ETABSHED 1890 VOL. XLII. No. 115 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1932. Weather: Continued Cold; Snow. PRICE FIVE CENTS aPNE UFF RS'Robin Hood' Operetta Opens Tonight With Large Choruses III night while the official inquiry of the police centered on two clues -a ladder and a chisel. The Chicago gang chief offered to post a $200,000 bond if the federal government would release him so he could join in the child hunt. At the time Capone was talking in the Cook County jail, state police were working here vigorously and independently of the secret search of the colonel which already has enlisted two underworld "go- betweens" and a unit of private detectives. Officials Quiet. Officials refused to say whether Col. Lindbergh had received any further communications from those who made off with his only child a week ago last Tuesday night. From a reliable source, it had been learned that two notes, iden- tified as authentic by handwriting experts, came to the colonel from the kidnappers last Sunday, but it was understood last night that the criminals had represented them- selves as unwilling to deal further with the -Lindberghs for the pres- ent. For the first time it was disclos- ed that neither fingerprints nor footprints had been taken of the child, and that exactly a week be- fore the kidnapping the curly hair of the boy had been trimmed. Search Ile de France. One angle of the police work re- volved about the make-shift lad- der tossed aside by the abductor after they used it to gain entrance to the nursery of the Lindbergh home. The wood from which the laddei wa made had been tentatively identified as having come from ex- cess material left over after a con- struction job at the Skillman Statc Home of Epileptics, and police said their investigation at Skillman near here, was being continued. A statement was made, however, by R. B. Hullfish, who superintend- ed the construction of the Lind- bergh home, that the wood might have been secured from any one of a number of building jobs in the region-even the construction of the Lindbergh home itself. Even in Europe a search of the Ile de France for the missing child was made when the liner touched at Plymouth, England, following the report the Lindbergh heir was being held on board a ship. Nine children were found among the passengers, but all were identified. SENAE IN DEBATE ON NEWTAX BILL WASHINGTON, March 10.-P)- Discussion on the new tax bill be- gan in the House today and before Congress had adjourned there had been a spirited exchange in the Senate over its provisions. Acting Chairman Crist of the House committee which drew the bill defended it, asserting i, was necessary for the government to balance its budget and money had to be raised to do it. He said if the proposal for a sales tax was re- jected that an alternative was the taxes on specific industries recom- mended in the original treasury tax program. In the Senate, Dill of Washing- ton, assailed the proposed sales tax, and McKellar of Tennessee, and Walsh of Montana, all Democrats, joined in the discussion. A Republican, Moses of New Dorethea Torbeson. George D. Brown. ** * * * * Culminating weeks of preparation the twenty-fifth annual Mimes union opera "Robin Hood" opens at 8:15 o'clock tonight for a two day run in Hill auditorium. More ambitious than any previous opera with respect to numbers and lavishness of sets and costumes, "Robin Hood" will comprise the efforts of more than two hundred students, Mimes, the Union, Play Production, the Varsity Glee Clubs, and the University Symphony orchestra all concurring on what has been termed, "the fore- most campus musical and dramatic event." The cast of principals is as follows: Robin Hood, George D. Brown, '34L, the Sheriff, H. C. Howard, Sir Guy, Emmett J. Leib, '33, Little John, Herman C. Skoog, Spec., Will Scarlet, Lawrence Mayer, Friar Tuck, William E. Greiner, '32, Allan-a-Dale, Hope Eddy, Spec. Dorethea Torbeson, '32SM, will take the feminine lead, Maid Marian, Frances Billee Johnson, '32, will play Dame Durden, Helen Van Loon, '32, Annabel, and Dorothea Williams, '34, a page. CHINESE SAY lAPS MUST MOVE ARMYI Unconditional Evacuation Prerequisite to Truce Is Negotiations. SHANGHAI, March 10.-(P)-The Chinese Government, replying to the latest Japanese peace propos- als, today reiterated its demand for unconditional vacuation of Japan- ese troops as a prerequisite to truce negotiations. The peace proposals, had come from Marmoru Shigenitsu, Japan- ese minister to China, who inform- ed Chinese authorities that civil and military officials of the Tokio Government were ready to start negotiations in accordance with the Ueague of Nations Assembly reso- lution adopted March 4. Although t h e pre-negotiation maneuvering still was going on, improvement in the situation was reflected by the departure of five United States destroyers f r o m Shanghai. Three sailed to Manila, another to Amoy and the fifth to Nanking. "There is every reason to enter- tain some anxiety concerning the situation at the front," the Japan- ese minister said in his note to the Chinese authorities. We consider it a matter of urgent necessity to reach a definite agreement for cessation of hostilities forthwith. Then we may discuss