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March 15, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-15

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tSDAY, MARCIH 5, 1932


Iblished every morning except .Monday during the Urniversity'
>y the Board in Control of Student Publications.
ember of the Western Conference Fditorial Association.
he ,Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
ation of all new slispatchs crdfited to it or not otherwise
d in this paper and the local nws published herein.

Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
tmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
higan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor. ............. ...........Carl Forsythe
orial Director.............................Beach Conger, Jr.
va Editor................................... David M. Nichol
is Eitor ..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
men's Editor.......................... Margaret M. Thompson
stant News Editor...........................Robert L. Pierce

prove able to find him, the case will be without
parallel in history. But though this is the most
curious aspect of the situation, it is by no means the
most important. The possibility that Capone should -
have arranged such a colossal and ingenious scheme I THE POWER
and the probability, made clearer since the appeal OF THEw
to Bitz and Spitale, that special concessions and even=PRESS-
release will be given Capone, are powerful challenges We were very happy to note that
to complacent Americanism. They are indictments our campaign against the illiter-
of the government of the United States which carry acy in the Women's Staff has borne
with them a threatening prophecy. Ifruit. Yesterday we read the whole
It is too obvious that the government in itself is Women's Page over twice and we
powerless. Indeed, the only effectual resource of couldn't find a single thing to scf e
the state for solving crimes is to ally itself with crim- at except the story on Spanish
inals, and never before has that alliance been so gardens. But then, after all, it.
shameless. That the American people, moreover, wasn't the fault of the Women's
should be willing and even eager to harbor and Staff if a fellow happens to be
canonize one kidnapper because he will help them named H a r o I d H il1 Blossom.
catch another, shows the government is no more (Phew!)
than an expression of the popular ideal. When crim-
inals take crime into their own hands there is We have additional informa-
nothing remarkable, but when outlaws get control of tion at hand which further in-
law, and both government and people subscribe, creases our realization of our
there can be no such thing as justice. n

Noe wonder
E VERY PIPE SMOKER has the sat-
isfaction of knowing he has one



J- $s.s



__ f _" 'A.





masculine right
that the women
won't take away
from him. They
do leave our
pipes alone.
And though
the girls may not
know it, they're
leaving us one of
the finest smokes
a man can have.

B. kill)reth J. Cullen, ienunedy James
Roland A. Goodman, Jerry E. Rosenthal
1:ar Scilfert George A. Stauter.

rhe favorite smoke of
college men


in NV. Thon, s
Jliian joles

Sports Assistants
John S. Townsend
Chiarles A. Sanford

(From the Dartmouth)

y VW. Arnhcim
id F. I Iankertz
atr( C. Cam ,pllI
nas Cnriellan
rt "'. 1)centsch
rt I.Friedman
:nee Hayden

Fred A. rinuler
Iarold F. Kite
i11 n riNewman
idl.ro ic thit
Prudence Foster
Alice Cismre-t
,rances Alawchester
Elizabcth Mann

li,hn XW. Pritchard
jc~s z.i KvIxeinan
C. Imart ,-naafi
lra..k Vy Shiaw
P'ark~er Snyl'mr
1obert S. Wu 'ad
6. 1(, Winters
Margaret 0'.BrI"_n
I T'.(il v Stark
Jo)sephine XWoodhiains

Briand was fittingly named Aristide. In a post-
war Europe tortured by sectional jealousies, rival
ambitions and war fears, Briand was the one states-!
man who had the spiritual stamina to be just. It
has been a good and grateful thing that Europe had'
one man who could prove bigger than political expe-
diency and more powerful than national prejudice

own Inuence. Our readers may
remember a paragraph than
appeared in this column a few
weeks ago concerning an enor-
mous rat hole on the east side
of Mason hall. Yesterday we
were overjoyed to notice that
the B and G boys had gotten
tired of trying to plant a lot of
plants that wouldn't grow any-
way and had filled the hole up.
Gee, how do we do it?

