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March 17, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-17

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Published cvcry morning xcecpt Monday lring the Universityj
year by i!he Board in Cntrol of.t t Pulications.
Alc ember ni the e Western Con!fercnwc Editor;i Associationl.
The Associated Press is exclu-s4vely entitlcd to tIe se for re-j
publication of all new. dispatchs credied tou it or not otherwise
crcdited in this paper and the local ews published herein.l
i~xtered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mtichian, as secowl
class natter. Siecial rate of postage granted by 'Third Assistantl
rosnmsterr Genrral.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Otikes Ann Arbor Press kilding, iaynard Street, Ann Arbor,
o. I 'lnmtes: Eititorial, 492. ; Iusia'ss. 21214.
TIcdephione 4925
News. Editor...................................;David M. Nicho!
City Editor. .............................................Curl Forsythe
Editoria t)irtctor.............................Beach Con cr, jr.

intrinsic value as a landmark in the transition of a
jmusical period taken away from it by the modern
composer's later works and other writers more ex-
treme efforts. The suite still remains, however, as
one of the foremost monuments of modern music
and through the medium of an organ, the worth of
its components show themselves peculiarly lucid.
Liszt, who, probably has never been given his jus,
due as a master because he came at a time when art
was subservient to other things and music had not
quite grown outof the art song stage and because
the mighty figure of Wagner in the nineteenth cen-
tury outshone all others, was also on the program.
His "Crucifixus" from the "B Minor Mass" is gener-
ally considered as one of the two most elaborate of
his works for the organ.
"Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" was the Bach
offering for the day and since no good organ concert:

P J :

npnt s l:itor .,............................ Sheloon (C.
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hx ltt l r e; n it''Ge ? 3er etttE


is quite conlicte without the powerful and solid
strans of the bes$ of all organ composers, the and-
iencec got completeness as well as quality. The work

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s not too familiar either. Little known, but grad-
ually becoming more familiar to organists of the
twentieth century, is Hanfi who, as a pre-classicist,
(wrote much in his time for the organ. The work,
which was played is probably the most popular of
ti ,:rthis extant works being the "Choral Prelude on 'E
Feste Burg ist Unser Gott." Other standard works
as well as, an unknown one by Clokey, organist at
1 Pomono college in California, were listed.
The notice also informs us that next week the
recital will be postponed till Friday when Mr. Chris-
tian will have the assistAnce of a wonan's ouartette
and Wassily Besekirsky, violinist. Good Friday music.
which may or may not appeal, is the tentative Wlan
for the program.

Jn. it W, Jii
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Dr. Whif fle
(Editor's Note: This is the thir-
ty-severith of a series of artieies on
outlandish members of the Univer-
sity Faculty. Another xviii nppca!
in this column next week if the ed-
itor feels like it.)
By E. Johnny ChtCk.
Though he is an Indian first, las
and all the time, Dr. Grand Carve.
Whiffle was born on the Hoop y
Indian Reservation in 1801 the son
of visionar3 parents.
He was expelled from the Dentis-
try school in 1802 because o'
his excellent work i n demon-
strating anatomy. IH e rem1In-
ed in this position for a per-
iod of ten years, and in 1803 wa'
appointed joint profeessr anal-
only, history, astronomy and the ai-
lied sciences, having' already be--
come Director of the Laboratory
Theatre and the clasical posture
class in the Speech Department.
For approximnattel7 45 years then.
Herr Doktorr Whiffle has served
on the faculties of the University.
but that isn't all because he has
served his alma mater in oche.,
ways. He became in 180 business
manager of the Michigan Union,
the Michigan League, and Newber-,
ry Auditorium, which position c
responsibility and integrity, etc., he
holds to this very day.
But was Herr Doktorr satisfied
with all these multifarious duties?
SI shouldsay not! During the Great
War he was appointed by President
Charles Evans Hughes to the diffi-
cult post of special consultant on
the physiological and embryological
reaction of centrifugal nerve ac-
tions among non-commissioned of-
ficers. When the War died out in
1805 he returned to the Universitv
and took up his old duties. In 1806
he batted .350 for Peoria in the
Three-Eye league and in 1807 wa

Telephone 21214 '
CJLARL.ItS 'V. KIINEB....s. ............... snes Mne
NORRIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistnt Mang:er
Departrnent Managers
A ertisng........................................Vernon Bishop
Ad'teir'tuig Contrcts................................1 ryiti te. te y
Advertising d'ervic ...........................fByron ( \C.Vede
I bl dicati s.. ... ................................ W illiam ''. rown!
Accouns.... ...................... rd i t I'Sira cno'i1
Wonen's Isiiine~tss NIMiangr.........................Ai nW. \Vernort

