TABLIS 1890 T, r Air 41r AmAw IWRMP-I t "IVA. 1 4&1 r ANN MW wr t Aa1 MEMBER ASSOCIATE, PRESS I )L. XLIL No. 111. SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1932 Weather: Colder; Snow flurries. PRICE FIVE Officials Believe Return of Child Will Occur Soon BULLETIN John Philip Sousa, veteranI band director and former leader of the United States Marine band, died early this morning two hours following a banquet given in his honor at Reading, Pennsylvania, by the Lingold band. Sousa appeared in Ann Arbor COURTAMENOMENT WILL DRAWUTERS TO POLLS MONDAY! Four Men Are Candidates for Office ol Municipal Judge. LARGE VOTE EXPECTED Wolve Track Team Downs Illinois, Ohio as Puckster. and Wrestlers Are Beate Gov. Moore Calls Conference of Master I Minnesota Noses Out Man Hunters of Nation, working on Lindbergh Case. several times with his band but i Nomination of Ward Officers to has not, in the past five seasons,I HOPEWELL, N.J., March 5.-(P)-A belief that kidnappers ofE chubby-faced Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., will soon restore the stolen child to his parents was expressed today by master man- hunters of the east as they sat at a conference with Gov. A. Harry Moore. The governor himself announced the concensus of what he called "the best brains of the police and law enforcement circles of the country" as the meeting ended in Trenton and the conferees started for here. "There has been no break in the case," Maj. Charles A. Schoef- fel, deputy superintendent of state police, announced. "No word has been received directly or indirectly from the kidnappers.'' "Are police out on any new clues?" he was asked. "They always are," he replied. Commenting on the arrest and prolonged questioning in Hartford, Conn., of Henry (Red) Johnson, friend of the nursemaid to the Lind- bergh baby, Schoeffel said Hartford authorities had been informed the man was not wanted by New Jersey state police. Dispels Reports on Nurse. He also dispelled reports concerning the nursemaid, Miss Betty Gow, who was subjected to lengthy questioning earlier in the week, by saying: "That girl's all right." He said she admitted having "dates" with Johnson prior to the kidnapping, but that no significance was attached to them. Meanwhile, in Hartford a county official said the wood used in the ladder left behind by the kidnappers was similar to the kind used at a Bronx shipyard frequented by Johnson. The yard is the one in which Thomas Lamont, New York banker, keeps his yacht. Johnson formerly was a sailor on this craft.. The county official also expressed the belief a milk bottle cap, found in the coupe Johnson drove here, was from a New Jersey dairy and was Occupy Remainder of Election. visited here. It was well known' by many that the veteran band director has been in failing health recently but his sudden death, the cause of which was unknown at press time, was to- tally unexpected by any of his closest friends. Sousa's band, which has been on tour this year, has several times had to call off appearances or has had to substitute directors because of the failing health of the director. Sings Hsere Tomorrow dated Wednesday. DEA9N WILL NOUTIFY, PLEDGEES_.BY MAIL Formal Pledging to Take Place Monday Night; Notices to. Be Sent Tomorrow. Contrary to rumors current on campus last night, no freshman will be notified of his fraternity af- filiation before Monday. Mail de- liveries on Monday, both morning andeafternoonwill bring postcards telling freshman which of their fraternity choices has been recip- rocated on the part of the frater- nal organization. The lists sent in by the houses on Friday and the choices sent in by the freshman yesterday are be- ing correlated at the office of the dean of students today. This task Those freshmen who were out of town or for other reasons were un- able to file their preference list of fraternities yesterday will be able to do so tomorrow morning until noon. After this time no more will be accepted. No changes may be made by freshmen on their pref- erence lists without the special per- mission of the Judiciary committee of the Interfraternity Council. will probably not be completed much before tonight according to reports from the dean's office which indicate that the work of sorting 400 to 500 names under various heads will take great time and patience. Only one student is being allow- ed to take part