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October 09, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-09

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)L. XLII. No. 11.



Weather: Mostly cloudy; cooler


Daily, Student Council, Honorary
Societies to Combine to
Enforce Tradition.
Freshman Negligence Blamed on
Absence of Fraternity
Complaints that first-year stu-
dents were failing to uphold the
freshman tradition of wearing pots
last night resulted in numerous
campus. organizations, t o g e t h e r
with The Daily adopting measures
to discipline such students.
The organizations, other than
The Daily, are the Student Council
and honorary fraternities and so-
Discipline of students will be se-
vere, student leaders said, similar
in nature to the "inquisitions" of
several years ago.
Will Encourage Traditions
In volunteering to take over the
enforcement of this tradition, and
administering disciplinary action,
members of the organizations said
they were of the opinion that
freshmen should be reminded of
the necessity of observing Univer-
sity traditions. In defense' of this,
it was said that, by carrying out
this particular tradition, the con-
tinuance of other -traditions with
which they will come in contact
would be assured.
Seeking an explanation of the
failure of freshmen to wear pots,
members of the various organiza-
tions said they did not believe the
violations were due to "lack of
school spirit," but that first-year
students were not living or eating
As a result, the enforcement of.
.fin fraternity houses.
this tradition has been taken out
of the hands of fraternity men and
left to the volition of the fresh-

New Mineral Named
in Honor of Kraus
To the list of minerals has
been added a new species, "Krau-
site," named in honor of Dr.
Edward H. Kraus, dean of the
College of Pharmacy.
First collected in Mexico and
later discovered in California,
the mineral, a new species of
sulphate, was given its new name
by its discoverer, William F. Fos-
hag, of the National Museum.
The name "Krausite" was in
recognition of the prominence
attained by Dean Kraus in the
field of mineralogy.
Dean Kraus is also Dean of the
Summer Session, professor of
mineralogy and crystallography
and director of the mineralogi-
cal laboratory.
Students Refuse to Study When
Rule Forcing Them to Bed
Early Is Made.
(Special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 8. - "We
won't study," was the declaration
of 120 co-eds at Northwestern Uni-
versity last night when they made
an open complaint against a rule
forcing them to go to bed at 10:30
p. m. nightly.
"What's more we are not going
to do any more studying until Dean
of Women Florence Robnett is
ready to permit us to remain up
until midnight," said the residents
of Frances Willard hall in a peti-
tion signed by the co-eds.1
Miss Robnett would give no state-
ment. She has had her hands full
this week with the upper class girls
who have objected to the non-
smoking rules in their sorority
houses. To even things the sorority
girls are appearing on the streets,
puffing cigarets at every opportun-
ity. Mrs. Edson Fowler, supervisor of
the sorority houses; said she would
not~ let down on the rule.,
Members of Club Council Also
Chosen at Meeting
Varro H. Rhodes, '32L, was elected
president of the Lawyer's club for
the current year yesterday by a
close vote. Defeated candidates fo'
the office, nominated along with
Rhodes by the board of Governors,
were Paul Kauper, '32L, and Arden
E. Firestone, '32L.
Election of 13 members of the'
club council took place at the same
time, one member being chosen
from each of the 13 entries or divi-
sions of the building, juniors and
seniors only were allowed to take
part in the election.
The first meeting of this body will
be held next Monday evening, at
which time a vice president, secret-
ary and treasurer will be chosen.
Some student from the club will be
elected at that time by the council
to a position on the board of gov-
ernors, which is composed of two
faculty members and two students.
Those elected. to the law club

council are: Virgil 0. Braun, '32L;
Norman B. Sortor, '32L; Arthur G.
Lyon, '32L; David D. Bl'umenstein,
'32L; John L. Abernathy, '32L; Rob-
ert P. Small, '32L; William Dehaan,
Spec.L; Edward M. Welch, '32L;
Wilfred A, Steiner, '32L; George H.
McArthur, '33L; Theron D. Childs,
Jr., '32L; John N. Mohr, '32L; Wil-
liam R. Morris, '32L.
Student Relationship
to Be Theme of Talks
The problem of the student's re-
lationship to the University, pre-
senting two opposing points of view,
will be the theme of a discussion
Sunday morning in the Unitarian
"What the University Expects of
the Student" will be told by Prof.
Daniel L. Rich, in charge of classi-
fications, and "What the Student
Expects of the University" will be
discussed by Wilfred Sellars, '33.

