_ :y
Published every morning except Monday during the University
ar by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
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:y Editor... . ........................ .....Carl Forsythe
itorial Director ............................ Beach Conger, Jr.
tws Editor.................................. David M. Nichol,
,rts - -ditor............................. Sheldon C. Fullerton
oisen's NEditor. ....................Margaret M. Thompson
sistant News Editor ........................... Robert L. Pierce
Significant because Beethoven wrote wonderful
piano music and because in his local concerts Mr.
Brinkman has showed an aptitude for this music, the
concert tomorrow afternoon ought to be pleasing
since an all-Beethoven program has been selected.,
The Sonata Opus 10, No. 3; andante favori certainly
cannot help but add to the enjoyment of any personI
who might attend while the second half which con-
sists of what is probably Beethoven's most showman-
like piano composition, the Sonata Opus 106 (Ham-
merclavier), is a number destined to interest at any,
As usual, everyone is invited to the recital which
starts at 4:15 o'clo J. E. R.
Music & Drama
Capitol News
Ii- To Hloiet
Speclat Daily Correspondent
A Review
By Barbara Wright
DeKoven's tuneful Robin Hood.
initiating the campus to light opera
in a spirit of art rather than bur-
lesque, revealed a' long-latent fund
of entertainment as delightful as
it was unsuspected. The musical
numbers were marked by a zest too
seldom found in campus produc-
tions; their quality of amateur
Letters published in this column should not he construed as
expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous conm-
mui nicat ions will b. dlisregardIed. The names of communicants
will, however, lie regarded as confidential upon request. Contrib-
utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than Soo
words if possible.
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M!ay Seefried
Minni Seng
; (ell Spencer
inthryn Stork
(Fre langer
lary Elizabeth Watts
~ SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 19321
The University
Combats Depression
NEVER before has the University broadcast-
ing service had such overwhelming proof of
$ts popularity and the size of its radio audienc
as has been manifested since it undertook thez
series of talks on the current business depression.
Today, more than four thousand copies of each
talk are mailed out over the entire country, tot
business men, teachers, legislators and bankers.
Few people understand the mechanics of the3
economic system. Many of the popular fallacies,s
which are based on rumor and a lack of knowledge
of what actually motivates the forces underlying
our financial scheme, are quickly accepted by
many citizens because more accurate information
is not at hand.k
The University of Michigan, as the state's
leading educational institution, has undertaken to
provide the state, through its broadcasting facili-
ties, with a series of talks on the movement of
forces which has brought about the current eco-
nomic situation, and the means by which it may
be attacked, if any. Actually, the cyclical fluctu-
ations 'are largely dependent upon forces over
which man can exercise no control. But he can
employ certain measures in order to mitigate some
of the evils attendant upon depressions.
This has been shown by the fact that no panic
attended this latest of depressions as it did in pre-
vious depressions in the history of the United;
States. And this series of talks, by men who are
well-informed in the field of economics and have
had ample opportunity to study the phenomena of'
previous depressions, can and will do much to
clarify the situation and present to citizens more
substantial and accurate information than can be3
obtained from pseudo-experts, whose speculations
as to causes and methods of alleviating financial'
depressions are often based on 'fallacious hypo-
The broadcasting service deserves full praise
and credit for the manner in which it is conduct-,
ing this anti-depression campaign, as well as the
Regents, who are backing the plan.
GldC ndL ANA
Another one of the ambitious attempts on the
part of the School of Music to interest hAnn Arbor in
the appreciation of music without the glamour and
publicity of Choral Union will be given this after-
noon in Hill Auditorium when Joseph Brinkman,
extellent piano teacher and equally as excellent con-
cert artist, presents a recital on the faculty concert
Brinkman is one of the more recent of the addi-
tions to the music school who have been more than
a little instrumental in bringing needed lustre to that
Professor Carr Answers
Dear Professor Hayden:
Concerning my interview on fraternities as pub-
lished in The Daily of March 10th, I am very glad
to make more explicit the point of view expressed
and the basis for my opinions. You ask three ques-
tions which I shall answer in order:
Question One: "Are your views accurately ex-
pressed by The Daily?"
In the main, yes. In matters of detail, no. The
general meaning and spirit of my remarks were re-
produced by Mr. Inglis, the interviewer, with fidelity.
On one point, however, he committed me to a much
more narrow view than I am aware of holding and
on one or two other points he omitted opinions
which, if given, would have extended the perspective
in which I was viewing the fraternity.
In the third paragraph of the interview I was
made to say by indirect quotation, "The convention-
alized stamp of good manners and conformity which
a fraternity almost invariably puts upon a man acts
as a distinct repression of worthwhile intellectual
achievement and originality of thought." Of course
1 do not believe any such thing. There is no neces-
sary conflict between good manners and interest in
ideas. Good manners and leadership are not mutu-
ally exclusive. It was not any conflict between good
manners and intellectual curiosity in the individual
that I was discussing at all, but the general atmos-
phere of suggestion which prevails in a fraternity
house. This atmosphere of suggestion seems to me
to emphasize good manners and social success rather
than intellectual achievement. So far as I can see.
this is no very original observation on my part. The
University itself has seen fit to impose scholastic
requirements on fraternity pledges and checks up
fraternity scholarship.
