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March 10, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-10

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blished every morning except Monday during the University
y the Board in Control of Student Publications.
:mber of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re
tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwis
1 in this paper and the local news published herein.
tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
natter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistan
ster General.
ascription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
13es: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor
n. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business. 21214.
Telephone 4925
ditor . ... . Carl, Forsythe
i Director ...................... ....Beach Conger, Jr.
Editor ..................................David M. Nichol
Editor ........................... Sheldon C. Fullerton
's Editor .. ..........*.... Mararcts M. Thomso
it Newvs Editor.......... .......obert L. Piere

. Gilbreth . Culled Kenedy James
Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. LNosenthal
Kar ciffert George A. Stauter.
- Sports Assistants


W.. Thomas
! Biian Jones

John S. Townsend
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W. Arnheim
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. Deutsch
L. Friedman

Fred A. Iluber
I Jarold F. Kute
Norman r2t
wrn~l N. Marshall
Rolanid Martin
Albert H. Newman
E. Icronie Pettit
Prudence :oster
Alice Gilbe-t
prancees A in:hestet-
Elizabeth Mann

John W. Pritchard
JIs,-p h lRerihan
C. lart Schaaf
BlraJ:< Icy Shaw
V;Arkcr Snyder
G. Winters
Margaret CI' ri'n
.Beerly StMark
i~ima \laswortlh
Josephine voodhams

I Carver
e Collins

Telephone 21214
LES T. KLINE.. ...............Business Manage;
S P. JOHNSON .....................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
sing ...............................Vernon Bishop
Sing Contracts ........,...............Tarry R. Begley'
Sing Service........ .........ron C. VeddeT
tions....................William T. Brown-
S .................... ica rd Stratemeir
's Business Manager .... .........nn W. Vernor

rohson John Keyser
E. 1liursley. Arthur rF Kolun
lark Janfes Lowe
Recker Ann Ilarsha
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'e Field Iorothy Layin
Fjschgt1nd Viomb
llmeyer Carolin Mosner
arrimran I1f cnul enr

Grafton W. Sharp
;11a 11yon n
Bernard A;. Good
May Scefried
Minnie seng
1Ilen Spencer
*Nathryn Stork
,l ;ry 1,liza>eth Watts

Aichigan 'S
elief Program
HE ACTION taken yesterday by the Senate
Conmmittee on Student Affairs should meet
th the gratitude of every fraternity man on
ipus.' The Committee deserves praise for its1
ad onihe natter of pledging.
Fratenities have felt, in some cases, that it
as hoped to abolish them altogether from the
mpus in future years. Although undergraduates
e prone to see danger in any prospect of restric-
)n, sowretimes they are justified, sometimes not.
evertheless, this action has proved that the Sen-
e Committee, by its unanimous action, is not
posed to the fraternity system as such. It has
irified,its motives in instituting deferred pledg-
on this campus to the satisfaction of the frater-
:y men, and has gone so far as to afford tempo-
y relief to the organizations which might have
necessarily gone under due to the unusual finan-
il conditions this year.
This new measure will open a list of more than
0 freshmen to fraternity rushing and pledging.
should prove beneficial to all organizations or
e campus. The freshmen thus obtained will cer-
nly be under strict supervision as to their
idies since it, would avail no fraternity to pledge
reshman and then to lose him after one semes-.
.' In this manner, both freshmen and fraternities
nefit by the action taken.
We wish to thank sincerely the Senate Com-
ttee for its praiseworthy attitude on the matter.