in the work of list- ing the freshmen, so that the pos- sibility of one fraternity being fav- ored at the expense of another will be eliminated. Complaints to the interfraternty council about violations of the rule which forbids further contact with freshmen after 8 o'clock Friday night have been numerous accord- ing to reports from many parts of the campus. However, the only way definite action may be taken a- gainst offenders is the filing of written complaints with the inter- fraternity council, it was stated by a member of that body. Ex-Crown Prince May Try for Presidency BERLIN, March 5-()---Former Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm emerged today as a possible candi- date for president in the event that none of the candidates now in the field achieve a majority in the first balloting a week from tomorrow. The former heir to the throne wa.., riraOmtica.lII Dresnterilast County Detective Edward J. Hickey and States Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn, noted for their success- ful prosecution of Gerald Chap- man, police slayer, left the county building for an unannounced des- tination late in the day, leaving Johnson still in custody. They car- ried the milk bottle cap with them. Search Room. They already had questioned a filling station proprietor who said he had seen a man, a woman and a baby in a green car resembling Johnson's which passed his place Wednesday afternoon. In Brooklyn police searched the room of Fred Johnson, the sailor's brother with whom the arrested man had stayed last week. The brother said the seaman came from Norway nine years ago, had never been in trouble, had met Miss Gow last summer, and was very much in love with her. The law enforcement officials who attended the governor's con- ference, designed to coordinate the search for the missing child, came from as far west as Chicago and included several representatives of President Hoover from the depart- ment of justice. There was feeling among some of the officials that an even stronger offer of immunity than made yes- terday by the Lindbergh's should be issued. While they were discussing the case behind closed doors, the lad- der the kidnappers used was sent for and taken into the conference room. Later a number of the con- ferees came to the Lindbergh es- tate to inspect the scene of the crime. OHIO BOY RESCUED FROM KIDNAPPERS Police Find Victim; Two Men1 Are Held as Suspects. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, March 5. -(P)-James DeJute, 11-year-old Niles, Ohio, boy who was kidnapped while on his way to school early Wednesday morning, was recover- ed this morning in a house about seven miles from Niles. Two men who police said they thought were the kidnappers were captured by a posse of six officers. The men were booked at the coun- ty jail in Warren as John de Mar- co, 30, and Dowell. Hargraves, 27, both of Youngstown. Authorities said the boy was re- covered in a gambling house. The finding of the boy came when it was feared he might have been slain. The federal bureau of investigation also had stepped into the investigation. Japanese Land 10,000 More Troops in China SHANGHAI. March 5.-UP)-An- Rosa Ponselle, of the Metropol- itan Opera company, who will give the tenth and final concert on the Choral Union series tomorrow night in Hill auditorium. NOTED MINISTERS TO ,PREACH TODAY A large number of the 11,000 reg- istered voters of Ann Arbor will go to the polls tomorrow to decide whether Ann Arbor shall have a municipal court, to elect its judge, and to select supervisors, aldermen and constables for various wards throughout the city. The feature of the primary elec- tion is the municipal court propos- al, which has bebn a center of in- terest since last December. The amendment to be voted upon pro- vides for a municipal court presid- ed over by a municipal judge who shall have a term of office of six years, and a salary range of from $4,000 to $6,000. The two offices of justice of the peace now serving the purpose for which the court is designed, would be abolished. The court is to have jurisdiction up to amounts of $500. Four Seek Bench. Four candidates have offered themselves for the position of mu- nicipal judge. They are Frank C. Cole, Bert E..Fry, Harry W. Read- ing and Jay H. Payne. The latter two candidates are justices of the peace at present, Mr. Payne's office being in the county building and Mr. Reading's in the city hall. Both are graduates of the University law school and have engaged in the practice of law in Ann Arbor. Mr. Fry and Mr. Cole, both also Michigan law grad- uates, are at present practicing at- torneys. Mr. Fry has served four years as justiceof the peace, while Mr. Cole has been circuit court commissioner and clerk of Ann Ar- bor township. Ward Nominations. Of the twenty-odd ward offices to be filled, only six are to be con- tested. The high point will be reached in the third ward where Fred J. Williams, Leigh Thomas, and William S. Housel compete for the Republican aldermanic nom- ination. The Republicans also have an alderman's contest in the sev- enth ward and a supervisor's con- test in the fifth, while more than one Democrat seeks his party's nomination for alderman in the second and third wards and for constable in the fourth. SECOND MUL TO0E HELD TODY Union Will Present Trio This Afternoon in Main Floor Lounge. Requested again after successful introduction last Sunday afternoon, the second informal Union mus- icale will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in the North lounge on the main floor of the Union. The informal recital will be given by the Michigan Union trio, composed of Charles B. Law, '33SM, violinist and director; Warren Mayo, '34, cellist, and Harold Sellmon, '34SM, pianist. "If the musicale this afternoon meets with success," Hugh R. Conk- lin, '32, president of the Union, said last night, "the Sunday afternoon concert will become a permanent event." The program for this afternoon is as follows: Hungarian Dance No. 5, by Brahms; Estralita by Ponce; Schubert's Moment Mus- icale; Shys' Amarylis; Air by Ga- briel Marie; Widar's Serenade; Moskowski's Spanish Dance and Light Opera Selections arranged by von Tylzer. To Feature DeKoven Selection at Michigan A popular number from DeKo- ven's "Robin Hood" will be played on the grand console of the Mich- igan theatre organ at both evening Hockey Team by 1-0 Score. By John W. Thomas. The spectacular, fast skating sex- tet from Minneapolis determined their hockey supremacy last night by humbling Michigan, 1-0, before a frenzied capacity attendance. From the first moment of play to the final gun, thrills and brilliant individual efforts kept the fans at a high pitch. The series drew more than 3,500 hockey fans with about 200 turned away from the turnstiles. Although the seating capacity is only 1,300, more than 900 were jammed into the available standing space, About 1,700 saw the second match last night while 1,800 witnessed the first one. Minnesota divided their team in- to three front lines and from the first it was evident that Michigan would be forced to play a defensive game. After three-fourths of the first period had elapsed, Tompkins stopped a shot and hit it out to the red line. Todd immediately pound- ed it back and it went past Mich- igan's Captain for the only tally of the match. With only seven minutes to play in the last period, Coach Lowrey again juggled his team so that four forwards and one defenseman were playing for the Wolverines but they could not score. MacInnis again stood out with his speed and continued aggres- siveness. Goalie Clausen had more work last night than Tompkins as he pushed aside 19 shots while Michigan's ace saved 17. Several fights started but failed to mater- ialize into free-for-all, as Referee Foxx ruled the disputes with severe penalties. Parker crashed into the boards behind Michigan's net and dislo- cated his shoulder. Later in the same third session, Crossman shot a long one from center ice and struck LaBatte above the eye. He suffered two cuts around his eye and two small bones were displaced in his nose. SUMMARIES: Michigan (0) Pos. Minnesota (1) Tompkins G. Clausen Chapman L.D. LaBatte Williams R.D. Carlson Crossman C. MacInnis Reid L.W. Parker David R.W. Toth Michigan Spares: Frumkes. Min- nesota Spares: Souma, Todd, Con- stantine, Ryman, Schafer. First Period: Scoring, Todd 14:- 15. No Penalties. Second Period: No scoring. Pen- alties, David, Schafer, Crossman Third Period: No scoring. Penal- ties, Schafer (2), David. Referee, Foxx of Detroit. St. Thomas, University High Win Court Titles Two local high schools won dis- trict court titles in . the annual tournament at Ypsilanti last night, University high defeating Saline, 29-8, in Class