Oni Aro"on
Cilbert F. Bnr-l y
Allen Clark
Pobert Finn
Donna Becker
Mart J c ('issel
Ge nevieve Field
Maxine Eisch grund
Ai nal n eyer
Mary Ifarritian

Assist ants
.\idi F iuI" Kohin
Ann I larshia
tKathieroc Fackson
lOorothy Layin

(~rafton WV. Sharp
1I,roHnak A. .1o rissn, I I
t )rso . i
Minn ie 'ne
At ie Singuc
It'atf7i'vn S tor~k
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Al aiy t'l,J~i li "Att

The Union ForumI
Proves Successful
E RNEST LEE JAHNCKE, assistant secretary
of the navy, in addressing a Union forum
Tuesday night, evened the series before Ann
Arbor audiences as far as party affiliations are
concerned. To date, four forums have been held,
one each on prohibition, the office of the Dean of
Students, and rne by Governor Ritchie, of Mary-
The Union all-campus forum was an innova-
tion on the campus this year. The object was to
provide prominent men to speak on questions in
which students should be interested, which address
was to be followed by student discussion from the
floor. Regardless of the political affiliations and
prejudices of the respective speakers, this Union
project has been a marked success this year.
Many an effort has been made to arouse stu-
dents to an interest in the political and govern-
mental field. Apparently they have not been inter-
ested in questions other than those affecting their
private lives directly. However, the attendance
at the three meetings held in the Union on ques-
tions of government has shown that students, with
the approach of a presidential election year, are
showing at least a glimmer of political curiosity.
The results of the straw vote, held yesterday, may
bear out this thought.
Apparently the Union will continue to bring
prominent speakers to the campus. While this
year they appear to be limited mainly to govern-
mental topics, perhaps next semester, after the
elections are over, the officers of the organization
wil be able to offer a more varied program. At
any rate the forum has had a trial, and has been
proven successful.

L.e1 5ts ul-1i]ed in this clmri si 'lt not bc 'mnstrd as
exa1e 1:1r g tliedii gl opI 1 in of The ie. Anonoo emn-
iiii'atil s tWil l disrtaircd. I'he m's of 'coiomunica s
will, he vii, e ardd as condo ial upo i'r lest. Contrh-
io s are ao s 'd to e brist , confini i themselves to less than 300
trd(S it' possible.
Just as Hard as the "Wrining-Drys'
To The Editor:
The Michigan Daily "Wringing-wets" certainly
die hard. In the Tuesday Daily they had headlined
the defeat of the State-control, prohibition amend-
ment bill in Congress as if it were a great victory:
Garner Refuses to Vote; Both Parties
Combine to Stop Measure.s
If The Daily were a grade school publication, it
probably would deceive a few morons by its mislead-
ing (or lying) headlines.
The Associated Press article that The Daily pub-
lished stated: "The House today refused by a 227 to'
187 vote to consider a State-control prohibition,
amendment. This was the first ballot directed at
the Eighteenth Amendment since the Volstead Act
was passed in July 1919 ---. Ninety-seven Repub-
licans and 90 Democrats, drawn chiefly from the
industrial states and cities joined in the unsuccessfulj
effort to bring up the "home-ruin" (my pun) amend-
Now that an attempt ha's been defeated in both
House and Senate, the whole country is looking tc
The Daily editors, who never saw a saloon, to lead
us out of the wilderness.?
What is this "Victory" you see:
L. C. Reiman, '16.
The victory is in the fact that the anti-prohibi-
tion cause has gained 87 votes in the House of Repre-
sentatives since the last vote on the liquor question
The Editors.I

Industry, takes a hint
from the kitchen

The domestic art of baking is closely par-
alleled in telephone manufacture at Western
Electric, where plastic molding is an exact
Telephone bell boxes, for instance, are no
longer formed of metal They are molded
from a phenol plastic compound-containing
carbolic acid, formaldehyde and other ingre-
dients-because Western Electric manufac-
turing engineers saw the way to make a better

product at lower cost. These men developed
a new and exceptionally efficient type of plas-
tic molding press-:and determined precise.ly
how long to bake the mixture and the exact
temperature to use.
In quickly taking advantage of the new
art of plastic molding, Bell System engineers
once more showed that they have the kind
of imagination that keeps American industry
forging ahead.






I .

