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October 08, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-08

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VOL. XLII. No. 10 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1931 Weather: Mostly cloudy; cooler



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Hoover Confers With
Real Estate Men,
N, Y. Financiers Act on
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.-(A')
-Heartened by wide acclaim for
his project to assist business, em-
ployment and agriculture, Presi-
dent Hoover, started new :con-
struction workstoday toward a
firmer ioundation for home build-
ing credit.
Ten bankers, builders and real
estate men met in the cabinet
room, of the White House with
the President and Secretary La-
mont. To them the. Chief Executive
outlined a plan for organizing
credit' for home builders on a level
enjoyed by others.
President Is Confident.
Mr. Hoover reiterated'to the con-
ferees his bheliefy in a Nation wide
housing program and some form
of established credit for would-be
home owners with a view to in-
creasing constfucton, aiding em-
ployment and spreading the idea of'
individual ho'nve ownership.,
Earlier, the -President expressed'
encouragement over the indorse-
ment given by members of-Congress
to his proposal fo a .$lQ..,Q00J1
private banking pool to ease the
strain on banks outside the Federal
~Reserve System.
Favorable c amment in and out of
Congress among bankers and busi-,
ness men, newspapers and from
other quarters, as well as the up-
ward surge of foreign and domestic
markets, all served to brighten the,
White Housef day.
Bankers Work on Plan.
Meanwhile NeYrk nheneobankers
went Ito work. on the mechanics of
the Hoover half billion dollar vol-
untary credit organization and pro-
mised a complete set-up by the
Ogden L. Mills, undersecretary of
the treasury, one of those who took
part in last night's conference, said
24 New York financial houses had
promised to enter the organization.
Edison's Doctor Sees
No Hope for Recovery
WEST ORANGE, N. J., Oct. 7.-(/P)
-Thomas A. Edison was described
today by his physician, Dr. Hubert
S. Howe, as mostly in a semi-con-
scious state preceding a coma from
which he would not emerge.
A bulletin issued late this after-
noon by Charles Edison, a son said:
"In spite of the fact that Mr.
Edison's heart is standing the
strain of his illness unexpectedly
well, it is felt that he is losing
ground. He seems weaker this
afternoon than this morning. No
immediate emergency is expected
stale Dulein s
(By Associated Press)
October '7, 1931
BATTLE C R E E K-A five-day
celebration of Battle Creek's cen-

tennial anniversary ended tonight
with a war dance by the Poppawo-
pomie Indians and the final react-
ment of pioneer life in a settle-
ment erected for the observance.
steamship, first ofa dozen foreign
vessels bringing wood pulp from
Europe, is due ,to d'ock tomorrow at
South Haven. .The ships are com-
ing by way of the St. Lawrence
Great Lakes waterway.
ALBION- Samuel Daleo, 24, and
Miss Duretta Hoaglin, 21, confessed
today, officers said, that their car

Buckley Murder Suspect Shown Being
Questioned by 'Two Detroit Detectives;



Pete Licavoli (right) who is charged with the murder of Jerry Buck-
ley, Detroit radio announcer, is shown following his capture in Toledo,
after evading police for more than a year. He is being questioned by.
Chief of Detectives James E. McCarty (left) and Inspector John Navarre
(center) of the Detroit police force.

Death of Senator Morrow Given
as Cause for Action
of Couple
SHANGHAI, O c t. 7.--(/P)-Col.
and Mrs. Charles 'A. Lindbergh
abandoned their aerial tour of the
far east today and announced they
would .start' home Thursday by
steamer and rail.
The Ayers made their -deeision
after. studying messages they re-'
ceived along, with news of the
athfi En nglewood, N. J., Monday
of Senator Dwight W. Morrow, Mrs.
Lindbergh's father.
In abandoning their aerial ad-
venture, which they had counted
upon to take them back to Ameri-'
ca by air, they gave up a project
which had occupied them since last
July 29, when they left New York
for a flying vacation to the far
east. *"
Although disposition of t h e i r
damaged monoplane was not men-
tioned 'in their announcement, the
craft probably will be shipped back
to the United States later.
Col. and Mrs. Lindbergh made
arrangements to sail Thursday for
Nagasaki, Japan, on the steamer
Shanghai Maru. From Kobe they
will go to Yokohama by rail and
then sail Oct. 10 on the liner Presi-
dent Jefferson for Seattle, where
they will arrive Oct. 20.*
Their plane remained aboard the
British aircraft carrier H e r m e s,
which brought the Lindbergns nere.
Fraternity Open House
Assignments Changed
Changes in group assignments for
open house nights have been an-
nounced by the Inter-fraternity
council. Zeta Beta Tau has been
placed in group three. Phi Sigma
Delta, Sigma Alpha Mu, and Tau
Delta Phi have been assigned to
group one.
Freshmen who have not obtained
their rushing rules booklets may get
them from 3 to 5 o'clock any day
at the council's office in the Union.
Between 4 and 8:30 o'clock on open
nights freshmen may pay as' many
visits to fraternities as they wish
and do not have to stay at any
house longer than they desire.

