THE MICHIGAN DAILY By Lich I GET MA*- lvEW+ IT--"R~e AR 022e.- WP S'.d 01: scAtc-riozE NO I9 Vi ,O IIr I , s , tl ; .. ' ^ " O . ; 'sI l V) Kz ,-~( C-KtCN60 TIASS SN04W4,1'a 4"-ze ~CI4~C~o TIMeS ~'JI~bge~,.'rE - I THISTIlS NASSIFICLM CLOSES CLOMsI A3 P.. ADVERTISING AT 3 PA --_ WANTED NOTICE -- -_-__ -_ WOMAN graduate to share a new HOME LAUNDRY-Work called for 3 room apartment. Near cam- and delivered. Uniforms a spe- pus. Call 8744. 133 cialty. Students' work solicited. WANTED-Tenors and basses for Phone 774F3. 92 chorus choir. Phone Mrs. Rhead, MEALS SERVED to men and wor- 9621. 114 en students at 517 E. Ann-S WOMAN graduate student to share minutes from campus. Special apartment. 3 room, new apart- rates by meal, day or week. ment near campus. Call 8744. Phone 22346. 118mp 120 ANY intelligent person may earn WANTED-Student laundry neatly good income corresponding for done. Experience. Socks darned newspapers; all or spare time; and buttons replaced free. Will no canvasing; send for free book- call fo and deliver. Call 23365. let; tells how. Heacock, 410 Dun call Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. 50 104 WASHINGS - Student and family FOR RENT washings. Called for and deliv- ered. Phone 5244. 108 FOR RENT-Suitable for professor, e P2 instructor, or graduate student. FOR SALE Attractive room. Private en- trance. No other roomers. Garage Female. 5 months old. Reason- available. 1206 Brooklyn Ave Femal months Inquire between 5:30 and 7:3 able. Dial 22367. 75 P. M. 116 FOR SALE-Extra fine, grade Rac- CAMPUS, NEAR-Large well fur- coon coat. Exceptionally dark, nished room in private home. thick furred collar. Balance of Twin beds. $5 for two. Phone coat, finest of prime dark North- 6535. 119 ern :accoon skins. Sizes 44, easi- ly reduced to size 42. Coat orig- SIX ROOM HOUSE-With garage inally cost $700 at Newton-Annis. in fine residence section. Also 5 Worn not more than five times. room Pat with garage if desired. Will sell for $350 cash. Inquire 1301 Granger. 117 John W. Bachelor, M. D. ___ -~----- 47 N. Washington St. FOR RENT-At 425 5. Division. Oxford, Michigan. 112 Large suite and single room. Price reasonable. Phone 22352. LOST 103 LOST - Girls light weight tan 514 E. JEFFERSON-Block from sweater. Probably on Hill or campus, front suite, also large South Univ. Phone 6352. 115 living room, $6 for one, $7 for LOST-Small green fraternity pin. two.99 Initials W. D. B. Reward. Phone TWO APARTMENTS---1 with private 23281, Ext. 36, Room 568. 100 bath and shower. Also double LOST-Red Chow dog. Liberal re- rooms. Steam heat, garage, dial ward. Mich. Daily. Box 2. 8544, 422 E. Washington. 89 110 SUITE, $5-Running water, private LOST-Black and white Parker house. 1007 Forest. Instructor or fountain pen. Finder please re- graduate student preferred. Gar- turn to Room 399, Jordan Hall. age available. 101 Phone extension 26. 106 - I Students Supply Store 1111 South University Ave. Engineers and Architects Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Typewriting and Pound Papers College Pennants and Jewelry Leather Goods 9 Browning,King&Co. Suits and the Men Who Wear Them C IHALLENGER SUITS took the lead immediately w h e n, introduced-and leaders took the suits. They have been corn mended by 'professional men, executives, group leaders, public officials, club and fraternity men They are that kind of suits! To begin with, the fabrics are distinctively styled and beautifully loomed-just the effects that gentlemen like to wear. 0 Fall showings include complete lines of models for every build with style touches for every taste. Still gaining in popularity. Still maintain- ing all the good points that have won their prestige. And still offered at the lowest price at which such suits can possibly be manufac- tured, even with the greatest facilities in the world at our command. ~25 With extra pair of trousers, $30 Six months satisfactory wear, with normal care-- or your money will be promptly refunded. Challenger Topcoats, too- Marvelous Values at $25 Br owning 1 I For M * Benef ats to be derived, we cordialIy welcome your i Ban~king