___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY GALE LASHES VIRGINIA COAST Nomlinations M'ust Be Submnitted to A. H. White No Later Than Sattzn'day. Nominations by the heads of the various departments of the Univer- sity of candidates for the Henryl Russel award must be turned in to Prof. Alfred H. White, of the dhim-1 ical engineering department not later th~an Saturcduy, March 12. Cnd~idaptes.bhthe'Qiul ev-r' I S "USPECT HELD Pi 0 The above scene taken ouff Norf as March winds whirledf their course leaving a shambles in their wviake. Wisconsin Legal HearJ Says Court Is Lawful {(z TetN e-zes Srvi e) MADISON, Wis., March 10--Stud- ent lawyers who have maintained that the University of Wiscni traffic court is illegal received'a setback recently when the state'sl assistant attorney general delivered an opinion that the court is consti- the award, must be "s-iri memrber k of the University faculties of a rank not higher than assistant profes- sor and are chosen for conspicu- ~ 'ous service tc the University'." Distinguished scholarship or au- 'j thorship, and abililty as a teacher. are the most important of the Associated Press Phcoto z qualifications for the award, ac- folly, Va,, slows the wreckage left cording to a resolution adopted by uip the Atlantic coast from Florida, the University Senate. 1Professor White is chairman of 'the committee which will recom - imend a faculty. member to Presi-, Nw-thwestcr n to Name dent Ruthven as most worthy of 'Mos eau ful tr the award in their opinion. Other 'Mot B auifu' Grtmembers of the committee are Prof. Everett S. Brown of the po- J«':I nA .e~c litical science department, Prof. EVANtSTtON, Ill., March 10. - Peter Field of the mathematics de- "Northwestern's m o st beautiful partment, Prof. Charles C. Fries of gir" wll e itrouce atthe' the English department, and Dr. greier wilnetitroduced "atepCarl V. Weller, University patholo- premerenextTueday f "tepgist. This Way=," fourth annual Women's!1 Athletic Association-Men's Union ! The newly constructed League of A ncw oigle of whih Liid bergh l~epirgcase which th-e Police, refse: to discuss, led to. the arrest of TonY Meslo. New Haven, Conn., contractor. Meslo was held for a. S~OObond. as Offcer of Society Prof. Camnillo P. Merlino of the It alian department has been elec- ted secretary-treasurer of theSo- Sac of Italian Teachers in America, it was announced yesterday. n i>J III r I I ' r _ . =--- NOTICE PAINTING and paperhanging. 22 years experience. Good work and reasonable. Bosch and. Fisher samples. Phone 4942. 521 1 WHITE WANTED WHITEGIRL to comce in every da;y for gene-ral house w\ ork and1 Cookin1g. Seven to thiree o'clock. No work Sunday. Wgu es f'veI dollars. 2030 Norwa,-y Road. 5201 STUDENT LA UNDIRY" WANTED-_ Called for and delivered. Phione 4863. 150c WANTED TO BUY-A canoe, write R. G. Mulchakey, Coldwater,! Michigan. 5161 FEXPEDITION - Nautical, J u n e - Sept., requires the services of several men. Reply immediately to M. Grant, Pa. Ave. Station, Box 472, Wash., D. C.o., 519 FOR RENT 414S S. DIVISION7-Two room: apart- ment, electric refrigeration, pri- vate bath and shower; will rerit by month or week or week-ends. 517 FOR SALE R.EPOSSESSED CARS-Buy fron~ Finance Company for balanceI due. We sell all maikes of new cars at a discount. Investigate,. 311 W. Huron. Phone 22001. 235c forRESLT use the FCLASSIFIED OL tutional and that the regents have show.u vv the authority to back up the decis- ions of the court with expulsions if.! Although there are several "cam- necessary.I pus queens" contests, the queen of __________!the WAA-MU show will not be To provide more jobs the Na.