AT HE MICHZGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 11,1932. Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publicztion of all new:%, dispatchies; credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann !Arbor, 9ichigan, as second class matier. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant ?ostnaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Ofi::es: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, jfichigai>. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business. 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RiCHARD L. TOBIN City Eitor;.......;.....'.~. Carl Forsythe Editorial Director ............................ Beach Conger, Jr. News Editor ................................... David M. Nichol Sports lditor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton Women's Eitor .........................Margaret \l. Thompson Assistant News Editor....................R......lobert L.'Pierce the essence of violets. Eyebrow pincers and atomizers have taken the place of wire brushes and Sloan's linament. The Von Hindenburg haircut has degen- erated to something as smooth as the outside of a grapefruit rind and glossy as a furrier's sealskin. Beings of today are merely trying to be ferocious out to the southwest in Zuppke's little kingdom, Commerce instructors complain that they are receiv- ing less jaw and more bilge over low examination grades than any time since the mauve decade. Beef- steak is unknown to our restauranteers, who must now choose the white meat of spring chickens and the wings of turtle doves for finicky and anemic males. It is a pretty pass when nothing remains but a few engineers to .remind one of the men of the old days. The boys who come from north of Green street and live in the wilds between Springfield and Clark are the only members of the extinct race who used the dangerous clasp. ebony-handled razor. ARLY SORRY.F- aI I ; --- ,t Lost! use the0 ClAssiFIED CALL 2-1214 CALL 2-1214 After having been just as mean as dirt to the women's staff all week we realize that we have been unfair, unjust, and pretty nasty all around. We want to take this op- portunity to beg the humble par- don of the women's staff before the Editors run in another official apology on us. We really are very sorry for what we have done, though, and we won't let it hppn again for nearly two weeks at least. 1 1 Frank i PGilbreth Roland A. CGoo Ear seii John W. Thomas Brian Jones NIGHT EDITORS J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis dman Jerry E. Rosenthal Inetrt George A. Slauter. Sports Assistants Charle John S. Townsend s A. Sanford Stanley W. Arnheim Dona;ld )'. Illalikertz Edward C. Campbell lhotas Coineilan P(obert S. JDeutsch Albert L. Friedman Clar-nce Hayden REPORTERS Fred A. Huber fiiau-Fld F .K Ite i: