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March 05, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-05

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Published every morning except Monday during the Universit3
r by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associatioxr.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
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- Editor.......................................Carl Forsythe
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vs Editor ................................... David M. Nichol
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. Myers
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ary Harriman

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Clare Unger
Mlary .E'Tzabeth Watts



Wth Justice
CHINESE delegates at the extraordinary session
of the League of Nations which is consider-
ing proposals regarding peace in the Far East
have announced they want "peace with justice.."
Probably, remembering history, they tendered this
request with trepidation. From the time of the
opium war with England in the 1840's, few peaces
have been concluded by China that carried with
them any modicum of justice.
The United States is virtually the only power
that has not made territorial acquisitions from
China in the last hundred years, and its record,
when properly analyzed, is to be pointed to with
little pride. The fact that we do not want any
additional territory not contiguous with that we
now hold, coupled with our commercial interests'
desire for foreign markets, has inevitably led to
the open door policy as the only means for equal
competitive condiitions for American capital.
China, then, has little to hope for in any peace
negotiation, though the League of Nations may
possibly give her a fairer deal than she has had
in the past. The illogical part of the situation is
that China should have to sue for peace, however.
With her vast area and population, any invasion
by sea is likely to be fruitless. Japan or any other
nation may easily conquer the seaboard areas, sub-
jugate a few cities, and perhaps penetrate to the
more accessible centers of government.
Any such conquest, however, would be only
temporary. No great power will tolerate another's
complete and sole sovereignity in China, nor any-
thing approximating it. The only peaceful and
practical solution would be a reversion to the
present state of affairs, a division into "spheres
of influence,'' with a Chinese government in ad-
ministrative, if not executive, control.
If the Chinese, unable to do more because of
the chaotic condition of their national government
and the poor equipment of their troops (assuming
the worst to be true), should do nothing more than
"sit tight," fighting only a defensive war, a stale-
mate would soon result. As soon as the invaders
had penetrated more than a few miles from their
seaboard bases, they would be forced to resort to
defensive tactics themselves. And two magnifi-
cent defenses pitted against each other could do
little more than sit still watching the situation
closely. An effective invasion of China by a single
nation would be as difficult as making a perman-
ent cavity in the middle of a large body of water.
So far as we can see, then, there is no reason
for China to sue for peace. If the Chinese did not
allow themselves to become discouraged at the
loss of a few square miles about Shanghai (over
which they now have little power, anyway) they
would find "peace with justice" ridiculously easy
of accomplishment.

of the traditional date of the president's inaugura-
tion from March fourth to January 20 and of the
beginning of congress from the first Monday in
December to January third. The short session will
be eliminated entirely and all congressmen will take
office less than two months after election.
The plan has considerable merit and nothing but
political chicanery and selfishness has postponed
action until now. Opposition of the most vigorous
nature has arisen from those lawmakers who fear
they will not be re-elected when the amendment goes
into effect. Their terms will then be shortened by
two months each and they will be deprived of the
privilege of serving their country to the extent they
desired. The injustice done these few "lame ducks,"
however, wil not recur after the amendment has been
in force a while.
Chief among the benefits which are likely to
result therefrom is the fact that discredited solons
must withdraw from office shortly after their failure
at the polls. Thus the process of government will be
speeded, worn-out theorists will be supplanted imme-
diately by heroes of the day, and lawmakers will be
more inclined to feel their responsibilities to a fickle
(Daily Tar Heel)
Humor, once wittily intellectual, is gradually see-
ing a retrogression, if one is to judge the current
post-stock market crash periodical as indicative of
the cream of American wit. The influx of such maga-
zines as Ballyhoo, Bunk, Hullabaloo, Hooey, and
Slapstick has served to change the whole aspect of
our perception of the facetious in the range of two-
bits-a-month humor. With each issue, the new
estate of humorous literature becomes increasingly
daring, sparing no details in depicting the stories
that once were confined to the sanctum of the pull-
man smoker. The amazing aspect of the whole situ-
ation is that the great public is apparently gobbling
up this offering, for circulation of the more colorful
of their number has increased ten-fold.
Whether the new humor is another one of those
things to be blamed on post-war youth, Herbert
Hoover, or Will Cuppy's theory of gin and libido, is
a matter involving unlimited realms for conjecture.
The pleasant anecdotes of the joke-telling bees of
two decades ago have now become so twisted and so
exposed to base conceptions that they are hardly
distinguishable. The iceman, the street cleaner, and
the traveling salesman are inexhaustable for the car-
toonist in their range of adventures. Unquestionably
the once smooth type of humor has been roughened
until it has acquired amazingly frank and uncouth
The contributions of the new humor to culture
seem to be limited to the popularizing of the derisive
expression, aw nertz! and the proper name of Zilch,
which is equally applicable to your next door neighbor
or the Fuller Brush man. If American culture is
definable as mass-appealing one may take these
contributions and others of equally ludicrous nature
as valuable acquisitions to our own particular specie
of humor. At any rate they exemplify a type con-
trary to the principles of good taste that were earlier
typical the more astute humorous publications that
now have been forced to conform to the new humor
or cease publication. The criterion is spice, and
plenty of it!
The invasion of the new humor is regretable. It
would be more desirable to have all its periodical
exponents alphabetically filed, and then burned.
bHealth Education
Health Service
At the present time, X-rays are being used by
physicians in all branches of medicine in studying
the -cause and extent of and in treating various
illness. The employment of one type of X-ray ap-
paratus permits the physicion actually to watch the
movements of various parts of the body by observing
the shadows cast by dense structures on a luminous
screen. - Other types of apparatus are designed for
ase in connection with photographic films so that
the shadow image can be permanently recorded. The
descriptive reports and interpretations of such exam-
inations and even the films themselves serve as val-
uable records of the patient's case.

