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October 06, 1931 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-06

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"Americans are all one family,
and we must approach the problem
in that light. A family without
enough jobs to support all its mem-
bars would not push several of
them out in the cold to starve be-
cause they had no jobs. Instead,
the family would divide the work
between all its members, and let
each do something. All would sac-
rifice, but all would live."
So capital must sha;e the bur-
dens of labor, he said, and help ap-
portion the jobs available. He said
industry, chief beneficiary of the
machine age, must aid by main-
taining the American wage stand-
ard by allowing shorter working
hours and through work insurance.
"It must help through keeping
up wages and providing jobs, or it
must help by paying taxes," he
Recommend National Conference
First actual work before the del-
egates was presentation of the ex-
ecutive covcil's repct, recom-
mending a national conference on
work1 apportionment shorter hours,
wage standard maintenance, work
assurance, prohibition of child la-
bor, industrial stabilization, espe-
cially in seasonal industries, and
balance of production to equalize
supply and demand. k
It suggested higher taxes on
great wealth, modification of the
Volstead act to permit 2.75 per
cent beer, private and community
unemployment relief work and
comprehensive planning to prevent
future depressions, with "national
economic conferences" to show the
Pig iron production in Alabama
during the last 17 years increased
faster than the rate for the United

Several Postponements.
After several postponements due'
to unfavorable weather, and inabil-
ity to get the heavily-loaded plane
into the air, the aerial comrades
finally soared from Floyd Bennett
Field July 28 on the first leg in
their journey around the world.
They arrived at Moscow July 31,
Sjust 17 hours behind the time es-
Stablished by Post and Gatty.
Shortly after midnight on Aug. 1,
the procession of bad luck started.
They were forced dawn at Jiette-
gari, Siberia, because of weather
Twodays later, after several in-
termittent stops, they were forced
to land at Khabaravsk, Siberia, be-
cause of a damaged wing, and
abandoned their attempt to set a
new round-the-world speed rec-
Fined in Japan.
But, deprived of the opportunity
to continue in pursuit of one rec-
ord, Pangborn and Herndon decid-
ed to go after another. They de-
cided to ma'ke a non-stop flight
from Tokio to Seattle.
Then it was that another mis-
fortune overtook the air birds. Af-
ter completing repairs to their
plane, Pangborn and Herndon flew
across to Japan and were seized on
charges of flying over a Japanese
fortified area and taking photo-
graphs without a permit.
OrGranist to Gice First
of Series of Concerts
The first of the series of Wed-
nesday afternoon organ recitals by
Palmer Christian, professor of or-
gan in the School of Music and dis-
tinguished organ virtuoso, will be
given at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow af-
ternoon in Hill auditorium.
These weekly concerts, which
have become traditional in Univer-
sity music, will be given through-
out the year. The general public,,
as well as students and faculty
members, is invited. As has been
in the custom in the past, small
children will not be permitted in
the auditorium and all doors will
be closed during numbers.
Every graduate in ceramic engi-
nering at North Carolina State col-
lege has been employed in the in-
dustry. I

Government Summons Under-
world Leaders as Witnesses
in Tax Case.
CHICAGO, Oct. 5.-(P)-Seventy-
five witnesses, including Johnny
Torrio, former Chicago gang chief,
have been called by the government
as witnesses at the income tax trial,
opening Thursday, of Alphonse
Capone. Torrio was once the head
of the gang of which Capone is
The government alleges that Ca-
pone failed to pay taxes on a six-
year income of $1,038,654 derived
from his liquor, gambling and vice
interests. There are six felony and
two misdemeanor counts in the in-
dictment. If he is convicted on all
of them he will face a maximum
of 32 years and a fine of $80,000.
Capone pleaded guilty to the
charge two months ago, but later
withdrew the plea when it became
certain that Federal Judge James
H. Wilkerson would not consent to
any uarrangement whereby Capone
would receive a short sentence in
I exchange for admitting his guilt.
Phone 6898

Reptblicans' Control of House
May Go to Other Party,
Recount Reveals
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-(9P)-The
possibility of the Democrats organ-
izing the new house appeared more
promising today upon the report
that the Democratic candidate in
the Eighth Illinois district would be
issued a certificate of election.
Although Peter C. Granata, Re-
oublican, was issued a certificate
last November, Secretary of State
Stratton of Illinois announced at
Springfield that Stanley H. Kunz,
Democrat, would be issued a new
ertificate on the basis of a recount.
What action Granata will take is
unknown here.
With his replacement, the Dem-
ocrats would have 215 and the Re-
publicans 213 seats under present
count. However, the official figures
on the standing of the parties now
are 214 and 214. Until Kunz' certi-
ficate of election is received by Wil-
liam Tyler Page, house clerk, there
will be no official change.
Leaders in both parties have been
watching the Granata-Kunz con-
test as well as the race to fill the
vacancy in the First Wisconsin dis-
trict. The Democrats have but slight
hope of taking the Wisconsin seat,
Thomas R.Amlie, progressive Re-
publican supported by the LaFol-
lettes and Senator Blaine, was nom-
inated Saturday to run against
The Democratic nominee, George
The Democrats believe they have
a good chance to win the seat in
the First Ohio district left vacant
by the late Nicholas Longworth,
besides filling the normally Dem-
ocratic seats vacant in Ohio and
New York.
Boy Steals Car; Fined
$50, Put on Probation
Clifford Rogers, 18, Saline, was
fined $50 and costs and placed one
fi v e years probation yesterday
morning in circuit court for steal-
ing an auto belonging to Herman
Schlecht, of Ann Arbor, last Thurs-
Brought in by Detective West,
Rogers waived examination before
Justice Reading, was bound over to
circuit court on $2,500 bond, plead-
ed guilty ancd received his punish-
ment, all in one morning.
Florida's 1932 automobile lIense
tags will be black with orange nu-
merals. An order for 465,000 plates
has been authorized.