One of the opinions omitted was that the frater-
nity is merely a focal point, so to speak, of many
standardizing influences characteristic of American
life, which are affecting fraternity men and non-
fraternity men alike. The uniqueness of the frater-
nity lies in this, that in the fraternity house certain
of these standardizing influences are better organ-
ized and more intimately expressed than is possible
outside. From this point of view, the fraternity
house acts as a more efficient standardizer than, say.
the rooming house.
Question Two: "Are they (i.e., my views on frater-
nities) the result of specific investigation as a sociol-
ogist, or do they rest upon your general experience
as a teacher and the personal acquaintanceship to
which you refer?"
They rest on my experience as a fraternity man;
on my acquaintance with fraternity men; and on
my casual observations of conditions in various fra-
ternity houses during the course of some fifteen
years. They do not rest on any specific investigation
as a sociologist, and I made no pretense that they
Question Three: "If you have made a definite
study of this question, will you indicate the methods
used in arriving at your conclusions?"
This is already answered under Question Two.
I trust these'answers to your questions-questions
which should be asked in every controversy-will
make my position plain. I was discussing not the
qualities of fraternity men but the conformity-
atmosphere of the fraternity house, and I was trying
to make plain my own personal opinion that for
ourposes of social success the average fraternity is
a useful instrument but for purposes of intellectual
stimulation and independence of thought it is a
hindrance rather than a help.
Of course, as you say, my statements do raise a
fundamental question, namely, the purpose of a Uni-
versity education. If the University exists primarily
for the encouragement of intellectual achievement.
the role of the fraternity will be somewhat different
than if we conceive of the University's function as
not merely the encouragement of intellectual
achievement but also the encouragement of con-
ventional success.. Viewing American society real-
istically, I suppose we are here to do both, but should
not the implications of this duality of function be
made plainer to the student so that the student who
joins a fraternity shall be under no illusions con-
cerning the type of intellectual stimulation-as dis-
tinct from aid in preparation for examinations-that
he is likely to receive in the fraternity house? The
fraternity has a function, given the American Uni-
versity as it is, but I would be interested in seeing
the evidence from which anyone could conclude
that its function is intellectual stimulation and the
encouragement of independent thinking.
Cordially yours, 1
Lowell J. Carr.
gaiety and freshness was the real
merit of the show. With an enor-
mous hall to fill, the choruses were
able to overcome this spatial disad-
vantage without too obvious a
strain, though the individual voices
were occasionally a little thin. An-
ticipating their cues with some
!natural trepidation, the cast exe-
I cuted their songs consciously and
without the abandon and confi-
dence of the experienced cam-
paigner who knows how and en-
deavors to get the most out of his
The second act was appropriately
enough the high point of the per-
formance. The picturesque scenery
and costumes contributed to the
colorful effect which was excellently
capitalized. The curtain rose on a
large and brilliant panorama. Fol-
lowed perhaps the best executed of
the songs, "Jet Black Crow," sung
by Will Scarlet with the outlaw
chorus; the full value of the voices
and grouping was realized in this
scene where the chorus was not too
large to be unwieldy, as was the
case in the opening scenes, and still1
was able to maintain sufficient
volume to carry through the large
auditorium. Alan-a-Dale's "O Pro-
mise Me" number in this act was
sung with a remarkable simplicity1
and restraint that she was not able
to achieve throughout the perform-1
ance; it seemed at times as though
the stage overpowered her rather1
slight voice.
The vivacity of the whole pieceZ
was maintained by Dorethea Tor-1
beson as Lady Marian. There wasi
in abandon in each of her appear-;
inces that brought the action back
to its spontaneous level when it
threatened to become fiat. She1
alone of the cast carried out the
Spirit of the operetta throughout
with the spontanaeity that is the1
charm of the amateur actress. Her
"Forest Song" in the second Act
narked the peak of her perform_-
ince; here again background, good
costume, and lighting contributed
to the pictorial effectiveness of thisG
ippearanc-so essential an ele-
ment of good opera-
The buffoonery of "the sheriff}
was an unfortunate ) zlpf t of anl
otherwise excellent . eaance.
The drunken scene in N-Al h he fig-
ured in Act II was degraded to bur-_
lesque inconsistent with the spiritr
>f the opera. With this exception,
;he production held to the liveli-
'ess of light opera that does not
Demand such artificial stimulus.
While Robin Hood held steadily
to a vivacious level, from the stand-1
>oint of the musical numbers, itc
was less successful dramatically. In
;he direction emphasis was evi-
iently placed on large effect and
n the music at the expense of thet
-roken lines. These sagged badly.
Ihe cast were careless of speaking1
'technique; they failed to clip their
phrases with the crisp precisiont
hat is necessary to make the voice
carry effectively.
