Frosh Frolic meeting Sunday, at
4:30 p.m., in Room 302 Michigan
Bookshelf and Stage Section of
the Faculty Won's Club vJ! willmee
Tuesday, March 15, Atite home of
Mrs. O. S. Duffendack, 2107 Devon-
shire Road.
> 2F'
in in the Bulletin is constructive notlee to all members
iversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
ent until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
_ _ _ ____
. ..
- _ -_~y ._ - _ __ i
KLI. 'SATURDAY, MARt~H 12, 1932
dent and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from four tos
rst two Sunday afternoons of each month to memb
and their friends and other residents of Ann Arbor.
No. 116 Michigan Dlames will meet Tues-
-~I day at 8 p.m., Grand "Rapids Rotom,
of the League building. Rev. Fred
Cowin will give an illustrated talk
six o'clock entitled "Rambles Through the
ers of the English Lake Dislrict." .
. , ..
niversity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
has been received of the following positions in the foreign field:
ne interested will please call at the office, Room 201 Mason Hall,
rther information.)
idia-Woman Physician to head hospital; Nurse.
ersia-Woman Educator to teach Chemistry, Physics, Biology.
pan-Woman Music Teacher; Woman Teacher of English and
bina-Women, Teachers in a College: 2 English; 1 Physical Edu-
; 1 Psychology (Ph.D. or equivalent); 1 Physics.
edical workers needed in many lands.
reign Men Students: The annual "Spring Trip" to Battle Creek,
iazoo, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Jackson will occur this year
April 11 to 15. An opportunity to visit several large industrial
public works, business clubs, and educational institutions, is open
y foreign student until the quota of twenty has been filled. In-
tion concerning, and reservations for, the trip may be- secured in
302, University Hall, Mondays, 4-5, Tuesdays, 4-5, Wednesdays,
sd Thursdays, 2-3, until-March 25.
olf Classes for Faculty and Students: The last chance to enroll
golf classes will be Monday. The faculty class meets Monday
rednesday at 4:30 while the students will receive instruction Mon-
rid. Wedneiday at 3:30 and Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30. The
s are conducted by Ray Courtright varsity golf coach. Enrollment
e made by calling or phoning the Intramural Department-22101.
terpretive Arts Society: Persons.desiring to apply for membership
s society may confer with Mr. Hollister on Monday, March 14, be-
3 and 5, in Room 302 Mason Hall.
nglish 125 and 183 (L. A. Strauss): A make-up final examination
given in these courses today at 9 a.m., in Room 2225 A.H.-
ychology 31: Make-up for those who missed the final examination
held Monday, March 14, 7 to 10 p.m., Room 1121 N.S.
ychology 105 (Psychology and Religion): Make-up examination
e held Monday, March 14, at 2 p.m., Room 3126 N.S.
ur ce: A hihlpy entertaining sound picture entitled, "A Romance
Drug Industry," will be exhibited in the Natural Science Auditor-
m ynay, March 14, at 7:30 p.m. All who are: interested are cor-
Invited to attend.-
a Exlibiion of fabrics designed by American, French, and derma
is hung in the corridor cases of the Architectural building. Open
from 9 to 5, except Sunday.
Licj'gan flames Party for the Dames and their husbands at 8 p.m.,
pier Field House. The program will include bridge, dancing, and
1g. All wives of students are invited.
ta Phi Eta: Initiation at 3 p.m., on Sunday in Lounge 1 and 2 of
agle; pledging at 5 o'clock. Everyone must be present.
miangles meeting Sunday, 4 p.m., in the Union. Election of officers
cond semester. Attendance required.
4medy Club: Tryouts will be held in the Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
esday and Wednesday of text week, 3 t 5 p.m. All interested in
out should report there at that time prepared to give a two
e sele tion of there own choice. The Central Committee will hear
eliminary tryouts.
1 Freshmen Women Eligible for Freshman Pageant urged to come
bour Gynasium at either 3 or 4 o'clock Wednesday, March 16.
will be an opportunity for the present Freshmen to see the cos-
types of dances, hear the music used last year, and offer sugges-
for varying the theme. Both the demonstrations and discussions
ing them will be very informal.
atheran Student Club will meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall Sun-
rening at 5:30. Rev, S. C. Michelfelder of Toledo will be the speaker.
beral Students' Union: Sunday evening, "Casting an Intelligent
" Professor Harold J. McFarlan of the School of Engineering.
ian Church.
culty Women's Club: The Monday Evening Drama Section meets
home of Mrs. Newton Bement, 401 West Hoover, March 14, at 7:45.
