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October 09, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-09

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ublished every morning except Monday 'during the University year
e Board in Control of Student Publications.
[ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ted in this paper and the local news published herein.
|ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
naster General..

the students much more football-conscious, or
rather football-intelligent.
Saturday's performance makes up for the ig-
nominious failure of the scoreboards to function
last year. The Athletic Association, and especially
Messrs. Dahlem and Poorman, deserve congratula-
tions for their splendid work. 11

tlttfl....lf llt . fti.





ibacription by carrier, $4.00; bf mail, $4.50

.ices: AnneArbor Press Building Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
igan. Phones: Editorial, 4926; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor .................................David M. Nichol
dil Director.........................Beach Conger, Jr.
Editor........... ... ......:.... ....... .Carl Forsythe
s Editor.................. . Sheldon C. Fullerton
fen's Editor .. ,..... ,..... ,........Margaret M. Thompson
n Reflections..... ...... ... ..Bertram J. Askwith
tant News Editor....... ...............Robert L. Pierce

Now that the rejuvenated student council has
been selected, campus politics and the accompanying
politicians can begin thinking about the coming class
elections. No doubt the Depression has also affected
even this noble Michigan institution.
The Chicago school teachers have lately appealed
to the state of Illinois to help them get some money.
It is a pretty state of affairs when the upholders of
the finest fundamental of democracy -education --
can't receive even enough compensation to pay for
their bread and butter.

B. Gilbreth
Karl Seffert

J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal
George- A. Stauter


er J. Myers

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas

ey Arnheim
on E. Beckl
as Connel]l
h R. Cooper
r M. Harris
on Helper
h Hoffman

I James Krotozyner
Robert Merritt
or Henry Meyer
an Marion Mlezewski
,r Albert Newman
son Jerome Pettit
John Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
hams Beatrice Collins
3p Ethel Arehart
Un Barbara Hall
,h Susan Manchester
on Margaret O'Brien
a Louise Crandall

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
Alfred Stresen-Reuter
William Thal
G. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Shaw
Ford Spikermah
Parker Snyder
Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman
Eileen Blunt
Eleanor Rairdon
Martha Littleton
Prudence Foster


Dear Editor:


Telephone 21214
HARLES T. KLINE...........................Business Manager
ORRIS P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager
Department' Managers
dvertising ....... ........Vernon Bishop
dvertising .......... . . .. ...Robert B. Callahan
dvertising ..............................William W. Davis
ervice...................Byron C. Vedder
ublications.................. . .......William T. Brown
irculation .............................HBarry R. Begley
kcounts ...*.... ........ ..........Richard Stratemeier
Women's Business Manager...........Ann W. Verner
'rvil Aronsen . Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts
ilbert E. Bursley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein
Hillard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke
Alen Clark Arthur F. Kohn Graf ton W. Sharp
ustave Dalberg BernardF H.. Good Cecil E. Welch
obert E. Finn James Lowe
athryn Bayless Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen
onna Becker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough
enevieve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
raxine Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin

)tS and



part of Union advisors, in spite of admonitions
in frosh bibles and freshmen information hand-
books, in spite of snarling sophomores, the fresh-
men are not wearing pots this year. And to be
perfectly frank, we believe it is not due to the lack
of school spirit in this particular class, but rather
to the fact that the freshmen are not living nor
eating in fraternity houses this year.
Formerly all fraternities saw to it that their
freshmen wore pots; this was one tradition that
was explained by a special group. This year, their
influence for the moment gone, there has been no
one to step' in and see to it that the class of '35
conform to tradition and tread the path that all
freshmen have trodden before it. Yet the fact re-
mains, that fewer pots have appeared on the
campus this year.
Last night, the Student Council, honor organ-
izations and The Daily volunteered to take over
the enforcement of this tradition; or rather, to take
over the education of the freshman class to this
tradition. For we hold no brief for a tradition that
must be enforced as a law. Freshmen who under-
stand the reasons for pots can have no reason for
not wearing them.
Pots are not, as some believe, marks of identifi-
cation so that their wearers may be mistreated by
misguided sophomores; they are, on the other
hand, marks of identification to further class and
school spirit, and class unity. This year, when fra-
ternities are not able to make contacts with fresh-
men, to introduce them to other members of their
class, many who come from far away, or small
towns, are apt to feel homesick or lonely. The pot
gives some 900 young men something in common;
it is supposed to develop some esprit de corps.
If the freshmen will conform to past traditions,
and attempt to understand the reasons for such
actions, rather than obstruct them, they will find
cooperation a much safer policy than opposition.
Seeing and Hearing
Our Football Games
STUDENTS who had seen the electric score-
boards functioning at the football stadium last
year, commented rather caustically when it was
announced that amplifiers had been installed in
order to give the spectators a chance to hear as
well as see the game. It was expected that the]
usual "there he goes, he's down, no-no, he's up,1
he's off! Now he's down, and he made two yards+
that time" would be issuing from the loudspeakers.
Instead of that, those who attended the game
were astounded to hear shortly after each team hadt
been untangled that so-and-so had carried the ball,
so-and-so had tackled the runner, and five yards
had been made. In a little over four hours of foot-1
ball, few mistakes were made by the announcers.
And the spectators enjoyed the game much more1
na *lat- ,AU Arlna va - :arw, on

