XLII. No. 97
- ........ .... .......... _- T
Prof. John Worley Addresses
Meeting of State Highway
Evans States Michigan Airports
and Facilities Worth
- $400,000,000.
Sharp reduction and possibly a
drastic cut in highway construction
for several years throughout Mich-
igan will be necessitated if the leg-
islature decides to return all the
income from, weight taxes to the
counties, Prof. John S. Worley of
the transportation depjirtment told
more than 500 highway engineer-
ing conferees here yesterday after-
Professor Worley suggested that
definite curtailment of all state
road building programs in the near
future was a-possibility and tacitly
pointed out that the road builders
and commissioners might as well
face ,the issue and make the best
of it.
Taxes to Net $44,000,000.
Federal aid weight, and gasoline
taxes will provide close to $44,000,-
000 under the program at present;
contemplated, said Professor Wor-
ley; and while expenditures run to;
$29,764,000, inchlding trunkline and
city street maintenance and other
items, removal of the income from;
the entire weight tax amounting to;
$10,000,000 to this account will bring
total costs to $39,764,000, which,
leaves only $5,313,000 for new road
building, bridges, and grade separ-
Such a program if followed will1
limit funds for new construction
until 1946, Professor Worley stated,
since the federal loans and bond
debt will be off, and at that time
funds will be neededd in reconstruc-1
'Ether Still Explodes
in Hospital Basement
E. C. Watts, Assistant chief phar-
macist of the University hospital,
narrowly escaped death yeste day
moning when he stepped out f a
supply room in the basement of the
northeast wing of the hospital a
few moments before a supply of
ether exploded.
The ether, which was being dis-
tilled, created a blast strong enough
to break twelve windows and tear
an elevator door from its fasten-
ings, although it caused no injuries.
Smoke from the explosion filtered
through to some of the wards, but
caused no damage. Elevator service
was quickly restored, according to
Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske, Chief
r sident physician of the hospital.
Seventh Annual Dance\ Honor-
ing Nation's First President
to Be Given Feb. 26.
As part of the yearly tribute paid
to the first president of the United
States, the law club will hold its
seventh annual Washington ball
Friday, February 26th, at the law.
club, it was announced yesterday.
'The name of the dance and its
general atmosphere are being car-
ried out according to the wishes of.
the late William W. Cook, Univer-
sity benlefactor, who expressly urged7
in his will the continued observ-
ance of American customs and hol-
Over 150 couples are expected to,
attend the affair which, in accord-
ance with the policy adopted by the
club this year, will be strictly limit-
ed to the members of the club. Thel
main lounge of the club will be
decorated in a distinctly, colonial,
manner, a Detroit firm of decora-
tors having been consulted, it was
stated by Wilfred A. Steiner, '32L,]
committeeman for the dance. .
Russ Morgan's studio orchestra,l
with the same number of pieces,
that played at the J-Hop, will fur-
nish the music, it has been decided,
Supper willbes'ervtteguests ii
the law club commons at 12 o'clock.-
BOSTON. Feb. 17.-(/P)-Demo- ALBANY, Feb. 17.- {,P) -A de-
cratic political fires blazed merrily mand by Samuel Seabury, Tam-
In two New England States tonight many foe, for the removal of Sher-
as supporters of Alfred E. Smithm.
and Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt iff Thomas M. Farley, New Yor
piled on fuel for primary cam- Tammany leader, was taken under
paigns in New Hampshire and Mas-
In New Hampshire, where the
first Presidential primary of the
1932 campaign$ will be held on
March 8, a State-wide fight for
pledged delegates was in sight as
the end of the period for filing can-'
didates approached. Those seek-
ing places on the delegation have
until 5 p. m. tomorrow to file their
Although the Massachusetts Pres-
idental primary is still more thanf
two months away, the campaign
moved forward. today as Roosevelt
supporters completed their prepar-
ations to open headquarters here
tomorrow. Both Smith and Roose-
velt forces plan to have complete
slates in the field for the primary,
April 26.
advisement by Gov. Franklin D.
Roosevelt today at the- end of a
two-day hearing during which the
Governor called upon Farley to give
a "credible expl .nation" of his large
bank account.
What political effect the Gover-
nor's decision would have on the
attitude of Taimmany Hall toward
his Presidential candidacy was a
subject of wide) speculation. Gov.'
Roosevelt is expected to give a de-
cision on the case within the next
24 hours...
At the hearing, Seabury pleaded
with the Governor to remove Far-
ley, charging that the "wonderful
tin box" explanation of ,Farley's
$357,000 bank deposits was "an in-
sult to Your Excellency's intelli-
eaking at the- afternoon ses-
Major Floyd E. Evans, director
ie state board of aeronautics,
rated Michigan airports and
iy transportation facilities to
forth in the neighborhood of
)00,000. Major Evans visioned
,irway accomodation system
h would, rdake this state the
for air tourists. "It is our pur"-
he said, "to so develop the
avigation facilities in our state
airmen throughout. the coun-
'ill choose Michigan when they
1 by air."
