THE MICHICAN DAILY Lots Will Decide Who Is to Be Pilot io Trip from Hawaii to United States Plans for the organization of two divisions in the Varsity Glee club are rapidly taking form with the continued tryouts of new mem- bers, Clyde A. Chaffin, president of the organization, said yesterday. Although 137 men have been listed for, membership in the club and an additional number may be added before the end of the week, the list is expected to total 100 when the elgi'ility report from the University is posted. Two Divisions Formed The two divisions of the club will consist of a "full" or "home" Glee club and a traveling organization. The traveling club will consist of about 40 voices, while the home or- ganization will be composed of ali those who qualify for membership. It is expected that this plan Will permit more men to take part in the society's activities and will also enable the club to select more nia- terial for its out-of-town engage- ments. In addition to the above clubs, the Freshman Glee club has also been organized. This is the first time that a first year unit has been in existence during the first senies- ter, although the women's organ- ization has sponsored one for a number of years. Call For Tryouts Chaffin also announced that try- outs for any of the glee clubs may still report for hearings and the official membership of all organiza- tions will be posted soon. Numerous concerts for the com- ing s(on have already been plan-' ned, and from the tentative book- ings which were announced pre- viously by Prof. David M. Mattern, director of the club, a number of out-of-town engagements will be fulfilled. Those listed at present for mem- bership in the organization are Nicholas M. Anikeff,) Jule Ayers, Warren Babcock, Paul J. Bauer, Archibald L. Beach, Richard J. .Becker, Francis P. Bennett, Erwin R. Boynton, Norman N. Bowbeer, John L. Brackett, Clyde H. Brown, George D. Brown, Harold P. Brown, After the game this fall . . .. TRY PREKETES HOT LUNCHES PREKETES Sugar Bowl 109 South Main Street IS FLO0DINGSTE Wood Alcohol, Metals Foundt in Campaign on White 4 Mule,' Dives.t LANSING, Oct. 8.-(AP)--A floodr of poisonous and contaminating beverages has replaced bona fide liquor on the Michigan market, ac- cording to a report today to Oscar G. Olander, commissioner of public safety, by W.C. Geagley, state an- alyst. The report was based uponl tests made of scores of supplies seized in the recent "white mule" campaign. - "From examination of these spe-c cimens it is evident legitimate al- coholic liquor can no longer be ob- tained except for medical pur- poses," Geagley said. "Neverthe- less, there exists a wide market for intoxicating liquors. To satisfy the1 demand, the bootlegger is drawing1 supplies from crooked origins. ' Finds Wood Alcohol "Smuggling, cheating, illicit dis- tilling, redistillation, cutting, fil- thy fermentation and diversion of industrial alcohol are furnishingZ the material for beverages. "Many of the alcohols have beent redistilled to remove the denatur- ants which were added to make them unfit for beverage purposes. Occasionally wood alcohol is pres-" Today's Radio Programs (Eatern Standard Time) IIII PRISON All of NBC's good radio programs witching music, Theo Karle, and tonight with but two exceptions Sam Lanin's orchestra, all play for are commercialized ones. However, the radio audience's favor and the the advertising in most of them is Pillsbury company at 10:00 o'clock not so stressed that it becomes ob- through the same relaying station noxious. The WWJ relayed pro- that Casey Jones uses as a mouth grams take precedence' over those, piece. coming through WJR tonight, for Also over WXYZ tonight comes as against Cities Service, Pond's, Howard Barlow and his augment- Cliquot Club, and Vincent Lopez on ed Symphony orchestra at 10:45 WWJ, WJR offers Nestle's Armour, o'clock for a fifteen minute pro- Whiteman, and Calloway. gram. The gifted street Singer will The Cities Service broadcast with begin his songs of many lands at Rosario Bourdon's orchestra begins 11 o'clock to continue for fifteen at 8 o'clock, lasting for an hour and minutes through WXYZ, Detroit. then being followed by Harry Re- The Street Singer is one of those ser's orchestra and Frank Knight persons who can be listened to for as the announcer. Leo Reisman hours without tiring. swings the baton immediately af- ter the "Eskimo Night Club" goes W off the