and deter- mine arrangements for withdrawal of Japanese troops. League Drafts Plans. GENEVA, March 10. -(P) -A three-point program for settling the Sino-Japanese conflict w a s adopted today by a drafting com- mittee of the League of Nations Assembly. It was turned over to leaders of the League that they might prepare themselves for de- bate at a public session tomorrow. The story of "Robin Hood' is based on the familiar legend of the noble . Earl of Nottingham who, cheated out of his rightful inheri- tance, joins a band of outlaws who inhabit the vast green forest of Sherwood. His love with the maid Marion which is cruelly frustrated by the efforts of the wiley sheriff and Sir Guy is finally consummat- ed through the ingenious aid of the outlaw, Alan-a-Dale. Prof. David Mattern, of the School of Music, has been in charge of the musical end of the produc- tion. He has worked with the Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra for the past six weeks perfecting the rendi- tion of DeKoven's musical scores for which the operetta is so well known. Such numbers as "Oh Promise Me," "Brown October Ale," "The Armorer's Song," "Robin Hood's Serenade," and "The Tink- er's Chorus" have all been worked over and perfected by the orches- tra and choruses. H. C. Howard, who is playing the part of the Sheriff, has been direc- tor of the entire show. Howard came to Ann Arbor two months ago to take charge following the an- nouncement that Mimes had de- cided to do "Robin Hood." For the past ten years he has been director and actor in De Wolf Hopper's com- pany which has recently concluded a nation-wide tour on the coast. The general committee for the show consists of William Tippy, '32E, chairman, Prof. Earl V. Moore, Nora C. Hunt, Prof. David Mattern, Paul Buckley, Prof. Herbert Ken- yon, Valentine B. Windt, Gayle Chaffin, '32, Willena Kalmbach, '32, and R. Duane Wells, '32. Hundreds Are Helpless on Drifting Ice Floes HELSINGFORS, Finland, March 10.-(iP)-Hardy boatmen, accus- tomed to the northern winter to- day rescued about 100 of the 700 fishermen stranded on great ice floes which broke loose yesterday in a storm in the Gulf of Finland. PREIHINOENBUR1G SAYS RE-ELETION WILLPREVENT WAR Aged President Fears Internal Strife If Opponents Gain Power. 20,000 REDS IN RALLY Germany Is Scene of Political Unrest as Rival Factions Promote Interests. BERLIN, March 10.-(P)-In the brusque military tone of the field marshal who takes no back talk. President von Hindenburg told the people tonight that he was run- ning for re-election to head off civ- ii war. Something the microphone vi- brated wildly as his voice fairly stormed din asspeech broadcast throughout Germany a n d re- broadcast in the United States. In the cafes they set amazed at the words which came from this man whose speeches usually are father- ly admonitions. The old field marshal took occa- sion to dispute some of the cam- paign charges of the opposition, particularly the assertion that he aligned himself against the "na- tional front in signing the Young plan. 20,000 Reds in Rally. Shortly after the President had completedhisaddress, 20,000 Com- munists massed in the Sportpalast at a campaign meeting for Ernst Thaelmann, their candidate for the Presidency. Within the same past two weeks Theodore Duesterberg, Nationalist candidate for President, and Adolf Hitler have held mass meetings in th same hall. In comparison with the Communist enthusiasm tonight, the demonstrations for them were tame. The 20,000 persons in the hall stretched out their fists and swore death to capitalism. Amid a forest of red flags and hammerland-sickle insignia, they pledged allegiance to Sovietism. Herr Thaelmann said in his radio speech that President von Hinden- burg "boxed the ears of democ- racy.', Police Ready for Anything. Government officials prepared today for any eventuality which' might follow next Sunday's Presi- dential election, even a general re- volt of Adolf Hitler's National So-. cialists. Some uneasiness developed yes- terday over the possibility of an uprising of the Nazis in case the election goes against them. Two Hitlerite engineers were ar- rested at Ludwigshalfen, charged with illegally manufacturing 80 bombs. Police chiefs throughout the Country assured the people that they were ready to prevent any il- legality even if it became necessary to use the strongest measures. Gustave Noske, provincial gov- ernor in President von Hinden- burg's home town of Hanover, was especially outspoken. W1[IKN TO SPEAK ABOUT ARCTIC TRIP c .I Unfair Rushing Several fraternities, said to be on the war-path for additional pledges, have in the last two days started cam- paigns to get men who have already been pledged by other houses. In the future all such cases will be printed in The Daily, and all circumstances concerning the freshmen and the fraternity resorting to such unethical methods will be exposed. One large fraternity on Washtenaw avenue had three complaints made against it last night after it was learned that they had resorted to such methods. It was further pointed out that this particular house had made the boast that they were out to get all the men they could from other organizations. A similar complaint was made against a well known