" _ _T1E MICHICAN DAILY _TUESAY, MAR Published every morning except Monday during the University ar by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- ilication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and the local news published herein. Etered at the Post Off cc at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second; .ss matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant stmastvr General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Duilding, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,I chigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; i"usiness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN y Editor ....................................... Carl Forsythe itorial Director............................. Beach Codger, Jr. ws :Editor ................................. David M. Nichol orts E ditor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton omen's Editor ..... ................. Margaret M Thompsoni sistant.News Editor.......................... Robert L. Pi'rce NIGHT EDITORS ak B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James .Inglis Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Kar Seiffert George A. Stauter. Sports Assistants1 a multitude of sins which must be admitted to have1 been committed in some degrees by some fraternities at some universities. They cannot be said to be committed in any such manner, as to startle the prospective Greek. The attitude of the critic might well be taken by him however in making his choice RUSHING " BEGINS a A Washingto WT. Thomas Brian Jones John S. Toanswnd Charles A. Sanford ey NV. Arnheimn 1d F. ]Mankertz ad C. Campbell as Connelan -t S. Deutsch t L1. Friedman nce Hayden REPORTERS Fred A. Huber Harol F. KLute Norman Kraft Edw1 ,ardl 7. VMarshall lRoland Martin Albert It. Newman F. lerome Pettit Prudence Foster Alice Gilhert Frances Malciester Ilizabcth .Mal John XW. Pritchard Joseph Rexiihan C. -art Schaal Blrack :y Shaw Parker Suy'kr Robert S. Ward G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brrn Beverly Stark: Elmrna aasworth Josephine Woodhams i i of fraternity. This is too often neglected by the man TODAY. when he is being rushed due to the unfortunate exi- There is so much weeping and gencies of our early rushing season.T s up For anyone who has the opportunity to be initi-- wailing around the office that wek ated into a fraternity we can only say that he will can scarcely write this columnatdyik Sinpson. have a wonderful prunytodvophmefi all, Which is a ,great pity, consider- WASHIzNGTON, MVIarch 7.-Take opportunity to develop himself in g what might be done with the the company of others who are trying to do the same fraternity situation here at hand. it all in all, that Pennsylvania prn- thing and promote the spirit of co-operation inI . We h a v e heard recriminations mary on April 26 ought to be a high attainment by practice on the campus of certain fundamental ideas which belong in every fraternity about the deferred rushing system light of the year. It will have alV'J code, all semester, but never did the the trappings of a multiple-ring clamors reach quite such a volume as yesterday. It appears that the political circus. (TOWARD FA ULTY I PROVEMENT new system is a pgreat deal more of Both parties are in it-also there (From the Daily 'Prmeetonian) a cold-blooded murder than was at are suggestions of the still mythical College professors are n some extent unique and first suspected. Rumor has it that third party movement. Notable and' to be envied for their existence in a limbo of immun- as many as five to ten houses got colorful fighting men arc cast for bty from criticism. Constructive criticism d, however, no pledges at all and that a great leading roles. most desirable as a stimulant to increased compe- Prohibition, "bossism," the de- tene ad ffetienes, ndis alabl toteches.many more got from one to four. ence and effectiveness, and is valuable to teachers That is bad enough as it is, but the pression, the tariff, unemployment e pecially when it comes from individual students. situation is relief and out everysujct An indication of how such a desirable appraisal fact that Freshmen will be very of political discussion during the might be obtained at Princeton is furnished by the loath to affiliate with a house with year all rate a place in the picture. University of Washington's recent experiment with only one or two pledges. This same And all in the state traditionally a system of faculty rating by students, described by .o (seeabove),hs i tateadedicated to brother love. William R. Wilson in the current issue of the Journal lot of houses will go on the rocks. of Higher Education. We wouldn't be surprised to see a According to Mr. Wilson this system was designed liContradictions. to furnish "a means of giving the college teacher oths. Philosoh here isx n l nons e that detailed, objective criticism of his courses and conotpExaine only the most general r~n~hrtc l .a ct~~vr~ f 1 n. k; 7, ~ ., consolationi ifIn i a nt1r a Carver ce Collins Crandall Feldmn pp. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ARLES T. KLINE .................... Business Manager )KRIS P. JOHN SON...............Assistant Manager Department Managers vcrtising ......................................Vernon Bishop vertising Contracts............................. harry R. Begley; vertising Service ............................ Byron C. Vedder' blcations.... ............. ..........William T. Brown ounts.......... .......................Richard Stratemeirj en's Business Managers......................Ann . Vernor Assistants mehodsu uhat seems to be essential for increase in teaching effectiveness." To accomplish this end a comprehensive and de- tailed questionnaire was submitted to every Wash- ington -undergraduate. In reference to a specified course each student indicated on a rating blank made up of thirty-five topics his impression of the signifi- cant -characteristics of the course and the teaching methods of the instructor. Questions covered such subjects as the instructor's interest in students, his encouragement of original thinking as opposed to note-memorizing, the merit of the text-book, lec- tures, and outside reading. In addition, each under- graduate was requested to answer two general ques- tions at the end of the blank: "What were the out- standing merits of this course?" and "What were the Hockey, we hear, is the com- ing sport, and it is predicted by those who know, and know, and know, that before long it will displace basketball, and judging from the crowds that turned out last Friday and Sat- urday nights we think they are about right. The crowds were estimated at around 19"0 to 1800 each night. At that rate hockeyawill be payiig Tor itself and have a -lttle left ver 'to spend on uniforms for the cross-country team. outiine of the set-up. It is at once apparent that the situation is so full of political con- tradictions that nobody but a 'Phil- adelphia lawyer," sure enough. possibly could sort it into place. It did not need the introduction1 of General Smedley Butler, retired, into the republican senatorial race to make the thing complete. That is just another sideshow of a political performance already so rich in attractions that it is hard to pick out "the big top." With Pennsylvania's 76 conven- tion votes at stake it now looks as - !Aronson ert E. Bursley nClark, rt Finn na Becker :la Jane Cissel vieve Field ne 1ischgrund Gallueyer harriman jhn1 Keyser Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Ann TIlarshia Katherine jacison )orothy Layill Virginia McComb Ca-olin Moslier Ielen Olsen lraon W. 41 arty Donald A. Johnson, II l')un Lyon Br-nard 11. Good MySeclried Jinnie Seng If den Spencer Kathryn Stork ('lare Unger Mary -liabeit tWatts NIGHT EDITOR-KARL BEIFFERT TtYESDAY,.MARCH 8, 1932 Mwcl vernment? URING those rife periods which precede every city, state, and national election, the voting- Lblic are usually primed to listen to much "in e ear and out the other" propaganda. Often, iwever,-words of wisdom are spoken on cam- ign patforms and 'at erstwhile spolitical .gather- s.. .Such was the case when Arthur J. Lacy, possi- e Democratic candidate for the governorship, oke in AnnArbor'recently. We were not prim- ily interested at the time in what office Mr. Lacy ght have his mind on, nor what party he might representing. We became quite interested, wever, in some of the things he said. That the present administration has often erlooked the relative value of public benefits, which public funds must be expended, is prob- ly true. It is also true that other administra- tns have done likewise in. the past. But when illions of dollars are spent for superAiighways, ich are actually luxuries in times like these,.and e state legislature is racking its brain for means raising revenue, then it is certainly time to call halt. Especially when persons living along ose highways are losing their homes and worry- f about the source of tomorrow's food. Mr. Lacy's remarks concerning the large num- r of persons receiving salaries from an already' er-burdened citizenry were made, it is true, fore a group of men representing Mr. Lacy's rty, and from whom, if he becomes a candidate r office, he will expect