air.Work on New Press At 11:30 o'clock Vinceit Lopez, uilding Progresses; "Lopez Speaking," directs his or- chestra at the Hotel St. Regis. Exteror C 1 td Eight o'clock ushers in the Nestle's program with Nat Brusiloff through -- WJR. Armour takes the micro- Work on the new Press building phone at 9:30 o'clock with Paul being erected on Maynard street Whiteman following. Cab Calloway opposite Helen Newberry dormitory at 12:30 o'clock is the last of thei WJR entertainers. is progressing rapidly, observers Casey Jones, with his Aviation note as they pass the structure. News flashes and Freddie Rich's From all indications, the full com- orchestra begin the night's festivi- pletion of the building should be' ties for Columbia at 9:45 o'clock accomplished before next summer. through station WXYZ. Toscha The exterior of the building is Seidel and his violin with the be- f.practically finished and the con- r.., ' 1 1 I F Angry Prisoners Locked in T Cells as Use of Instrumen Is Curtailed. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Oct. (P)-Protests against what Wa H. B. White said was curtailr of radio privileges created a turbance among prisoners in federal penitentiary here early G i t r > ; Y II I Four men and a woman will draw lots to decide which of them will pilot their monoplane on a flight from Honolulu to San Francisco in late October. Three of the men are shown here. Reading from left to right are J. K. Von Althaus, war flier; J. V. Hyde, former war-time flying instructor, and Hudson Mead, pilot of San Jose, Cal,. where the plane is being reconditioned. David W. Cannon, Gerald Case- well, Elman Cataline, Roland Cat- chpole, Gayle A. Chaffin, Harry E Chesebrough, Stewart M. Cram, Douglas W. Crawford, Donald A. Cowan, William E. Davis, Alfred R. Deeker, James Deluccia, John L. Daegey, George Downey. J. R. Dunwell, Ronald Duncan, Hamilton Easton, Leland Evans, Samuel Ewing, Samuel L. Finkel, H. Thayer Fletcher, Donald G. Fox, Dwight Frezise, Thomas Garland, Frank Grabower, Milo Griggs, Mar- shall C. Ham, Romine Hamilton, Harold Hancock, Lester M. Harri- son, Lawrence M. Hess, William S. Horner, Harold Hunsberger, Eu- gene Hunter, George Innes, Dwight Jackson, Richard Jacobson, Karl Jean, Jack Jacob, William Kearns, Leonard Kominus. Harold F. Klute, Samuei D. Knox, Bernard Konoppa,- Elain Keeton, Albert J. Kramer, Joseph La Cava, Charles Lamin, John M. LaRue, Philip Lincoln, Harley MacNeal, Samuiel Maddin, Milton Marmer, Russell F. Matthews, Warren H. Mayo, Harry A. McCain, Robert McElwain, Robert Miller, Clarence Moore, James D. Moore, Charles M. Nisen, Elmer Oestrike, Leslie M. Three Tailors Work on R.O.T.C. Uniforms Uniforms are being made for all new R.O.T.C. men. The military department has kept three tailors working for the last two days and a half measur- ing- and fitting freshmen in the beginning course and third year officers. At present more than 240 freshmen and 90 juniors have been outfitted.. Oldt, Olaf Harry Olson, Gilbert Palmer, Sol Plaks, Frank H. Pronty, Raymond Renneke, Charles Rueg- nitz, Frank F. Recora, Herbert Rocsa, Lee Rice, Edwin D. Sander- son. Philip C. Shaw, John Silberman, Herman C. Skoog, Gardner Smith, Arnold Soper, John Stneiff, Ray- mond Slffron, George Szekeley, Thompson, Ralph Upton, R. Van- denberg, Theodore Vandenberg, Herbert C. Van Nonbury, Edwin R. Warner, ' Douglas N. West, Arthur R. Wragby, Clifford Wightman, Eric Wild, Warren Wood and Sid- ney Woolner. ent. ";These products are often used in bathtub gin, colored moonshine litluor and other potent types which bear fancy labels, selling the consumer into the belief the pro- ducts are legitimate liquors rather than a highly dangerous type which produce harmful after-ef- fects and poison the system. Contaminated With Metals "Many of the so-called moon- shine liquors are contaminated with metallic substances such as lead, zinc and arsenic. The white mule liquors are poorly fermented from distilled products and contain high percentages of aldehydes. There are also acids besides the us- ual dirt and filth which render such products unfit for beverages. "It is plainly evident that the continued use for beverage pur-. poses of bootleg liquors such as are now on the market is attend- ant with alarming possibilities." STAR GAZERS SEE NEW PHENOMENA' Amateur Astronomers Perplexed by Night Mail Plane. Astronomers who have been at- tempting observation of the stars