TWO THE MTC141GAN DAILY TWO+.T t Asa a a U.A a ; A v TH1R;DAY. MARCH 17, 1932 r -- -S TTTU-"w'3DAY. 17, 1 r' . 2 r« POLLOCK GRATIFED HINDENBURG AND GRANDCHILDREN ETSMF STATE LEADER Anth'iropologists Hold Meetinxg STUDENT IS FAMED COMPOSER (Editor's Note: This is the first I amount of favorable criticism. a ser s of features on outstand- the present timc he is working in; stu:ints who have distinguish-|a symphonic poem. d hemselves i ; various ways oth- A woodwind quintet, whichv cr than the gcnral activities of the played by members of the Univ -ndent bodv. The next article in sity Symphony orchestra at its 1 !he series will appear in an early concert, was published by C issue.) Fischer and Sons last year, whi - - in itself is an accomplishment, I JOUES TO DLIVE was 'er- ' ritinc for HopwooA s last o .arl! to eSubject of Speech ich. by English Profess,,!. }inl Results Show Hitler Force Met Snag, Says Political Science Professor. HIRD REICH' IDEA cani of Fascist Leaders Goes by Board in Recent Election. ommenting in an interview yes- terday on the significance of last Sunday's elections in Germany,: Prof. James K. Pollock, of the po- litical science department, said. that in his estimation "the results was very gratifying.", "For the first time," said Profes- sor Pollock, "the Hitler movement" has bumped up against a force; which it can not overcome and it has been demonstrated that the Republic will continue and that l the 'Third Reich' advocated by the Facists is still an idea and not a T fact. Hitler Is Vulnerable. "The German people," continued Paul von IHindenburg, famous w Professor Pollock," despite extreme- president of Germany, is shown wal ly disastrous conditions, have ral- garden of his Berlin home. Despil lied to the spirit of the greatest former vigor to a surprising degree, a bulwark the young Republic has had. The seven million plurality which hindenburg scored over Hit- ENGLISH PARLIAME ler surpassed the expectations of IN GRAVE DAI most observers and makes it cer- _ tain that Eindenberg will be re- "If representative institutions elected in the second election April cannot give the world prosperity 10.-they are doomed to be superseded, "Hitler and Dr. Hugenberg have and we must face the fact that the now been administered a telling parliamentary form of government blow. It remains to be seen whe- faina gs erm t ,hrteHte mvmn ilb is facing a grave crisis," declared. ther the Hitler movement will be William A. Robson, lecturer in ad- ableng continue in its present ministrative law at the London' strength. It has now been dem- school of Economics and Political onstrated that Hitler is vulnerable, Science, in a University lecture yes-} that he can be beaten, and now terday in the Natural Science audi- that he has been beaten part of toriumn. the mystery and halo which have "The chief dangers facing Eng- urpouded him will probably disa-r.lish government today are that appear. the Paliament is not functioning Did Not Serve Purpose. properly, the cabinet is too power- "It is also interesting to note that ful the power of the civil service the combined vote of Hitler and is increasing, and Parliament has' Thaelmann, the Communist can-noctrlvefiae. didaLte, just about equals the num- no control over finance. Tracing the steps which have led her of persons in Germany who at to the present position of the Par- the present time are existing on liament, Robson first indicated the the border of starvation. Colonel decline of Parliamentary control j Duestcrberg, who was Hugenberg's over legislation because of the large candidate, didt not serve the pur- grants of power which has been pose he was intended to serve, for' dgattopowe agcies.bAn his ote, iftrasfered o Hiler elegated to outside agencies. As his votes, if transferred to HitlerI an instance of this delegation, he in the second election, will still pointed out that recently a com- berg. mission was given the power to "I should think," said Professor. . Pallock, "that Hitler would consent to withdraw his- candidacy in the Today and Tomorrow; Present Papers. In joint session with the anthro- pology section of the Michigan! Academy of Science, Arts, and Let-' ters, the Central Section of the American Anthropological Associ- ation will hold their 11th annuall meeting today and Friday. Meet-' ings will be held in 205 Natural' Science