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March 13, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-13

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SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1932


Publication in the
of the University.
the President until

Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

position shall be submitted, each of which shall be firmly bound in a discussion on "Time and Motion Studies, and their Uses." This should
neat and durable cover, cover and manuscript being firmly fastened to- prove especially interesting, as they have but recently been doing some
gether. Unbound manuscripts, manuscripts fastened together merely i extensive work on micro-motion and time studies in the attempt to
with paper clips, and other manuscripts not likely to remain bound to- secure a more efficient layout of equipment in the plant.
gether will be rejected by the committee.
Each copy of each manuscript shall have a title page, on which shall EVENTS TODAY
appear (1) the name and character of the composition; (2) a nom dee
plume; (3) a statement that it is submitted for the Major (or Minor) Zeta Phi Eta: Initiation at 3 p.m., in Lounge I and 2 of the League;
contest in (drama, poetry, essay, or fiction). pledging at 5 o'clock. Everyone must be present.
Accompanying the manuscripts shall be a sealed envelope contain- j '+,,,....


SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1932

No. 117

.1 ~-=--=~.--. -- - -=-=-=- === -=--=.===--=------ - I
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from four to six o'clock
on the first two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the
faculties and their friends and other residents of Ann Arbor.
To the Members af the University Council: The next meeting of the
University Council will be held on Monday, March 14, at 4:15 p.m., in
Alumni Memorial Hall, Room "B." Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the
following program, Wednesday afternoon, March 16, at 4:15 o'clock to
which the general public with the exception of small children is invited:
Chorale Prelude on "Ein Feste Burg ist Unser Gott"; Stamitz: Andante;
Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D minor; Liszt: Variations on a theme
from the Bach Cantata "Women, Kagen, Sorgen Zagen, Angst und Not
sind der Christen Traenenbrot and the Crucifixus from the B minor
Mass; Widor: Scherzo (Symphony 4); Clokey: Twilight Moth; Stravin-
sky: Berceuse, Finale.
Faculty Concert: Joseph Brinkman, Assistant Professor of Piano in
the School of Music, will give the following program, this afternoon, at
4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The general public with the exception
of small children is invited without admission charge: Beethoven:
Sonata Op. 10, No. 3, Presto, Largo e mesto, menuetto, Rondo; Andante
Favori; Sonata Op. 106 (Hammerclavier), Allegro, Scherzo, Adagio sos-
tenuto, Largo-Allegro ri soluto.
Education, Class of 1932: Senior dues, Class of 1932, Education, will
be collected at the table in the lower corridor of the Elementary school
from 4 to 5 p.m., during the school week of March 14-19 inclusive. Senior
Education students are urged to take advantage of this last opportunity
to pay their dues. Those whose senior dues are unpaid will not be able
to purchase commencement invitations and their names will not be
included in the commencement programs sold by the class committee.
Alice L. Niederstadt, Treasurer.
Economics 252, Leading Problems in Economic Theory: Class will not
meet March 15. Z. C. Dickinson.
Prospective Students in Business Administration: The Board of
Regents has recently approved a change in admission requirements of
the School of Business Administration. Under the new regulations stu-
dents will be admitted (1) with the bachelor's degree from an approved
institution or (2) upon admissionto the combined curriculum of letters
and business administration. Admission to the combined curriculum
requires at least 90 hours of credit and a scholarship standing of at
least one and one-half honor points per hour. For details of the com-
bined curriculum see the announcement of the College of Literature,'
Science, and the Arts or that of the School of Business Administration.
These regulations, except as provided below, will go into effect in the
fall of 1932 and will preclude the possibility of admission on 90 hours
of credit and less than one and one-half honor points per hour. How-
ever, it is provided that this change in admission requirements will not
-apply to students enrolled in any division of this University in the fall;
of 1931. As to these students, admission is still possible under the mini-
mum requirement of 90 hours and 90 points. C. E. Griffin.
- University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
Notice has been received of the following positions in the foreign field:
(Anyone interested will please call at the office, Room 201 Mason Hall,
for further information.)
India-Woman Physician to head hospital; Nurse.
Persia-Woman Educator to teach Chemistry, Physics, Biology.
Japan-Woman Music Teacher; Woman Teacher of English and
China-Women, Teachers in a College: 2 English; 1 Physical Edu-
cation; 1 Psychology (Ph.D. or equivalent); 1 Physics.,
Medical workers needed in many lands.
Golf Classes for Faculty and Students: The last chance to enroll
in the golf classes will be Monday. The faculty class meets Monday'
and Wednesday at 4:30 while the students will receive instruction Mon-
day and Wednesday at 3:30 and Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30. The
classes are conducted by Ray Courtright varsity golf coach. Enrollment
can be made by calling or phoning the Intramural Department-22101.
Sons of Rotarians: All sons of Rotarians who are now attending the
University are invited to be guests of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club for
luncheon Wednesday noon, March 16, at the Michigan Union. Please
call at the desk promptly at twelve o'clock. If you have not already
been assigned as guest to a member of the Ann Arbor Club you will re-
ceive such assignment at that time. Dr. Theron Langord,

