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February 17, 1932 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-02-17

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Mathematics 271 Seminar, rheets at 3 p.m., in Room 3001 A



Chemistry 41 (L. O. Cae) w1l ieet hereafter in oom ?347, West
Engineering building.
English 64: 1Mon., Wed., Fi., at 11 oclock), will meet in the Librlry
Room 406, E. A, Walltr.

tin is constructive notice to all m
received at 'he office of the Assist
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

.,L i.4^

a tEnglish 71-Report Writing: An oyerflow section will meet at 9 o'clock,
MWF, in Room 3212 A.H. This section will be offered if a sufficient num-I
No. 96 1 ber of students wish the course at this hour. R. W. Cowden. J

Junior girls' Play EAll eligible Juior women who'would like to usher
for the peiTrimnce are asked to call Aileen Clark at 2-3203.
lMi 52, 5:> and 54 (C. L Jeisei): The organization meeting for these
classes will be held at 7 . Ln., in Room 244. West Engineering building.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. Ralph Higbie will be the speaker
at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 East Engineering building on
te br .ry of the LAhiuid Film Resistance in Gas Absorptlon."'
Presaizci c(:h ib meets A . . Li., in Room 2528 East Medical building'.
Papers will he presented as follows: "More Animal Learning, by Pro-
fessr John F. Shepard; a=1 "Me thods in Contemporary Biography," by
Professor If. M. JOniCs.

Eta SigiaP
the League bldi
program, Refrt


of Edwcation-Changes of Sections: changes of1 sections or
rs should be reported at the office of the School of Education,
[J. Elementary School, "ts soOn as they have been made.
of Educatlon-Changs of Elections: Changes of election
de Thursday and Friday, Feb. 18 and 19, in the oflice of the
the School of Education, Room 1437 U. Elementary School .
9 changes should still be made lere, but only after payment
ne dollar.
ship in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes
)fficially registered in the Recorder's Office of the School of
Arrangements made with the instructors only are not official
Elizabeth B. Clark, Recorder.
ity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
egiate institutions foi' colored students have asked for lists
students interested il teaching positions. All candidates
erested and who have not registered as yrt will please call
201 Mason Ilall, immediately.
ity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
.g School for Jewish Social Work, located in New York City,
t to our attention opportunities in social work for Jewish
number of tuition scholarships, and fellowships are available.,
information please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
ppa Phi-Graduate Fellowships: Two graduate Fellowships,
stipend of $500 for one year, have been established by the
:holastic Society of Phi Kappa Phi. These Fellowships will
ered in accordance with the following regulations:
,Kappa Phi Fellowships shalt be awarded each year to two
Phi Kappa Phi, each of whom wishes to enroll as a candidate
need degree in a- graduate school in some American College
y. Within these requirements no restriction shall be placed
'd of work.
ligible to apply for one of these Fellowships shall included
Phi Kappa Phi who, during the year preceding the proposed.
idy, were elected to membership in the society as seniors.
ligible for consideration, applications for these Fellowships
I on or before March 15, with the Secretary of the Society
wvhich the applicant was elected to membership, on blanks
the purpose which blanks shall be available fork distribution
ice of each Chapter Secretary.
l awards shall be made by the Cohmittee and the successful
hall be notified by the Secretary General of the Society not
une 1.
pected that those accepting these Fellowships will devote
me to graduate study throughout the academic year and
e same time hold other remunerative scholarships or fellow-
ay salaried position.
lication forms inquire of E. S. Swinton, Secretary, 302 En-
k Times Current Events Contest will be held Tuesday, Marche
Detailed information will be published later. In order tol
w many copies of the examination questions will be required,
nding to participate are requested to leave their names with
S. Brown, 2032 A.H., or with Miss Hatfield, 2033 A.H.
ecital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, iin Hill Audi-