Hill street fraternity. At a special session last night Dean Bursley declared himself very much against such practices, and he urged cooperation from the fraternities in seeing that such practices stop immediately. It was reported that fraternity men have been inviting pledges from other houses out to meals, and that freshmen have been hot-boxed in attempts to make them turn in pledge pins. It is the opinion of The Daily that any house which would sink to such methods is not worth pledging, and that freshmen who accept such invitations are being dishonest and should be black listed by all fraternities. Dean Bursley stated last night that all fraternities must register the names of freshmen pledged at his office as soon as they receive pledge buttons in order that the complete lists may be available to other fraternities rushing these men. N'Gi, Baby Gorilla, Dies After LongVigil Fails WASHINGTON, March 10.-(A)- N'Gi, the baby gorilla, died of pneumonia today at the Washing- ton zoo. Death followed a three-week fight by doctors and zoo attendants to save the six-year-old animal. Oxygen tanks were brought from New York to aid in resuscitating him. N'Gi was one of the few gorillas in captivity and special efforts were made to save him. Doctors remained with him all last night, but their efforts were fruitless. 34 SAL[OR5S9SAVED FROM SINKING SHIPI Vessel Goes Down in Storm Few1 Hours After Rescue Is Effected. ABOARD COASTGUARD CUT- TER OSSIPEE, March 10. - (I) - The battered collier DeBardeleben sank in a howling gale today, 500 miles off Boston, a few scant hours after a lull in the storm had en- abled the crew of 34 to escape from the doomed vessel. The rescue of the Debardeleben crew, cold, hungry, and exhausted after a four-day battle against the fury of a gale-whipped ocean was acomplished shortly before dawn today in a rolling sea that sent the odds high against the tiny lifeboats that carried the mariners away from the sinking ship. But it was now or never. After hour upon hour of whistling gales and towering waves, an interlude in the storm gave the collier's crew their first chance to span the mountainous combers to the safety of the British freighter Laganbank, which was standing by. BOND ISSUE TO BE'" VOTED ONIN PI Common Council Submits Plan for $450,000 Sewage ' Disposal Plant. A proposal to float a $450,000 bond issue to finance the construc- tion of the new sewage disposal plant and additions to the city and University sewer system will be presented to the voters of Ann Ar- bor at the election of April 4 as a result of action taken by the Com- mon Council at its meeting last night. The proposed plan, which is ex- pected to provide adequate service for 30 years, was prepared by z joint committee of city and Uni- versity officials, on which Prof Henry E. Riggs represented the University and C i t y Engineei George H. Sandenburgh and Col Edward Retsch the city. A special meeting of the counci: was ordered for next Monda3. night for the consideration of ar amendment to the city dharter tc provide for assessments of proper- ty-owners along the route of th new sewer. The traffic light at the corner of Church street and South Univer- sity avenue was ordered discontin- ued because of the fact that South University avenue had recently been made a through street. Hundreds Honor Sousa' at Buria Ceremonies' WASHINGTON, March 10.-(iP)- John Philip Sousa was buried to- day in Congressional Cemetery near where he had often played with boyish companions.} Hundreds attended the servicesE for the man, known for years as the "March King." The funeral was held in Marine Barracks only a little distance from his birth- place. STUDENTS SHOW RESENTMENT AT HOPWOOD RULES Objection Is Raised at Attitude of Award Committee. SUBSIDYCLAIMED Weaver Denies Charges That Committee Is 'paternal' Resentment against the Avery and Jule Hopwood Prizes com- mittee by students intending to enterthe annual literary contest this year reached a peak yester- day as a result of the appearance Wednesday and Thursday morn- ings of a D.O.B. notice to the effect that a statement that all recipients of prize money would be required to file a statement with the committee that the money would be spent for the furtherance of creative literary activity only. Is World's Largest Award. Added importance is attached to any discussion concerning the Hlop- wood prizes in that the amount of money involved yearly is more than three times that offered for literary, accomplishments in any other university in the world. Last year's prize awards amounted to $12,000 while the budget for this year's contest is $20,000, of which $15,000 will be given to winners of major and minor awards. In the announcement which ap- peared on page six of the Daily yesterday and Wednesday, it was expressly stated that "each recipi- ent of a major award, or any por- tion of a major award ($2,500 or less), shall be required to submit to the committee within one month of the announcement of the awards a statement showing that he intends to spend his award according to some plan calculated to further his literary activity in accordance with the spirit of the bequest" and goes on to say that the committee shall determine whether the statement of the