pieces by the layman's pen. We pity them, but one
person we pity far more. He is the critic. Edson ._Sunderland
The critic has ever been the target of hostile
y attack. He has been acused of prejudice, ignorance, -
and malice; he is considered presumptious for find- (Edior's note: This is the thir-
e ing fault in something of which he is not capable; teenth of a series of articles on
he is obliged to face the embarrassing questions, outstanding members of the Uni-
j "Who are YOU? What do YOU know?" Perhaps most versity faculty. Another will ap-
t vulnerable of all is the student critic, whose com- pear in this column next week.)
parative youth, inexperience, and close contact with By E. Jerome Pettit.
the objects -of his criticism expose him the more The presiding genius of the tri-
readily. al court room at the Law School, in
S Thereare times when the swift current of flowing which every embryo lawyer pleads
ink carries the student critic forward to ridiculous his case at some time or other dur-
positions. We have read long, abusive tirades, in ing his career, is Prof. Edson Reed
which is run the whole gamut.of polemical adjectives, Sunderland. Professor Sunderland.
where epithet is piled on epithet in effot to sink a mar small in stature, is one of
an author's work., The chief merit of such attaclgs the biggest figures, nevertheless.
i is that no one is s4wayed by them. Pure insult is not to ever plead a case in that rootn
condemnation when unsupported by reasonable argu- He graduated from Michigan's
ment. Law School in 1901 and immediate-
Yet there is little justification for insisting that ly became a member ofhthe law fac-
the critic must be as qualified an artist as the person ulty, where he has since remained.
upon whom he is passing judgment. Probably no one He taught various branches of leg-
ever thinks he should be; that argument is merely4 al procedure, and four years after
sophistical one which the artist advances in his own graduating he became a professor
defense. Gourmets are rarely expert cooks; judges of law.
of human beauty are not always well-proportioned Professor Sunderland's activities
themselves. It is better so, for possible rivalry tends are best known to students working
to lead to jealousy and prejudice. . on the various periodicals, since he
The critic, however, cannot take his task lightly, has for some time been business
He must. possess a clear ideal of what art should be manager of the Board in Control of
and a clear judgment to see the lapses from this Student Publications. Under his
ideal. If these lapses are pointed out cooly and rea- direction the publications have
sonably it is hard to agree with the resentment of grown out of all proportion to what
the artist. Certainly "Pooh, you are nobody" is not might have been originally expect-
a fit reply. Reason in the mouths of nobodies is still ed of them.
reason, and it demands as much consideration as the A frequent conndant of the edi-
opinion of the influential. tors and business managers, Pro-
The critic of college art, more than any other, fessor Sunderland has always been
should realize and understand the effect of unfavour- a contributing factor to the suc-
able conditions. Lack of time and -conveniences is cessful runing of'the student pub-
conducive to falling far short of perfection. He can- lications. His influence has been
not shut his eyes to these fallings-short, yet knowl- the greater for the reason that the
edge of their cause must soften the harshness of his student directors have come to ad-
attack. Bitter, biting remarks have no place in this mire his sane and sound judgment
sort of criticism, and a lack of vituperative ability and have tried to do nothing which
is no handicap. would necessitate the interference
of a much respected friend.
OPEN-MINDEDNESS DESIRED In the field of law his achieve-
(North Carolina Tar Heel) ments have been both varied and
notable. As a secretary of the
Nicholas Murray Butler, Nobel Prize winner, presi- State Bar Association and Editor
dent of Polumbia university, and prominent author- of the State Bar Journal he was an
ity in many fields, once wrote an essay on the open active advocate of reform in legal
mind and the part that a college education plays in In 1927 he was appointed a mem-
its definition, cultivation, and use. The open mind is I ber of a commission of five lawyers
contrasted with the closed mind which has a "fixed to revise rules and legal procedure
formula with which to reach a quick and certain in the state and submit them to the
answer to every new question." A closed mind ha. Michigan Supreme cour. An act
already absorbed and accepted a carefully ordered providing for the establishment of
dogma. But, Dr. Butler says, a mind of tLis kind this conr\mission had been previous-
cannot have experience. A closed mind merely play ly passed by the state legislature.
with each new problem of life without letting the Then, in 1929, he was appointed
process add to or subtract from 'the predilections a member of the American Bar as-
which it already has. sociation's standing committee on
College should give its students a method, a re- jurisprudence and law reform. This
straint, and a morality. Rather than being incom- is the committee of the legislative
patible with method and restraint the functioning of program of the association prepar-
an open mind would be closely correlated to them. ing the bills dealing with the ad-
An open mind is not "feeble indifferentism" but is, ministration of justice which the
Butler suggests, the kind of mind that receives new association sponsors and presents
ideas freely and at the same time also estimates before the appropriate committees
them. This is where most open-mindedness breaks of Congress.
down. Young men let ideas crowd their minds and The year before his appointment
remain undigested, having no proven place in thei[ to this body, Professor Sunderland "
thought, and serving no active part in the determi- had argued before the Judiciary E-
nation of their lives. To estimate implies having committee of the national House of
standards of worth. It is not enough for the open- Representatives in behalf of a bill
mindedm man to let his "feeling" for right or wrong which he had drafted.
guide him in his judgments. Standards of worth are This bill provided for the regis-
the outcome of thorough and critical thinking an tration of judgments rendered in
are the accumulation of varied experiences. one state or district in any other
The immediatist with his snap open-minded judg-
merits has an egotism which is "as magnificent a
his wisdom is wanting," Open-mindedness' cannot
be regarded as a passive absorbent state of mind; at
best it is the most active, most critical, and intellec-
tually just mental attitude that can be had and is.
dependent'upon the uontinual deepening of 'a man'v
thought processes.
(Minnesota Daily)

