THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ WITH LIBERAL HEAD Prime Minister, Lloyd George Expected to Decide Plans for Election. LONDON, Oct. 5. -(P)-Prima Minister MacDonald went to see David Lloyd George, Liberal leader, at his country home today for a conference which is expected to decide the matter of a general electicn. Mr. MacDonald left No. 10 Downing St. shortly after breakfast for the ailing Liberal chief's re- treat at Churt, in the Surrey hills, making what was interpreted as a final gesture to win him over to the national government's election plans. The consensus was that the meeting would not result in calling off the impending election but would afford Lloyd George a closer view of what has happened behind the political scenes in recent weeks. The Prime minister's invitation from two small groups of Seaham Harbor Laborites to run for re- election in his present constituency greatly heartened him. It was ex- pected he would wait until opinion there is better cystallized. Two branches of the Seaham Harbor p a r t y-Murton Mipers' lodge and Mutton-have decided to renominate Mr. MacDonald from that division, accepting the prime minister's offer to run if invited and challenging , the local execu- tive's intention to suport another candidate. Alumni Officers Plan Meeting in Ann Arbor A meeting of the officers of the 10th alumni district to talk over district plans will be held at the Union on Saturday noon, Oct. 10. Officers who will be present are C. C. Goodrich Of Battle Creek; L. J. Richards of Midland, district president; A. S. Kurkjian of Grand Rapids, vice president, and F. P. Lourim of Jackson, secretary-treas- urer. Today's Radio Pro rars -jj _(Ebdern Standard Time) Up to the present time the Co- over WXYZ. Columbia's cuckoos of lumbia Broadcasting system has the air, the Nit Wits will bring enjoyed great success with theirmr regular weekly programs. Feeling ''oe of their nonsensical music the lack of a good sustaining pro- and drama to the microphone, to gram at the rather difficult hour be broadeasI at 10:30 o'clock over of 6:30 o'clock when people are still WXYZ. i dining Cnlnmhin. hq-, rimip n rsrpat I i U11I Y. (llll , I'vvlll iu IIrn (~llE 1Li , deal of searching for a sketch of AthoughLih-Majority of Wis the type which it has finally signed good programs come over the NBC up for that time each Tuesday wires, still WJR has a few programs night. Charlie and Oscar, owners worthy of note, foremost among and managers of station PME, op- which i the Phantom announcer erated in connection with the Pree- bles Music Emporium, at Friendship with his Ballyhoo type of advertis- Junction, will make their debut ing at 6 o'clock. However, just so over station WXYZ at 6:30 o'clock much of his patter can be stood; tonight, to fulfill the need which this as a warning. At 7:15 o'clock Columbia has long felt. Puffs of Rhythm come floating over the air to make a rather enjoyable Another special for tonight is the program. The inimitable Red Apple appearance of Norma Terris, who Club at 11:30 o'clock complete, played the ingenue in "Show Boat." WJR's program for the day. She will sing "Song of the Soul," never before heard over the air, at ' Tuesday night brings a preposing 8:45 o'clock over the Detroit station array of radio talent to the air WXYZ. Tony Parenti and his cele- from the two chains of the National brated Singing Saxophones-will be Broadcasting System. On the WEAF heard tonight at 7:15 o'clock also side &nt throu h WWJ Frank ____----__________ Crnm ilt a nr J.T n . 5L Administration's Stand Toward Finance, Will Be Dccided by Investigation. WASHINGTON, O c t. 5.