support. But political entists, representing no party, and seekiug no ice, have emphasized virtually the same points college classrooms. If educations are to be ken seriously, we can but conclude that Mr. cy was correct and that his words have an im- rt not to be taken lightly. When one out of every eight voters is being ancially supported by the remaining -seven- en it is to be expected that the seven 'will revolt. vernment is a fine thing, the nucleus of organ- d society. But too much government is not so e, particularly when it includes numerous pub- parasites. Men now holding public positions e, of course, reluctant to give up their easy jobs. it it can only be a matter of time until the seven 11 tire of the arangement and "eight" must look r something else to do. We predict 'that when at time-comes it will be for the benefit and not e detriment of the entire state. outstanding defects of this course?"xL-Ilaaknock-awn-and-drag--, THE LINDBERGH AFFAIR. out battle between Roosevelt and There is no one who doesn't re- Smith forces would feature the gret the unfortunate circumstances democic primariesh that keep Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh What effect that will have on the away form their young son, but the hopes of Albert C. Ritchie over in AT THE MICHIGAN long train of events that has fol- Maryland it is hard to forecast. LE PLOMBIER FIEVRE lowed the kidnaping has been rath- Before Smith got into the race, a EEoedthimekidnpinga haoursyb athtiRoosevelt-Ritchie test 'of strength There hasn't been a slapstick comedy in years er detrimental to our sympathetic seemed the big democratic bet in quite as funny as "The Passionate Plumber" and we sensibilities. The "appeals from a hope you duly appreciate it. The cast is excellent, heartbroken mother the printingrPenn.sidethere is including'Buster Keaton, who can 'takeafall-like- of the baby's diet in detai, were On the opposition to -Hoover's renomina- nobody else in the world, Jimmy Durance, whose 'mildy irritating, the action off schnozzle isn't quite as good as it was in " wet Rich President Hoover and state author- tion on the part of folks like Gov- -s h otieeis 'tnuite asiood s-iuw aa llsgineG emRern o r P in ch o t an d R ep resen tativ e Quick Wallingford" (but almost, which is pretty ities in caling ou government- McFadden; yet there also is a split good), and Irene Purcell, who is exactly the same al officials from Marines to post-e person she was in "The Man in Possession." We hate masters was more so; the crowning M e hseaPinchot -epri , r to mention Polly Moran in the same breath with the touch of calling in the aid of pro- I first three, for we have always considered Polly over- fessional gangst'ers was even more iaganst McFadden. rated as a comedienne and she is no better here. disquieting. We realize that most Pinchot himself seems still hope- Aside from a handsome profligate, a slim seducer, of this publicity and furor could fully hunting for a third party and about three dozen excited Frenchmen, there is not be helped by Colonel and Mrs. movement to join, or preferably, Lindbergh and for that reason we lead. Where he will be found in the nothing much else to talk about except a lot of very campaigning if Mr. Hoover is nom- fine scenes featuring Buster Keaton, ranging all the sympathize with them in their loss. ma gin is rather m - way from the shower room to the dueling field, and We hate to think of what might Fated again is rather a mystery. back to the Monte Carlo gaming tables. The funniest happen to the kidnaper if he were inh pt eve ets, g ever caught. Ham-stringing would some thmk he might even go dem- thing we have seen in a long time is Keaton prepar-a ocratic. ing a breakfast in bed for the voluptuous Miss Pur- be only a good start. cell. *SPACE DEPARTMENT.MakpedTr t ha . -v-~ Mr. Magician Blackstone puts forth a very credit- BLANK AEDEATE . t able performance but far be it from us to get into a discussion about how he does all those things. We don't take much stock in it. A lot of it was easy to figure out but the bird-cage stunt had us floored. Mr. Blackstone has been flinging challenges around helter-skelter and in the near future he will make escapes from boxes and boilers and things, which is all right if he wants to do things like that. J. S. M. C N PU011- M ON Letters publ ,lhed int his column should not be construed as Cxrsi'ng the e rci al opiion of Thi e Daily. Anonymous con- i!a' i7I V io s ill 1 i ' Ali!(d . ' ;1; 15es of conin on ical ii "i,: hu v eve-, he 'ri-grd"e as " ""co,"fi"tia I nI"w "re"est. 