It must be remembered, however, that films alone
without definite information as to the conditions
under which the examination was conducted are of
no value and may be actually misleading. X-ray films
ire quite different from ordinary photographs, for
on them are recorded only the shadows cast by dense
objects which lie in the path of the X-ray beam,
whereas, ordinary photographs record differences in
the reflecting properties of exposed surfaces. Unless
one is familiar with the construction of the human
body, he cannot expect to understand the shadows
cast by hidden parts. It is only when such films are
interpreted by physicians who understand how the
normal body should look to X-ray that signs of
disease become apparent. Of course, simple bone
fractures when recorded by this method, can be
recognized with ease, as a rule, but even these are
frequently misleading and require careful study. In
a word, X-ray films are somewhat similar to steno-
graphic notes-a visible record understood only by
those trained to interpret such symbols and charac-
There is still a great deal to be learned about X-
rays and their application to medicine. Every yeas
new uses are devised. It has been shown that by the
injection of harmless opaque substances into various
body cavities, structures otherwise lacking the neces-
sary density to render them visible by contrast with
surrounding structures can be recognized by virtue
of the borrowed density. The increasing use of con-
trast substances has greatly broadened the field of
X-ray examination.
One should not consider an X-ray examination
as a mysteriously unfailing method of telling every-
thing there is to know about disease, but rather as
a clever medical tool which when used by a well
trained physician may be of immense value. Above

** *
We were agreeably surprised at
the performance of "The Little Ty-
coon" at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre last night. Considering the
fact that the production was the
result of the combination of the
Glee Clubs of Ann Arbor High
School,, the Public School Music
Training Classes, and lord knows
what else, the practically finished
prduct was very entertaining. De-
spite a few evidences of amateur-
ishness, such as the awkward
pause in Act One when the right
people didn't appear, and the Cur-
tain which started down instead of
up at the beginning of the Second
Act, the production ran quite7
smoothly and was enjoyed heart-
ily by both audience and company.
* **.
The principles were all Univer-
sity students or students in the
University School of Musi, which
accounts for the general excellence7
of the singing. Solo honors go to
Goddard Light, playing "Alvin
Barry," the Great Tycoon, and to
Miss Gwendolyn Zoller, playing
"Miss Hurricane." The leading
lady, Miss Leah Lichtenwalter, does3
very well excepting for the open-i
ing number in each act. Maybe it
takes her a few minutes to get
warmed up. The orchestra func-
tioned beautifully even if it did de-
fy operatic conventions by having1
the bass fiddle on the right and the
drums on the left.-
* * *
Although deplorably deficient<
when it came to facial expression
and stage presence, the Ann Arbor
Glee clubs turned in a pretty fairt
job of the mass singing, at timesi
accumulating a rafter-raising vol-
ume. The Japanese chorus in the
second act was the best, the firstk
chorus in the first act the worst, int
which a bevy of tourist maidens, a
gang of fraternity men, and sailors1
tying knots don't make a very har-
monious combination.
* * *t
There wasn't much room in the
operetta for much individual effort,
Operettas are that way. However,
Mr. Smith, as General Knicker-
bocker does some very animatedj
acting, and Mr. Light's perform-1
ance on the throne in the second
act was simply swell. Individual
honors in the chorus go to a cer-
tain unknown gentleman of nu-
bian descent, whose dark skin,
flashing teeth, nd rolling eyes
made an alarming contrast with ar
bright red devil's costume.9
* * *
The element of suspense is com-t
pletely eliminated by printing al
complete synopsis in the program,
but then who cares about the storyc
in an operetta. Alvin Barry is a
New York millionaire, and he fallsr
pretty much in love with Violetc
Knickerbocker. Old Man Knicker-r
bocker gets nasty and objects to1
the marriage on social grounds.
Then there is a huge plot, involv-i
ing a lot of tourist girls, friends of

