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March 08, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-08

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VOL. XLII. No. 112 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1932 Weather Cloudy, Snow.




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Unemployed Battle at Ford Factory,


Deferred Rushing

Norm Daniels, Closing Career,
Again Leads Quintet
in Scoring.
Conrad of Buckeyes Hangs up
13 Points, Is High Point
Man of Evening.
By Sheldon C. Fullerton.
Unleashing a ,powerful attack in
the second half afterutrailing by
three points at the mid-way mark,
Michigan's Varsity cagers closed
their season with a 30-27 win over
Ohio State last night at Yost Field
House. While both teams were
able to sink a dozen field goals
apiece, it was the Wolverines' de-
cided superiority from the charity
stripe that swung the tide in favor
of the Maize and Blue.
Norm Daniels, playing his final
game as captain of the Michigan
quintet, again paced the team in
scoring with nine points, but the
Wolverine leader was forced to bow
to Conrad, of the Buckeyes, for the
evening's high point total. The
burly Scarlet and Gray tipoff man
managed to elude Garner, the
Michigan. center, to hang up 13
points, 12 of them coming as a re-
sult of six baskets from the floor.
-'Play for Last Time.
In addition to ,Daniels, Hank
Wi ss, and Girard Ricketts also en-
gaged in their last college basket-
ball games, while Alex Shaw, al-
though he did not break into the
game, also spent his last night in
a Michigan uniform.
Handicapped by the loss of Eve-
land, who kept out of the game be-
William F. Temple, Jr., '33, of
Lakewood, Ohio, was named as
head cheer-leader for the 1932-
33 season by John C. Herbst, '32,
retiring cheer-leader, between
halves of the Ohio-State-Michi-
gan basketball game last night.
Temple was also presented with
the loving cup emblematic of the
cause of illness, the Michigan at-
tack failed to function as well as
it has in recent games. Substitutes
wvere used in the Wolverine lineup
through most of the game, with
Ricketts and Allen both breaking
into the scoring column with sensa-
tional baskets.
Conrad Is Ohio Star.
With Hank Weiss and Ivy Wil-
liamson both doing a nice job of
checking the Ohio forwards, the
chances of the Scarlet and Gray
rested almost entirely o n the
shoulders of Conrad. The Ohio tip-
off man sunk three shots in the
first half and came back with an-
other dose of the same medicine in
the second period, adding a foul
shot for good measure.
Michigan (30) G F P T
Petrie, lf.............1 0 0 2
Daniels, rf..........3 3 1 9
Ricketts, if............ 2 0 3 4
Allen,lf... . .......1 0 0 2
Garner,c........... 1 2 2 4
Weiss, lg. . ....... 1 0 0 2
Williamson, rg........3 1 0 7
Altenhof, Ig........... 0 0 1 0
Totals.. .........12 6 7 30
Ohio State (27) G F P T
Brown,lif......... ... 1 0 2 2
Colburn, rf......3 1 0 7
Lively, rf .............0 0 0 0
Conrad, c ............. 6 1 1 13
Fisher,lg.......... 1 0 3
Mattison, rg........... 1 0 3 2
Totals.... .........12 3 6 27
Score at half Ohio 14, Michigan

Deferred rushing, as such, ended yesterday when app
proximately 275 first year men, but 65 per cent of the num-
ber taking buttons last year, gathered for the first time as
official neophytes in Michigan's fraternities. With its ending
comes the definite assertion that the deferred rushing system
practised this year has failed, and failed tragically.
Deferred rushing has not assisted the freshman in his
choice of houses, for the evils of the "hot box" or pledge
talk" under the old system have been merely enhanced and
concentrated by the economic stress among Michigan frater-
nities. Not only has the length of time made little difference
but the cliques and political factions among freshmen have
done more to disrupt the normal process than any amount of
extraneous rushing methods did in the past.
There are 60 odd different groups on the campus which
pledge first year men. This means only four men to a house
on the average. A few got more than their quota. A number
got none at all.
Economic exigencies cannot be blamed for this result.
In the great majority of cases, a student who can afford to
live in a city where living expenses are as high as they are in
Ann Arbor can afford the only slight extra cost of the frater-
At least $3,000,00 in property, much of it held by Uni-
versity alumni, has been seriously jeopardized. Only from the
view of Ann Arbor's grasping landlords has the plan been a
The plan has produced more underhand work than any
other regulation in the history of Michigan. It has been the
cause of. unusual interfraternity jealousies and hard-feelings.
Should the remainder of the freshmen be made eligible
for pledging, it might possibly aid in reducing the shock to the
fraternity groups.
Certainly, the present system should be .abolished. Nei-
ther the freshmen nor the fraternities can benefit by its con-
As an aid in this, The Daily will, in the immediate future,
present an alternate plan.
Municipal Court Falls 300 Votes
Short of Passage In Dull Election

