_____- -- _________- - l
Piu blicaxtion in the Buletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to 11{
A.T.Ch.E., Student Branch will meet on Thursday, March 17, at 7:301
p.m., in Room 3201 East Engineering bldg. The speaker will be Mr.)
Harvey M. Merker of Parke, Davis and Company, Detroit, on "The;
Chemical Engineer of the Pharmaceutical and Biological Laboratories."
Two reels of film will be shown. All chemical engineering students are.
invited to attend.
the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Society of Industrial Engineers will meet Wednesday, March 16, at
-O i7:30 p.m., in Room 302 of the Union. Mr. Harry Ford, Supervisor of
VOL. XLI. TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1932 No. 113 Standards, and Mr. Van Poppelen, Vice-President in charge of Time
,r_;__A_,__;;__ Study of the Detroit Chapter of the S.I.E., and in charge of manufactur-
NOTICES ing research, of the Cadillac Motor Car Company, will lead a joint
discussion on "Time and Motion Studies, and their Uses." This should
Visitors Nights Angel Hall Observatory: The public is invited to prove especially interesting, as they have but recently been doing some
visit the Angeil Hall 0,.scrvatory from 7 to 10 o'clock on Tuesday and extensive work on micro-motion and time studies in the attempt to
Wednesday nights of this week to observe the moon. Children must be secure a more efficient layout of equipment in the plant.
accompanied by adults.-
Physics Colloquium: Professor Charles F. Meyer will talk on "Some
UopwoOi Contest-Form of Manuscript: Manuscripts must be typed, Aspects of Grating Theory," at 4:15 p.m., today in Room 1041, East
double-spaced, on one side of the paper only. Physics bldg. All interested are cordially invited to attend.I
Typewriter paper of good quality and standard weight shall be used.-;-
Three copies of each unit of composition shall be submitted, each Senior Engineers: Friday, March 13, is the last day on which dues
of which shall be firmly bound in a neat and durable cover, cover and can be paid if you wish to purchase invitations and announcements.
manuscripts being firmly fastened together. Unbound manuscripts, Representatives of the Finance Committee will be in the corridor over
manuscripts fastened together mcrely with paper clips, and other manu- the arch Wednesday, Thusday and Friday from o-12 and 1-2:30.
scripts not likely to remain bound together will be rejected by the com--
mittee. Junior Mathematical Society meets at 7:30 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H.,
Aeronautical Society: An illus-
trated lecture will be given by Mr.
J. D. Piersol, aviation editor of the to Hear J. V. Piersol
Detroit News, Wednesday, March
16, 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042 East James V. Piersol, aviation editor
Engineering bldg. His topic: "Per- of the Detroit News, and the first
sona1 Experiences With the Auto-z
gyro." Fi furnishedty Ath man to fly an autogyro built in this
Autogyro Corporation of Amdica. country, will address a meeting of
the Aeronautical society tomorrow
Senior Society: Regular meeting night at 7:30 in Room 1042 East
Thursday, 7:30 p.m., at Jordan Hall. Engineering building, according to
Absences must be excused. an announcement made by Howard
R. Boys, '32, president of the organ.-
Frosh Frolic meeting Wednesday, ization. sD
March 16, Room 306 Union at 8:90. Piersol has also flown the Detroitt
All members must be present. News monoplane and autogyro. A
movie, "Wings of Tomorrow," made
sHall: Holy Communion iby the Autogyro Corporation of
Harris in America, will be shown. The meet-
Chapel at Harris Hall Wednesday, ing is open to the public.
7:30 a. .~---
Chess and Checker Club meets in Chemistry Students
Rocin 304 Michigan Union, at 7:30 to Hear H. I. Aerker
p.m., Wednesday.
'--irv w %/ V~ kch c ii til-
Physical Education Students: All
-I .ii n uuQ iraiIn U2'nii uuutn x ~r A i
Each copy of each manuscript shall have a title page, on which shall
appear (l) the nane and character of the composition; (2) a nom de
plume; (3) a statement that it is submitted for the Major (or Minor)
contest in (drama, poetry, essay, or fiction).
Accompanying the manuscripts shall be a sealed envelope contain-
ing the nom de plume of the contestant and the contestant's real name.
The contestant's nom de plume shall also appear on the outside of the
A contestant shall use only one nom de plume, no matter how much
material he submits.
The speaker will be David Netzorg who will talk on "Rigor and Vigor in Watson are required to report to
Mathematics," All -interested in mathematical topics are cordially in- the All-Campus boxing matches at
vited to attend. 7:30 Wednesday night in the Intra-
Hnary ey M. Mer er, superinuend-
ent of production of the Parke-
Davis company of Detroit, will ad-
dress the student branch of the
American Institute of Chemical
Engineers at its regular meeting
Thursday, March 17, in the chapter
rooms on the third floor of East
Engineering building.
Education, Class of 1932: Senior dues, Class of 1932, Education, will
be coliec red at the table in the lower corridor of the Elementary school
from 4 to 5 p.m., during the school week of March 14-19 inclusive. Senior
Education students are urged to take advantage of this last opportunity
to pay their dues. Those whose senior dues are unpaid will not be able
to purchase commencement invitations and their names will not be
included in the commencement programs sold by the class committee.