1 Block North from Hill Auditorium
Lunch and Dinner$.............4.50
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner... .$6.00
Lunch 30c Dinner 50c
Sunday Dinner 75c
Prompt Service-Excellent Food
Serving Michigan men and women for the twenty-
eight consecutive year!

am Carver
rice Collins
se Crandall
e Fel<lnm

There's something calm and soothing
about a pipe and good tobacco. It
leads to clear-headed thinking. Per-
haps that's why the leaders-the real
men of the world-are pipe smokers.
College men like
a pipe - packed
with cool, slow-
burning Edge-
worth, the favor-
ite pipe tobacco
in 42 out of 54
A . colleges. It's cut
especially for

Telephone 21214
ARLES T. KLINE.......................Business Manager
iIRIS P. JOHNSON............Assistant Manager
Departrnen Managers
rtising...Vernon Bishoi
erlisiiig Contracts................harry IR. Beglc?
'rusing Secrvice...............Byron (C. Vedder
lications ..................................xvillam T Browr
:unts...... ...........................Richard St rat me
rnei' ui lss ana.cr ...................... AinnW. Veinon

it Aronson
,rert E,. Builsley
n Clary
ert Fin
na Becker
tba Jane Cissei
evieve Field
inc Fisrligrund
y fharriman

john iReyser
rinur . Kolin
j aes Lowe
An l arsha
Katherine fackson
1 )or othy Y .ayin
(arolin Aosiier
l1 elm Olsen

CraftoW V Sharp
Tian Lyon
Brnard ii. Good
\.ay Seefried
Sinnic Seng
I1 en'f-n Spencer
I atlryn Stork
C lare nger
Mary IJEizaibeth Watts


Ve Lose a

PiI anthropist
GEORGE EASTMVAN'S story is a story of the
modern camera. It is also the story of. mod-
rn philanthropy. And about both of these stories
s woven a narrative of an energetic mind and
bility devoted to a business world.
During his lifetime, the noted photographer
ave almost a hundred million dollars to various
nstitutions. These were selected without regard
o geographical, racial, or departmental lines-
ome benefiting the American Negro, some the
nedical sciences, all benefiting mankind.
In addition to this the manufacturer divided
nuch of the stock of his company among his em-
Aloyees. Then he topped it all with huge gifts to
haritable institutions.
But George Eastman gave the world more than
is money. He gave his energy, time, attention,
nd abilities, that the fortune he had amassed
night be wisely expended.
Azrerica is additionally indebted to the famous
nanufacturer because his life-story is one of a rise
rom humble errand-boy to industrial magnate.
upporting a mother and two sisters at the age
f fourteen, when his education was cut short by
he death of his father, George Eastman's first
alary was three dollars a week. A few years later
e was working in a bank by day and in his "fac-
ory" at night.
It was many years before he had risen to the
iosition of fame occupied at the time of his death.
rears of sacrifice, hard work, and numerous hur-
les. His life-story is an incentive indeed to the
oung men of today.
(From tile Purdue Exponent)
Favorable comments have come to be a habit .. .
hen the idea of deferred rushing is mentioned in
onnection with fraternity pledging ... Folks on the
whole think the idea fundamentally sound . . . Stu-
lents at Michigan have other views on the matter
t present . . . however . . . now that the first list
if neophytes under the new system has been pub-
ished . . . The facts . . . 240 men were pledged . . . 67
iouses are on the campus ... 7 houses got no pledges
t all Thn whn rated le nPLes averaged 4 apoiece

