tt ll Published every morning except -Monday during the University' by the Board in Control of Student Publications. vember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ed in this paper and the local news published herein. lrntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant vaster General. ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50_ )fieces: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, gan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF T'elephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN Editor ......................................Carl Forsythe tial Director...... ......................BPeach Conger, Jr. Editor ................................David M. Nichol S-ditor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton n's }Editor. ...... ............Margaret M. Thompson ant News Edlitor ..... ............Robert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Kar SeilTert George A. Stauter. ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY Such a situation is foreign not only to Cornell, P 0 U N T ~,IX PLE T Y P E W R I T I N G - - but also to the whole spirit of advanced education. ?&rker, Sheaffer Watezmn U I L E 0 G A H I N G Informality, freedom are the essence of graduate Paker, etc., $d.00 ad u p. romptly andG RA Py d nin study. The number of graduate students should A large ana choice assortme at our om shop by ccetent never be permitted to grow beyond the ability of .the pr a c o-erators at node'rate rates. professor to give personal guidance, nor should de- 0 1 L ___D M 0 R R I L L clining maturity among graduate students be allowed 314 S. State St., Ann.Arbor. 314 . State St. ,Azn to introduce spoon-feeding. The undergraduate col-_ ___ --- lege has sunk to meet the level of the notorious American high-school. Let us keep the graduate SUDDEN school, the last stronghold of scholarship, from sink- SERVICE ing to the level of the undergraduate college. ,...... . I BOOKS I -1 in V. Thomas 11rian1jones Sports Assistants John S. Townsend Charles A. Sainford ey NV. Arnheim Id F. Blankertz rd C. Campbell as Connellan :t S. Deutsch t L FIriedman ice Ilayden REPORTERS Fred A. Hither lfarold F. Kluie Norman raft Ed1wardl R. Marshall RolandA Martin Albet if . Newman. 7. Jerome P-ait Prudence Foster Alice Gilbe:t Frances Mancihester Elizabeth Mann John X'W. rii ema rd Joseph Rcm'iiman C. Hart '.chaaf Brackl hy Shaw Parker Snyder Rohert S. WAard t;, R. Winters Margaret O'.Rri'!n Beverly Stark Imna Wadlsworth Josephine Woodhamns Carver Collins Crandall eldman BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ARLES T. KLINE........................Business Managet IRIS P. JOHNSON . ............Assistant Manager Department M~anagers ertising............ ........... . s.... Vernon Bishop ertising Contracts............................Harry K. Begley erlising Service ............................Byron (. \Vedder lications ..................................William T". Brown aunts........... ...s.....................Richard tratemir men's Business 1fm anagr.................... .. Ann W. Vernor Orvil Aronson Gilbert 1. liarsley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Pecker Martha Jane Cissel Genevieve Field Maxine Fischgrund Ann Gallmeyer Mary Harriman Assistants Jahlin, eyser Arthur F. Kohn iamesTLowe Ann Ifarsha ]atherine Jackson Dorothy Layin Virginia McComb Carolin Mtosher Ilelen Olsen Grafton W. Sharp Donal d A. Johnson, 11 D~on Lyon Jiernard iI. Good May See fried Minnie Seng Ilelen Spencer Kathryn Stork (lare Unger Al ary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-JERRY E. ROSENTHAL SUNDAY, MARCH 6 1932 [Newspapers and Contests OME newspapers probably inaugurate special! columns, prize contests, and publicity stunts with the sole motive of increasing circulation. In some cases there are other ulterior motives per- haps. But it is a safe guess that some of our more widely-read periodicals are, after all, seeking to aid the reading public when they further educa- tional campaigns, political polls, and artificial "reading stimulation." Such, we believe, is the case with The New York Times and its annual current events contest, circulated among twenty leading universities and colleges of the country. Perhaps they do increase their circulation by an unnoticeable degree, the editors of this nationally read news sheet. Perhaps they do acquire a reputation among collegiates which is certainly not harmful. We insist, however, that a project as beneficial to students as the one in question has virtues and not faults. And, truly enough, that fact has not, to the best of our knowledge, ever been denied. Our concern at present is with the unaccount- able lack or interest shown by students in the recent contest. Last year twenty-six students took part in the contest. Last week only sixteen could find the required three hours to put on the exam- ination. Although only three of the sixteen will receive financial remuneration for the three hours thus expended, all sixteen certainly received edu- .cational advantages. And we have heard rumors to the effect that universities exist with that avowed purpose. The universities of Michigan and Chicago are the only two midwestern schools which have been selected by the national committee in charge of the contest for participation. We can but wonder if the New York Times will be satisfied with the amount of interest shown locally and will retain Michigan on their list in future years. