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October 04, 1931 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-04

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I G A 1v


lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
he University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a.\m. Saturday.



No. 7

Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Attendance re-
cards have been sent to the different Departmental Offices, and
e may always be had at my cffice. Instructors are requested to
ort absences' in accordance with the rules printed on the backs of the
W. R. IHumphreys, Assistant Dean.
Twilight Organ Recital Series: The attention of students and faculty
alled to the Annual Series of Twilight Organ Recitals which take
e each Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
recitals are given generally by Professor Palmer Christian and are
to the public. Guests are requested, for obvious reasons, to refrain
n bringing small children, and also to be seated promptly at the
nning of the program.
Notice to All Faculty Members and Officers: Arrangements have been
le with the purpose of having in the General Library both for preseni
poses and for future historical value, a file of the portraits of mem-
of the Faculty and University officials. It is highly desirable from
Library's point of view that this file be of portraits in uniform size.
traits will be made without cost to any Faculty member or officer
!essrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son. Members of the Faculty are cor-
ly invited to make appointments with Rentschler and Son for the
pose. Any special questions arising with respect to the matter may
sked either of the Secretary of the University, Mr. Shirley W. Smith;
f the Librarian, Mr. William W. Bishop. Shirley W. Smith.
An exhibition of Contemporary American Painting assembled by the
ege Art Association is on view in the West Gallery, Alumni Memorial
. Open week days from 9 to 5; Sundays from 1:30 to 5, Exhibit
es Sunday, October 11.
Wesley Foundation at 12 Noon. Classes led by Dr. Carrothers, Dr.
kenawn and Mr. Pryor. The Guild meets at 6 p. m., with a devotional
tini at which time Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will speak on "Personal-
in Headlines." Social hour at 7 p. m., with refreshments. All
lially welcomed.-
St. Andrew's Church Services: At 8:00 a. m., 9:30 a. in., 11:00 a. M.
acher Rev. Henry Lewis on the "General Convention."

Ohio City Favored over Chicago;
Date of Selection Advanced
to Early December.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-(P)-Re-
pubUian leaders are considering
advancing to early in December,
before congress meets, the selection
of the city wher the party's 1932
presidential candidate will be chos-
Many bids are in prospect for
the convention but the early spec-
ulation has narrowed the contest
to one between Cleveland and
Chicago. The odds seem to favor
the Ohio city, where Calvin Cool-
idge was nominated in 1924.
Senator Fess of Ohio, chairman
of the Republican national com-
mittee, will call it together to se-
lect the site. He is conferring now
with members of the executive
committee on the date.
Because of his duties in the sen-
ate, the chairman is inclined to
favor the earlier meeting date.
Congress reconvenes Dec. 7.
While there have been reports of
a reorganization of the committee
at the December session, Senator
Fess is ready to carry on as chair-
man until the national convention
in June.
JACKSON, Miss., Oct. 3.-(F)-
The Robert-Sillers Senate bill plac-
ing a limitation on acreage to be
planted in cotton in 1932 and 1933,
was, approved by the House Com-
mittee on Agriculture and its pas-
sage by the House recomrended.
Engineering Mechanics: Those
students who have taken Engineer-
ing Mechanics, Course .1, at other
schools should attend an evening
class, which meets with Professor
Swinton in Room 401 West Engin-
eering building, on Monday and
Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p. m.,
until they are clear on the graphics
of Shear and Bending moment dia-
grams. This subject becomes imme-
diately required in the advanced
Woman's Research Club: Annual
meeting for the election of officers
Monday, Oct. 5, at 7:30 p. m., in
Room 3024 Museums.
Junior Research Club: Tuesday,
Oct. 6, 1931. Room 1121 N. S., 7:30
p.im. Medical Problems of Porto
Rico. Dr. Malcolm H. Soule. Illu-
strated by moving pictures.
Riding: There will be a meeting
on Monday at 4 o'clock in the
lounge of the Women's Athletic
building of all freshman and upper-
class women who are interested in
a riding class. This class will meet
once a week, but no credit will be
Michiganensian Editorial Staff
meets in Press building, Monday
at 4:15. All members of the upper
staff, both men and women, and
sophomore tryouts are urged to be

Chicago's New Chief

Associated Press Photo
Capt. James P. Allman, known
as "the iron man" by Chicago's
guardians of the law, was named
commissioner of police to succeed
John Alcock by Mayor Anton J.
Groesbeck's Friends
Circulate Petitions
LANSING, Oct. 3.-( P)--Petitions,
seeking to place Alex J. Groesbeck
in the field for the Republican
nomination for governor in 1932
are in circulation in Lansing. Ac-
cording to unofficial reports they
have appeared in other counties.
The origin of the petitions is
cloaked in mystery. Close political
and personal friends of Groes-
beck's declared they knew nothing
about them. They were certain
they had not been authorized by
Mans Headless Body
Discovered in Culvert
3.--(P)-M y s te r y surrounds the
slaying of a man, believed to have
been Thomas Smith of Youngs-
town, O., whose headless body was
found Friday hidden under a high-
way culvert about 12 miles east of