Stamping the life of Christopher,
Columbus as one in which he de-
liberately obscured the true history
of his past prior to his appearance
in Spain, Prof. Arthur Aiton, of the
history departmeit, yesterday af-I
ternoon read a paper on the Uni-
versity radio program over station
WJR in which he accused the dis-
coverer of America of substituting
for his true history "an impossible
story of exalted ancestry, pretend-
ed voyages, and remarkable discov-
That Columbus' personal history
as written by his, son Ferdinand
and his friend Father Las Casas
was an "embroidered tale" with lit-
tle basis of truth was not brought
to light until well into the middle
of the nineteenth century, when
modern historical methods uncov-
ered the true facts of Spain's great
explorer, Professor Aiton said.
"Henri Harisse, employing the
method of internal criticism, at
that time first revealed the con-
tradictions within the narratiyes
upon which the whole pretentious
superstructure of fable had been
erected," said Professor Aiton, "and
opened the way to the slow process
of recovering the truth about Co-
lumbus from the documentary rec-
ord of the fifteenth and early six-
teenth. centuries."
Professor Aiton declared that
investigators had worked for years
in attempting to uncovering such
elementary data regarding Colum-
bus as his age, birthplace, place of
burial, or immediate ancestry, all
of which remained shrowded in
mystery to baffle the investigations
Lecturer to Defend
Dry Question Oct. 12
Raymond C.^ Robbins, nationally
known lecturer, is to speak Mon-
day, Oct. 12, in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium, it was announced
by Jule Ayers, '32, chairman of the
open forum committee of the Stu-
dent Christian association.
The subject of Mr. Robbins' lec-
ture, will be "In Defense of Pro-

* of historians.
"The destruction of time-honor-
ed legends, h o w e v e r," Professor
Aiton stated, "is not unattended by
perils. Over-enthusiastic patriots
and even dishonest seekers after
self-glorification have taken ad-
vantage of the "de-bunking" phase
of the historigraphy of Columbus
tGo advance novel theories and to
fabricatefresh falsehoods about
his life."
The speaker confined himself
primarily to an analysis of the ma-
terial available for the determina-
tion of Columbus' birthplace, indi-
cating that "the question of his
nationality has been an especially
attractive field for controversy:"
Dietrich, Dressier, S h e a r e r,
Harding, Dunne Named
Best Actresses.
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Oct. 5.--(R)
-Out of the many hundreds of
motion pictures produced in the
last year, the academy of motion
picture arts and sciences today an-
nounced it( selection of the five
best performances py actors, ac-
tresses, directors, technicians a
producing companies.
From the five named in each
group one will be selected Nov. 10
to receive the final award.
Nominees in the divisions fol-
B e s t performance, actresses:
Marlene Dietrich, in "Morocco";
Marie Dressler, in "Min and-Bill";
Irene Dunne, in "Cimarron"; Ann
Harding, in "Holiday"; Norma
Shearer, 'in "A Free Soul."
Best performance, actors: Lionel
Barrymore, in "A Free Soul";
Jackie Cooper, in "Skippy"; Rich-
ard Dix, in "Cimarron"; Frederic
March, in "The Royal Family";
Adolph Menjou, in "The Front



German Organization to Be Ho
to Students on Speaking
Tour of Country.
An invitation has been extend
by the Deutsches Studentenscha
national student organization
Germany, to the National Stude
Federation of America to send ta
German speaking students on a s
weeks speaking tour of German co
leges and universities during t
months of January and Februaj
1932. Their entire expenses are
be paid by the Deutches Studente
The National Student Federatii
will select the two students on
competition basis, the rules f
which contest will shortly be a
nounced. University students sh:
be eligible.
The invitation has come as
spontaneous desire on the part
German students for a better ur
derstanding between the studer
of the two countries, and marks t.
first attempt of this kind.
The success and general approv
of the German debating team whi
was brought to America by tI
Federation last year has opened I
way for the visit to- Germany th
Montero Wins Chilearn
Election;_Five Slai,
SANTIAGO, Chile, Oct. 5.-(P)
Juan Eteban Montero, middleag
newcomer to politics, succeed
today to Nthe presidency of Ch
in an election attended by disc
ders and marked by at least fi
Montero decisively defeated h
radical opponent, Arturo Alessa
dri, receiving 183,428 votes to Ale
sandri's 100,000. This was a pl
ality of approximately 64 per ceu
To be elected, a candidate mi
receive at least 50 per cent of t
Two Communist candidates n
ceived only 3,785 votes betwe


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