Judge Sample Denies Defense's
Move for Change of Venue
on Prejudice Charge.

Senator Robinson Believes That
Economy Measure Should Be
Enacted at Once.

World Series Scene
Shifts to St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 8. -(R)- The
Philadelphia Athletics, the same
White Elephants upon whom
Pepper Martin has been riding
herd, returned to St. Louis late
today, with their temper aroused
and prepared to make a last
ditch stand in defense of their
title as world champions.
Crowds jeered them good-
naturedly in the railroad yards
and at the station, demanding to
know what the A's are going to
do about Martin, if anything.
Upon the powerful right arm
of George Earnshaw, the A's pin
their hopes for capturing the,
sixth game of the World Series
tomorrow. Big George is ready.
Paul Derringer will probably op-
pose Earnshaw on the mound.

European Nation




Nine Farmers Impaneled; Rapp Republican Leader Predicts Bill
to Open Case for State Today; Will Improve Unemployment
Bilitzke in Charge. Situation.
One woman and eleven men will WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-(I)-
sit on the jury selected yesterday From the ranks of his political op-
in circuit court to hear the trial of ponents came demands today that
Katherine Keller on a charge of President Hoover call immediately
haroriga special session of Congress to put
"feloniously concealing, harboring, in motion his economic program.
maintaining, and assisting" Fred Democratic chieftains headed by
Smith, Ypsilanti torch murderer, S e n a t o r Robinson, of Arkansas,
after he'had committed the crimes. Senate minority leader, who was
Earlier in the day, Judge George present at the White House con-
W. Sample had denied the motion ference, advanced the view that
of defense attorney W. D. Crom- the plan would be more effective
mon of Hillsdale for a'tchange of if written into law at once.
venue. Miss Keller's lawyer claimed Opposition to a sessioncwas voic-
that newspaper accounts had preju- I ed, meanwhile, by Senator Bing-


Plan zo be Formally

is Difficult"
of enforcing the
r is more difficult
vious time," Carl
itor of The Daily,
"Contact between
reshmen is almost
.g the matter of
rganizations other
Wearing pots is
. as a tradition
on should be up-

as a

Promise of anything but unsym-
pathetic measures was made in
adopting resolutions to curb viola-
Identiication Card
Containers Given Out
Cardboard cases designed to con-
tain the student identification
cards, that are being given out this
week at the office of the Dean of
Students, are available now at that
office. The announcement was made
for the benefit of those students
that failed to receive 'the cases at
the time they received their cards.
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
October 8, 1931.
JACKSON-The Michigan State'
prison population as of Sept. 30 was.
reported today as 5,601, a net in-
crease of 25 over previous reports.
It was the first time in several
months the report has showed an
MOUNT CLEMENS-Construction
work under way at Selfridge Field
has necessitated postponement until
next spring of the Mitchell trophy
race, held annually by Army fliers
of the first pursuit group.
ALBION-Miss Euretta Hoaglin,
21, and Samuel Dalec, 28, will have
an examination Oct. 13 on a charge
Both have admitted their car struck
of leaving the scene of an accident.
and killed Charles H. Kreager Tues-
day night, but pleaded not guilty to
warrants charging them with driv-
ing away without caring for their
AnDRAN--ire d mtrovrd the rest-