Oifly if educators adopt every. possible method of
obtaining knowledge of the most effective educa- J
tional methods to be employed in college will the -{
processes of higher education be kept in pace with
the times. For this reason, the Meiklejohn experi-
mental college at the University of Wisconsin was a state so that the judgments will
valuable project, regardless of ,the specific results i have equal force universally. Be-
which may have been obtained. ' fore the legislative body, Professor
Although college professors as a rule hold liberal Sunderland told of the Australian
or even radical opinions upon religious, political, and and British procedure for recipro-
social questions, the academic world itself is at least cal enforcement o f judgments
as conservative and registive to change as other through a system of registration.
spheres. College administrators seem to believe that His own bill was restricted to per- I
everyone else in the army is out of step but them- sonal judgments, decrees, and or-
selves. Only recently have educators made an attempt 4 ders, and did not apply to proceed-
to keep the colleges in step with the modern temper. ings based upon service by publi-
The Meiklejohn experiment was designed to devise cation.
methods of offering under modern conditions a class- In 1930, Professor Sunderland
ical course of study. This particular experiment has was elected president of the Asso-
attacked only that one small phase of the problem, ciation of American Law Schools at
The problem of how to obtain the best combination a meeting lheld in New Orleans. He
of traditional scholasticism with a practical educa- was the third -member of the Mich-
tion is one which has not as yet been attacked. igan law school faculty to hold that
-- ___- position since the founding of the:
We understand that the new name for Manchuria association in 1900. The other two
under the governorship of General Mah Chan-Chan professors so honored were PrQf.
is Ankuo. It means "Country of Peace." The Japan- Henry M. Bates and Prof. Ralph
ese seem to believe in the old chestnut that there's W. Aigler.
nothing in a name. . Professor Sunderland, in recog-
nition of his legal interests and
Now that Japan's charge that Stimson is ignorant abilities, was selected Legal Re-
in treaty matters has bounced back at Japan, maybe search professor when the W. W.
the foreign office ought to study up the American Cook research fund was first es-
game of handball.-The Detroit News. tablished, thereby becoming the{
first Michigan professor of Law and
Ottawa statistics show 70,000 rubber checks were Legal Research. His activities in
passed last year in Canada. Bank tellers without that field are now conducted in thed
experience at goal tending hockey were at a grave new William W. Cook Legal Re-
disadvantage.-The Detroit News. serch ihrnrv

ml R.


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he German department inaugurated the local
ae centennial celebration by presenting Mr. Max
or, noted Viennese actor, internationally known
is readings, impersonatipns, and theatrical ap-
nces in a recital of selections from Faust, Part
y felicitous choice of scenes, Mr. Montor gave his
ions dramatic coherence which in their sugges-
ess enabled listeners to reconstruct the drama.
subtle economy of gesture and a finely modu-
voice, he gave vivid creation of the philosophic
, torn between dual aspirations,'the witty de-
tive Mephisto, the naive charm of Gretchen, and
>edantic, uninspired Wagner. The presentation
e artist demonstrated a keen understanding of
undamental dramatic function of each charac-.
This difficult illusion was attained by striking
ides symbolic in mood in facial expression, and
of articulation of the impulse motivating the
.gonists. Mr. Montor achieved particular artis-
n effecting emotional climaxes, creating well
ipated crescendos without recourse to exag-
ed devices nor a destruction of continuity.
he audience received the artist with enthusiasm
with sensitive appreciation for the admirably-
ed effects.
he German department wishes to announce that
econd program of the Goethe festival will take
March 23, in Hill Auditorium. 0. G. G.



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