plan submitted is satisfac- tory to the terms stated above. Students Object. It was to this announcement that students raised objections stating that "the committee was exceeding the bounds of its authority," that "the money, once won, should be devoted to the winner and that he should spend it the way he saw fit." By many it was felt that the com- mittee was intent upon subsidizing English courses at Michigan by making the further study of Eng- lish composition practically a re- quirement to win an award. Upon being interviewed on the question last night, Assistant Pro- fessor Bennett Weaver, of the Eng- lish department, director of the Hopwood awards, stated that "the idea of the committee is not to be paternalistic. The committee, in drafting this rule, interpreted the spirit of the bequest to the effect that the money was to be used for the making proficient writers out of young students interested in this field. "It is the wish of the committee," he further said, "to have the win- ners of the awards use the money to liberate their creative ability. 250 Expected to Compete. According to the bequest, which appears in the announcement of the Avery and Jule Hopwood Awards, the money is "to be award- ed annually to students in the De- partment of Rhetoric of University of Michigan, who perform the best creative work in the fields of dramatic writing, fiction, poetry and the essay. Since the rhetoric department was merged with the English de- partment last year, the prizes em- brace students in this division. Last week, it was announced that stu- dents enrolled in journalism writing courses would also be eligible to compete. Last year 137 students competed for the awards and it is expected that over 250 will submit manu- scripts this year. PREP SUCCESSES FAIL INCOLLEGE Most college student failures are due to over emphasis of extra- curricular activities in high school, Explorer With to Illustrate Lecture Motion Pictures of Arctic Attempt. Pictures of the trip to the north pole attempted by Sir Hubert Wil- kins in the submarine Nautilus, which failed short of its goal, will be shown by the famous explorer in Hill auditorium next Wednesday when he appears in Ann Arbor as a special feature on the lecture ser- HUMPF! UNION TURNS PANSY AS CO-EDS INFEST MALE QUARI TWO-DA Y N. Y. TO PARIS AIR SERVICE PROMISED BY CONGRESSIONAL BILL [ERS 5 The Union went pansy on us last called up yesterday by Union com- night. mitteemen and asked to send girls, "Open House," advertised as a whether escorted or not, to the open house for free dancing to take Scotchman's holiday, turned into a place between the hours of 8 and virtual dating bureau from 8 to 10 o'clock. More than 100 women 10:15 as women, escorted and un- without partners entered the build- escorted, arrived in a continual ing and almost all of these imme- stream from sororities and dormi- diately found escorts. A stag line of tories all over the campus to view more than 300 men stretched com- with awe and wonder the hidden pletely across one side of the dim- mysteries of the dark tower, the ly lighted Union ballroom and fur- Union Tap room, and the entire nished a continual change of part- building, for that matter. ners for the co-eds. From the very depths of the At Mosher-Jordan, Lois R. Ben- basement to the Michigamua Tribe son, '32, announced during dinner room, in the swimming pool and that the Union wanted girls, with lining the bowling alleys-every- or without dates, at the party. As ies of the Orato The pictures h by Prof. William the geology depa he has ever seen Before becom George H. Wilk career as an enE tographer, havin take motion pie fighting from th an war; having tions of the int country, Austra flown more mile the polar regio living man. Since 1927 Sir rical association. lave been described H. Hobbs, head of rtment, as the best Z. Ask Approval of Crosser Bill to Permit Government Cooperation. WASHINGTON, March 10.-(IP)-- Giant and palatial airships, cap- ning Sir Hubert, able of speeding from Washington ins had a varied t d half d gineer; a war pho-to Paris, in wo andone-h ays, ig been the first to were promised today as one of the tures of front-line results of a bill now before the ie air in the Balk- House Interstate Commerce Com- explored large por- mittee. erior of his native William P. MacCracken, Jr., for- ilia, a n d having mer assistant secretary of com- s as an explorer in merce, made the speed prediction ns than any other in asking that the committee ap- prove the Crosser Bill, which would Hubert has scored permit the Postmaster General to If air mail contracts are assured, he asserted, "the passenger airship will enlarge our export trade and will prove a valuable adjunct to, the slower marine transportation." Mr. MacCracken and other offi- cials o f the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corp., which proposes to establish the trans-oceanic airship service, heard several Government officials indorse the bill. Rear Admiral William A. Moffett, chief of the Navy's bureau of aero- nautics, said enactment of the measure "would make it possible to build these ships and operate them at a profit." F. Trubee Davison, assistant sec- retary of war, approved the pro- posal because he said the War De-