City, State, and Private Forces
Engaged;1Casualty List
Mounts Steadily.
DETROIT, March 7. - (P) -
Unemployed, armed with stones
and bricks, fought a pitched bat-
tle with city, state and private
police, armed with pistols and
shotguns, late today at the gates
of the Ford Motor Co., plant and
a casualty list, which mounted
steadily had reached four dead
and probably 50 injured tonight.
The marchers were estimated
to number between 3,000 and 5,-
000 and all of the dead were from
their ranks.
Harry H. Bennett, chief of the1
Ford Co.'s service department (pri-
vate police) was most prominent of
the injured. He is in Henry Ford
hospital. Information as to his con-
dition was refusEd there, but un-
officially it was reported serious.
His car advanced through the
crowd under a heavy barrage of
stones. Staggering from the ma-
chine as he neared the gates he at-
tempted to lead the forces of the
law against the marchers until sev-
eral policemen pulled him back
and he was taken to the hospital
First reports that Charles E. Sor-
reson, general manager of the Ford1
Co., was with Bennett in the car,
later were denied.
Guardmen Ready.
The first battalion of the 125th
Infantry, Michigan's n a t i o n a 1
guard, was under arms tonight, but.
it had not left the armory.
Of the dead, two were identified
tentatively as Joe York and Joe
Debruske. One was picked up dead
in front of the gates. The others
died after reaching hospitals. Oth-
ers of the wounded marchers were
reported near death.
The demonstration had been ad-
vertised for weeks as a "hunger
march" on the Ford plant. News-
papers said William Z. Foster,
communist leader, had urged all
communists to joint it, in adresses
Sunday. None could be found,
however, who saw Foster among
the marchers today.
Communists Blamed.
William J. Cameron, of the Ford
organization, said the plan origin-'
ated with Detroit communists, that
Ford police did not take part in the
riot and that Bennett, who arrived
on the scene late, was there only
for investigation. He said the plant
was not damaged, except for a few
broken windows. There was no
formal statement from company
From the time the marchers, who
started two miles away, in Detroit,
reached the Dearborn city limits,
there was a running fight with 40
Dearborn police, who retreated
steadily after gas bombs had prov-
ed ineffective. Dearborn firemen
attemptedto turn back the march-
ers with water, but hose were cut
and fire engines forced to retreat.
Gates Locked.
The gates were locked when the
marchers reached the Ford plant.
Inside, among others, were Edsel
Ford, president of the company,
Sorenson and Former Gov. Fred W.
Green. Police, with reinforcements
by now, established a line beneath
an overhead bridge, pistols and
shotguns in hand. Firemen direct-

ed at the crowds streams of water
which froze where they struck.
"Keep back," someone shouted.
"If you come on you'll get it," an-
other voice cried.
They came on.
Voorhies Will Speak
at Methodist Banquet
Attorney-General Paul Voorhies,
r, '1.11n n4 -r . V ^f 1 nn tw.lm -nn

