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October 04, 1931 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-04

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'Here Goes the Bride,' Peter
Ario's Musical Show,
Scores Reno.
Peter Arno, one of the best-
known of American satirical car-
toonists, has turned his hand to
the stage, with the result that'
"Here Goes the Bride." musical
lampoon of the nation's divorce
capital, has been praised by De-
troit Reviewers as one of the best l
in years.1
Arno, who wrote the book and
staged and produced the comedyl
selected two former Michigan men
as aides de camp. Edward Hey-
man, '29, co-author of the Union
opera "Rainbow's End," and writer
of the' popular tunes "Body and
Soul," and "Out of Nowhere," has
written the lyrics for the produc-
Roy Langham, '30, who conduct-
ed the Union opera for three years,
is assistant manager for the show.
He is a member of Phi Nu Alpha
fraternity, and Heyman is a Phi
Epsilon Pi.
"Here Goes the Bride," starring
Bobby Clark and Paul McCullough,
prominent comedians of stage and
screen, was the result of a trip to
Reno by Arno, who conceived the
idea of writing a musical comedy
satirising the divorce mill.

Soviet Removes Rail
Chief To Speed Work
MOSCOW, Oct. 3.-AP)-Mosei
Rukhimoyich was removed today
as commrissar of communications
and transport and Nicholas An-
dreev, commissar of workers and
peasants inspection, was appointed
to succeed him. This is the first
important change inr the govern-
ment for months and was designed
to improve the lagging transporta-
tion system. Andreev is only 36
years old, but has made an out-
standing record in the government
posts which he has occupied.
14 Wonded in Clash
Of Boston Dock Men
BOSTON, O c t. 3.-()P)-Negro
strikebreakers and union long-
shoremen engaged in a hand-to-
hand battle in which shots were
fired and knives and clubs wielded
on Commonwealth p i e r today.
Fourteen men were injured, suffer-
ing chiefly from stab wounds and
Mexco to Inaq.gurate
Dry Talks in SchooQls
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 3.--(/)-
One hour a week will be devoted
in the public schools of Mexico to
lectures against the evil of strong
drink. The Public Education De-
partment has adopted tho proposal
to, co-operate in temperance pro-
gram of "persuasion" sponsored by
the Government.

AT~ 3!.M.




THIfS w-


ANY intelligent person may earn
good income corresponding for
newspapers; all or spare time;
no canvasing; send for free book-
let; tells how. Heacock, 410 Dun
Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. 50
VOCAL STUDIC' Frank Ryan, grad-
uate Universiby School of Music.
1303 Brooklyn. Phone 2-1953,
2-1511. 20
1143 t'Rj& AVE. 6 rooms and
sleeping )porch. Nicely furnished.
Phone 6692 109
FOR RENT-At 425 S. Division.
Large suite and single room.
Price reasonable. Phone 22352.
FOR RENT--Two fine suites. One
suitable for three. Second floor.
Rent reasonable. 219 S. Thayer.
514 E. JEFFERSON-Block from
campus, front suite, also large
living room, $6 for one, $7 for
two. 99
TW0 APARTME NTS--1 with private1
bath and shower. Also double
rooms. Steam heat, garage, dial
8544, 422 E. Wahington. 89
SUITE, $5 Ruim ng watr, private
I o'ume 107 Forest. Instructor or
graduate student preferred. Car-
age availble. 101
WANTED-Sudeant laundry neatly
done. Fxpcricnce. Socks darned
and buttona repl~ced free. Will
call for and delitic. Call 23365.
WANTED-Boarders at $5 per week.
Home cookinv. Packard Tavern.
1214 1ack:rd S. 96
WANTED-Laundry, prices reason-
able, phone 5374. 95

MAN, Graduate student wishes
roommate. Freshly decorated
room. $12 per month. 332 E.
Jefferson. 111
WASHINGS - Student and faipily
washings. Called for and deliv-
ered. Phone 5244. 108
FOR SALE-Great dane puppy.
Femme. 5 months old. Reason-
able. Dial 22367. 75
FOR SALE - Pawpeu grapes, grapa
juice, sweet cider, Wyandott
malt. Call 9534 or 22413. 97
FOR SALE-Extra fine grade Rac-
coon coat. Exceptionally dark.,
thick furred collar. Balance o
coat, finest of prime dark North-
ern Raccoon skins. Sizes 44, easi-
ly reduced to size 42. Coat orig-
inally cost $700 at Newton-Annis.
Worn not more than five times.
. Will sell for $350 cash.
John W. Bachelor, M. D.
47 N. Washington St.
Oxford, Michigan. 112
LOST-Small green fraternity pin.
Initials W. D. B. Reward. Phone
23281, Ext. 36, Room 568. 100
LOST-Scotch. terrier, female pup-
py. Black. Red harness. An-
swers to name of Lassie. Tele-
phone 9019. Reward. 13
LOST--Red Chow dog. Liberal re-
ward. Mich. Daily. Box 2.
Street between Division and
State. Phone 23308. 105
LOST--Black and white Parker
fountain pen. Finder pIlease re-
turn to Room 399, Jordan Hall.
Phone extension 26. 106

here are Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh as they enjoyed' a brief
rcspite f'rom public ovation in a boat on the Iozugawa river near Kyoto,
Japao. . This picture was snapped shortly before they overturned in
their Lockheed monoplane as it was taking off the waters of the Yangtse
river for a flight to the flooded Tingting lake region. ..


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