L. E. Peabody Reports.
proximately three quarters of
ourist traffic in Michigan or-
tes in neighboring states, ac-
ng to L. E. Peabody's report
ae Michigan Highway Trans-
.tion Survey, which was con-
d in 1931 under his supervi-
Peabody's finding revealed
that over one half or the visit-
tourists remain in this state
period of less than three days.
15,000 traffic observations up-
hich he bases his conclusions
ed too that one half of all of
ourists stay in hotels and that
one in 10 carry their own
)m1ent for camping out. One
;ht own summer homes in this
e conference, which has been
ssion since Tuesday, will end,
rrow. Prof. R. L. Morrison of1
Ilighway Engineering depart -
reported yesterday that this
*(Continted on Page 2)
rcrowded Conditions Bring
Drastic Action by Local
School Board.
ansportation of school children
us from the Mack school on
a Miller avenue Lo the Perry
DI, Packard and Madison, was
n yesterday by the Board of
ation in response to demands
arents and parent-teacher as-
tions for better housing condi-
in the school.
>wded rooms and kiadequate
ation facilities in the "Ash"
e, an annex to the Mack school,
the reasons for tthe change,
h affects only the occupants of
r mn , ,
Comnittee Plans'
For Celebration
Monday, Feb. 22
Outlining a program that will
emphasize the greatness of Wash-
ington without having resource to
the flamboyancy usually conspicu-
ous at patriotic gatherings, the
Washington Bicentennial commit-
tee of Ann Arbor citizens is ar-
ranging the details .of the exercises
to be held on the 200th anniversary
of George Washington at 11 o'clock
next Monday morning in Hill audi-
-torium. Classes will be suspended
in observance of the holiday.
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director
of .William Clements library, has
accepted an invitation to deliver
the principle address of the morn-
ing. He will be introduced by Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven. The
program will be opened and con-
clu&d by the Varsity band, which
will play several national airs in
addition to the American Sym-
In order to meet the expenses of
the exercises, the committee is pro-
moting the sale of a pamphlet deal-
ing with various incidents in the
'life of Washington. The booklet
has been preparedEby the staff of,
the William Clements library. It is
known as Bulletin 4 of the Wash-
ington Bicentennial commission is-
sued under authority of the gov-
ernor of Michigan.
The subject matter of the pam-
phlet has been described as inter-
esting and eminently readable. In
it are included the facsimile of a
letter written by Washington and
now in posspssion of the Clements
library, several early maps of Mich-
igan, and two reproductions of
prints dating from revolutionary
times. It is on sale at local book-
stores, or may be had from any'
member of a patriotic organization.
Union Considers Plans
for Weekly Concerts
Plans for a series of informal
concerts, which will be held every
ISunday afternoon, starting with
Feb. 28, are beng drawn up by the
Union, according to an announce-
ment made last night by Hugh R.
Conlklin, '32E,, president.
The concerts will be held from
4 In o'cilok in the afternonn in
Bunting Brings Down Valuable
Scientifc Specimen
Papa Bunting has bagged another
rabbit skin.
A potential epidemic was avoided
yesterday when a campus game
hunter stalked an elusive quarryI
for three-quarters of arf hour,' and
finally brought it down in front of
the dental building.
John W. Bunting, '32, research
assistant in parasitology, has been
developing some dangerous para-
sites in rabbits in the Natural Sci-
nee building. Caged rabbits do not
develop good parasite spegimens, so
part of his duties consisted in giv-
ing the animals exercise n the court
of the Natural Science building.
Yesterday, when Bunting was en-
gaged in this task, a University
truck drove into the yard, and while
the door was open, one of the rab-I
bits lippity-lopped out onto the
.Bunting gave immediate chase.
Comnmandeering a bystander as gun
bearer for a weapon which one of
his assistants secured somewhere in
the building, he chased the animal'
around the campus.
Finally the rabbit halted in front
of the Dental school, tired from the
long chase. The gunbearer handed
the weapon to Bunting, who quick-
ly sighted, called "Fore!" shot, and
killed the animal..
Although Ann Arbor had been
saved from danger, the loss to sci-
ence is perhaps incalculable. How-
ever, the rabbit was only one of
many which have been innoculated
with germs, and probably all reigns
quiet in the Natural Science build-
ing today.
Waterman to Return
to City This Morning
Dr. Leroy Waterman, who has
be'en absent on leave the first se-
mester directing the University ex-
cavations in Mesoptamia and Pal-
estine, will return at 8 o'clock tlis
morning it was learned from a wire
that arrived here yesterday.
The American School of Classical
Studies in their first reports cabled
from their excavation at Athens re-
late important discoveries in ma-
terial contributing to the knowl-
edge of ancient history through the
uncovering of epigraphical records.
The news was received here by
Prof. B. D. Merrit, a member of the
school's managing committee, andj
professor of Greek here.
Health Service Statement Says
Prevalence of Colds I,
Usual for Season.
Rumors pf influenza epidemics
spread with greater facility than,
the influenza itself, according to
statements issued from the Health
Service late yesterday.
Talk of a city-wide epidemic had
been causing worry among students
and townspeople until d o c t o r s
cleared up the matter with state-
ments of actual conditions.