It is distinctly pleasing to con-
template the possibility that this
production of Robin H-ood signal-
izes the inauguration of a tradi-
tion. The death of the Union Op-
era last year left few regrets, but
it deprived a not inconsiderable1
group of campus musicians and po-
tential musi-comedy stars of their
only vehicle for expression. What
is also important, it deprived the
local public of an ambitious spec-j
tacle such as it likes and will pay1
to absorb once a year, but not oft-~
ener. Out of this situation created
by a willing-to-pay public and a
would-like-to-produce group o f
musicians, it was certain that some1
heir-apparent to the Opera tradi-
tion would be born. Last year's
Revue was fortunately still-born.
This year it seemed for a while,
that there was some danger of the
Opera's being resurrected in all its
colossal gaucherie, alcoholic stupor.I
and amateurish burlesque. This
catastrophe was somehow side- -
The warm reception accorded the
production of Robin Hood gives us i
ground to hope that this venture
into the popular classics will be
repeated next year. By junking the
student-written book and lyrics to-
gether with ghastly clumpings of
the masculine chorus, the path has
been cleared to the production of
something with a legitimate claim
to artistic recognition. It has been
shown that the musicianship of the1
orchestra and the quality of the
'tv~'.~ a ' znirac a0 tO ,frra +1~ nm
The state of Virginia is the first
to ratify the Norris "lame duck"
constitutional. amendment. The
question has been raised whether
such a move is legal because of the
fact that the sanction of that state
came before the formal notifica-
tion. Virginia ratified the bill four
days before she had received legal
notice that such action was to be
There is any number of queer
things in this world and its gov-
ernments if we only take the inter-
est to look for them. We notice
The league of Nations is studying
the Japanese situation and is send-
ing committees "to look the condi-
tion over."
The mails of the United States
are flooded by the work of nitwits
who have started "chain letters" to
agitate a movement in our country
to boycott all Japanese goods.
State police officials call upon
gangsters to do their work in kid-
napping cases.
Widows of former presidents re-
ceive annuities of $5,000.00.
President Hoover walked through
the streets of Washington alone
and was not recognized.
Sailors pool their savings and
wages and import rum and scotch
into Florida ports at $1.50 per
quart. The profit comes when they
have their agents sell it at $3.50 a
quart on capitol hill.
The Republicans sit back and
laugh up their sleeves when they
realize their advantage over the
Democrats by. not having to figure
out so many favorite sons and dark
At the present, 681 citizens of the
United States can consume liquor
legally. And if they consume too
much they can say that it was done
in the line of duty. Prohibition Di-
iector Woodcock has issued these
permits to his agents.
All of which helps to clear up the
reason why Ripley can make his
The elevator boy tells us that Sol
Bloom has had over a thousand
busts of George Washington made
and distributed to each Senator
and Congressman. "Plain Talk"
tells us that Sol posed for the busts
himself. That may not be right,
but he has spent $821,770.00 to ad-
vertise the Washington Bicenten-
nial so far. Yes, and he wants
Speaker Garner hasn't gone to a
burlesque show lately. Well, who
wouldn't be careful when there is a
possibility of the presidency in the
Every two years the White House
undergoes an application of paint.
This is the year for the job and the
painting cost the people $7,000.00.
Such a move will at least give work
to someone.
With the talk of salary slashing
going on in Congress today we
wonder why the $10,000.00 salary of
the Congressman is the only thing
considered? There are other ap-
propriations in addition to the sal-
ary. Each member of the House
is allowed $5,000.00 per year for a
secretary and clerical work. While
the members of the Senate are al-
lowed $10,000.00. The members of
both chambers draw $120.00 a year
for stationary. Their office is fur-
nished by the Government free of
all rental charge and their mail,
telephone, telegrams and the print-
ing of their speeches in the Con-
gressional Record is all taken care
A search for spots in a Greene
cleaned garment Will prove futile.
Along with service and quality
you are assured of Ceanin at low-
e St Pisble prces.
On the dot. promise of
delivery time will find your article
delivered by then. If service means
something to you try GREENE'S.
Call for and delivered for cash
Cleaned and Pressed
of in the same manner. An allow-
ance of 20 cents per mile to and
from each session is paid for their
transportation. All of this is in ad-
dition to the salary received by
each member of Congress. And, of
course, this in turn is apart from
the "patronage" at the disposal of
the majority party.
Don't let someone spoil the day
by trying to tell you the old idea
that "business is always bad dur-
ing a presidential year."
In the past 50 years there have
been 13 presidential elections. In
six of these years we have had
what might be termed "booming"
Cleaned and Pressed
The editorial entitled, "Unfair Rushing" which
appeared on the front page of the Michigan Daily
Friday is a good example of "yellow journalism."
Regardless of what fraternities the author had in
mind, decent newspaper ethics would demand that
he make his charges openly and specifically, rather
than resorting to cowardly insinuations. If the
prosperity. In only two cases has
there been serious economic strife.
I r Phone 2-3231 I