ing the nom de plume of the contestant and the contestant's real name.
The contestant's nom de plume shall also appear on the outside of the
A contestant shall use only one nom de plume, no matter how much
material he submits.
University Lectures: Wednesday. March 16, 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium. Porfessor William A. Robson, Lecturer in Adminis-
trative Law, London School of Economics and Political Science: "The
Crisis in Parliamentary Government."
Thursday, March 17, 4:15 p.m.. in Natural Science Auditorium. Pro-
fessor Robert H. Lowie, of the University of California: "The Family as
a Social Unit."
Psychology 31: Make-up for those who missed the final examination
will be held Monday, March 14, 7 to 10 p.m., Room 1121 N.S.
Psychology 105 (Psychology and Religion): Make-up examination
will be held Monday, March 14, at 2 p.m., Room 3126 N.S.
Fifth Lecture of the Cercle Francais will take place Wednesday,
March 16, at 4:15, in Room 103, Romance Language building. Dr. John
Cloppet will speak on "L'Imperialisme Francais."
Lecture on Tool Engineering: As a part of Shop 7, Jig and Fixture
Design, the Department of Engineering Shop has scheduled a series of
lectures to be given by a number of prominent engineers. The fourth of
this series is to be given on Wednesday, March 16, at 8 a.m., by Professor
O. W. Boston, Director of the Department of Engineering Shop, in Room
1300 of the East Engineering building. His subject will be "Drilling and
Milling Processes." Members of the faculty, as well as local manufac-
turers who are interested in this subject, are invited to attend.
Professor Cook will meet his classes in Geology on Monday.
Plant Physiology Seminar meets at 7:30 p.m., Monday, March 14, in
Room 1139 N.S. Miss Groner will discuss anaerobic respiration.
Physics Colloquium: Professor Charles F. Meyer will talk on "Some
Aspects of Grating Theory," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, in Room 1041, East
Physics bldg. All interested are cordially invited to attend.
Acolytes meeting Monday, March 14, 7:30 p.m., Philosophy Office.
Dr. Maier, of the Psychology Dept., will discuss Reasoning.
Economics Club: Professor Sharfman will speak on March 14, at
7:30, in Room 302 of the Union on "Economic Planning and Government.
Research Club will meet Wednesday, March 16, at 8 p: m., in Room
2528 East Medical building. Prof. Campbell Bonner will present papers'
on "The Constellation Ophiuchus on a Gnostic Amulet," and "The Uni-
versity's Share in a Great Find of Ecclesiastical Manuscripts." Prof.
A. E. White will speak on "Creep, a Characteristic of Metals at High'
Temperatures." The Council will meet at 7:30 in the same room.
Junior Mathematical Society will meet Tuesday, March 15, at 7:30
p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Speaker will be announced in the D.O.B. of that
date. The society welcomes all new-comers.
Notice: A highly entertaining sound pictui entitled, "A Romance
of the Drug Industry," will be exhibited in the Natural Science Auditor-
ium, Monday, March 14, at 7:30 p.m. All who are interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Society of Industrial Engineers will meet Wednesday, March 16, at
7:30 p.m., in Room 302 of the Union. Mr. Harry FordSupervisor of
Standards, and Mr. Van Poppelen, Vice-President in charge of Time
Study of the Detroit Chapter of the S.I.E., and in charge of manufactur-
ing research, of the Cadillac Motor Car Company ,d will lead a joint
h. _; ma-====--===--=----- ------------_=_

Triangles meeting, 4 p.m., in the Union. Election of oicers for
second semester. Attendance required.