-~~ - - U w - - U wu §
Methodist Episcopal Church: Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher will be in the
pulpit during both the morning and
evening services on Sunday, morn-
ing at 10:30 he will speak on "Re-
demptive Service." At 7:30 p.m., he
speaks on "The Divine Humilia-
Wesley Hall: Sunday at 6 p.m.
The Rev. Fred Cowin is the speaker
for the devotional service. His topic
will be "The Growth of the Spirit."
The regular classes will be held at
12 o'clock, with Dr. Blakeman and
Mr, Pryor.+
Harris hall: Corporate Commun-
ion at 9 o'clock followed by break-
fast Sunday morning. Regular stu-
dent supper Sunday night and ad-
dress by Miss Wadad Mackdici.
St. Andrew's Church: Sunday at
8 a.m., Holy Communion; Church
School, 9:30 a.m.; Confirmation and
Sermon by the Right Rev. Herbert
H. H. Fox, D.D., of Montana, at 11
a.m.; Kindergarten, 11 a.m.; Even-
song, 5:30 p.m.
Presbyteian Young People's So-
ciety: Student Class for Freshmen.
Men and Women meets at 9:30 a.m.,
Sunday at the Church House.
Upperclassmen meet at 12-12:45,
in the Lecture Room.
Social Hour 5:30 and Student
Forum 6:30. Negro Art and Educa-
tion presented by members of the
Negro student group.
Baptist Students, Sunday, 6:30,
will enjoy an address by Dr. Albert
J. Logan, '31D, on "South America."
Dr. Logan has spent many years in
South America. He was formerly.
University instructor in Spanish.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will speak
on "The New Kind of Foreign Mis-
sions" in the Committee Room, in
Lane Hall, at 4 p.m., Sunday, spon-
sored by the Buffalo Conference
Delegation. You are cordially in-
Sagittarius the Elder Brother is
he title of a lecture to be given by
Mr. Paul G. Clancy, President of
the Detroit Astrological Society,
and editor of Popular Astrology, at
8 p.m., Monday, in Room 120 A.H.
All interested in astrology are in-
Continuation discussion of the
LI.D. Lecture Series: Topic, "Path-.
ways to Racial Understanding."
Monday, March 14, 8 p.m., in Lane
Hall Auditorium. Open to the pub-
...- - - -....-......-......-.- -
'Ma' Ferguson to Have j
Assistance of Husband
AUSTIN, Tex., Mar. 11.- ()-
Mrs. Miriam A. Ferguson, one time
governor of Texas, twice an unsuc-
cessful candidate for the office and
an aspirant again this year, has de-
cided to let her stump-speaking
husband do her campaigning.
While former Gov. James E. Fer-
guson, whose removal from office
15 years ago remains a Texas issue,
stirs the political fires, Texas' first
woman governor will tend her roses
and honeysuckle vines.
Mrs. Ferguson has not been po-
litically active since she completed
her term as governor in 1927 and
was succeeded by young Attorney
General Dan Moody, who defeated
her in a bitter campaign.
Marion Giddings Directs Booths;
Corrine Fries Is in Charge
- of Finance.
Dr. Bell, Miss Stewart, and Miss
Lloyd Compose Faculty
Names of the members of the
committees for the Penny Carnival,
annual affair sponsored by W. A. A.
which will be given from 7:30 to 10
o'clock Saturday, March 19, have
been announced by Jean Bentley,
'33, general chairman. .
Publicity Committee.
Marian Foley, '34, is publicity
chairman, and she has Pauline
Brooks, '34, Dorothy Van Riper, '34,
and Elizabeth Moore, '35, as her as-
sistants. Arrangements of booths
and floor will be in charge of Mar-
ian Giddings, '34, whose committee
consists of Mary. Alexander, '34,'
Marjorie Arnold, '34, and Betty
Mercer, '35.
The financial affairs will be tak-
en care of by Corrine Fries, '34,
with the assistance of Elizabeth
Shull, '33, Elizabeth Cooper, '34, Lot-
ta Stern, '34, Viva Richardson, '34,
and Jane Brucker, '35. Plans for
the entertainment wich will be
given between dances will be made
by Frances Manchester, '34, and her
committee whose members are
Katharine MacGregor, '34, Grace
Maier, '34, and Dorothy Loebrick,
Groups to Have Booths.
