procedure, and public health.
The group conducting research in
the organization of county and
township government is working
under the direction of Professors
Thomas H. Reed and Arthur W.
I Bromage, of the political science
Dr. Upson, general director of the
survey reported to Mr. Ayres on the
work of the groups not represented
at the meeting.

Archaeologist Says Indian Chief
Deserves Place With Joan
of Arc and Gandhi.
Chief Agreed to British Alliance
as Last Resort, Slain at
Battle of Thames.
Tecumseh, Shawnee chief who
organized Indians in the North-
west Territory in the last forlorn
effort to stem the conquest of this
egion by white men, should be ac-
,orded equal veneration with Joan
>f Arc, Ghandi, and other inspired
eaders of oppressed peoples, in the
apinion of Dr. Wilbert B. Hinsdale,
custodian of Michigan archaeology
at the University.
In the presidential address last
night at the annual banquet of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
and Letters, which was held in the
Union, Dr. H i n s d a le declared
that although Tecumseh failed to
accomplish his aims, "to him who
contemplates humanity i n i t s
wholeness from Cro-Magnon to
people of today, and discerns the
marks of ability though hampered
'y the shadows of stone-age cul-
ture, there is a serious interest at-
,ached to his career."
Described as Man of 'Energy'.
Dr. Hinsdale described Tecumseh
is a man of great energy and elo-
quence who "fought to vindicate
she powers of life made manifest in
ill things, and to drive a foreign
.lost, of a different race, from the
lomain of his people." Tecumseh,
oelieving *that there still remained
i last opportunity to, defeat the
xhites and drive them back across
,.he Alleghanies, began to gather
he tribes at Tippecanoe. But while
Iecumseh was absent in the south,
Meetings of the Academy will
conclude today, with discus-
sions scheduled in the various
divisions. Officers for the en-
suing year will also be elected
.is brother, Tenskwatwa, "t h e
Shawnee prophet," allowed the In-
fians to be drawn into a battle
with troops under Gen. William
Henry Harrison. The Indians were
defeated at the battle of Tippeca-
noe, Nov. 7, 1811.
As a last resort, Tecumeh agreed
to an alliance with the English and
was slain at the battle of the
"His human resources were very
feeble," said Dr. Hinsdale. "He
could make no alliances with any
one whom he could trust. He knew
full well, after casting his lot with
Proctor, that should they be suc-
cessful, eventually, h i s English
friends would turn and rend him."
"Tecumseh," Dr. Hinsdale said,
Successes Encouraged Him.
"had been through the turmoils of
the frontier all his life with vary-
ing successes and failures, but there
had been enough successes among
them all to encourage him in per-
sistent effort until the last act of
his life's drama closed with his
"Like many another hero, he fail
ed to see that the Master of Life of
the white people and the powers of
the unseen world of his own peo-
ple always fought upon the side of

the better soldiers, the more skil-
ful leader, and the superior mili-
tary strategy.
"Whether Tecumseh regarded
himself a chosen messenger direct
from the spirit realm is questioned
y some," Dr. Hinsdale said, "but
it is no doubt true he was in sym-
(Continued on ]Page 6.)

gravest concern." S ras )r tyUUCturion
The gage thrown down by De Gives Tickets Away
Valera was taken up by Neville
Chamberlain, chancellor ofthe ex-
chequer, in a speech here. ighest Campus wide approval, or the
government quarters let it be impoverishing effects of the de-
known that the utmost imprtance I pression, has resulted in a complete
was to be attached to the chan- I sell out, or "give away" to be more
cellor's calm warning. accurate, of Play Production's free
show, "Taming of the Shrew" for
Prominent Contrato tonight, Monday and Tuesday. A
few seats are still available for
Coming for Fetival Wednesday and there is a possibil-
ity that an additional performance
Mina Hager, another aist of will be given next week-end, it was
considerable note has been added learned yesterday.
to the already long list of mticians Six months of intensive work has
who will appear during thi; year's preceded the presentation of "Tam-
May Festival according to n an- ing of the Shrew," which is play
nouncement yesterday by harles production's most ambitious effort
A. Sink, director of the Scool of of the season. Aside from the ac-
Music. tual acting in which a cast of more
Sthan thirty are involved, the sets,
USES TO BE HUGE costuming, music, and publicity
have all been carried out by play
a NEAR COMPLE ION production students.


alumni, the archeological Museum
will be open to the public, ad the
engineering school will hve an
open house with all of the ,bora-
tories working. The archecture
school will have a special exhibit
of works in decorative design,
paintng, modeling, and art bjects
which will include pottery, cora-
tive brasses, and fragments
At the same time, the leal re-
search library will be open ?r in-
spection, guides will take arties
through the new press bilding,
arn acnri . ar Phiht il a l

Among those in the cast are: Al-
an Handley, '32, Mildred Todd, '32,
John Doll, Grad., Martha Scott, '32,
Ray Suffron, '32, Kathryn Kratz,
'32, Herbert Milliken, '32, Roscoe
Faunce, Grad., Maxwell Pribil, '32,
Francis Billie Johnson, '32, Jack B.
Nestle, '32, Melvin Benstock, '32,
Uldean Hunt, '33, and James V.
Doll, '33.
At the head of the work of cos-
tuming is Frances Young, who is
not in school now but who has
headed the costuming for the past
several seasons.
Anyone desiring to be added to



HOPEWELL, N. J., March 18.-(P)
-While state police and city detec-
tives were wearily tracking down
every vague tip that cropped up in
the seventeen-day-old Lindbergh
kidnapping case, there were indi-
cations tonight that Col. Lindbergh
himself is still pinning a hope on
the activity of his confidential
In his closely-guarded home fre-
quent conferences have been held
this week between Col. Henry

Lance from the estate, but he re-
curns at least daily to make re-
These facts were learned tonight
as a fresh batch of clews seemed to
be leading the official investigators
where all others have led - into
blind alleys.
After police in Pocatella, Idaho.,
had quoted a burglary suspect as
saying he drove the kidnapping car,
and after a Newark, N. J., police
official had questioned the man by



You can't reach as
.any people a s the



reaches every

day of the week except
Monday. Save your vo-
cal cords and seek a po-

sition, a lost

article or

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