- judged by anyone connected with tional Parks Board of Canada is the university. A committee from constructing a 165 mile highway the Chicago Art institute will pickr fro mLake Louise to Jasper in the the winner from the forty-two girls Canadian Rockies. competing. Nationsy radio station, located a few miles from Geneva, Swvitzer- land, is powerful enough to flash 250 words a minute anywhere inI the world. AUWAAa f , x ' . jrilt 1 4 . , . . ' ; .; a ° F r F y x / yi 11 r, 6 Only bu t 28 v: Miles 2Centuries Cndie's Fountain Specialties 4 4 I 4 4 5 BROWN eCRESS &tmyhuW INVESTMENT SECU RITIES execute d oall ex enl Yi~eVVQUY* margill. Pephone 23271 Im4 A oanRUTRL4 Malk your party a success. Serve our Fruited Ptinch. No oter comnpares. BETSY ROSS SHOP Light Lunches roasted Sandwiches "THREE LAYExRS OF- FROZEN Rich fruits and delicious nuts, combined in this bi ck m4ke the rare flavors only produced by Mc~onald Ice Cream Company. Try our week-end special: CHERR~Y ICES:RrXAM FRUIT NUT I 11 Awmay!l K Fom the Georgian door way that says:."Come in! come in!" to the kitchen where dishes famous in the Colonies are re-created daily, Dear- born Inn captures the substantial charm of old New England. Fish cak'es and Boston baked beans with b~rowni bread-fish chowder-pot roast Ne~w England style-chicken pie- and other tenting dishes!I Try thecm as they are served at the real iNew Eno ~and Inn'. Faculty mcrmbers are invited to Dearborn Inn for din ners, luncheons-, bridge parties andl teas. Table Wlhote dinners in the Early Amnerican Dining R~oom. $1.50 a mlate. Luncheon $1.25 and $1.00. A. ia carte service 1 in the Enetlish Cofiee Shop. Trans- portat ion provided for groups. 'Phone (Dearborn 181I0.E DEAR"NBO .RN INN. Opposite Forid Airport 28 Mviiles From Ann Arbor Oakwood Bouievani 1)earto, Michigana_ Cutti Ca F (.ting Cafe will start M~onday th,!ir new linch and dinner policy. II rI LUNCH NOW I'll 25c, 30c, 40c 40c, 50c, I DINNER NOW. Ann 6 Aro' ,et c ra I!' 11 Ploe225 436 Third Street to = - - --- _ - =__ Final Times "Hes DIVR" T[he Quality of our food will still remain uinbeaten- IIlF SAME EXTRA FINE FOOD --TI F SAME GOOD} QUALITY -THE SAME SEIZVICE Special Sunday Dinner-75C Fruit Cocktail Celery Hearts I DROP THOSE BOOKS! Direct yniyr cab to MAIN STREET'SPONLY NGHT CLUB r.an evening of ae ve ry and JoY Dn e ande rWe ton BENSON'S ORCH '-:ESTRA with LEO (WINDY) MEYERS Chc~na la King Candied Yams Fhuttered Peas Apple PIe &I 'LL PAY AY * ~ ATHRILL!" ' 4 zRich enough tdo what she wanted. Pretty enough to Swiss Steak, Mushroom Sauce Mashed Potatoes Pear Salad A la Mde Vanilla Ice Cream or Hot Fudge Sundae Mints Red Raspberry Stundae This dinner is included in our regular $5.50 board. I I OWL SHOW TONIGHT WILL ROGE S in "YOUNG AS YOU FEEL" I .. ....35c DinettHere At Depression Proof Prices Dancing 11 to (?) Fri., Sat. & Sunt. i ._. __ .__. _.. __ _.. .. v.. _, ___._ ---.- . ---- ___ _ ..__. .. . -Y.__. - __ r ___ _. _.. Er -' - -_- - -_ ---- - - - --- Pp'She Wanted oMuch More Tharn Love! * Choice More -a Gift A Compliment For' any an--d all occ'ns-o1siolliiin can eCS)')1 es yotir trite sentiment.s quite like fic;o - Brirt hdays, edigartniv, i sries, sickness and many other occasions demand the scnding of l~eautif&: floral greetings. Flowers sneak for terselvcs, they carry the very feeling, the very thought that one can't begin to e-,press in mere words. We will be sglad to give s-cial attention to helping yotu select your floral gifts. Easter is only at few wei:eks away. W(e will have a nice variety of cuit flowers and zlanits with SA LY TRACY L -Added- ANE i AN~D ARTHUR 'Shave Off' ~j.She wore. a price-ag, that her, ,> qsweetheart couldn't affr c -= but r' tthat a.millionaire paid! And it proved a tragic bargain! s~n BENNETT Spencer TRACY °; . "nn Merkel, Jam~es Krkwood y Dorothy Peterson ADDED "LADY, PLEASE" M'uni 'st comredy in years "i..OAM ! N' IN THE G LOAMIN HARRY LAUDERb "The Beachtitit" Herb Williams i I 1111~ II 1 :' I I TT7~T Ii ill I 11