Seniors Urged to Buy
'Ensian Picture Stubs
With the final date advanced
two weeks for which applica-
tions for senior pictures for the
Michiganensian can be made,
seniors are urged to purchase
their official coupons immedi-
ately, Harry S. Benjamin, busi-
ness manager of the publication,
stated yesterday. -
Appointments for the pictures.
must be made within one week
after 'the purchase of the cou-
pon at one of the four official
photographers listed by the pub--
lication. The Ensian office in
the Press building will bie open
from one o'clock till five daily.
Nation's Dignitaries Arrive for
Services; Interment
to Be Private.
ENGLEWOOD, N. J., Oct. 7.-(A)}
-Dignitaries of the nation came
today to Englewood to pay a na-
tion's tribute at the bier of Dwight
W. Morrow.
The funeral setting was as simple1
and quiet as the man himself.
There was little ostentation to
show that a United States senator
who in four short years had risen
to the heights of statesmanshi-
.was to be buried. That was as he
would have wished it.
The service at the First Presby-
terian Church at 3 o'clock this af-
ternoon was for the public, espe-
c i a 11 y the Englewood neighbors
among whom Dwight Whitney Mor-
row was a friend and champion
for 26 years.
Heading the list of national, for-
eign and diplomatic dignitaries
were Calvin Coolidge and Vice-
President Charles Curtis, the lat-
ter representing President Hoover,
Secretary of Sate Henry L. Stim-
son: represented t h e _diplomatic
corps. in which Mr. Morrow"served
so brilliantly as ambassador to

Predict MacDonald Government
Will Win; Manifesto
Chaos Reigns in British Politics
As Leading Parties Fight
for Supremacy.
LONDON, Oct. 7.-(z)-The
sixth Parliament of the reign of
King George V was dissolved to-
day and Britain swung into an
intensive three weeks campaign
for a general election that will be
Ramsay MacDonald's national-
ist government will be returned to
power or wrecked on the broken
ranks of Conservatives and Lib-
erals over which Labor again may
march to victory.
On the London stock exchange,
where election bets take the form
of business transactions in "major-
ities" deals were made today that
the national government will be re-
turned with a majority of 150 in the
House of Commons.
Program Cited.
The program on which the gov-
ernment will go to the nation was
set forth by Mr. MacDonald in a
manifesto in which he called for
the inauguration of monetary policy
that will establish the pound ster-
ling "in confidence and authority."
The prime minister foreshadow-
ed negotiations for international
agreemtepts "which will remove
some of the most fruitful causes of
the econom~ic misfortunes such as
war debts! and reparationsufrom
which the whole world is now suf-

Students -Identie;'
Slight Doubt Remains
Assistants to Joseph A. Burs-
ley, dean of students, have been
"identifying" students again.
The photographer who never
says, "Look pleasant, please,"
has finished his 1931 work of
mugging 9,000 students.
The 9,000 pictures of unsmil-
ing students, before the year is
over, will look hopefully up at
bankers who won't cash checks;
at business men w h o won't
charge suits, and at taxicab
drivers to whom thepictures
won't mean a thing anyway.
In fact, advance reports have
it that the cards are good fob
three things; to get into the
University golf course, even if
winter is notime to play golf; to
get into speakeasies into which
students can get anyway; and to
get into football games,. f o r

