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March 09, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-09

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J_ i

ed every morning except Monday dauring the University
eBoard in Control of Student Publications.
r of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fof re-
of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
this paper and the local news published herein.
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r ....................................... Carl Forsythe
Director......................... Beach Conger, Jr.
*or-.......... ................. David M. Nichol
tor .............................. Sheldon C. Fullerton
Editor................ Margaret M. Thompson
News Editor-........................Robert L. Pierce
Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
oland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal
Kar' Seifert George A. Stauter.

Sports Assi


, Thomas
Brian Jones


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eyer Carolin Mosher
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May Seefried +
M\innie Seng
1f len Spencer
IKathry Stork
(lare linger
1l rary Elizabeth Watts


mporary Relief
r Fraternities

very shadow of complete extinction, are-
iting in uncertainty and doubt, some in corn-
e despair, the developments they feel must
It from the intolerable situation that deferred
ing and pledging have brought about.
Vith 67 houses, averaging about $55,O00 in'
e, and a few running as high as a qu rter of a
on dollars, at stake, membership rolls, already
:ted by general economic disorder, have been
'erately attacked by the deferred rushing rule,
vhiclh some 200 freshmen v'ho in other years
d have become affiliated with fraternities have
declared ineligible.
~raternity men see only one solution to thet
Tram. To abide by the present ruling.m ans
>st certain ruination to some and distinct hard-
to all the houses.
)efinitely perceptible rumblings, growing daily1
er, presage the severity ofthe outburst that
almost certainly result unless a move is made
lleviate present conditions. Only by action of
Senate Committee- on rStudent Affairs can a'
rsal of the scholarship pledging requirements
accomplished. It is on the possibility of this
3n that the fraternities are pinning their hopes.
Rmoval of the scholarship requirements would
n opening to the fratenities a list of 200 new
for rushing and pledging, a large number of
in would certainly join fraternities were it not
the restriction placed on them by the Uni-
the chief complaint now is Tht against the
ude of the authorities. Past practice has accus-
ed the fraternities to that. The fraternity com-
it is based on the fact that unless something
e by the University-and done soon-the fra-
ities will perish.
Will those in authority, like the callous, all-
erful Nero, fiddle while Rome, the product of
indred years of work on the part of-past gen-
ions of fraternity men, vanishes in flames?
(Columbia Spectator);,w
This is the first and last of a series of quotations
- The Congressional Record, the publication of
Congress of the United States of America, with
Itude to the New York Herald Tribune which had
idea first.)
Representative Blanton (Dem., of Texas: I will
to my good friend from Nebraska that the people
i in Alabama and Pennsylvania will know about
t I am now saying, even if they cannot hear me.
remarks are going into this Record. This Record
daily into every village in the United States, and
)le read the Record. Fun is made of it, but it is
of the most valuable publications now that goes
he people of the United States, because they get
exact proceedings that happen here on the floor
he House, unwarped by friendly or unfriendly
spapers. Sixty copies of the daily Congressional

counties, while we have that many folks in ofir city.
People who desire to come to see us sometimes wire
to meet them at Albany, because they have difficulty
in spelling Schenectady. Some people wonder 'wheth-
er it is the'name of an Indian chief or a patent medi-
cine. It is an Indian word and means the "end of
the trail." It is the name of one of the most pro-
gressive cities in the country, and one of the most
up-to-date communities, with the finest radiq station
there is in the United States-and possibly in the
world. (Applause.)
Representative Eaton (Rep.), of Colorado: Can-
not you properly say that the administration of the
laws of the United States has been directed to teach-
ing the Indians to depart from their old tribal
customs and take their food out of a tin can, eat it
and like it?
Senator Reed (Rep.), of Pennsylvania: We are r
told that this is the worst collapse in business and
the worst depression that the country ever saw. I beg
leave to doubt that. I doubt very much if the future
looks as Iolak to us now as it looked to our grahd-
fathers ik 1819, when not only America was prostrate
and American commerce was dead but all Europe was
prostrate as a result of Napoleon's war, just as she
is prostrate today as the result of Kaiser Wilhelm's
war. The future looked just as black to the eyes of
our ancestors as it looks to us now. Ahead of them
then, although they did not know it, lay an era of
good feeling, a period of commercial prosperity, and
America came out from the clouds so fast that it
almost took their breaths away.
Then they speculated, .as we have been doing,
and they had a great inflation of commodity prices.
and the whole business came tumbling down around
their ears in A838, and to those American Senators
and Congressmen and business men who looked at
conditions in 1837 it seemned as if the very bottom of
everything had gone to smash. It looked just as
black to them as it looks to us today.
It happened again in the 50's, and then came
the panic of 1873. We think we have seen bank
trouble in the last year or two. Why, Mr. President,
in 18''3 there was only one bank in whole City of New
York that was open for business. We do not know
what trouble is, conpared with what our fathers
faced in those days.
(Cornell Daily Sun)
The Sun has no desire to drive the New York
Times Current Events Contest away from Cornell and
is sorry that the chaiiman of the cownmittee in charge
places this construction upon its editorial of last
Wednesday. The contest offers three ambitious stu-
dents an opportunity to win substantial prizes, and
we should hate to see it disappear. We are amazed
(almost proud) to learn that Professor Cushman con-
siders a brief editorial of ours influential enough te
keep a large group of Atudents from taking the ex-
We still believe, however, that not having cram-
med for the examination, they would have stood little
chance. It is true, as Professor Cushman points out
that "the winner has always been an alert and more
or less sytematic daily reader of the press," but it b
also true that he generally has put himself in win-
ning form by reviewing intensively before the exami-
nation. We do not say this is wrong; we do not say
that the examination is unfair. We simply point out
to our readers that the contest demands a close.
attention to news detail than the intelligent reader
normally gives, or ought to give. Let the reader
scan the' copy posted on the Government bulletin
board outside of Professor Cushman's office and de-
cide for himself.
We cannot believe with Professor Cushman that
the New York Times is actuated purely by altruism
in "spending some $10,000 per year- on the contest
from which it expects and receives no discernible
material gain." It is a magnificent scheme for getting
free publicity throughout the academic year-worth
in our opinion, far more than it costs. Yet, being
commercial, the contest is no less commendable a
an opportunity for a student to win considerable
money by putting in a little extra effort. At least
thirty students are grateful to he faculty committee
for the time they devote to the contest reasonable
(Wisconsin Cardinal)
The reorganization of the athletic council will