Violet, and fraternity brothers ofy
Alvin, and a lot of other people, to
defeat old meany Knickerbocker1
and unite the lovebirds in wedlock.
Poor old Miss Hurricane, who has
written a poem to General Knick-
erbocker's nose, gets blackmailed,t
Alvin gets framed into a charge of
smuggling a handkerchief through1
the customs. Things get pretty
confused and somehow or other'
the entire party get out to Gen-
°ral Knickerbocker's place dressed
in Japanese costumes. Then a bigj
hoax is pulled on poor old General
Knickerbocker who appears to be
the only one in the whole theatre
who doesn't know that the Great
Tycoon is really only Alvin all
dressed up. Things go on this way
for a while and finally Alvin comes
out from behind his whiskers and
for some reason or other which we
didn't quite get, the old man agrees
to the marriage. Then the entire
company sings "Yes, I'll Be the Lit-+
tle Tycoon," and everything is
* * *

By Kirke Simpson.
WASHINGTON, March 4.-When
representative "Doc" Sirovich of
New York achieved his first house
chairmanship, heading the com-
mittee on patents, nobody could
have forecast the dramatic possi-
bilities of the situation.
One familiar with the Sirovich
ways in the house during his pre-
vious two terms as a minority
member might have anticipated
that something might be done
about putting poison in liquor. Mr.
Sirovich has been dramatic in the
house about that in the past,
But that the doctor would seek
to convert his committee into a
grand jury to inquire into the re-
ported slow demise of the non-
movie drama itself was hardly to
be expected.
If the corps of metropolitan
newspaper dramatic critics should
accept the Sirovich challenge to
appear before the committee on
patents and show cause why they
should not be charged with hav-
ing done to death the so-called
legitimate drama, that is one hear-
ing the Bystander will be sure to
attend. It is bound to be spicy.
Maybe An Inquest.
Maybe it is wrong to assume it
is going to be a grand jury pro-
ceeding. Maybe it is just the coro-
ner's jury stage Dr. Sirovich has
in mind.
For in the intervals of his med-
ical, welfare and political activi-
ties these last few of his just
under 50 years, the doctor has
found time to try his prentice
hand at play writing.
He has stormed Broadway in
that guise. His foes, the critics,
seem to recall at least three Siro-
vich efforts.
They were called respectively
"The Schemers," "The Suspended
Sentence" a n d "T h e Banking
Racket," which last suggests Doc-
tor-Playwright-Politician Sirovich
is at least up to date in seeking
dramatic themes.
If you accept the view of the
Broadway critics, these Sirovich
brain children are not only dead;
they never lived.
Which attaches a great deal of
personal interest to the doctor's
effort to subpoena the critics be-
fore his committee on patents and
find out what they had to do with
these dramatic tragedies.
An Idea, Anyway.
His idea of a sort of school for
dramatic critics, allowing only
qualified graduates to sit in public
judgment on the merits of new
plays, is a remarkable one.
Why not a school for representa-
tives, or for senators, or even
presidents, to make sure they know
their political onions before they
go on the public payroll?
If you test the theory of Tam-
many democrats that all the dig-
ging into Tammany administra-
tion of New York city affairs by a
committee of the state legislature
is just a republican fishing party,
the results might be thought to
have a boomerang aspect.
For the Tammanyites have been
quick to say that national as well
as state politics were involvedrthat
Governor Roosevelt's long recog-
nized position as a potential demo-
cratic presidential nominee was a
major factor in determining repub-
lican strategy.
The idea, as the democrats saw
it, was to stop Roosevelt at the

source by forcing a breach between
the governor and Tammany which
might lose him at the democratic
convention the united support of
his own state.
How It Worked.
If that was in the background of
the republican legislative assault
on Tammany in the tiger's own
lair, how has it worked out?
A situation has been created
where the governor has found it
necessary to remove from office as
sheriff in New York that veteran
Tammany wheel horse, Tom Far-
A most cursory survey of nation-
al press comment shows Roose-
velt's action to have been hailed
outside the state in commendatory
In Washington house democrats
not so well disposed toward his
candidacy admit privately that he
has undoubtedly been strengthen-
ed in the south and, perhaps in
the west.
What happened in Tammany
circes? Not a sign of open resent-
ment at the governor reached the
surface of the news. On the con-
trary, even Farley beat his removal
notice with a declaration of non-
resentment against Roosevelt, at
least in a political sense.
The fact that Roosevelt will still
be governor after all the national
convention shooting is over may
have a lot of bearing on these hap-
penings. That is a card he has had
in the hole all along.






(Minnesota Daily)
Senators and representatives who have been re-
ctced by their constituencies will have no opportun-

- -- -

1.-Alvin and his pal Rufus
Ready exchange the good old
"frat grip."
2.-Teddy's Japanese toga with
an Irish harp on the back.
3.-The proposal of marriage in

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