through the clouds which have overcast the sky, for the last three nights have been astounded by an astronomical phenomena which had not been forecast by any of the. astronomers who have given fore knowledge of comets and eclipses. One of the lesser stars, apparent- ly has been seen to move horizon- tally through the southern skies. Most of the novices who had begun observation for the first time were astounded. They were soon quieted however when told that what appeared to be a star, was only the wing lights of the night mail plane passing to the south. tractors are now ,turning their at- tention to the roofing and the in- terior. Following faithfully thel architect's plans, the building pre- sents an interesting and pleasing aspect with its red brick combining with limestone facing. The building is expected to be ready for occupancy next fall. When all Work has been finished, it will house the offices of The Daily, Gar- goyle and Michiganensian as well as the Board in Contr'ol of Student Publications. Pettyiohn to Attend. Washington Meeting Elmore S. Pettyjohn, assistant professor of gas engineering, will leave soon for a meeting of the American Gas association to be held in Washington, D. C., the week of Oct. 12. Professor Pettyjohn was recently appointed for research and special teaching by the Michigan Gas association. day. The warden declined to disclo the extent or cause of the radio r strictions, but said there was n cause for alarm as all of the con victs were locked in their cells. report that the ban included broad casTs of the world series could n be confirmed. The angry shouts of the prison ers and the continual ringingc gongs within the prison walls we heard a considerable distance fro the institution. Warden Whitesa the disturbance was confined two cell blocks, B and E. Lieut. John Kenny of the Leav enworth police department repor ed the din from the penitentia: continued for several hours aft the outset, but that police had of tained no definite information o the disorder. Prison guards pa tr o1e d ti grounds, ordering curious person away. A strict censorship prevai at the 'federal institution, repor norTpally going to Washington fc dissemination. The last serious outbreak at tI prison was a mutiny in the dinir room, Aug. 1, 1929. One convi was killed and three others wound ed by prison guards, who becamn targets of dishes, furniture and fix tures in their attempts to paci the men. Enrierhi Professor Returns fromAbroa Prof. Joh'n C. Brier, of the chem cal enigineering department, has re turned to Ann Arbor from a vaca tion trip abroad. Professor Brie who has been away since the clos of the Summer Session, spent h time in England and on the Cont nent visiting friends, sight-seein and looking over European chem cal manufacturing plants. / SUPERIOR MILK and ICE CREAM SPECIAL BRICK VANILLA-FRUIT AND SLATES PUNCHES-FANCY MOLDS Phone 23181 The problem of where to eat vitally concerns every'one who is not living at home. At Freeman's you will find servid only the most wholesome foods-a trial will con- vince you. Lunch and Dinner (per week).. $5.50 Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, (per week)..........00 SndaDn r............ 75c FREEA DINING ROOM 809 East Washington ONE BLOCK NORTH OF HILL AUDITORIUM y /WB'T~' CO'lS-YT g's Recommended by the English Department of University of Michigan ThJbt Abride d Dictiolary because it is based upon WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL- The "Supreme Authority." Here is a companion for your hours of reading and study that will prove its real value every time you consult it. A wealth of ready information on words, persons, places, is instantly yours. 106,000 words and phrases with definrions, etymologies, pronunciations, and use in its 1,256 pages. 1,700illustrations. Includes dictionaries of bigra,y and ge- ography andother features. SSee It At Your College iBookstore or Write for Info5rmationL to the publishers. Free .specimenpages if you name this paper. G. 0C. Merrian Ce. Springfield, Mass. , C R Advance Orders ORDERS FOR SEASON TICKETS (10 concerts) left at the office or received by mail up to noon Friday, Oct. 9, will be filled in a4vance in sequence-$6.00-$8.00-$10.00-s$12.00. Sale" i i --.__. ......_ 4 N ! , t r I. of all remaining season tickets will begin 4 M SAT., OCT. 1 o $:* at School of Music 10-ALL STAR CONCERTS-10 \. z -. m MOVEIjulifIIAIIIIIIIIIM I m m. i w