S German 31, Section 3 (11. Stearns) will meet in Rtl)om 306 U.H.
History 118, History 4" Spain, will be given this semester, Tuesday
and Thursday, aT. 10 o'clock, Room 1 0 All.
.Latin 148-Roman Private Law: T1his course, announced for Tuesday
and Thursday at 10, wil be 'iV(n at an hour to be arranged. It is
designated for a small 'roup of upper classien or graduate students
who are interested in the history of legal institutions. At least four years
of Latin are prerequisite. Those interested are requested to confer with
Professor Crittenden, Room 2026, Angell Hall.
Mathematics 280-Theory of IIntegration-(T. It. Ilildebrandt) will
meet MWF, at 11 o'clock in Room 3212 A.H.
'Matlhematics 262 (It'iatvity) Change of hours: The class will meet
on Tuesdays and Thursdays froii 9-10 a.m., and ion Wednesdays from
7-9 a.m., in Room 306 Mao; n l all,
Political Science 2 (11. B. Calderwood): Section 9 which meets at 11
o'clock MWF, will meet in Room 2016 A.H. Section 4 which meets at 9
o'clock MWF, will meet in Room 2231 A.I.
Political Science l O, Section 3 (MWF, 11 o'clock), will meet in Room
1209 A.H., instead of Room 206 U.H. as scheduled.
Psychology 108-Psychology of Speech and Language, will meet in
Room 1121 N.S., MWP, at 10, instead of at 2 in Angell 2003 as announced.
C. L. Meader, W. 1. Pillsbury.
University Extension Division wishes to announce a fourth semester
course in French. This course, which is to be given next semester, is
adapted to the following types of students:
1. Candidates for the doctorate who desire to perfect their reading
knowledge. These students receive no credit.
2. Those who, having had at least two years of college French, or
the equivalent, wish a thorough revitw, and wre willing to do so without
3. T.hose who, having taken three semesters of college French, or
the equivalent, desire to continue their work for credit.
The course is not open to undergraduates who are taking work in
the University at present.
The class will meet in Room 205 R.L., at 7 p.m., on Thursday, Feb. 18.
Henceforth it will meet on Monday and Thursday evening of each week.
University Lectures: 4:15 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Dr.
Maximo M. Kalaw, of the University of the Philippines: "The Demand
for Philippine Freedom." .
7:45 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium, Dr. J. 0. Perrine, of the Amer-
ican Telephone and Telegraph Company: "Telephone and Power Engi-
neering-A Contrast in Application of Elementary Principles,"
Economics 242 (C. F. Remer): Preliminary meeting will be held in
Room 203 Economics building at 3 o'clock.
English 232--Studies in Elizabethan Literature (M. P. Tilley): Grad-
uate students electing this course will meet at 4 p.m., to arrange the
class hours for this course.
General Linguistics I0-Hlermkeneutics--(C'. L. Meaier) willi meet in
Room 2006 A.H., at 10 to arrange hours and room for recitation.

Phi Sigma: Dr. J. I
Assistant Curator of the
sion, Museum of Zoology
on "Spawning Habits of
7:30 p.m., in Room 2116
Mathematical Tea in
Ant ell Hall at 4 o'clock.
Student Vnlcil: Impo
ing at 7:30 p.m. All Coul
expected to be present.
University Girls' Glee (
Continued on Pag

Quarterdeck: Meeting at 7:30 p. M.,
English 294: Graduate students -
who have elected English 294 will
meet at 3 o'clock in Room 2219 A.H.
Warner G. Rice.

in Room 231 Michigan Union.-

Candidates for the Master's De-
gre in English : Cand idates enter-
ing upon their Graduate work at
the beginning of ihesecond senmes-
ter will meet for a leckure on ib-
ligraphy at 3 p.m., in 2219 Al.
Warner G. hice.
Mathematics 214--Mathematical
Theory of Heat Conduction. (L. J.
Rouse): The first meeting of the
class will be at 12 noon, in Room 21,
East Hall, to arrange hours.
Mathematics 232-Advanced Me-
chanics: The class will meet Pro-
fessor Poor at 12 noon, in Room 21,
East Hall, to arrange hours.
Fourth Lecture of the Cercle
Francais at 4:15 in Room 103 Ro-
mance Language bldg. M. Louis
Chapard will speak on the French
painter Gauguin. The title of his
lecture will be "Paul Gauguin, sa vie
et sos affinites litteriries."
Glider Section: Impovtant meet-
ing this evening at 7:30, Room 348
W. Enk. bldg. Flying groups will
be organized. Prospective members
should attend in order to get their
naxmes on the waiting list.
A Film illustrating construction
with reinforced brick work will be
shown in the Architectural Auditor-
ium at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor-
dilly invited.
Sophomore Engineers will be ex-
cused from classes at 9 a.m., to at-
tend a class meeting which will be
held in Room 348 W.E. There will
be class business and an address by
Dean Coolay.
Chemistry Colloquium meets at 4
p.m. Mr. Ernest G. Almy will dis-
cuss "Energies of immersioi of
Silica in Liquids."
Economics Club: Profesor W. J.
E:item 0 of Albicn College will
spehak at V7:3, in Room ;304 of th~e



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