I desire to speak as a student who not infrequently
avails himself of the taxi service in Ann Arbor.
I feel that the efforts upon the part of The Daily
to force meters upon the taxi companies, by means
of a local ordinance, is only going to complicate
abuses by the taxi drivers. There are at least three
companies in town (I believe) offering service within
the city limits at a maximum charge of 35 cents,
regardless of the number of passengers. This seems
to be a reasonable charge.
If the drivers want to overcharge their passen-
gers, meters won't stop them. A student taxi driver
explained to me last year how "the goys" carried
meter slips in various pockets and when. they pulled
the regular slip from the meter, they crumpled it up
and presented one skillfully taken from a pocket
and which called for a greater charge. They pocketed
the difference.
I question whether the majority of the students
are back of The Daily in this move. Congratulations.
however, on your courageous treatment of the Ameri-
can Legion. It is time they were dragged from the
protecting skirts of Patriotism.
We refer the writer to yesterday morning's edi-
torial.-The Editors.
To the Editor:
Ever since the first discussion of deferred rushing
in relation to the fraternities on the University of
Michigan campus, there has been a notable lack 01
sensible consideration of the elements involved. Tc
arbitrarily enact a series of rules which not only are
causing intense financial embarrassment, but ar
affecting the grades of a large percentage of univer-
sity students, is a notable example of an overzeal-
ousness on' the part of a body which has loomed
tyrannous and terrible.
The fraternities at the University of Michigan are
both voluntarily and necessarily in complete accord
with the dictates of the administrative group undei
whose control they are. Yet for some unknown an
inexplicable reason they have been labelled a wicked
influence upon the men who enter the university a
freshmen, with the result that the well-meaning fra-
ternity and the ignorant freshnan both suffer. In-
stead of isolating the first-year man from the fra-
ternity, why not rather help him to enter the rank
of a group whose members compose every social an
politicaleorganization on the campus, through whos
influence he may gain rapidly lasting friendships an'
associations without enduring the cold, cheerless at-
mosphere of a strange boarding house.
Unless I have been greatly misinformed, each and
every fraternity has a system of supervising the study
of its freshman pledges and members. A scholarshir
sheet is issued monthly, taken to the instructors o
the freshman, and action taken accordingly. Th
house is ell aware that it alone will suffer if it main-
tains a consistently low scholarship record. Furthei
than this, the social life of the fraternity, the stimu-
lating contacts with men active on campus, occupy
the leisure time of the freshman, rather than mean-
ingless trips to motion picture shows, pool rooms, or
endless consumption of ."malteds." During the foot-
ball season, the fraternity is a melting pot wherein
the fresh,n meets university alumni,-absorbs their'
thought and influence. The period of pledgeship
brings a sincerity into the thought of the pledge
which is a far better influence than any university
paternalism could possibly bring about.
If the University of Michigan must carry out i
program of paternalism, then why can it not do so
intelligently? If the fraternities seem incapable of
keeping up the high standard of scholarship required
for freshmen, then faculty proctors should be selected
whose wishes in this respect would be absolute. Why
not try to help the fraternity and the freshman
equally? Must those men who are the officers of each
house suffer the strain imposed upon hardened busi-
ness men -the strain of trying to run profitably an
organization whose annual income is between $25,000
and $35,000 -to gratify the whims of an idealism
whose only excuse is 'to insure the moral and scholas-
tic uprightness of the student body?
The fraternity is unquestionably a necessary social
unit in a university the size of the University of
Michigan. By breaking up the 'mass production' ten-
dency, it stimulates original thought and activity.
Look about the classrooms. The fellow who questions
his instructor at length about the subject of a lec-
ture, the man who brings his own ideas into the
classroom for discussion --is, nine times out of ten,
the man who has been active in the chapter meet-
ings of his fraternity. There is, in my opinion, no
greater character building influence than four years
of association with a select group of young men who