-(/P)- Burdened by declining government revenues and the urgent need of raising more money, administra- tion offlicals are studying closely the many revisions of the income tax law which have narrowed its application to comparatively few persons. Among these officials, including President Hoover. will be evolved soon now the, administration's at- titude toward the government's fis- cal course in 1933. They will de- cide whether tax increases will be recommended to' congress. Into their survey, the first quar- ter of the 1932 fiscal year has brought its complications with a $244,000,000 drop in the treasury's income. k' Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler has just retired from the United States marine corps, put away uniforms and swords. He recently purchased a 'PLA YING HOOKEY. FIND GOLD CACHE Canadian Youths Get Treasure in Tom Sawyer Fashion. WINDSOR, Ont., Oct. 5.--(P)- 'Four boys playing "hookey" from school last Wednesday found $4,- 000 worth of virgin gold, in true Tom Sawyer fashion, hidden in a woods near here. The father of one of the boys told police about it Sunday. The gold was cached in two to- bacco humidors, hidden in some weeds, with a strip of white clothI hanging from a tree over it--pro- sum ably to mark the spot. It was iL cloth which attracted the at- tention of the boys--Lyle Dotzert, Charles Morris, Stanley Durham ard Gordon Tuck, each 13. It took themonly a short time to turn up the two humidors. One cortamed seven pounds of precious metal, the other eight. Virgin gold is worth $17 an ounce. gicnkeevening' 3 o'loc, to be F lyb the Jubilee Wa Henstein's orc at 9 o'clock and rspectively bri: (lasiland po Va lie a mldnig Icy a half hour I gram to a eonclu Fr 'ed P( ration, l-nwr n dent ivn; in /A yCek'(yr'lkr I Sunia on ii. throgh a red Ii was dr'i in er : e Ad'!, avenue. Three :nre 5saiiiecJ ii' juric Betty 9'celloff fracirc skul1. oIrut wil?nent at Of this decrease, $240,543,267 was llowed immediate- due to falling income tax pay- Singers and Alfred ments which amounted to only Whestru. Erno Rapee $267,257,654 as compared w i t h Don Voorhees and $498,520,395 in the same quarter 30 and 10 o'clock of the previous year, during the ng a contrast of calendar year these hve dwindled nular music. Rudy until officials foresee that more hit and Lloyd Hunt- revenue must be obtained from ater, bring the pro- some source. miOn. At the end of the first quarter last year the government had a . + surplus of $55,148,170 but finished CC ra sh the year with a deficit of $903,000,- 4 2 g' yrob 000., For the present year it end- ed the first quarter with a deficit ng; further investi- of $380,495,854 and indications de, University stu- pointing to a greater deficit. m A':bor, was free Meanwhile, Representative La- ''; ;; t in DEtroit Guardia has proposed increasing irge of driving federal income $750,000,000 annual- , :fer the car he ly by imposing taxes on products 6l wi that of of now industries and raising as- , ,f 1 I8 ualle sessments on large incomes. The New York Republican draft- ', ' r Mdlr's car ed his plan at the request of both ,w o' . of them, Republican and Democratic inde- 19, may ha.v' a nendenis in the house and it will Ti d!rivers escaped be considered by them at a meet- ing before congress convenes , . .. ,. u r e- 1 ,d~d4"injury.A 0/if T MOISTURE-PROOF CELLOPHANE Sealed Tight -Ever Right The Unique HUMIDOR __ for l ,or, il- tes e 'he ,h Y PACKAGE Zip- and it's open! See the new notched tab on the top of the package. Hold down one half with your thumb. Tear off the other half. Simple. Quick. Zip! That's all. Unique! Wrapped in dust-proof, moisture-proof, germ-proof Cellophane. Clean, protected, neat, FRESH!-what could be more modern than LUCKIES' improved Humidor package - so easy to open! Ladies - the LUCKY tab is - your fin ernail protection. Made of the finest tobaccos - The Cream of many Crops - LUCKY STRIKE alone offers the throat protection of the exclusive "TOASTING" Process which includes the use of modern Ultra Violet Rays - the process that expels certain biting, harsh irritants naturally present in every tobacco leaf. These expelled Irritants are not present in your LUCKY STRIKEI "They're out- so they can't be in" No wonder LUCKIES tre always kind to your throat. "T6- oar .amok.. I