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March 10, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-10

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'I r

Air A*
It t U

XLII. No. 114'










olice Will Not Interfere With
Private Efforts to Recover
Says Head of State Forc


EWELL, N. J., March 9.-(IP)-Any hint of police inter-
th Col. Charles A, 'Lindbergh's private efforts to recover
ped son was swept away tonight by the simple statement
d of the state police that Mrs. Lindbergh's health would
negotiations being 'pressed under the direction of yhe
er are "strictly personal," Col. H. Horman Schwarzkbpf
:he health of Mrs. Anna Lindbergh is such that we cannqt
i these matters."
was no intimation of how far the separate, under cover
Af the .family had progressed, or if the return of their child
Jew York Evening Post said it had been informed by a
touch with the Lindbeighs that the aviator-father had
several days where the baby is hidden, that he opened

Assistant Secretary of Navy
to Address Union Forum
Wednesday, Mar. 15.
Defense of the Republican ad-
ministration and arguments. for
the re-election of Herbert Hoover
will be the subjects of an address
to be given by Ernest L. Jahncke,
"sea-going" Assistant Secretary of
the Navy, on the fourth of the ser-
ies of public addresses sponsored by
tl;e Union, to be held at 8 o'9lock
Wednesday night, Mar. 15.
Jahncke has been famous for the
last three years as an arch-foe of
governmental red tape. ,Prior to
his appointment to the position
that he now holds, he was very
helpful to federal engineers in co-
operating with them during the
disastrous floods in the Mississippi
valley in 1928. He has served on
the reparation flood commission,
and disbursed millions of dollars.
He took office as the Assistant
Secretary of the Navy in 1929, be-

tions with the kidnappers
night, and that the child
kept a captive on a boat.
,eceive Notes Sunday.
s Sunday that the Lind-
received two new notes,
xperts agreed werq from the
)ers. They based this be-
the similarity of the writ-
L, that of the first ransom
i left pinned to a window!
the nursery.


In these new pictures from the Sino-Japanese front, Japanese sol-
diers are shown attempting to advance both in the face of advantages
and difficulties. Above they are shown using a creek bank for a trench,
and Pelow infantrymen are crossing a canal near Shanghai on impror
vised rafts of straw.

untry surround-
home vthich the
imped over af-
a week- ago last
clues was being
ked state troop-
mt for the baby
Lnd countryside
area 25 miles

Vork on Ladder Clues.
is were still being made to
the kidnappers' ladder as
been made from material
er from a construction job
Stillman State Home for
ics on which many natives
Sorland hills worked.
Lindberghs are known to
he aid of some of the most
private detectives in the
ie advantage of underworld
,weens" if they need them,
e advice of sagacious friends.
the employment of private
ves there has been no indi-
of what clues they are work-
or what the result of their
ntial investigation has been.
have been reported at the
rgh -ome they have come;
ne sd secretly that no one
own it.
e has been a similar lack of
bout the movements and
s, if any, made by Salvatore
Spitale and Irving Bitz, the
derworld characters named
. Lindbergh as his "go-be-

Aspirants to Engineering Speech.
Society Give Outdoor Talks
as Entrance Test.
Aspirants to Sigma Rho Tau, En-
gineering debating society, today
satisfied the organization's en-
trance requirements of making
their outdoor stump speeches. A
stump speech is required by all
chapters of'Sigma Rho Tau, and
similar ceremonies are being stag-
ed in other universities this week.
This evening the formal initia-'
tion and reception of the new
members will be held at the Union.
The members that will be admit-
ted to the organization are: 0. A.
Knuusi, '35; J. C. Loughman, '35;
D. W. Goodridge, 35 ;J. A. Sander-
son, '35; M. E. Ullrich, '35; Sidney
Shelley, Spec.E.; E. P. Hall, '35;
Vernon Tree, '35; F. J. Wood, '35;
J. W. Holden, '35; B. C. Coats, '32;
E. W. Eitnier, '35; J. S. Morgan, '35;
H. M. Newcomb, '35; Graham Bat-
ting, '35; J. A. Hannum, '35; R. L.'
Price, '32; B. E. Tuttle, '35; Robert
Choate, '34; E. L. Fairchild, ''32;
and Gordon Stowe, '35.
Purdom Will Discuss
Reasons for Failure
Dr. T. L. Purdom, director of the
University bureau of appointments,'
will talk at an all campus S. C. A.
forum at 4:15 o'clock this after-
noon' in Natural Science auditor-
,ium. He will discuss "Why Stud-
ents Fail," Jules Ayers, '33, chair-
man of discussions, announced.

(By the Associated Press)
Japan submitted a new peace
proposal at Shanghai today, and at
the same time pressed ahead with'
the movement of reinforcements;
and supplies to the front.
The new proposal, details of
which were not made public, ex-:
pressed eagerness to negotiate a
truce because of the "imminentl
possibility that hostilities will break
out afresh."
Japanese authorities at Shanghai
laid they were arresting two Jap-
anese civilians who gave Miss Rose
Marlow, missionary teacher from
Williamsburg, Ky., a severe beat-
ing last Friday.
In .Tokyo police announced theyI
had discovered the existence of a
small group. of fanatical patriots,
banded together to assassinate em-
inent Japanese leaders., The police
blamed this group for the recent
assassination of Baron Takuma
Dan and Junnosuke Inoye, former
finance minister.
In Changchun, Manchuria, Mr.
Henry Pu-Yi was installed as rule
of a new Manchurian-Mongolian,
state at a ceremony featured byk
much kowtowing and ,weird music.