Newspaper men at the Keller
trial were put in their places yes-
terday, when one prospective
juror said he had never heard of
the torch murders. Elmer Gage,
Sharon township, who said he
lives within 10 miles of the scene
of killings, and has been a resi-
dent of the county all his life,
claimed he knew nothing of the
crimes. Reporters thought their
papers had informed everyone ii
the state about the killings. '
Kate munched at a box of
candy during the trial yesterday
afternoon. The sweets were the
present of a reporter. She was
self-collected during the proceed-
ings, sitting back with her chin
on her hands most of the time.
The accused retained enough in-
tere in ,her persoial appear-
ance to change her clothes dur-
ing the noon recess. She wore a
light yellow dress in the morn-
ing, and a gray suit in the after-
diced all possible jurors in the
county, aid that through his one-
man grand jury investigation the
judge had developed an attitude in-
compatible with conducting a fair
Jury Sworn In.
Judge Sample stated that news-
papers had been open-minded, with
no implicatiors concerning Miss
Keller's guilt or innocence not sup-
ported by fact, and defended his
own ability to give an impartial
The jury was sworn in by County
Clerk Claramon L. Pray at 4:15,
after the panel of 30had been ex-
hausted and two men on the list
previously excused had been called
in by special order. The state used
four of its five peremptory chal-
lenges, and the defense the entire
five allowed. .
Farmers On Jury.
Nine farmers are on the jury.
The full list:
Oscar Widmayer, farmer, Sylvan
(Continued on Page 2)
Retired Judge Claims Lincoln's
Father Was Man of Means.
.NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-(P)-The
Evening P o s t says -today that
Judge Harvey H. Smith, 70 years
old, living in retirement at a New
York hotel, took issue today with
historians who say Abraham Linf
coln was born in a one-room log
cabin on Nolin Creek, Kentucky.
As a matter of fact, the news-
paper quotes him as saying, Lin-
coln was born in a comfortable
two-story house owned by his fa-
ther who was not poor, but a man
of means.
Judge Smith, the Post said, has
written to the Congressional Com-
mittee on Appropriations t h a t
maintenance of the enshrined cab-
in on Nolin Creek "supports a myth
which does not add to Lincoln's
reputation or to the sound sense
of Congress in continuing the er-
"Thomas Lincoln, the President's
father," the Judge wrote, "was not
a poor man. He owned a vast farm

ham, 'of Connecicut, and Repre-
sentative Snell, of New York, a
prominent candidate for the speak-
Snell Objects
Snell said that the because of
the short time remaining before
Congress convenes in December, he
could not see "any great advan-
tage" in ,calling a special session.
Senator Watson, of Indiana, Re-
publican leader, predicted the pres-
ident's recommendations w o u 1d
improve business conditions.
"The people generally believed
that before the winter is over the
measures proposed will greatly aid
in relieving unemployment an d
bring benefit to the farmers," he
Caraway Demands Action
Robinson said the White House
proposals should "prove helpful
and of permanent Vvantage."
Senator Walsh said he was very
glad the president's relief meas-
ures seemed -to be meeting with,
general approval, but added that ift
the promise of legislation was so
beneficial the actual enactment of
it should do even more good.
Senator Caraway said if the pres-
ident believes his plan would be
effective in reviving business he
should call Congress into session at
once instead of waiting for the reg-
ular session.

Incorporated by Saturday,
Banker States.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-(P)-fres-
ident Hoover's plan for speeding
prosperity's return was spurred for-
ward today by the whole-hearted
co-operation of America's financial
The half-billion dollar credit pool
proposed by the chief executive is
to be formally incorporated by Sat-
urday. Soon afterward it will be put
to its task of loosening the frozen
Mr. Hoover received this word to-
day from Gov. Harrison, of the New
York Federal Reserve Bank, to
whom was given the assignment of
marshalling the Nation's reserve
Gov. Harrison's message today
said the details of the plan would
be laid at once before every clear-
ing house and banking group in the
During the day Mr. Hoover de-
livered a brief address before the
fourth Pan-American Commercial
Conference, and brought 600 dele-
gates from the nations of the new
world to their feet in a rousing
If international loans had been
devoted to productive purposes .in
the last four years, Mr. Hoover said,
much of the seriousness of the eco-
nomic situation would have been
The day also saw a new demand
for a special session of Congress
from Sen. Robinson of Arkansas,
the Democratic leader. He said Mr.
Hoover's program was sound, but
that much supplemental congres-
sional action was needed. Rep. Snell,
of New York, a prominent Republi-
can candidate for the speakership,
opposed the extraordinary session.
Leeman, banker, today urged re-
vival of the War Finance Corp., for
dealing with farm mortgages as
part of the President's credit relief
He said that "in the midwest the
troubles of banks have been caused
mainly by farm mortgages. The
plan outlined does not offer help
to country banks in carrying their
farm loan paper."