when the need arose-one man who could stand' We are at last able to not.:an
courageously for justice, instead of striving single- 'improvement in the weather. The
mindedly for France. snow has melted and the sun has!
Shaggy, tousle-headed, unscented, rumpled and been shining brightly for minutes
un-pressed, Briand had a truer diplomacy in him at a time. We haven't been doing soI
than a whole legation rammed with row upon row badly in Ann Arbor, though, con-f
of pleasant-smelling, slick-headed young charges- idering the fact that the Cleve-
pleag, yungchares-land Indians, in New Orleans, and
d'affaires. For unlike the methods of his noncom- 'the Chias, in an An-
mittal colleagues, the diplomacy of Briand was not the Chicago White Sox in San An-
founded upon duplicity. His was not the diplomacy wthera have n' been abrigfrmldt
of anCavour, of a Metternich, of a Machiavelli.mHey 'inlhe ian ring tnnble
had a gift of idealism no less lofty than Wilson's, but indulge in spring training.
combined with it a bland adroitness that won for
him the sobriquet of Brer Briand. He knew, and he
tried to convince his France, that the only security
that can last is the security that is based squarely
upon justice for all.
World-peace has never had a more passionate;
standard bearer than Briand; his passing is an in-
estimable loss to its cause.
JUSTICE Yesterday, while we were wand-
ering around the Gargoyle Office
(From the Columbia Spectator) minding our own business, we hap-
On Monday, some 3,000 hungry, unemployed men pened to notice an article written
and women headed for the employment office of the about the advertising curtain at
main plant of the Ford Motor Company. The police the Majestic Theatre. We had no-'
thought this, wasn't at all nice. The police used ticed a month ago that the air-
tear-gas and freezing water in attempting to stop plane was gone, so we claim a prior
the marchers. The police met stubborn opposition lien on the idea. We sent an in-
from a courageous crowd. The police unlimbered vestigats report amazed us. The situation
their guns, killed four members of the "rioting" group is much worse than we could ever
and wounded 22 more. The leaders of the group, and sDmveantic ed.aWewconcede
otlers suspected of speaking to them before the
trouble, have been arrested as being responsible for that it is pretty unfortunate when
troubethave bnred J seing? ra beautiful curtain like that has to+
thi deaths and injuries. Justice???? do without an airplane, but we
YOU CAN'T FOOL UNCLE SAM found depression splashed all over
the place. There are twenty-three
The proverbial long arm of the law-this time rectangles for ads, not counting the
the new tax bill-has stretched its scrawny fingers airplane and the delivery wagon in
toward educational institutions, which it has always the center, which we understand
before regarded with magnanimity. The hand is are something extra. Of these
reaching with the intent and purpose of enriching twenty-three spaces twelve were
the Treasury from college football games and other vacant, inconspicuously painted out
college sports. Collegiate athletics, heretofore, have with some sort of a placid brown
been immune from any form of tax-and gate re- paint arranged in designs like dee-
ceipts have traversed a devious and subtle course, orative Greek crosses laid sideways.
ending, usually, in the coffers of the university. Of the eleven remaining spaces.
And now the Federal Government has decided to only six were taken by local adver-
include college sports in the category of taxable tisers, and one of these was a pie
parties, and has levied a 10 per cent tax on all ad- ad, (which should be counted as
missions above $.25. half). The other five carried na-
Uncle Sam is getting on to where the money is. tional advertising - a s h a v i n g
cream, a motor oil, and three oth-
This is the one day in the year when there is a ers our reporter forgot to mark
tay of sunshine in the life of the fellow who lost down, because they were just start-
money last year. He can laugh at the income tax ing the nine o'clock show and he
collector. wanted to count the people who
-_were coming in. There were thir-
The Democratic party leaders have been so busy ty-nine in the left aisle, forty-five
deciding on a Personality to run against Hoover they in the right one, and a couple ofj
have not had time to think up a paramount issue. high school boys in the second box
r'_from the front at the left.
Wilbur Glenn Voliva now says the world is going

buy Edgeworth wherever good tobacco
is sold. Or for a special sample packet,
write to Larus & Bro. Co., io S.
22d St., Richmond, Va.
Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys,
with its natural savor enhanced by Edge-
Worth's distinctive
and exclusive elev-
enth process. Buy .
Edgeworth any- -
where in two forms
Rubbed and Edge- rRIGAZ E
Worth PlugSlice. All FADYRUBDW'
sizes, 5 pocket
package to $1.50
pound humidor tin.