Associated PressPhoo
Clarence Darrow, veteran Chica-
go lawyer, who has gone to Hono-
lul ta in F te uedefense of Mrs
and two enlisted Navy men for the
murder of Joseph Kahahawai, ac-
cused of attacking Mrs. Fortescue's
Chicago Five Whipped;
Inois, Minnesota Win
LAFAYETTE, nd., Mar. 7.-(/'P--
basketball season herectonighth i
true championship style, humbling
the lowly Ohicago quintet by a 58-
18 score.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Mar. 7.-(IP)-
Illinois nosed out a one point vic-
tory over Indiana here tonight, 33-
32, to clinch a place in the first di-
vision of the Western Conference
basketball race.
MADISON, Wis., Mar. 7.-(P)--
Wisconsin threw a big scare into
Minnesota here tonight, but failed
by two points to defeat the Goph-
ers, the final score being 23-21 in
the Northmen's favor. The victory
gave Minnesota a tie with North-
western for second place in the
Big Ten.
Jacob Kellman, '33, is the winner
of the first prize of $150 in the Uni-
versity of Michigan Preliminaries
of the seventh annual New York
Times current events contest, it
was announced yesterday by Prof
Everett S. Brown, of the Political
Science department, chairman of
the contest here. Kellman, who won
the freshman-sophomore prize of
$75 in 1931, will have his paper sent
to New York to compete in the na-
tional inter-collegiate contest, the
winner of which will be awarded
E. Jerome Pettit, '34, won the
freshman-sophomore prize of $75;
and Beach Conger, third prize, of
$25. Pettit and Conger are both
memers of Jsthhedtralaffiof
te Daiy; as is RolandrGoodman,
'32, wirner of the first prize last
year. James H. Shelton, '32; James
B. Eaman, '35; and R. G. Wallen-
berg, '35 received honorable men-
tion. Because of the peculiar nature
of the rules of the contest, which
make only freshmen and sopho-
mores eligible for the second prize,
Weti, ihrepaper was adjudged
prth, gi revo the $m5sedis
pre izenJdedsolaewonthemrts

of their papers, the first contest-
ants were rated as follows:; first,
Kellman; second, Conger; third,
Shelton; and fourth, Pettit.

Storm of Protes
Many Houses Meet Grave Frnancic
Difficulties as Result of
Deferred Rushing
Campus fraternity leaders, long awaiting the results of 1
"fair trial" being given the Interfraternity council's deferred ru:
ing experiment, broke into a storm of protest yesterday when tI
figures released from the office of the dean of students showed th
:f the 67 fraternities which handed in preference lists Friday,
fraternities pledged an approximate average of four men each, wi
seven houses received none.
Of the 642 men listed as being eligible, the names of 450 appea
ed on fraternity lists, but only 240 went to the various houses h
night for fornkal pledging. A total of 402 eligibletmenremain
unpledged. The total number
freshmen men in the Universi
is listed at 837.
Members of several houses
clared' last night that they h
beenbanking on the addition
financial support of an increa
membership and that without ai
freshmen, or one or two, they we
]Box Office, Rehearsals, Design facing grave financial difficulty.
Chief objection was based on I
Work for 'Robin Hood' Go fact that one horse was alloti
to Final Site. 17 men and anotner 13, appro

Falling short by more than 300
votes of the 60 per cent majority
required for approval, the propos-
ed municipal court for Ann Arbor
was defeated in the local primar-
Two University professors
will oppose each other for the
short term as alderman in the
sixth ward, where William, A.
Paton, of the business admin-
istration school, and Oscar J.
Campbell, of the English de-
partment, were unopposed for
the Republican and Democrat-
ic nominations, respectively. I
ies yesterday. The court would
have replaced the two justices ofa
the peace, both of whom were can-
didates for election to the bench

of the new tribunal
Fewer than 3,600 voters of the
more than 11,000 registered in the
city went to the polls. Cold weath-
er and lack of interest in the elec-
tion, which had few contests aside
from the vote for judge, were
blamed for the poor showing.
Justice Jay H. Payne gained 1,-
278 votes against 1,243 for Justice
Harry W. Reading in the balloting
for judge. The other two candi-
dates, Frank C. Cole and Bert E.
Fry, polled 391 and 248, respective-
There were 1,728 votes for the
court and 1,703 against, a slight
majority. For approval, however,
2,058 were required, the measure
(Continued on Page 2)