or N1et ei
Hoover Plans to Bargain With Laval Next Mont
in Conference; Final Settlement on
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-(AP)-Drastic European disarmame
is the price for which America is holding further relief from the w
debts owed by Europe.
It became increasingly clear today that this understanding w
be sought by President Hoover in his forthcoming conferences wi
Premier Laval, of France.
It also became evident that disarmament and its related subje
of a naval holiday will be linked with war debts and the world fina
cial situation as the principal topic of the Hoover-Laval meeting.
World finances formed the basis for the conversations today b
tween Lord Reading, British foreign secretary, and Premier Las
in Paris, where it was stated "V
do not know what will happen
SE NCEthe future."
At the same time two high of
cials of the Bank of France left f
the United States. There were pr
dictions they would join in t
Hoover-Laval discussions.
Second day reactions from t
Student Officers Attend Meeting President's discussion of this sti
at University Fresh ject with Congressional leaders
at UiverityTuesday night's conference also it
Air Camp. dicated that Congress is reservi
judgment on an extension of t
Student officers of college Student moratorium to see what may
Christian associations of the state gained in the way of disarmame
of Michigan will open their annual from Europe.
training conference with a dinner Sen. Bingham, Republican,
tonight at the University Fresh Air Connecticut, one of those attendi
camp, Patterson lake. the White House parley, empha
The meeting, under the general cally asserted today that only tv
chairmanship of William Kearns, or thre of the Congressional co
'32, of the University of Michigan, ferees had definitely opposed a
will last during the three days of' extension of the moratorium.
Oct. 8, 9, and 10. Various campuses "Will Bargain."
of the state of Michigan are to be "I believe it is fair to state,"
studied, with the view of analyzing said, "that the conferees reserv
work that has been done on them. their judgrent until they see wl
The work of the conference shall is worked out and what is nece
be 'done through the means of in- sary in the way of an extension.
formal discussions, which shall be "President Hoover did not outli
lead by: Ted Schultz, national Re- any specific plan nor propose a di
gional:Secretary for.Student Chris- inite extension of the moratoriu
tian associations; Fred B. Freeman, on war debts. It is obvious that
.StateS ecretar.y for the Y.M.C.A.; will try to get the best bargain wi
and Ferris D. Stone, Detroit attor- Premier Laval."
ney, - Many bankers, particularly tho
with foreign investments, 'are an;
ious for an extension of the mon
torium. Many financial experts
the government and in Congre
believe Germany will be in lit
better condition next July to mi
when the moratorium was put in
National Government Must Give Stay Seems Inevitable.
Hard Decisions; Election It is also realized that Germa
Fever Grips Nation. has the right under the You
Ppan to suspend payments for tv

Inventor Slowly Sinking
Coma; Henry Ford to
Visit Today.