building. Membership of the central sec- tion is recruited from anthropolo- Out attend tingui fields, er, '33 has b young west. Att prc. VeC plavin gists afiliated with universities and pert f numb nuseums throughout the Mississ- iecoe reogn var general and at the present time1 Iking with his grandchildren in the te his age, Hindenburg retains his and he is a candidate for re-election. NTARY FORMS VGER, SA YS ROBSON raise the import tariff on any prod- uct to as high as 100 per, cent if it was thought by the commission that the product was being import- ed in abnormal quantities. A second recent change in the English theory of government oc- curred recently when Premier Mac- Donald refused to resign because: a minor measure sponsored by his ministry had been refused passage by Parliament. This step, accorsd-' ing to Robson, was revolutionary ippi valley. Mr. Henry Field of the Chicago Field Museum of natural history will be the presiding officer. Prof.1 M. J. Herskovits, who recently re- turned from a trip to Africa, now or Northwestern university and W. C. Kern, of the Milwaukee museum,; are vice-presidents. This morning three papers will deal with African anthropology, and one with craniometry of New: Britain. In the afternoon J. Eric! Thompson, Field Museum, and Rob- crt Redfield. University of Chicago,! will both speak on Maya civiliza- tion. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown will speak. on "Shamanism in Australia" and Henry Field will discuss the "an- tiquity of Man in Southwestern Asia." Tomorrow sessions will be devot- ed chiefly to problems of the Am-' erican Indian of an archaeological ics as wo ibl beet t genera His more1 for th woodvw bitious phony playe orches which Urn Sc 1y .ierry E. Rosentha%, that Fischer and Sons do not pub- Beginning a e'ies of annual standing among the students lish anything with an altruistic speeches by proninent writers and inag Michigan who have dis- j motive alone. men of literature sponsored by the shed themselves in various Hunte- began writing music sev- committee on the Avery and Jio iWl ."G oral years ago when attending Lan- Hopwood Awards, Prof. i-toward is William E. Gene"Hunt-sing Central high school, culmin- Mumford Jones, of the English d:- , who, in the field of music, ating a long and brilliant musical partment, will speak on "Writing ecome one of the foremost training in piano and flute. While for the Hopwood Awards" at 8 er composers in the middle there he also played in the 'band o'clock next Wednesda night and orchestra and in 1928 was Natural Science auditorium. the age of 20, Huntei has chosen for membership in the Na- As outlined by Prof. B n t d his versatility by not only tional High School orchestra. Weaver, director of tim Hopce:d g two instruments in ae ex-. Following his graduation fromIcontest, the lecture is dcsiged to fashion but by composing a high school, he entered Michigan;the interest of two groups of ., - er of works which have been State college where he continued dents and members of the Uni r- iised by musicians and crit- his musical training under Leonard sity, those directly interested in exceedingly professional and Falcone, director of the State band. writing for the Hopwood priz a d y of being classed among the ! Michigan appeared more favorable those interested al all in lit atre muned out by the younger last year, and in 1930 Hunter enter-- and creative writing. ation of composers. ed the University as a sophomore. Prominent in literary circis:, compositions, n u m b e ring In his two years here, Hunter has especially in the east and south, than a dozen, include works been first flutist in the band and Professbr Jones has :ad :n e::co- e piano and flute as well as at various times has also played tional amount of experiene. not vind quintets. The most am- that position in the University or- only in the field of literature and s work so far has been a sym- chestra, appearing in the last con?