The box office ticket sale for
the Mimes union operetta "Robin
Hood" opens today at Hill Auditor-
ium; along with this the set design
work, rehearsals, and committee
headquarters all move to Hill Audi-'
torium today.
More than 6,000 tickets have been
placed on sale, the great bulk of
which are listed at 75 cents. With
well filled houses both Friday and
Saturday nights, it is estimated
that the Union, which is backing
the opera financially, will be ably
to take in enough to make up P
large share of their outstanding
deficit. Advance reservations re,
ceived by mail indicate distinctly
more interest in the show than in
previous operas.
Music from the show is to b
broadcast over the University sta-
tion, WJR, tomorow at 2 o'clock
according to an announcement
yesterday from H. C. Howard, di-
rector of the production. A group
of the more famous numbers of
the opera, including the "Armorer's
song," "The Milk Maid's Chorus,"
and, "The Brown October Ale," will
be sung by the entire chorus.
Chinese, Japs Accuse Each Other
of Resuming Offensive
in Field.
Prospects for a formal armistice
at Shanghai appeared considerab
improyed yesterday, although eac
side accused the other of resumin
the offensive in the field.
The Japanese declared that 3,00(
Chinese launched an attack near
Liuho, and the Chinese said the
Japanese were pushing west froL-
Nanziang and Kating.
The Chinese government at Loy-
ang reiterated its determination tc
resist the Japanese and appointed
Chiang Kai-Shek, former president;
to take command of all nation;.
armed forces.

The first list of fraternity
pledges as it was released by
the Interfraternity council yes-
terday appears in full on page
two of today's Daily.
mately three times the avera
pledge roll and alleged many me
than would have been required
i.he houses to keep up their me-
bership to an operating minimu
w Questioned regarding his rea
tion to the general sentiment
the campus, President Alexand
G. Ruthven issued the followi
"The University does not wisl
to handicap the fraternities
The number of freshmen have
been decreasing yearly while
the fraternities have been in-
creasing in number, this lasi
in spite of warnings given by
the University to national or-
ganizations who have expressed
desiresto establish chapters or
the Michigan campus.
"The fraternities are social
organizations which should not
interfere with but which should
assist the student. The Univer-
sity believes that students
should demonstrate ability to
do satisfactory work before
joining fraternities. The Uni-
versity cannot increase the
total number of freshmen nor
the number of freshmen ac-
ceptable to fraternities.
"The entire matter is in the
hands of the Committee on
Student affairs which will give
the fraternities every possible
assistance in meeting their
A complete list, to be revised
view names are received, of t
.eligible freshmen whbo 01 omt a
cear on the pledge list, will
:osted both in the office of t
lean of students and in the Inte
fraternity council offices in t
Tnion, acording to Dean Joseph
avy Plans Services
for JohnPhilip Sow
WASHINGTON, March 7.-(A'
"entative plans for the funeral
'ohn Philip Sousa were announc
)day by the Navy Departme
efinite plans will be completed 1
norrow when Mrs. Sousa arrh


Messages Say Child
Ransom Details

Is Well;

HOPEWELL, N. J., March 7.--()
-Information that the kidnappers
of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr.,
have been in communication with
his parents came tonight from an
apparently authoritative source.
Two notes were received Sunday
by the Lindberghs. One was type-
written, but handwriting experts
agreed the other was in the same
writing as a ransom demand left
behind last Tuesday night by the
kidnappers as they fled with the
child. All were on the same kind
of paper. The last two bore the
same postmark. The baby was de-
scribed as safe and well.
The source of this information
supplied these details despite a
cnnfnsinz series of nublic an-

Local Talent to Give
Vaudeville for V.F.W.
A vaudeville show for the benefit
of local unemployed veterans of
foreign wars will be given Wednes-
day night at the Masonic Temple
Local artists, including Railroadt
Jack, will contribute their services
Eligible Freshmen, Sophomores
Asked to Report in Student
Offices Today.
Tryouts for committeeships of the
Union will meet at 3 o'clock today
in the student offices, it was an-
nounced by Hugh R. Conklin, '32E,
Union president.
Eligible second semester fresh-
men and sophomores may serve on
any of five general committees, the
dance committee which ha s hcho

Daily and Gargoyle Tryouts
StoReport at Offices Tc


Approximately 100 freshmen will
report at three o'clock this after-
noon at the Press building on
Maynard street for noitinn on the

* *

* *



charge of those reporting for this All freshmen reporting
work. lications will be known
On the Gargoyle staffs, Harcourt outs" and it will be in this
R Pottprcnn 1*1 h13iroic mnenor, I fhf+b +willmm maniVP ir.rt

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