WEST ORANGE, N. J., Oct. 8.-I
(P)-Only a rugged, resistant heart
kept Thomas Alva Edison alive to-
day. Dr. Hubert S. Howe, his phys-
ician, said the 84-year-old inventor
was slowly sinking into a coma.
"In ordinary individuals," Dr.
Howe said, "it Nyould be possible
for me to predicti how much time
would elapse before the comatose
condition asserted itself. But we
are dealing with an ususual indi-
vidual-a man with a super-heart.
Outwardly it seems his condition
is no weaker than it has been, but
we know, of course, that actually
he is weaker."
Charles Edison announced that
Dr. William Williams, of New York,
had been asked to confer with Dr.
Howe regarding his father's condi-
Henry Ford is expected to visit
his old friend tomorow.
Baseball Team Train
Barely Escapes Wreck
LANCASTER, Pa., Oct. 8.-()-
The special train of the St. Louis
baseball team was saved from delay
and possible accident Wednesday
night. by 4/ signal towerman who
switched it off the main line after
an automobile had plunged onto
the tracks near here, killing two
men and critically injuring a third.
The car left the highway at Para-
dise when a tire blew out. Inform-
ed of the crash, the towerman
threw the block signal lights to
"slow" just as the train roared into

Project of Discount
to Be Ready in 48


LONDON, Oct. 8.--(P)-Election
fever spread throughout the na-
tion tonight as local political or-
ganizations, in 600 copistituencies
from north Scotland to Land's
End, met to discuss their candi-
dates and thedissues on hich the
campaign is to be waged.
On the national government's
side some difficult decisions must
be made. In several constituen-
cies there are both Conservatives
and "national Liberal" candidates,
each of whom considers himself to
have a preemptive right to run as
the sole representative of the na-
tional party. In a few places a
fight between the rival national
candidates seemed inevitable.
Elsewhere Liberal may be fight-
ing Liberal-one as a supporter of
Ramsay MacDonald, the other as
a member of the "Liberal Free
Traders," who a r e headed, al-
though not yet officially, by David
Lloyd George.-
The Conservatives are aiming to
put a total of 500 candidates in the
field for the voting Oct. 27 and Ar-
thur Henderson's Labor party the
same number. Some 50 Liberals
are expected to run as anti-govern-
ment candidates and 30 as support-
ers of the MacDonald national gov-
Sir Oswald Mosley's "New Party"
S will put up 18 candidates who ap-
parently will fight everybody in
sigh I on sall possible points.
Young Fascists March
on First Anniversary
ROME, Oct. 8.-(0P)-Forty thou-
sand young Fascists, between 18
and 21 years old. nassed in review

y e a r s anyway, thus, America
statesmen. are preparing to gi
something in return for what al
pears to be inevitably necessary.
Whether the administration wou
be willing to enter into a comple
revision of the European war deb
is unknown. President Hoover er
phatically recalled at T u e s d a
night's conference that in announ
ing the moratorium he had d
lared against cancellation of tJ
war debts.
House Clerk Refuses to Prese
Campaign Expenditure Report
Without Consent.
WASHINGTON, O c t. 8.-(P)
Conflict between a rule of t'
House of Representatives and
Federal law today reared a leg
obstacle before the District, of C
lumbia Grand Jury inquiry in
Bishop- James Cannon's manag
ment of 1928 presidential campal
funds. " :V
William Tyler Page, clerk of t
House, refused to present the e
penditure reports filed by Cann
on his anti-Smith campaign. I
action immediately was appeal
to Justice James Proc'tor, of t
District of Columbia S u p r e n
Court, for a ruling and taken u
der advisement.
R. H. McNeill, Cannon's att(
ney, filed a brief with the distr
attorney, contending his client w
not subject to legal prosecution b

NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-(P)-A ris-
ing tide of buying orders rolled
prices upward on t h e security
markets t o d a y coincident with
news that bankers forming the
$500,000,000 discount company ex-
pected the huge project to be in-
corporated within 48 hours.
Active stocks soared $3 to $8 or
more, while bondsrespecially rail-
road loans, moved upward with an
alacrity which was most encourag-
ing to Wall Street.
Trading in shares was quiet until
early afternoon when the upward
trend was accelerated by a heavy
increase in volume and the day's
best prices were made toward the
close. Wheat and corn advanced a
couple of cents a bushel. Cotton,
too, was higher.
Philippine Governor

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