Frosh Frolic meeting 4:30 p.m., in Room 302 of the Michigan Union.
Russian Student Club: Important business meeting at 3 p.m., Lane

- 11


Methodist Episcopal Church: Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will be in the
pulpit during both the morning and evening services. At 10:30 he will{
speak on "Redemptive Service." At 7:30 p.m., he speaks on "The Divine
Wesley Fall: The Rev. Fred Cowin is the speaker for the devotional
service at 6 p.m. His topic will be "The Growth of the Spirit." The
regular classes will be held at 12 o'clock, with Dr. Blakeman and Mr.
Harris Mall: Corporate Communion at 9 o'clock in the Chapel fol.
lowed by breakfast. Regular student supper 6 p.m., and address by Miss
Wadad Mackdici.
St. Andrew's Church: Holy Communion at 8 a.m.; Church School,'
9:30 a.m.; Confirmation and sermon by the Right Rev. Herbert IT. H.
Fox, D.D., of Montana, 11 a.m.; Kindergarten, 11 a.m.; Evensong, 5:30.
Lutheran Students: Prof. D. K. Kazarinoff of the Mathematics de-
partment will address the group at 6:30 today. Supper at 6 o'clock in
the church parlors at Third and West Liberty.
Presbyterian Young People's Society: Student Class for Freshmen
Men and Women meets at 9:30 a.m., at the Church House. Upperclass-
men meet at 12-12:45, in the Lecture Room. Social flour, 5:30 and Stu-
dent Forum, 6:30. Negro Art and Education presented by members of
the Negro student group.
Congregational Student Fellowship: At 6:30 papers on "Youth Looks
at the Church," will be presented by Lydia Till, '32, and William Car-
michael, '32. The discussion folowing will be led by Professor 0. S.
Duffendack. Regular 6 o'clock supper will precede the meeting.

sions" in the Committee Room, in
Lane Hall, at 4 p.m., sponsored by
the Buffalo ConferenceeDelegation.
You are cordially invited.
Spanish Students: La Sociedad
Hispanica will produce two or three
short plays this spring. Tryouts will
be held Monday, March 14, 4 p.m.,
Room 403 R.L. Fair ability to. pro-
nounce is the only requirement.
To All Women Interested in Edu-
cation: On Tuesday, March 15, Dr.
Courtis will give an illustrated lec-
ture onh -is recent experiences in
Europe to all women interested in
education and to members of the
faculty of the school of education.
There will, also, be an informal
discussion and a musical program.
The meeting will be held in the
elementary school library from 7:30
to 9.
Woman's Research Club: Regular
meeting Monday, March 14, at 7:30
p.m., in Room 4045 Museums bldg.
Inspection of the Herbarium and
talk by Dr. Bessie B. Kanouse on
"Water Molds of Michigan."
Michigan Dames will meet Tues-
day at 8 p.m., Grand Rapids Room
of the League buiding. Rev. Fred
Cowin will give an illustrated talk
entitled "Rambles Through the
English Lake District.~
Faculty Women's Club: The Mon-
day Evening Drama Section meets
at the home of Mrs. Newton Be-
}mcnt, 401 West Hoover, March 14,
at 7:45.
Continnuation discussion of the
L.I.D. Lecture Series: Topic, "Path-
ways to Racial Understanding," on
Monday, March 14, at 8 p.m., in
(Continued on Page 2)
All Makces - Iax'ge and Portable
od eated ]flchaned. Re"aired
Lage choice stock"M rsyes.
0* D.tRRILL,
314 ".State St., Ann Arbor.

Baptist Students will enjoy an address at 6:30 by Dr. Albert
Logan, '31D, on "South America." Dr. Logan has spent many years
South America. He was formerly University instructor in Spanish.
Liberal Students' Union: At 7:301
p.m., "Casting an Intelligent Bal-
lot," Professor Harold J. McFarlan I
of the School of Engineering. Uni- I roiical
tarian Church. Social hour.
Hillel Foundation: Judge Charles
Rubiner of Detroit will speak on WASHI
"The Challenge to the Jew," at HIN
services, 11:15 a.m. Open forum at April 14
8 p.m., at the Foundation: "The
Question of Intermarriage. Price, including all
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will speak
on "The New Kind of Foreign Mis-Sp
* ~N~XXT f' A Ni. A T T Tit



Young man to take over
established enterprise in
Ann Arbor. Some busi-
ness experience required.
Write Box D-23, Daily, im-



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605 Church St.

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605 Church St.
Alcx'll be
with you
again next

On the Trail

P isfhinv.


_r.L., . I £1 II'ip I mKpenion %.,A)IlmlIIuee I



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