C, and St. Thomas beating Romulus, 35-18, in Class D. Both teams will enter the Reg- ional tournament at Ypsilanti, next week. (Spccial to The Daily) BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 5- The Indiana Western conference wrestling champions decisively de- feated the University of Michigan's mat team tonight in the final dual encounter of the season, 20 and one-half to 9 and one-half, to end the dual meet schedule with a clean slate. Captain Carl Dougovito and Al Reif were the only Wolverine grap- plers to come through with victor- ies. The Maize and Blue leader, Big Ten title holder in the 165-pound division, took the decision over Voliva, his strongest conference competitor, in the 65 bout with a time advantage of five minutes and eight seconds. In the 175-pound match Reif won on a foul from Rascher, veteran Hoosier star, after Rascher had been disqualified for roughness. In the feature bout of the eve-1 ning Cliffr Stoddard, one of the leading collegiate heavyweightsof the country, wrestled Bob Jones, National A.A.U. champion, to a draw in the heavyweight division in a bout that went into two overtime periods. Jim Wilson, after riding George Belshaw for over six minutes, was finally pinned by the Crimson star in 6:59 to give the 155-pound bout to the Hoosiers. One of the biggest setbacks of the evening occured in the 135-pound match which marked Blair Thomas' first loss of the year. Eddie Belshaw took the decision over the Wolverine star, who was runnerup for the United States' Olympic team in 1928, with a time advantage of 6:59. In the 118-pound bout Jim Land- rum was pinned by Aldridge in four minutes and 21 seconds. Joe Oak- ley droped the 126-pound decisior to Hawkins on a time advantage of 6:43. Art Mosier, Michigan state A.A.U. champ, lost on a decision tc Goings at 145, with the Hoosier holding a 3:15 time advantage. BIG TEN SCORES Basketball. Purdue 31, Northwestern 17. Minnesota 24, Iowa 22. Wisconsin 35, Indiana 26. Illinois 41, Chicago 20. Wrestling. Illinois 24/, Iowa 7 . Cornell 17, Ohio State 13. Chicago 19, Wisconsin 11. ' CAGE STANDINGS W L PCT. Purdue 10 1 .909 Northwestern 9 3 .750 Minnesota 8 3 .727 MICHIGAN 7 4 .636 Illinois 6 5 .545 Ohio State 5 6 .454 Indiana 4 7 .364 Wisconsin 3 8 .273 Iowa 3 9 .250 Chicago 1 10 .090 IND IANAGRA9PPLERS WIN FlIEMATCHES Dougovito, Reif Win Bouts Hoosiers Are Victors, 20;/2 to 91/. as Michigan Mile Relay Quartet Creates Record. By Brian W. Jones. Annexing four first places and tie for a fifth, the University Michigan track team last night d feated the University of Illin and Ohio State University in a t angular meet in Yost field hou The Michigan thinclads acun lated a total of 571/2 points. n: nois was second with 36%2, wh Ohio State brought up the re with 30. Michigan's crack mile relay te provided the outstanding perfori ance of the evening by clickingi the distance in the record breaki time of 3:22.9. The old field hot record was 3:26,1, held jointly Michigan and Chicago. Capt. R1 sell, DeBaker, Turnerand ekn vich composed the winning quart Keller Is Star. Jack Keller of Ohio State w the individual star of the meet wi a total of 11 points. Keller copp both the high and low hurdles. got a tough break in the forn event when he knocked over t third hurdle. This misfortune c him a new field house record sir he was clocked in 8 seconds fi four tenths of a second lower th the existing mark. His mark w disallowed. Keller's time for the low hurd tied the field house mark of 7.3 s onds. Hawley Egleston, Wolveri flash, was second in both even The Buckeye star gained his ott point by finishing fourth in t sixty yard dash. Cook of Illinois came within ace of the field house record the shot put when his toss of feet, three inches fell just fc inches short of the existing ma Booker Brooks, Michigan star, e second with a toss of 45 feet, th inches.x Russell Places in Dash. Capt. Russell of Michigan de onstrated his versatility by finh ing second to Don Renwick, I teammate, in the 60 yard das Renwick broke the tape only a f inches In front of the flying W verine leader. The time was seconds. Fazekas, Ohio star, w third. Dean Woolsey, Illinois star, d appointed the customers by . performance in the mile run. I though he easily won the race I time was bad, 4:40.7. Wolfe a McManus of Michigan alternal at setting the pace over the ent distance until the final stretch. 