undoubtedly arise for discussion and perhaps foi
action at Monday's faculty meeting. We feel the
governing body of athletics, an activity ,originally
planned for the benefit of the students, could dc
more toward the carrying out of the desired function
of athletics by greater representation from the stu-
dent body.
Salient among the evils of the intercollegiate
athletics system, and lying at the root of their hostil-
ity to better education is the fact that they have
been separated too far from the good of the students
Intercollegiate athletics today do not exist "to build
red-blooded men," to provide recreation for the stu-
dent body, or fun for the participants. They exist
for their gate receipts, out of which come funds tc
pay for stadia and various minor sports. They exist
"to advertise the school," or so they, tell us. But
where does the student come in?
Like many over-developed college institutions.
athletics, once beneficial and unharmful, has grown
so large and so complex that its evil aspects are
difficult to eradicate. The dear little cub has grown
into a fierce big bear, and he's extremely hard to
But it is necessary that he shall be tamed, and
we want to assure ourselves that the tamers both
know how and have the courage to tame him.-k
Greater student representation on the board,
while it will not effect reforms in athletics will dis-
play the necessary common-sense in bringing ath-
letics back to Wisconsin and to the student body, and
the necessary courage in bucking the stereotyped
and narrow views of those in the university and out
who still believe that the "school spirit" of the grid.
iron is more desirable than the "school spirit" of the
truly educated man.

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on which senora
whieh Mexican senora
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senora altag speaks
senora alta talks
on occult afts
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on future of arts
oh darndarndarn aw shucks
senora taltag talks
accult arts, topic
on which altag talks
on topic ocult arts
reviewed by I"@b$9C&&' 9
BMexican senoria
@ lulc

I ,

(The editors of The Daily wish
to apologize for the paragraph"
which inadvertently appeared in
this column last Th'ursday morning
in connection with the Lindbergh
The sum total of forty-three
freshmen signified a desire to try
out for the Daily yesterday after-
noon, which was lots, everythYg
being equal. We didn't hear of a
single' applicant for the Toasted
Rolls position, which although a
disappointment, is no more than
we expected. Tabulations indicate
that about an even 60 percent of
the tryouts were editors of two of
more High School publications.
, * *
Many Freshmen would, we be-
lieve, try out for the Daily if they,
knew something about the work
that they would be asked to do and
what would be expected of them.
One of the most important features
of getting a story ready for the
Press is writing a head for the
story. '(Sure! That's right! A
headline.) Here is an example
taken from real life. We strongly
suspect that this is one of the ef-
forts of the women's staff, but that
makes it an even better example
of what a simple procedure head-
writing really is.

This half hiv's labor is then
sent through the great grist-
mill of life and when it appears
in the Daily it looks like this:
Despite Unfortunate Experience,
She Believes It Necessary
to Preserve Society.
** *
And now, while we are on the
subject .of Senora Altag and her
talks we might as well make a crit-
:cal discussion of the story on the
Women's Page in yesterday's Daily.
This is the first sentence. (also the
first paragraph).
"Can we dispense with mar-
riage?" was discussed by Sen-
ora de Alta- in Natural ,ience
Auditorium yesterday after-
So far so good, but let us quote
"The married life of the sen-
ora, which she related, was un-
fortunate. She was married at
Nineteen to a young German-
American who died the follow-
ing year, leaving her with a
child four months old."
A checkup on these figures re-
veals several interesting facts. Here
is the next sentence:
"The loss of her husband
made her yearn for a 'weltan-
schauung', or philosophy of
The author then finished up in a
burst of glory with this:
i "The lecturer considers mar-
riagg from two viewpoints. The
first is that of the individual,
his evolution or development
through the influence of mar-
riage." *'
Prof. J. Wallace Ugf of our local
poetry department was interested
in a recent newspaper notice about
Jack Dempsey, who was to have
been created a Kentucky colonel
just before a bout in Booneland.
He submits the following to show
just how startled he really was:
"Beneath the balmy skies of old
Kentucky the fighting colonel rears
his grizzled head, and thanks his
God the ring is not as mucky as
when Gene Tunney had hin leath-
er-fed. But now the sunshine
warms his back instead, and he can

-.. ,
:; ,.

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