- literary research, but also 4reaLivo , one movement of which was cert as a member of the quintet writing. d by the National High School which played his own composition.I He has written sevral plays, and stra several summers ago Contrary to expectations in the made several well known transla- received an extraordinary field in which he has apparently tions besides having written num- been most interested and most suc- erous articles for magazine ' and cessful, Hunter is planning to study literary journals in this country versity Debaters law and expects to enter the law and abroad. It is in recognition of school in 1933. He is continuing his creative work and original re- heduled tO Meet his study of music at present, how-E search that Professor Jones has - -j ever, under Hunter Johnson, of the recently been awarded a grant by Illinois for Onigh t School of Music. Guggenheim Memorial foundation. nature. Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, of the University of Michigan mu- seums, and Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, president of the Michigan Acad- smy. also of the museums, will both1 give addresses on aboriginal man. Dr. Robert Lowie, of the Univer- sity of California and the National Research council will fslk n 'a1 sipmcc paaivUr in mil- on :Thn- in its nature. Family as a Social. Unit" in the "One of the most startling alter- Natural Science auditorium. ations in British governmental' Friday evening, Dr. Hinsdale will. theory was the announcement on deliver the presidential address at January 22, 1932, by the ministry a dinner at the Michigan Union. that henceforth members of the ____na e cabinet who opposed a particular! bill would be able to cast their vote Bostor Will Lecture against it in the House of Commons o Tol nE and should speak against it." This 0 O Engineerrng step, Mr. Robson declared, is most P-of. Orlan W. Boston, director important for it will change the of engineerin' shops will disc government from one of policies to P , cuss one of personalities. In the past the topic, "Milling and Drilling ministries have always been unan- Processes," this morning at 8 o'- imously behind any measure pro- clock in Room 1042, East Engineer-! posed by them, but from now on ing building, as the fourth of a ser-- the question will be more of the on l man than of the policies which he jes of lectures on tool engineering.' represents, a radical departure. Few men have done more valu- "In case of a financial crisis and able work in the field of investiga- one partygan control of the gov- I ino rligad milling process- ernment it may not be possible for es than Professor Boston. It was that party to carry out its full pro- he who, realizing the importance gram because of the interference] of this branch of engineering, es- of outside interests. A group of jtablished a course in jig and fixture :financiers may be able to dictate design. Michigan is the only school to Parliament so that for the first offering a course in tool engineer- time, the assembly is not supreme aig. in its sphere." The final recent departure from accustomed usagd, according to Y Robson, was the choice of MacDon-t ald to head the newest ministry after MacDonald was no longer the 200 SIN leader of the labor party. He point- ed out that originally the prime Gallery Ch( ministers were kings' favorites anda y expressed a hope that such a sys- 300 -Siemsyfro Mi tem was not to be revive>s Team Leaves for Urbana, Scene of Conference Contest. Scheduled to meet the University of Illinois tonight in its only Con- ference debate of the semester, the Varsity negative debating team left Ann Arbor yesterday morning for Urbana, Ill., where the debate willr be held. Michigan is represented by Sam- uel L. Travis. '34, Leonard L. Kim- ball, '33, and Jacob I. Weissman, '34, with Myron R. Gerson, '34, as alternate. Prof. Allan Monroe, head of the speech department of Purdue uni- versity, will act as judge of the de- bate, which will be broadcast over the University of Illinois radio sta- tion, WILL. The subject of the debate is theI regular Western Conference Debat- ing League question, "Resolved: That All World War Intergovern- I mental Debts and Reparations Should Be Cancelled." Dily at 2:00, 3:40, 7:00, 9:00 THEY FIGHT FOR THEIR MAN! surec /becau l j'ararnount y girl, C CUT s love e has for itf ly "dame", of his love se she has oneyfer it. His counfr sure of hi because sh Ms wordf With MIRIAM HOPKINS PHILLIPS HOLMES Wynne Gibson Stuart Erwin Irving Pichel SATURDAY WILL ROGERS "BUSINESS AND PLEASURE" EXTRA SLIM SUMMARVILLE "EYES HAVE IT" WILLIAM TILDEN "VOLLEY & SMASH" CAiRTOCN "SINK OF SWIM" Hi1ARST WORLD NEWS /" Airplanes, used by the St. Federal Reserve bank t o money to banks, are credited checking three recent runs. Louis' rush with ' niD 6UEu /-JLB?