Although a large number of stu-
dents have reported ,ases of slight
colds and la grij'pe within the past
week, the number is no larger than
that of past seasons at this time of
the year. This is a season highly
conducive to colds, doctors explain-,
ed, and students should use due
precaution to see that each case is
reported_ and cared for as soon as
With the excellent facilities of
the Health Service at hand for Uni-
ve sity students and city officials
cahefully checking all cases in the
city schools, there is no basis .for
undue worry on the part of Ann
Arbor residents, doctors said.
New Football Rulings
May Ban Famous Play
ANN ARBOR, Feb. 17.-UP)-
FIllowers ofi University of Mich-
igan football are wondering
whether changes in gridiron
rules will eliminate two of the
Wolverines' favorite s c o fi n g
plays, "old 83" and the fake
place kick.
A new rule, designed to make
the game safer, states that "the
ball shall be declared dead
when any part of the ball car-
rier's body except his hands or
feet touches the ground." In
"old 83" the quarterback
crouches on one knee behind
the center while hiding the ball. '
In the fake place kick a back
is on one knee while taking the
pass from center. Technically,
the ball would be "dead" in
both instances.
It has been suggested that the
quarterback can spread a hand-
kerchief on the ground and
kneel on it to avoid downing
the ball.
President Shaw Says Culprits
Had Been Connected With
Many Offenses.
No Police Action Taken; Action
Rumored to Be Result of
Drinking Party.
EAST LANSING, Feb. 17.-(")--
Expulsion of four students because
of "serious liquor charges" was an-
nounced Wednesday by President
Robert S. Shaw of Michigan State
college, who said two other stu-
dents had been placed on proba-
President Shaw said the students
involved had been ,"connected with
pretty near every kind of offense,"
but declined to specify whether the
charges included bootlegging. No
police action has been taken.
The president refused to reveal
the names of the students disci-
"There is a possibility that they
may be readmitted at some future
date," he explained, "and I do not
wish to injure their reputations by
giving out their names."
Unofficially, it was reported that
the charges were the outgrowth of
a drinking party held on the cam-
New Classes Added for Students
Studying foi Doctor's
Featuring a fourth s e m e s t e r
course in French, the Extension de-
partment of the Universit'y has an-
nounced a number of new courses
which will be given in Ann Arbr
throughout the semester.
The French course, which is de-
signed to meet the requirements of
those students studying for their
doctor's degree who wish to perfect
their reading knowledge, those who
have already had two years of col-
lege French or its equivalent and
those who, having taken three se-
mesters of college French, or the
equivalent, desire to continue their
work for credit, will be given by
Mr. Iirsch Hootkins, of the Ro-
mance Language department.
Other courses which the exten-
sion division is presenting are Eng-
lish composition given by Prof. H.
C. Binkley, Historical Geology by
Prof. R. C. Hussey, History of Eu-
rope since 1880 given by Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson, History and Litera-
ture of Music given by Glenn D.
McGeoch, Practical Public Speaking
and S t r u c t u r e, Properties and
Identification of Wood by Prof. Wil-
liam Kynoch and the Bible as Lit-
erature by Dr. Humphreys of the
English department.
A special section of photo-
graphs of campus leaders who
have been active in University
affairs will be found on page
three of today's Daily.
Dr. Kalow Asserts Philippines
Are Ready For Independence
Four centuries of struggle against
foreign oppression, repeated pledges
by the government of the United
,ptates, American principles of self-
determination of autpority, and the
stability of the present Philippine
government were cited yesterday by
Dr. Maximo M. Kalow, dean of the
college of liberal arts of the Philip-
pine Uniyersity as forming the case
of the Philippine Islands for inde-
Tells of Growth.
Speaking in Natural Science au-
ditorium under the auspices of the
political science department, Dr.
Kalow told how Philippine culture
had grown phenomenally before the
arrival of the Spaniards, how the
latter had destroyed every vestige
f' that. culture: how the Filininos
* * *
Philippines when a 'stable' govern-
ment would have been estyblished.
We believe that this is a definite
promise, not an abstract one. If a
government is capable of maintain-
ing order, it is a 'stable' govern-
ment, according to the United
States' own definition. We contend
that we have produced such a gov-
ernment. It is unfair to demand
conditions not in us, that we should
establish more jails or that all our
women should wear bobbed hair.
"If we were compared with other
nations already possessing indepen-
dence, we would not be found want-
ing. China, independent, has no
established government machinery.
The Philippines have a government
already established that reaches in-
to the most outlving districts. If
* * *
ed States. He offered a plan pro-
viding a ten-year transition period
for the severance of the ties but
reiterated that should the Filipinos
be offered the 'choice between this
plan and immediate independence,
they would accept the latter with
all its risks.
Fears Japan.
"Other Americans," Dr. Kalow
pointed out, "fear that Japan would
'gobble' us up were we set free just
as they are now 'gobbling' up China.
The issue in the Chinese situation
consists of trying to force Japan to
live up to her treaty obligations to
allow China self-government. Can
we combat a wrong principle in
China by pursuing a similar policy
in the Philippines? The Asiatic sit-
uaton d e m a n d s fulfillment of
pledges and freedom of peoples so