'Doc' Howell, of Michigan, foug off the determined threat of : teammate, Hill, to win the tv mile run. His time was also sl 9:49.8. Jusek Ties in High Jump. Jusek of Michigan and Russell Ohio tied for high jump honors " feet, 5-8 inches. Lennington Illinois won the pole vault with jump of 13 feet. Humphrey Michigan tied with Schlansker Illinois for second, while North of Michigan was fourth. Lenn ton tried desparately to set a n field house record but failed inches. The Michigan two-mile re team composed of Turner, Ecki 1 vich, DeBaker and Lemen outd Church services today will beI augmented by talks by several not- ed persons, in addition to a discus- sion of theosophy from both the theosophical and Christian points of view. Back from a trip west, Dr. Fred- erick B. Fisher will give both serm- ons today in the First Methodist church. The morning worship will be on "Creative Suffering," the eve- ning service on the theme of "The Procession to Calvary." IRev. Henry, Lewis, pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, will oc- cupy the pulpit this morning, with communion scheduled for 8 o'clock this morning. In the discussion of theosophy, E. Norman Pearson, president of the Michigan Theosophical Feder- ation, will present "Christianity from the Point of View of a Theo- sophist," while Dr. Fisher will tell of "Theosophy from the Point of View of a Christian." The discus- sion will be held at 3:30 o'clock in Natural Science auditorium. At. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rev. C. A. Brauer will preach the (Continued on Page 2) It Seems That Robin Didn't Go to Michigan University students are all mer- rymen with bows and arrows and the campus is a green, arborial for- est in the fanciful minds of some of the stenographers of the grad- uate school office as revealed by their actions yesterday when asked to look up the record of a would-be member of the famous outlaw band. Dwight Tresize, Grad., walked in- to the office of the Graduate school, filled out a card for eligibil- tanced their rivals to wini time of 8:11.0. in LARGE NUMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO REPORT TUESDAY FOR DAILY' One of the largest numbers toThompson, ever report for work on University Margaret publications is expected to try out Feldman,' for positions on the Michigan Daily present w editorial staffs at 3 o'clock Tuesday outs will afternoon in the Press building on en's page. Maynard street, it was announced Those n yesterday by David M. Nichol, '32, will alsoi news editor of The Daily who will to Sheldo have charge of all "tryouts." editor. W A new plan, which will involve devoted t fewer lectures and less preliminary though tr routine work, will be utilized in tical work training the new men and women. reading p Instead of having freshmen take Followin courses in news writing and doing ments inT merely routine work for the first juniors wv two months, the tryouts will be giv- freshmen en an immediate opportunity to sophomor learn the ways of newspapers by keep tilln practical experience such as cover- editors fo ing a beat. writing headlines and lected. Z '32, women's editor, O'Brien, '33, and Elsie '33, two members of the omen's staff. Women try- work only for the wom- men interested in sports report at the same time an Fullerton, '32, sports Work in this department is o sports exclusively, al- ryouts also will do prac- c in writing headlines and roof on the night desk. g the upper staff appoint- May when the senior and ill fill the editorships, will be given regular e beats which they will next year when the night r the coming year are se- The senioir editors are SUMMARIES: One-mile run-Woolsey, Illinc first; Wolfe, Michigan, second; Nv Manus, Michigan, third; Dille, hio, fourth. Time, 4:40.7. 60-yard dash-Renwick, Mic] gan, first; Russell, Michigan, sE ond; Fazekas, Ohio, third; Kell Ohio, fourth. Time, 0:08.4. One-mile Relay-Michigan, fir Illinois, second; Ohio, third. Tir 3:22.9. (New field house record. 65-yard high hurdles - Kell Ohio, first; Egleston, Michigan, s ond; Entyre, Illinois, third; Bla Ohio, fourth. Time, 0:08.0. (R ord not allowed.) Two-mile run-Howell, Michig first; Hill, Michigan, second; F len, Ohio, third; Line, Illin( fourth. Time, 9:49.8. 65-yard low hurdles-Keller, hio, first; Egleston, Michigan, s (Continued on Page 2) Cardinals Beat Mach in Exra-Inning Gan