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. (Doubleday, Doran, 1932) $2.50. (Review Copy Courtesy of Wahr's Bookstore) A Review By John W. Pritchard From the facile pen of a celebrated English writer comes this satire of a communistic utopia, six cen- turies in the future, whose whole life has been re- duced to terms of Community, Identity, Stability, and Sex. Nothing could more perfectly describe the signifi- cance of the current Huxley novel than the lines from Nicolas Berdiaeff which the author uses as a text. "Les utopies apparaissent," the selection runs, "comme bien plus realisables qu'on ne le croyait autrefois . . . Utopias appear much more realisable than people formerly believed. And we find ourselves actually before a question otherwise very grave: How to avoid their definite realization? . . . Utopias are realizable. Life advances toward utopias. And per- haps a new age may begin, an age when the intel- lectuals and the cultivated class will dream of a means of avoiding utopias and returning to a society not utopian, less 'perfect', and more free." So the novel has a definite purpose. Huxley would it appears) swing the tide of thought back to the possibility that perhaps our own age is not so very bad after all. He would elevate to a higher status the idea that individualism is life, not standardiza- tion. To achieve this end, he has written a witty, wicked, subtly-slapstick piece of modern satire. The first paragraph almost tells the story. "A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY." It is a world of civilization brought to its highest peak. There is no more war; everyone is happy; everyone fills his appointed niche. Everyone works seven and a half hours a day, then quits, goes to the "feelies" with their "amazing tact- ual effects," eats soma (which seems to be a drug having the propensities of hashish), chews sex-hor- mone chewing gum, recites slogans such as "To end is better than to mend," "A gramme" (of soma) "is better than a damn." And why? Because of boka- novskification and the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. These amazing people of the year 632A.F. (Year of Ford) had completely done away with parenthood, The word "Mother" brought a blush to the cheeks of delicate-minded people. Instead, through the media of excised ovaries and testes, they carried on - fertilization in vats, then bokanovskified (each) fer- tilized ovum into 96 buds, each bud developing into a perfect embryo. Standardization! The buds were: slipped into bottles with a bit of pig peritoneum, and conditioned into Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon children, according to descending rank of: intelligence. (It was the official predestinator who was responsible for embryonic conditioning). And after they had been decanted-removed from the bottles which were their true mothers-the children were conditioned constantly until they reached ma- turity. Thus, in the process of hypnopaedia, or sleep-teaching, a tiny voice whispered under the pillow of each sleeping child the words, "Everybody is happy now," 300 repetitions a day for 4 years. The prize laugh of the book is Our Ford. The calendar had been changed; its beginning instead of being the birth of Christ, became the day on which Ford started production of his model T. Which gives rise to such expressions as "Ford's Day," "Ford's in his flivver, all's right with the world," "his fordship," and an occasional blasphemy, "Ford in Flivver!" Put case: there is a Solidarity meeting, wherein all sing in unison, in solemn ritual: "Ford, we are twelve; oh, make us one. Like drops within the Social River; Oh make us now together run As swiftly as thy shining Flivver." To make his points more clear, and to make his story a novel, the author weaves into the metropoli- tan background some very old characters; yet, some- how, they are also very real. There is Lenina, the Alpha-plus girl, who is the picture of 632 A.F. moral- ity-i.e., utter sex-promiscuity. Monogamy was im- moral. There is Bernard Marx, an Alpha-plus psychologist, a rebel, an individualist, but a some- what timorous one. He is despised because of his stunted stature-a careless conditioner of his bottle days had thought he was predestined to be a Gam- ma, and had put alcohol in his blood surrogate pump. And there is John, the Shakespearian savage from a New Mexico Indian reservation, who worshipped! Pookong and Jesus. The three of them, with the aid of His Fordship Mustapha Mond, work out a story of cross-purposes, utopianism versus Christianity, that is a true satirical tragedy. The weak point of the craftsmanship is exagger- ation. Almost everything is overdone-although, for the purposes of satire, that perhaps is necessary. But it seems to us that the good Aldous really didn't need to make John Savage such a monkish, prudish Chris- tian as he is. A normal twentieth-century Christian probably would have served the purpose a little more effectively. In John Savage, the author achieved ridicule where it should not have been applied. Be that as it may, the book is well worth reading. It is not just another Amazing Story; it is propaganda of a very high order. The world's largest gas bag, the Akron, broke a rudder in the presence of a committee of congress- MI ter .'' ' .x ! ' f ,,:r i Pahxy; f i . M'3", R 1. I EDI[TO]RIAL COMMENT i MARKS FOR GRADUATES (The Cornell Daily Sun) Grades are not native to Cornell. In the early rs of the University students passed or failed, but ew nothing of percentages or A's, B's, and C's. The rking system was introduced by teachers brought from outside against the will of the men who grew with the University. At Cornell, as almost everywhere, grades have ved as a barrier-sometimes prominent and some- tes rather inconsequential-against free inter- irse between faculty and students. And-what is re serious-they have fostered the development that narrow and superficial creature, the grade- aser, who measures the effectiveness of the educa- nal process in terms of A's and B's. Although today a few progressive universities are ,king an effort to do away with the grading system d to make the undergraduate seek the reward of college work in what he learns, instead of what e professor thinks he learns, many other univer- les are moving in the opposite direction and ex- iding the grading system to graduates as well as dergraduates. Although Cornell has in the main escaned this