- UU[ SAYS FAMED PILOT' Drivers Are Industry's "Guinea Pigs,' According to Peter De Paolo. NOTICE Drivers of racing cars are the REWARD-for return of log log "guinea pigs" of the modern auto- Slide rule. Call McK.-AName on motive industry in the opinion of slide rule)-3116 536 Peter De Paolo, internationally known speedster and holder of the NOTICE-Spring vacation tour. 9'500-mile record on the Indianapolis days. Includes Washington, Phil- speedway track. adelphia, New York City, Niagara "Racing is, however," he contin- Falls. Leaves April 9. $42 includes ued, "distinctly on the wane in this everything, but meals. Best ho- country." The reason for this, De tels. Call 9147. 5341 Paolo claimed, is the lack of com- 1 j. i I tc 1 if x k IE f SLE SPIONG S(ITS All shad( $20.00 O!RI1DER NOW FOR LASIT I C. DOLKAS 19 S5mlih Uiversity rmal Choir rale Choir chigan High Schools sM andr pcasters Dsplay of Me ti's Suits and Topcoats Covers A Wide Range of Styles, Patterns . -- --- I petition among various companies IHy ato Have FREE-An evening of entertain- in the building of high-speed veh-]I - ment. Madame Rivard will read icles, Mill'er and Dusenberg having Published in your palm, Mannequins will pa- virtually taken over the entire field. rade the latest spring fashions, De Paolo predicted that within Prof. Albert Hyma o an orchestra will play sweet mu- two years the standard makes department here, ha sic-Thursday from 7 to 9. Ma- would have a safe road speed of book on "Erasmus anc dame Rivard is also at your dis- 100 miles per hour or more. The ka posal afternoons from 2 to 4.1 continued experiment with safety Reformers which is All this to celebrate the house devices, chiefly through the medi- published at the Hagu furnishing and electrical display um of the racing car, will be re- Professor Hyma, who -Third floor, Mack & Co. 535 1 sponsible for the development, he turned from Europe, is WANTED pointed out. northern humanism, a W E"Design of automobiles," the fa- "Youth of Erasmus,"1 WANTED-Girl to work for room mous driver claimed, "is still ex- 1931, is of particular i or room and board. 8735. 527c tremely in its infancy. Creations concerns the relations of an even more startling nature with Sir Thomas More TYPING-Grad. thesns a specialty. than those of the present year are of "Utopia," and othe M. V. Hiartsuff. 9 7. bound to follow." of the early sixteenth V01l11me Holland f the history s written a d the Oxford now being e, Holland. recently re- a student of nd his book, published in nterest as it of Erasmus e, the author er reformers century. FR) 14RI( K / ILE XI ND ER, Conduictor The Bach St. Matthew Passion PEASE AUDITO4RIUM YPSILANTI March 18, 8 P. M. exacily Tickets 50c nt door No Reserved Seats Weaves, Colors, of Sel'ection in , ; 111 11 4 1 1 1 t Ai!I ; K- 526c WtNTED.-Student and wife to help withihousework in exchange for board and room. State quali- fications fully. Box A-24. 532 WANTED-Boy to care for furnace. Apply 1312 Cambridge. Phone Q134. 533 MOE LAUNDRY 204 North Main Phone 3916 Your laundry problem stays solved when we do your work. 200c FOR SALE REPOSSESSED CARS-Buy from Finance Company for balance die. We sell all makes of new cars at a discount. Investigate. 311 WI. H-uron. Phone 22001. 235cE FOR RENT-Two furnished apart- mierits, also a single room, steam heat, shower, garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. i 41i1.. 1..441 t ' ui<] Vl.+il11 Vlt Chi g, tI TillagUlom rme 111 and Stornp around -III t i s . - c. -.vwr / fJ 1 M 4 /. ..'.,. ' ....'t. {^ ' -- ' :: - - a ;:; : lx ;: ". ... ... t: _, rr Crai Suits, f ro4i Hart Schaffner tMarx Pr ced at.... Extra Trousers.. $5 He's a rambling Romeo who doesn't have to cheat-because he never makes a bargain. But his pal and his gal got plans of their own! Laff and thrill to the fast pace of I-~r Af---t 5 Three Wnci we put this DRURY on a man's foot the usual answer is "Say (stamp) that feels (stamp) grand!" And he'll stamp his foot again. Our technical explanation of all this stamping is-the special Fashion Welt con- struction makes the shoe fit under the arch with a new sensation of compactness. DRURY-brown calf, finest custom-grade. . . . Tweeds evidently have a drag this Spring with the fellows who decreed the styles in 'opcoats. You'll like our vahes at - AO. AW Aft A PW "lillll I I E