are not afraid to say what they think or who are not'
intimidated by sheer force of numbers, as would be
the case were there no fraternities or similar social
units. The personal relationships involved are one of
the most important educational factors involved in
cekina'y mnwxml~d af a laree universit.

Well, as time marches on in its
exorbitant way we can't help feel-
ing pangs - of apprehension. It
won't be long now before we will
have to surrender our typewriter
to another, and then we will be
one of those poor people who have
to read lousy column at the break-
fast table every morning for the
lack of anything better to do. Oh
well, our time will come, we sup-
We happened to go into the
lower study hall on the first
floor of the library the other
day (for the first time this se-
mester) and we had no more
than set our foot inside the
room than we noticed a new,
strange, atmosphere that per-
vaded the place. For a long
time we couldn't undestand it
at all, -but we just stood there
and pondered and pondered .
and finally we discovered what
we think is the reason. The
place has been redecorated!
Yes it has, too; you just go
over and look. Blue stripes and
0l 0
This boy R. J. F. is getting to be
a real help, and before long he will
be one of the major contributors
to the column. For that matter,
he's the leading contributor now.
He was two to everybody else's
one. He sends us a clipping which
some of you may have noticed,
from a prominent Ann Arbor eve-
ning paper (name on request)
which reads as folows:
Pi Beta Phi
The Misses Mary Lou Cummings
and Doris Gimme are the Ann Ar-
bor pledges at the Pi Beta Phi
lodge, while the rest of the group
includes the Misses Mary Brimi-
john, of Wilmington, Del., Betty
Woodhams of Buffalo, N.Y., Bar-
bara Bates of Ovid, Ruth Bosse, of
Evansville, Indiarla, Ruth Bradner,
Setty Heckel, Betty Mercer, and
Margaret Welch, all of Detroit,
Martha Carpenter, of Poland, Con-
nie Crawford of Niles. Margaret
and Rosamond Martindale, of Gary,
Maxine Maynard of Adrian, Eliza-
beth McKinney of Alton, Ill., and
Faye Titcomb of Trenton, Mo.
(Editor's Note: What more d
they want?)
** *
It is evident that you have
a keen sense of humor, and we
would suggest that you adopt
a pen name and develop your
pen-personality. Do a little in-
dependent writing and send it
in. It would be a big help to
the new editor when he is ap-
Yours truly, at the very least,
There is ever so much excitement
around the office these days be-
cause the Gargoyle is going to
press, and that nasty old Gargoyle
staff won't let us in to see what's
going on. They won't even let us
look at the page proofs of our own
story and we're getting pretty sore.
If they don't loosen up pretty soon
we will pass a resolution never to
write any more stuff for them.
Such a bunch of stuck-ups we nev-
er saw. There seems to be an aw-

ful lot of excitement though, to
judge from the peals of merry,
happy laughter that issue from
their foul den, and we bet they
are just distorting our stories so
that we will hardly recognize them.
*. * * -

"t S
For Itself"
Always the Par-
r ot ha&s g i ven
MiChigan men
and women what
they have wanted.
And again this
yea r, with de-
pression p r i c e s
holding 'sway,
The Parrot is
pleasing its pat-
rons with special
luncheons and


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Developing and Printing
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The cost of food
IS an important
item in the stu-
dents' expense ac-
count. For this
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giving more for
your money than
ever before.
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prices are

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You w i find
them there, and
you will be sat-
We offer price-
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mand it. We give
you quality, serv-
ice, and atmos-
phere - because
you should have








Purchase your Photographers Re-
ceipt at the Michiganensian Office
in the Press Building.
Make an appointment immediately
with one of these official

People have been walking around
the streets begging the Daily to
print a picture of Smiley, and in-
asmuch as the Daily has consist-
ently neglected to meet their re-
quests, we have decided that it is



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