Union Will Be Host
to Entire Student
Body at Free Party
Women will be given the priv-
ilege of inspecting the Michigan
Union from 7 to 10:30 o'clock to-
night for the first time in recent
years. Hospitality of 'the Union will
be open to the entire campus and
there will be no admission charge
for dancing, swimming, and ping1
Dancing, the main feature of the
evening, will be from 8 to 10 o'clock.
The music will be furnished by
Don Loomis and his orchestra.
Guides will be on hand to escort
people through the building on a
tour of inspection. Every room will
be open to visitors, with the excep-
tion of the swimming pool which
will be in use.
Bowling and billiards will be cut
to half price. -All sports are open
to women with the exception of
Other features of the evening
will be an exhibition billiard match
by F. L. Williamson, and . a ping
pong championship match play-

Edward Lee Jahncke.'

ing appointed by President Hoov-
er. He is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Tulane, a member of the
International Olympic committee,
the Republican club of ,Boston, the
Union league, and the Metropolitan
club of New York.

Salary Cuts for City ever, that they were entirely oppc
Employees Suggested lations and urged that other drastic
To further this, it was decided
of the Judiciary committee, in past
Salary cuts of from 10 to 30 per- ing rule changes, to two-thirds, ins
cent for all city employees and for A r e , to two-thi nt
all employees of the school systemA resoluition asking the Senate
were recommended last evening at May of any first-year man obtaini
a meeting in the City hall of the was again passed by the Council
newly-organized Taxpayers' League by Howard T. Worden, '32, presi
of Ann Arbor which voted to sub- be tabled.
mit the proposition to the Common The present ruling, passed tw
Council at its next meeting. The mittee, allows May initiation of flu
decreases, if made effecrating budget average. This is one and a half as
by approximately $150,000.
The resolution to be subAitted to Harris Hall Secretary
the council suggests a cut of ten Injured by Automobile
percent for salaries under $90 a
month, 15 percent for those from
$91 to $129, 20 percent for thos Ellen Gammack, 27; secretary for
from $130 to $159, 25 percent for .student women of the Episcopal
those from $160 to $200, and 30 per- student center"at Harris hall, sus-
cent for those above $200. An ef- I tained a possible fracture of* the
fort will be made to have the cutskull last night when she was
accepted voluntarily, and confer- Iskllatngtwe sh ws
ences with the heads of police, fire, knocked down by an automobile
and administrative departments driven by Eugene Dale, 906 Wood-
Iwill be arranged to that end. I lawn Ave.

vivals in Competition Will
Argue Cases in Founders'
Day Trial.
under's day finalists in the
or law school case club compe-
n were picked yesterday aft-
on on the basis of a suit con-
ing the preference that should
riven the depositers of an in-
ent bank.
. the Kent-Holmes competition
team of Leddie A. DeBow, '33L,
Robert D. Gordon, '33L, tri-
hed over that of Paul K. Fran-
, L, and Carl H. Urist, L. In
Story-Marshal contest the team
harles E. Jones, L, and kenry
Morrison, '33L, overcame Ray-
d L. Letton, '33L, and James L.
renj '33L.

Carr Attacks Fraternities
For Repressing Intellect

By James A. Inglis
Fraternities are decidedly stifling
and repressive to the student who
is in "the University for intellectual
reasons, in the opinion of Prof.
Lowell J. Carr, of the sociology de-
In an interview yesterday Profes-
sor Carr expressed the desire that
the present deferred rushing storm
might be the cause for a complete
redefinition of the University's re-
lation to the fraternity as an insti-
tution. The assumption that Greek
letter organizations must be aided
and preserved in the present crisis
has been altogether too freely ac-
cepted on the part of campus lead-
ers and the "Daily," he asserted.\
The conventionalized stamp of
good manners and conformity which
a fraternity almost inevitably puts
upon a man acts as a distinct re -
pression of worthwhile intellectual
n hievement and originality. of

my personal acquaintance can be
counted on the fingers of one hand,"
he said.
Referring the whole question
back to the problem of the ultimate
end of a university education, he
brought but the fact that for every:
student enrolled in the University,
the taxpayers contribute more than
six hundred dollars annually. Will
the taxpayers be satisfied with an
institution which teaches students
the ritual of social behavior at the
expense of academic achievement;
would the taxpayers rather have a
student know which fork to use or
would they have the University
train leaders, Professor Carr asked.
Without expressing the opinion
that fraternities should be abol-
ished, he stated that freshmen
should be clearly warned against
the possible detrimental effects of a
fraternity connection.

Despite the cold weather, the in- ed. Gargoyle's Five Year Plan for
flux of pots, pledging, and the var- curing the Depression .is presented
ious other recent events which have in an endeavor to prove the fallacy
of adherence to five-year plans.
been centered on the Michigan
campus, Gargoyle's March issued nc
will appear this morning for the G r
delectation of rushing-weary stud- Sta Apponctments
As an added feature to the num- Six appointments to lower staff
erous jokes, quips and articles us- positions in the business depart-
ually contained in the magazine, mdnt of Gargoyle were announced
Gargoyle has announced that to- yesterday by Harcourt S. Patter-
day's copies are unique in that they son, '32, business manager of the
are the only things printed in the monthly humorous magazine.
last ten days which have nothing The old tryout positions which
whatsoever to do with the Lind- these men leave are to be filled by
bergh kidnapping. freshmen who tryout at the pres-
Deferred rushing is the highlight ent time, Patterson said, and the
-Al 1-, -m li oI afo

Attorney General Paul W. Voor-
hies, 'OOL, first president of Wesley
Foundation, will return to the cam-
pus tomorrow night to address the
annual all-Campus Methodist ban-
quet which is to be held in the

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