Student Council

Plans for


Federal Prohibition

Director to

which they have

to buy tickets


Speak Here Thursday,
October 22.
Amos W. Woodcock, federal di-
rector of prohibition, will be the
speaker at the first of the Univer-
sity Forums, sponsored by the Un-
ion, to be held on Thursday, Oct.
22, in the Union.
The forum, which will be the
first that the Union has ever had,
will start a series of discussions of
public and campus questions. The
subject of Woodcock's address is
"Prohibition." Woodcock will not
take either side of the argument
but will reveal facts about the
The Reverend R. N. Holsaple, su-
perintendent of the Michigan Anti-
Saloon league, and Rep. Robert
Clancy, a United States congress-
man, will be present at the forum
and will give speeches from the
The subject will be open for dis-
cussion immediately f o 11 o w i n g
Woodcock's talk. Anyone will be
allowed to say anvthin' that h

Delegates Are Selec
to Serve on
Elaborate plans for a h
coming celebration in conne
with the Minnesota - Mich
football game, Nov. 21, werc
gun last night when the Stu
Council met and elected s
new members to form a grou
act on the student judiciary I
Plans for the home-cominf
cluded a decision to hold the
under-class games on the mor
of the Minnesota game, Ed'
J. McCormick, newly elected ;
dent of the Council, announced
To Hold Elections.
Class . elections, the dates
which were also determined b:
Council last night, are to be
this month, senior literary
officers to be selected Monday,
19, and those of the junior lit(
clas to be named on Wedne
Oct. 28.
Representatives of the Co
declared that the tentative prof
in preparation for the home-
ing 'includes pep rallies to be
before. each home football g
comprising a greater syster


Plembers Elect


Bruening Dissolves
Group, Starts

Pleads for Unity.
He pleaded for national unity in
the nation's period of "recovery and
In these changing times, he said,
no one can make specific pledges
and therefore "the government
must be free to consider every pro-
posal likely to help, such as tariff,
expansion of exports, and contrac-
tion of imports, commercial trea-
ties, and mutual economic arrange-
ments with the dominions.",
David Lloyd George has pad-
locked his Liberal "war chest" and
his withholding support from the
national government.
The Labor party, in annual con-
clavetat Scarborough, daily launch-
ed" its opposition campaign. "We
must go forward decisively and
courageously to a socialist society,"
declared Arthur Henderson, who
has Mr. MacDonald's old place as
the leader of Labor.
History Professors
Add to Experience
by Globe-Trotting
History professors at the Univer-
sity spent the greater part of the
summer months globe-trotting, vis--
'iting far corners of well-known and
little-known places, to the extent
of adding thousands of miles to
the department's experience.
Prof. Arthur E. Boak, head of the
department, is at present in Egypt
in connection with the University
excavations there. He is on leave
of absence for the year.
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton visited Eng-.
land, France, Germany, Austria,
Spain, and Czecho-Slovakia, spend-
ing a full month in Germany alone.
Prof. Arthur L. Cross confined his
activities to an automobile tour
through southern France.
Prof. Earle W. Dow traveled in
France and northwestern Spain\
including in his tour a visit to one
of the world-famous shrines in the
Pyrenees. Prof. Arthur L. Dunham
spent virtually all of his time in
France, while Prof. Howard M.
Ehrmann covered France, Italy,
and Germany, his home being in
the last named country.

Action Taken to Prevent Nation
From Becoming Fascist,
BERLIN, Oct. 7-(P')-Chancellor
Heinrich Bruening got rid of his1
entire cabinet today and immed-
iately undertook the formation of
a new government that will rule
Germany under a virtual dictator-
The resignations of the complete
ministry were submitted- by the
chancellor to Paul von Hindenburg,
the nation's stern old warrior pres-
ident, and Herr Bruening straight-
way was commissioned to form a
cabinet whose members will be able
to withstand Nationalist and Na-
tional Socialist attacks when the
Reichstag reconvenes next Tues-
Dictatorial Decrees Issued
With the ministerial shift came
a long series of new emergency de-
grees, signed by President, which
give the government far-reaching
powers in dealing with the nation's,
financial and econoic burden and
in thwarting the attempts of the
opposition parties to make* Ger-
many Fascist or Communist-.
These decrees were interpreted
by some observers as sufficiently
elastic to enable the government
to abrogate such fundamentals as
the inviolability of the person,,the
home and the mails. They reach
far into the provinces of private
business, even to the salaries of
certain employes. The government
is empowered to declare void any
long term contract between em-
ployer and employee which stipu-
lates a salary of more than $3,500.
Sample Seems Unlikely to Allow
Plea for Change of Venue.

