THE IGIIIGAN DAIL Y' THE MICHGAN DAIL y NOTICE-Spring Vacation Tour.I Includes Washington, Philadelph- ia, New York, Niagara Falls and other interesting spots. Leaves Ann Arbor April 9th. $42.00. In- cludes everything but meals. C~il 9147 for information. 5241 PAINTING and paperhanging. 221 years experience. Good work and! '.'-a on able. Bosch and Fisher, _aples. Phone 4942. 5211 WANTED STUDENT LAUNDRY WANTED- Called for and delivered. Phone 4863. 150c EXPEDITION - Nautical, J u n e - Sept,., requires the services of several men. Reply immediately I to M. Grant, Pa. Ave. Station, Box 472, Wash., D. C. 519 LAUNDRY--Soft water. 21044. Tow- SITUATION wanted by reliable couple, cook and porter. First class references. Call Sigma Zeta, house. 21217 or 3235. 5231 TY )PING--Grad. theses a specialty. M. V. Hartsuff'. 9087. - - -FOR SALE REPOSSESSED CARS-Buy from Finance Compan~y for balance due. We sell all makes of new! cars at a disco ~t. Investigate. 311 W. Huron. Phone 22001. 235c t FOR RENT--Two furnished apart- ments, also a single room, steam heat, shower, garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 525c SUDDEN SERVICE wr i i ! } IMF Folk a SUBSCRIBE T THE T41CHIGAN DAILY els fre<. Socks darned. 271c' WEiPROPSE TYHATY YOU PUT ON YOUR_ NE;W EASTER BONNI~ET AND BE at MACK'S ST7"UDIO AT THESE LOWER PRICES WE PROPOSE MW FREE! Any two 13" oz. package .of tobacco with every $1.50 Pi~c purchased at $10 Let us make your pipe smoke better. We will ream the car- bon out free with a Dunihill reamer. Choice of Any Mlno or Kaywoodie( pipe $265' 3-8x 10Size ................. ... . 1-8x 10 size ..................... Application oar Passport Photos $2.00) $1.00 12-3x4 Size. Bea utif Frames ... Oil Paintings.... I st Floor Annex WE PRO-POSE &xj R. iul New Line of Leatherette $2.00 $1.00o $ 1.00 'te a , o ts: $1.50 Tobacco Pouches 95c Phonle 4161 C.AL INS FL4ETCHER 818 So. State - 324 So. State -- 1101 So. U~niversity 3 DEPENDABLE DRUG STORES BASS MOCCASIN SLIPPERS 1 ()r House or Outdoor i Wear Boot Shop 123 East Liberty Corner 4th Ave. WE PROPOSIE WEPRO { i ]{}7 t t i we offer a large selection 2O0 of f This adv. must be menntione~d Quality Tells And These 1 sc elf A uality tS01V B~y observing not onlyv of the s -in~ of 11e quality of These dresse a. Notice ier exquisite '= quality of d~ie silk. In this ca flection are blac. Thie three new b lees-bSe.ig&Z flame, green, prints and prxint combainat:iom; you won't ube 1 s-atisfied until you have one. Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to42. Price range $13'a vs m'1 G.Thau ,! F lll -A 1 it t .4 Knitted one and two-piece suits ad dresses. All jest die thing for school. 12 to a 9 WE PROPOSE our new line of AAA to C For Monday of Smiartl odels o in all the desirable colors and tma;erials . .. including both snug fitting turbans and swager b rimis . . . This group also includes the clever wocl viscas which have siclen a niarch imtheAi ever popuiar felts and arc asserting themselves in the smart sp,,ots we.-.fam- ily. JusL for Monday you may puircht~ as4a 1a1"0ro1 1 9 ootwvear~ exqa tstt for I I'(' I' I ( , . L Ah' 89 n _ , this gopfor I \ ~ I I \ \ . I