'ontrib 11tors are ask'd to be brief, oiifiuing thcs'eles to less than 300, 1ords ii possible. .s....A 111 a,1 ny. i f To The Editor: -Much has been said, and most of it in a satirical vein, about the are or modern reviewing. It has often been characterized -as grossly incompetent{ bungling, the mouthings of intellectual asses who would vaunt their mental capacity for all the world .o see. I know that the preceding sentence was rhetoric: it was meant to be so. Because the major- ity of people who criticize reviewing in. an adverse manner merit the term which they have applied to the reviewer. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that much of; the activity in the field of criticism which has been' taking place on this campus, in its publications, is mere space-filler. Shall I bother to give you my definition of a perfect review of a motion picture, play, musical presentation, or book? It is this: a criticism which first, in brief, gives the reviewer's own appreciation of the work; then summarizes it; finally, presents a thorough and impartial analysis. In the course of studied perusal of The Daily, the1 'Ensian, and the Gargoyle, I have read reviews of plays, reviews of music, reviews of motion pictures and books, reviews of reviews. Many examples of the first four types mentioned are innocuous even worthy of high rating; the last, the review of reviews, is a nuisance. Its height of pseudo-perfection was achieved in the Gargoyle recently, when that really3 very funny publication lost character for a moment, and razzed The Daily's method of reviewing the motion picture. Enough has been said in previous Campus Opin- ions about the various types of reviewing that have BULLETIN, ETC. This afternoon the office will be open to freshmen tryouts for both the Daily and Gar- goyle editorial staffs. For those who would like to be tryouts but don't know what to do about it, the Daily office (and the -Gargoyle office, too) is across from the Majestic The- atre. Just walk in, go upstairs and case yourselves into the ebb and flow. You will be tak- en care of. And now comes General Butler to challenge "Puddler Jim" Davis, the singing senator, for his seat. The general is to be drier than dry-so he says, while the senator has gone wet. Which is to enjoy Hoover favor? Hardly the general. He has Pinchot endorsement. Yet he may also get a helping hand from "Uncle Joe"- Grundy, that afore-time master mind of senate high tariff strategy in whom still rankles his defeat by "Puddler Jim." Pennsylvania seems destined to be a political milestone this year. Keep an eye on her doings. When the senate stood realy to roll through the Norris bill, aimed primarily at frowning upon the so- called "yellow dog" form of labor contract, Senator Walsh of Mon- tana had a brilliant idea. "I offer for the Record," he said, "a copy of the yellow-dog contract featured in the Red Jacket case." And there it stands, just ahead of the 75-to-5 senate nose-count in favor of the bill, a permanent ex- hibit in the Congressional Record. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL BULLETIN. BULLETIN. BULLETIN. nllTORRAL COMMENT I INITIATION S (From The Colgate Maroon.) s is the season among fratermities on the cam- ien those who until now have been pledged to 'eek-letter societies are being initiated into the L orders of ideals and ritual which with the ct of a college life spent with some thirty or >ther men in the same house tend to form the which have hitherto not meant quite so much pledges. Even if there are separate codes of for each fraternity, we feel that the initiates All those tryouts who consider themselves well above the average in intellect and personality might An About-Face. enroll as tryouts for TOASTED ROLLS. Directions: Come to the - When Senator Shipstead, the Daily office just as though you lone farmer-laborite in the senate, were an ordinary Daily or Gargoyle introduced his first bill designed to tryout. Then ask for Johnny Chuck. outlaw such contracts and also We will be around in a corner otherwise to restrict the injunctive somewhere. We promise that you powers of federal jud ges in labor will be well taken care of. TOAST- disputes, quite likely 'he had no ED ROLLS is noted for its hospital- thought that any such measure ity toward tryouts. would ever get so rousing a senate (Editor's Note: We thought this reception. column was a one-man affair.) That was more than three years (Author's Note: Sure it is, you dope, ago. As the bill finally cleared the but we aren't as young as we used senate it was, of course, different in to be.) form from the Shipstead measure. Even so, that it should pass with only five old guard republican New