All sororities and dormitories
whose plans for a booth have not
been submitted a n d approved
should have their athletic manag-
ers get in touch with Marian Gid-
dings, '34, immediately.
Advertising for the Carnival will
be in the form of attractive posters
which will be placed in all the
main buildings on campus and the
:stores on State, street. They will
also be distributed to the sorority
houses and dormitories. The cus-
tom of advertising by means of
singing at the various houses will
be abolished this year.
The faculty committee in charge
of the Penny Carnival has as its
members, Dr. Margaret Bell, direc-
tor of physical education, Miss Mary
Stewart, instructor of physical ed-
ucation, and Miss Alice Lloyd, dean
of women.
Chairmen and members of com-
-mittees must be W. A. A. members
according to a new ruling. This
pneans that they must have earned
five points and paid one dollar.
Women on these committees must,
furthermore, be scholastically elig-
Today there will be -intensive
practices for the J. G. P. At 2 o'-
clock Willy and the men will re-
hearse. At 3 o'clock Sam and the
men will meet. At 4 o'clock Ernest,
Chorus 8, and the men will practice.
At 5:30 o'clock there will be a com-
plete rehearsal of Act I, Scene I;
and at 6:30 o'clock Act I, Scene II
will be performed.
Chorus 5 will meet at 4:30 o'clock
today; Chorus 8 will meet at 2 o'-
clock, 2:30 o'clock, and a t 3:30
Initiation ceremonies, pledging
services, and rushing dinners occu-
py the center of interest at the var-
ions sorority houses on campus.
Alpha Chi Omega.
Alpha Chi Omega had a rushing
dinner Tuesday night for nine
guests. Decorations were made ef-
fective by the use of yellow tapers
and jonquils.
Alpha Delta Ii.
Alpah Delta Pi wishes to an-
nounce the pledging of Dorothy
Parker, '35, of Marquette, and of
Johanna Wiess, '35, Ann Arbor.
Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Alpha Epsilon Pi wishes to an-
nounce the initiation of: Edna
Canner, '35, of Winthrop, Mass.; i
Helen Grossner, '35, of Buffalo, N.
Y.; Rosalind Greenburg, '35, of Buf-
falo, N. Y.; Harriet Fishman, '35,
Oklahoma City, Okla. The services
took place at 5 o'clock Friday eve-
ning, and a formal initiation ban-
quet followed. Decorations were
red roses, and green. tapers.
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Alpha Omicron Pi wishes to an-
nounce the pledging of Elizabeth
Mendelhall, '35, of New York city;'
Elizabeth Talcott, '35, Buffalo, N.
Y.; Alice Dickey, '35, Ann Arbor,
and of Norma Caro, '35, of Grand
Rapids. Wednesday night a dinner,
was held in honor of -eight rushees;
roses and ivory tapers were used to
carry out the color scheme.
Alpha Phi.
Alpha Phi had a rushing dinner
Thursday night in honor of several
Moorish Influence
in Spain Described
by Noted Designer
By Josephine Woodhams.
Harold Hill Blossum, .a Harvard
graduate, who discussed "Spanish
Gardens" in the architectural au-
ditorium yesterday afternoon, is a
notable landscape designer. He has
done important work in Boston
and Newport, and is a member of
the American Society of Landscape
The lecturer is one of the first
who studied in Spain during the
post-war development of interest
in Spanish Art. In 1925, after much
study, Mr. Blossum traveled in this
country. He was never without a
Mr. Blossum began his discussion
with a short story history. and geo-
graphical description and the. in-
fluences of these factors upon the
art of the country. Spain, the lec-
turer continued, is an old country
which has undergone much war
and invasion. This is apparent in
the ruins which are seen through-
out the country in which one trav-
els, especially in Toledo. The influ-
ence of the Moorish invasion was
stressed. Examples were called to
the attention in every outstanding
architectural development.
Although Mr. Blossum believes
Spanish architecture to be "strong-
er" than Moorish, he presented the
viewpoint that much was lost to
the art of this country by their re-
fusal to adopt the Moorish features.