A pipe is not the
smoke for girls

pipes, to give a
cooler, drier
smoke. You can

Why not
ors and

join our

many deposit-

That pays out of all proportion
for the efforts to have is a
ThriT T BauNt

., .,,,,

Member Federal Reserve System




For o r Convenience
these Branch Offices

Ann St. Drug
1117 E. Ann Street

Blue Front Cigar Store
701 Packard Street

to end in 1935. He's been guessing wrong on this
thing now for the past 10 years, but he's still our
best bitter ender.-Detroit Free Press.


Liberty Shoe Repair Shop
622 East Liberty Street

"Shanghai Express" gets an entertainment rating Here it is, Boys! Now get in there
of about 80 per cent if only because of the interesting and fight!

Goldman Bros. Branch
1115 South University

Goldman Bros. Branch
705 South State Street

Goldman Bros. Branch
214 South State Street

Goldnan Bros. Branch
703 Packard Street

Greene Cleaners
516 East Liberty Street

rle r
he r
p r

ii 1106 wtu rutujjlu ;U dYLaru xaliuk" way in which several kinds of motion pictures are
but one house received 17 . . . another received 13
A real mess . . . it seems . . . Fraternities finding put together in one film. A prostitute heroine, a
iselves at the small end face grave financial diffi- bunch of ill-assorted passengers thrown together by
. . . all of which they lay at the door of "de- fate, Mr. Von Sternberg's trick photography, and a !
d rushing." Chinese revolution get pretty well involved with one
ome of Michigan's trouble might be found in another and the result is melodrama, and pretty
number of Greek letter groups . . , in relation to good melodrama at that. The cast is excellent, every:
number of men . . . Michigan has 68 fraternities one of the passengers being well known to cinema-
Purdue has 39 . . . Michigan lists a total mdle goers. Miss Deitrich is appropriately warm, Mr.
h enrollment of less than 850 . . . Purdue lists Brook appropriately cool, and the rest of the cast'
e than 1,000 . . . Fraternities have been springing appropriate, excepting Eugene Pallette who isn't
apidly at Michigan . . . first year enrollment quite funny, and Anna May Wong, who we thought'
been falling off there yearly . . . Fraternity turned in about the best bit of acting of the whole
th at Purdue has been slow . . . frosh enrollment performance.'
steadily increased. The dialogue left a great deal to be desired in
several spots but was, on the whole, fairly good. The;
JUSTICE IN GANGSTERS' HANDS observation platform scene was pretty badly broken
(From the Harvard Crimson) up by alternate shots of Miss Deitrich and Mr. Brook,
rthur Conan Doyle could not have conceived a which showed off Mr. Brook's cigarette smoking and
e fantastic story than that of the Lindbergh Miss Deitrich's beauty postures to great advantage

We found out for the first
time yesterday that there is, a
Press B u i 1 d i n g Basketball
League, made up of such teams
as the Daily Edits, 'Ensian Ed-
its, Gargoyle Edits and Daily
Sports. The Daily Editsghave
won all three of their games,
giving them a strangle hold on
first place. The Daily Sports
and the 'Ensian Edits have
each lost one game and the
Gargoyle delegation has lost
one game and forfeited two
more. There was a game sched-
uled between the Daily Edits
and the Gargoyle Edits for Sat-
urday morning, but after the
Daily team had waited around
the courts for about an hour

Mrs. Tubbs
921 East Htiron Street
From this list you will see that there is a Varsity branch located conven-
icntly in almost every part of the city. If there is not one in your neigh-
5orhood just Dial 23123 and one of the Varsity's large fleet of trucks will(
call immediately at your home.
t T K L




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