World's Finest Loser' Receives
Tribute of Britons; His

Mrs. Cc

-ails to Identify 1


Will Awaited.
LONDON, Oct. 3.-(1)-The death
Friday of Sir Thomas Lipton, who
was the "world's finest loser" as a
yachtsman, was mourned today by
Britons from the exclusive confines
of the Royal Yacht squadron to the
slums of his native Glasgow.
As plans for his funeral went for-
ward, there was much speculation
as to the size of his estate and who
would inherit it. He never married
and was the last of his family.
The old rumor that he had set
aside a large sum years ago to be
used in carrying on the assaplts
against the American cup was re-
juvenated but it was too early for
definite information.
The reports were current that
several charitable institutions would
benefit by his will but they appar-
ently were based on remembrances
of his philanthropic disposition and
his gift of nearly 200,000 pounds to
the poor of London on the occasion
of Queen Victoria's jubilee.
He had been a liberal supporter
of charities ever since.
Aitiioug~i he was reputed to be
many times a millionaire, some ob-
servers held that his estate likely
would prove less valuable than pop-
ularly surmised because of his many
gifts and the immense sums spent
! on his line of Shamrock yachts.
Lindbergh Laughs off
Yangtse River Mishap
HANKOW, China, Oct. 3.-(A)-
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh regards
the ducking he and Mrs. Lind-
bergh received with the capsizing
of their monoplane in the flooded
Yangtse river Friday as a minor
Departing today with his wife
and the crippled plane aboard the
British aircraft carrier Hermes for
Shanghai, Lindbergh laughed off
questions about the incident.
"The plane was not seriously
damaged," he said. "We expect it
to be a simple matter to repair her
at Shanghai."
Lindbergh made arrangements
to have the plane repaired and
overhauled at Shanghai prepara-
tory to continuation of flights in
the far east and eventually back
to America.

as Slayers of Husband; Doctor and Son Fr


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., Oct. 3.--
(IP)-Dr. Leslie D. Ritchie and his
son were released from custody here
early today when Mrs. Benjamin P.
Collings failed to identify them asJ
the "pirates" who recently boarded
the Collings yacht on Long Island:
sound, killed her husband and ab-
ducted her.
With an attorney, William L
Kelley, the Stamford, Conn., yachts-
man's widow arrived here at mid-
night from New York to view the
Ritchies, who were arrested two
days before. They went to the jail
after stopping a short time at a
Only officers and attorneys were
present when Mrs. Collings con-
fronted the two prisoners. They
stood in a group of twelve men of
similar appearance.
She singled them out readily, but,
she said, it was because she had
previously seen pictures of them. As
Mrs. Collings shook her head nega-
tively, Dr. Ritchie spoke up.
"I am not the man," he said.
"No," Mrs. Collings asserted.
Then William Ritchie, 23-year-

old son of the former veterinarian.
rushed up to Mrs. Collings and
shook her hand emotionally. -
A few minutes after Mrs. Collings
failed to identify the Ritchies, they
were released from custody. They
left the jail with their wives and
the 3-year-old daughter of the
younger man for their home, locat-
ed near a woodyard they operate
on the outskirts of the city.
The wives of the Ritchies, who,
like newspaper men, were barred
from the meeting with Mrs. Col-
ings had anxiously awaited therri
outside the latched door of the
room where the hearing was held.
Attorneys for the Ritchies an-
dnounced Mrs. Collings' failure to
identify them and told what wend
on at the brief meeting..
The Collings party included, be
sides the widow and Kelley, her
attorney, Fred J. Munder, assistant
district attorney of Suffolk county,
and her sister-in-law, Helen Col-
A Greek palace of the fifth cen-
tury has been uncarthed at Alex-


Corporate Communion for Freshman at
kfast at Harris Hall at 8:45. Supper, 6:'00.
je the Rev. HenryLewis, "The Church and
ents are cordially invited.

the Church
Speaker at
the Student

irsity R. O. T. C. Band: Tryouts for' Oboes, Piccolos, and Clarinets
, in Morris Hall.
iversity Lectures: The following lectures will be given Thursday,
r 8, at 8:30 p. m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater:"
he Future of Regional Planning" by Mr. Flavel Shurtleff, Secretary
American City Planning Institute.
he Execution of Regional Plans" by Professor Th omas H. Reed,
Department of Political Science.
ese lectures form part of the program of the Regional meeting,
American Civic Association.
culty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The Octqber
g of the Faculty will be held Monday, October 5, at 4:10 p.'m.,
m 2225, Angell Hall. The program will -be as follows: 1. Miscel-
s business. 2. Election of Commitees.
culty, School of Education. The first Faculty meeting of the year
e held in connection with a luncheon in the Michigan League
ig on Monday, October 12, at 12 o'clock noon. A full attendance

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