Alice L. Niederstadt, Treasurer.
All Freshmen Women Eligible for Freshman Pageant urged to come
to flarhour Gymnasium at either 3 or 4 o'clock Wednesday, March 16.
This will be an opportunity for the present Freshmen to see the cos-
tumes, types of dances, hear the music used last year, and offer sug-
gestions for varying the theme. Both the demonstrations and discussions
following them will be very informal.
All Students interested in writing poetry are asked to meet in Room
225 A.H., at 4 o'clock, Thursday afternoon.
Sons of Rotarians: All sons of Rotarians who are now attending the
University are invited to be guests of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club for
luncheon Wednesday noon, March 16, at the Michigan Union. Please
call at the desk promptly at twelve o'clock. If you have not already,
been assigned as guest to a member of the Ann Arbor Club you will re-
ceive such assignment at that time. Dr. Theron Langord,
Chairman of Committee.
English 150-The Drama, II (Kenneth Rowe): The class will meet
on Thursday this week instead of Tuesday, March 15.
Psychology 31: Make-up for those who missed the experiments on
Temperature and Color will be held Wednesday, March 16, from 7 to
10 p.m.
Ch,!" 1 (J. C. Brier): Bluebook at 9 o'clock on Wednesday, March 16,
will be held in Room 348 West Engineering building, instead of the regu-
lar lecture room.I
Alpha Nu meets at 7:30 in Alpha Nu Room, fourth floor Angell Hall.
Carl Forsythe of the Michigan Daily will lead an informal open-forum,
discussion of "Deferred Rushing Plans and Problems." Public cordially
invited to participate.
Adelphi: Nathan Levy, President of the Oratorical Association, veteran
varsity debater, and former Speaker of Adelphi, will talk on the orator-
ical and debating activities of the University at the regular meeting, at
7:30 p.m., in Room 4203 A.H. All members and any others, particularly
underclassmen, who are interested in these activities, are invited.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting at the League at 7:15 p.m. Matrix articles
are due. All members requested to be present for discussion of possible
alumnae chapter.
Kappa Phi meets at 5:30 p.m.
Gargoyle Business Staff meeting of upper and lower staff members
at 3 o'clock.
I !
Michigan Dames will meet Tues-
day at 8 p.m., Grand Rapids Room
of the League building. Rev. Fred
Cowin will give an illustrated talk
entitled "Rambles Through the
English Lake District."
Music by
And His 17 Piece Band
Friday, March 18th
From 9-2
mural b~uilding.
Phone 3694
Comedy Club tryouts to be held today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. All who are interested in trying out should report between 3
and 5 this afternoon. Tryouts will also be held at same place tomorrow.
Penny Carnival Committee: Important meeting at 3 in the main
lobby of the League. All members of the central committee must be
Christian Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Michigan
League bldg., at 8 p.m. All students and faculty are invited to attend.
Harris Hall: Noon Devotional service in Chapel in Harris Hall. Tea
from four to six, open house for students.
Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club meets
today at the home of Mrs. O. S. Duffendack, 2107 Devonshire Road.
"Are Missions Out of Date?" will be the topic of an address by Ralph
R. Keithahn, missionary from South India, at 4:15, in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. Mr. Keithahn has been a close observer of the national-
ist movement in that country and is intimately acquainted with both
Gandhi and Tagore. Everyone invited.
Fifth Freshmen Hygiene Lecture for Men, will be given in Waterman
gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, March 17, and 18, at 3-4 and 5 p.m.!
This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training
classes, athletic squads and others that have been excused from these
Phi Sigma: Mr. A. H. Smith, of the Botany Department, will speak
on "The Agarics Collected in the Vicinity of Rock River, Michigan,"
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., in Room 2116 N.S.
Alpha Kappa Delta: Meeting at Prof. Carr's house, on Wednesday,
March 16, at 8 p.m. Transportation from Economics building at 7:45.
Fifth ILecture of the Cercle Francais will take place
March 16, at 4:15 in Room 103, Romance Language building.
Cloppet will speak on "L'Imperialisme Francais."
Dr. John
Lecture on Fur-Bearing Animals: Dr. J. E. Shillinger, in charge of
disease investigations in the U. S. Biological Survey, will give an illus-
trated lecture on Fur-Bearing Animals and Their Management, in Room
2039 Natural Science, building, at 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 16. All
members of the School of Forestry and Conservation are expected to be
present and any others interested are cordially invited.
Lecture on Tool Engineering: As a part of Shop 7, Jig and Fixture
Design, the Department of Engineering Shop has scheduled a series of
lectures to be given by a number of prominent engineers. The fourth of
this series Is to be given on Wednesday, March 16, at 8 a.m., by Professor
0. W. Boston, Director of the Department of Engineering Shop, in Room
1300 of the East Engineering building. His subject will be "Drilling and
Milling Processes." Members of the faculty, as well as local manufac-
turers who are interested in this subject, are invited to attend.
Naval Aviation: All Flight Physical Examinations, by Lt. Com-
mander Jackson at the Detroit Naval Armory, Must be completed not
later than April 3. After taking Eye Exam., at the Health Service see
Ensign H. H. Boys, Aeronautical Dept., for appointments and further
details. Naval Flight Training open only to Graduating Seniors.
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