Pepper' and 'Wild Bill' Lead
Cardinals to Third


PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7.-(~)-
"Pepper" Martin collaborated again
today with "Wild Bill" Hallahan to
baffle the the Athletics, perch vic-
tory on the National League ban-
ner and put the Cardinals within
one game of the World Baseball
The Cardinals romped easily to
triumph in the fifth game of the
series, 5 to 1, as Hallahan posted
his second straight victory over
the World Champions and Martin
continued on the wildest batting
rampage in the history of baseball's
annual big show.
It gave the Red Birds the lead,
three games to two-an advantage
enjoyed by the National League's
forces for the first time 'in seven
years. The Cardinals, now in com-
mand, with only the great George
Earnshaw to do much worrying
a b o u t, return to their home
grounds with two chances to cap-
ture the fourth and deciding con-
test. The sixth game is scheduled
Friday at St. Louis, and the seven-
th, if necessary, on Saturday.
The smartest piece of strategy
since the seri1; opened, the eleva-
tion of the sensational "Pepper"
Martin to thecleanup position in
the Cardinal batting order in place
of Sunny Jim Bottomley, w a s
crowned with results of the guad-
iest variety as the rookie outfielder
routed the veteran Waite Hoyt and
had the Athletics as a whole shell-
shocked for the fifth straight game
wit.h bid personal exploits..
High School Editors
Will Hold Convention

ed from the five active men
the following officers: Alfrei
Palmer, '32, vice president; H
S. Benjamin, '32, secretary;
Noel Candler, '32E, treasurer.
Members Selected.
The council also selected
junior and two senior deleg
These were chosen from a li;
more than 100 names. The sei
are James North and Ho'
Gould. Junior members are: I
Colombo, C. Richard Racine, Jo
Zias Richard R. Norris, and
tair Mitchell.
McCormick stated that the
cers had been elected before
new members were allowed to
so that politics would be elimir
from the council. He also si
that the secretary would resig
the end of the semester,,or pos
sooner, and a junior would be e
ed in his place.

Churchill Will Not
Scheduled for



With one date still undeci
the Oratorical' association will I
sent in the 1931-32 lecture se
a group of lecturers unsurpasse
previous years, Henry Moser, fa
ty manager of the association,
To date, the series calls for
appearance in Ann Arbor of
Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, Ra
Sabatini, Bertrand Russell, Ma
and Osa Johnson, John B. E
nedy, and George W. Wickersh
w The one date not yet close+
that of the first lecture, Oct.- 2
which Wi n s to n Churchill,
"stprmy petral'of. British.: polit
was to have been the speaker.
British statesman's American
was postponed until later, M
said, because of the financial
sis in England. Churchill will p
ably appear here early next 3
On Nov. 23, Sabatini, autho
international bestsellers, which
elude "Scaramouche," "The Sn
"Captain Blood," and "Sea Ha
will discuss "Fiction in History
(Continued on Page z)

Chemist Discusses Volatility,
Knock-Rating of Gasolines,
in Radio Address.
Volatility and knock-rating are
the only ess e n t i al -differences
among the red, white, and blue
gasolines, Dr. Geo. Granger Brown
of the chemical engineering de-
partment said in his talk over the
Universitysr a d i o station yester-
day afternoon. Unless difficulty is
experienced in starting or acceler-

lowest knock rating or greatest
tendency to knock, and usually
possess such volatility characteris-
tics that it is less satisfactory for
cold weather operationthan either
of the other two grades."~
"Volatility," continued Dr. Brown,
"is the term used to indicate the
ability of the fuel to vaporize. From
a practical standpoint, differences
in volatility are of importance only
as evident in greater ease of start-
ing, improved acceleration with a

Katherine Keller will go on trial
in circuit court at 9 o'clock this
morning on a charge of harboring
her torch murderer sweetheart,
Fred Smith, after the crimes.
Though motion for a change of
venue has been filed by her attor-
ney and will be presented to Judge
George W. Sample as the case is
called, it seems unlikely fromstate-
ments made by the court previous-
ly, that the change will be allowed.
The grand jury continued in ses-
sion yesterday, but heard only three
witnesses. Two were from Kate's


High school editors, representing
various preparatory school news-
papers throughout 'the state, will
meet here December 3, 4, and 5,
according to an announcement that
will appear in the Intercollegiate
Press association bulletin to be dis-
tributed during the convention.
The department of journalism is

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