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alth Education



In a notice sent out by the School of Music per-
taining to yesterday afternoon's organ recital, not
a few works can be said to be worthy of mention.
Palmer Christian's afternoon recitals in Hill auditor-
ium on Wednesday afternoons have always been
composed of numbers representative of all schools
and ages but few have contained other than those
compositions conventionaly and traditionally suited
for the average organist.
Since Mr. Christian is considered a much better
than average organist, he has far surpassed his pro-
grams in musical ability and as a result the small
but truly appreciative audiences have come to regard
organ music as more individual and less as a fore-
most representative of real music. Despite the atti-
tude most organ audiences have .and the fact that
this particular instrument has a certain imitative
quality, one cannot help but feel that the old instru-
ment is an. instrument in itself and should be placed
in a much higher category than it is at present.
Yesterday afternoon, then, marking a definite
step in showing to his audience, that his instrument
and not himself alone is responsible for beauty and
virtuosity, Mr. Christian arranged a program that
does submerge the technical and elevates the aes-

Division of Hygiene and Public Health
By Alex Nash
Contrary to popular opinion, fumigation has been
shown to be of little value in the prevention of in-
fectious diseases.
Fumigation is based on the air borne theory 0;
infection, i.e., disease germs are present in the ai.
and are always lying in wait to pounce upon the un-
wary. In view of the fact that the atmosphere of a
sick room contains a high count of organisms it was
felt that the only way to render a room innocuous
for another individual was fumigation.
In former years when the air borne theory of
infection was universally accepted by public health
officials, contagious hospitals had separate wards foi
each infectious disease, vis, scarlet fever, whooping
cough, et cetera. All like infectious diseases were
concentrated in a certain area of the hospital. This
was done, of course, to prevent cross infection suchx
as patients with typhoid fever contracting diph-
It has now definitely been established that infec-
tious diseases are transmitted by direct or indirect
contact. Having shown that disease is transmitted
from person to person or by touching objdects pre-
viously soiled by the sick and not by the germs in
the atmosphere, all the different infectious diseases
may now be grouped in one ward.
The first blow in the country against the air borne'
theory of infection was struck in 1905 by Dr. C. V.
Chapin, health officer at Providence, R.I. He grouped
all the different infectious diseases in one large ward
and showed by personal cleanliness on the part of
the attendants, aseptic measures, etc., that cross
infection could be prevented. When cross'infection'
did occur in the ward it was due to personal negli-
gence, carelessness, or poor technique and not by the
fact that the causitive factor was transmitted by the
air from one patient to another. In 1908 Dr. Chapin
discontinued fumigation after diphtheria and scarlet
fever and subsequent statistics have shown no higher
incidence of these two diseases as a result.
Terminal disinfection (fumigation) is gradually'
beng replaced by concurrent disinfection. This in-
cludes the boiling of dishes used by the patient, the
burning of all sputa, the disinfection of all bodily
secretions (excreta, etc.).
At the present time amona Drogressive health

Herr Doktorr Whiffle.
involved in a big deal with the De-
troit Tigers. playing second and
short alternately for the next three
years, during that period winning
31 games and losing only thirty-
one. In 1808 he was waived out. of
the 'American League by popular
kaclaim and for the next four years
played right-field for the Chicago
Cubs and was known as one of the
scrappiest little second-sackers in
the League.
Not content with reaching the
top in his chosen professions Dok-
torr Whiffle has enlarged his ae--
bivities to include any phase of edeu-
cation or public service by which
he might aid his fellow men. He
has not confined these activities to
the United States; his country has
merely served as a laboratory in
which they have been continued.
Hatzoff to Herr Doktorr Whiffie.

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We are sorry to report numer-
ous little indications of pansyism
creeping into these offices. Aside
from the fact that the Women's
Staff has been swamped by 50
beautiful women 50, there are two
women on the Sports Staff which is
going a little bit too far, we think
One of the Sports Women has al-
ready gotten her picture all over
the papers of the nation because
of an exploit at the Michigan Un-
ion. There is a lot more to that
story than has reached the ears of'
the general populace, and we heal'
that the girl was framed. The
complete story replete with grue-
some details will appear in next
month's Gargoyle.
The last feminine invasion has
swept even within the confines of
the Rolls Column. Some sweet
young thing on the Women's Staff,
Therese Herman by name, has en-
tered into the humor column rack-
et in competition with us, but we
are going to meet the emergency
by consolidation.
Headline in Yesterday's Ann Arbor
Daily News:

-but did you ever stop to think of all the
uimrlcessayly ittle annoyances you have, many
of which could be taken off your mind promptly
and efficiently by frequent use of the Daly
Classified Column. If you want to rent a room,
recover a lost article, buy or sell something,
the classifieds are the logical medium through
which to transact your business.
Give them a trial and be convinced. The next
time you have occasion to use the classifieds
just dial 2-1214. You will get results.

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