The influence of this subjected
tendency'cannot escape notice. It
is seen in the "patio", the irriga-
tion system, and the plant life. The
Moors sent explorers all over the
world to introduce new plants into
Seville, the Mosque of Crdova,
the Cathedral of Cordova, the Al-
hambra of Grenada, and the Span-
ish courtyard are some of the sub-
jects discussed by Mr. Blossum.
rushees. Spring flowers were used
in the decorations.
Alpha Xi Delta,
Alpha Xi Delta wishes to an-
nounce the initiation of Virginia
Benne, '35, Detroit; Irene Hall, '35,
Ann Arbor; Miriam Hall, '34, De-
trait; Ella Rachel Lyons, '33, Grosse
Pointe; Ruth Birdseye, '33, Detroit,
and Barbara Shuker, '32, Detroit.
A formal banquet will be held this
evening in honor of the new ini-
Delta Zeta.
Delta Zeta had a dinner in honor
of theirnpatronnesses on Wednes
day evening, guests being: Dean
and Mrs. Wilbur R. Humphreys,
Professor and- Mrs. John C. Brier, i
and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Maur-
er. A rushing dinner was held
Thursday for several guests. Pale
green tapers and daffodils were
used in the decorations.
Preliminaries for the bowling
tournament will be held at 7:30
o'clock, Mar. 15 and 16, at the Wom-
en's Athletic building. All inde-
pendent and sorority women are
invited to enter. As many from one
house as desire may bowl.
The 16 highest scorers will be
selected1to enter the final meet
which will be held Wednesday,
Mar. 23. The bowling alleys in the
W. A. A. building will be open for
practice from 4 to 6 o'clock every
afternoon and from 7 to 9 o'clock
every night.
All women who are planning to
enter the meet must sign on the
bulletin board. at Barbour gymzna-
sium or call Gladys V. Schroder,
W. A. A. manager, by Monday, Mar.
14, concerning what night they in-
tend to bowl.
In the first interclass game .of the'
season the junior basketball team
defeated\the sophomores by a. score
of 33 to 29. Both teams displayed
the best team-work of the season.
Alta Place was high point scorer
for the sophomores while the jun-
ior forwards, Lelia Hendricks, Jean
Botsford and Helen BrenneK play-
ed equally well.
f ~
Eight Groups to Sponsor
Which Is Planned fe
Next Friday.
'Robin Hood' Princpals,
hers of Glee Club to
Guests of Honor.
Eight groups will coopere
arranging the sixth m o r
League tea which will be hel
4 to 6 o'clock next Friday
noon in the main ballroom
League. The affair will hon
members of the University
en's Glee club, and princip
the cast of "Robin Hood."
The houses which wil
charge of the event include
Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega,
ki Delta, Martha Cook, Pi
Phi, Delta Zeta, and League
groups six and seven, which i
Shauman house, Calse house
chell house, Holconmb~ house,l
houseWood house and Stone
house. Eleanor Walkinsha
is chairman.
Representatives from the
ent houses from the central
mittee, which is rnade up
following women: Margaret
'33; Helen Hilgeman, '32;
Thomas, '33; Harriet Holde
Laverne Weigel, '32; Vivian
'32; Eleanor Dwinnell, '33;
Greenberg, '32; Phyllis Or
'32; Esther Frank, '34;
Browne, '33; and Elle Rachel
The regular League orchesi
play for dancing, and there
tables available for bridge, as
Tea will be served from 4
o'clock, but the names of
who will pour have not be
Yctur wardrobe made smart
wearable. Prices moderate.
715 North Univertsity
*.' . S
could talk to the
Ten thousand women
in Detroit and vicinity
- - -- --- --- ---
Delicious Drinks
Dainty Lunches
The priceofMaryLeeCandyisnow
the lowest at which these delicious
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Mary Lee Hand Rolls-the finest
candy youerver tastedl They are dif-.
feel--Fresbt-Loaded With finest
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nutrs. Get a box of Mary Lee Hand
Rolls-at the new, low prices.
Cor. State, and Liberty
108 E. Washington
I p;.
We invite your inspection of our complete line of
The superior quality and the reasonable prices will surely interest you-
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praise the greater con.
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sand homes in Detroit
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Electrochef cooking. Ten portant food values retained
thousand families appreciate in foods. Electrochef£cooking
the delicious flavor and bet. is healthful cooking. Meats
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Electrochef. Ten thousand ing tenderness in their own
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