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January 30, 1932 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-30

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_ ___ _ _
______..______ r

ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
esident until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.


No. 93

resident and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students during the1
Oination period on the regular days, Wednesday, Feb. 3, and Wed-
ay, Feb. 10.
Ci}e Sunday tea for the faculty, townspeople, and their friends willj
ld on Feb. 7. The tea on Feb. 14 will be omitted.
'o the Heads of Departments: It is requested that, beginning Feb. 1,E
ollowing procedure in submitting requisitions for equipment be fol-
. The department will list items of equipment on separate requi-j
s from items of Current Expense, consulting the Purchasing Agent
ses of doubt.
. All requisitions for equipment will be sent to the Dean or other
r administrative officer and if approved by him he will transmit
to the Business Office with an endorsed or attached brief explana-
of the unavoidable present necessity for the item requested.
. The requisition will be checked in the Business Offic to ascer-a
othet costs which may be entailed by the proposed purchase, such
penses incident to installation, required service lines, alteration of1
ing or rearrangement of fixed equipment, necessary added labor or1
expense for using the proposed new equipment.
Alexander G. Rutven.
horal Union Concert: Yehudi Menuhin, distinguished fifteen year
oy violinist, with Arthtur Balsam at the piano, will give the follow-1
rogram in the eighth Choral Union Concert, Thursday evening,Feb.-
8:15 o'clock (Eastern Standard Time) in Hill Auditorium:1
artini-Kreisler: Sonata in G Minor, LeTrille du Diable; J. S. Bach:
ta for violin alohe in A minor; Bruch: Concerto in G minor, opus
ilegro moderato, Adagio, Finale (Allegro energico) Ravel: .Tzigane
socDie de concert); Moszkowski-Sarasate; Guitarre; Bazzini: La
e des Lutins (The dance of the goblins); Paganini: Caprice'XIV.
1'e Extension Division of the University wishes to announce a fourth
ster course in French. This course, which is to be given next semes-
t adapted to the following types of students:
.Candidates for the doctorate who desire to perfect their reading
ledge. These students receive no credit.
. Those who, having .had at least two years of college French, or
quvalent, wish a thorough review, and are willing to do so without
Those who, having taken three semesters of college French, or'
quivalent, d'esire to continue their work for credit.
'he course irs not open to undergraduates who are taking work in
riiversity at present.
'he class will meet in Room 205 R.L. at 7 p.m., on.Monday, Feb. 15.,
W1 time the evenings on which the class is to be conducted will be
uistructional Staff, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: In-
dtion has been received that in some cases the dates for examina-
as given in the schedule have been changed. It should be clearly
rstood that instructors have no right to make these changes even
the consent of the class, and that they are not to be made without
xpress authorization of this office. John R. Effinger.
chool of Education-Second Semester Registration: Students who
lanning to enter the School of Education for the second semester
register on Feb. 11, 12, 13 (8 to 12:30 only), nd 15. Blanks may be
ed from the Recorder of the School of Education, Room 1437, Uni-
y Elementary School.
tudents who plan to transfer to the School of Education at the
Ling of the second semester will be required to present at least a
sional transcript from the school from which they are transferring.
chool of Education-February Seniors: All students completing re-
ments for degrees and Teachers' Certificates at the end of the pre-
semester should pay their fees for diplomas and Certificates by Feb.
Blanks Thay be secured at the Recorder's Office of the School of
ation, Room 1437, University Elementary School.
sandidates for Teachers' Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the
hers' Certificate fee may now be secured at the Recorder's Office of
chool of Education, Room 1437, University\Elementary School. All
3nts who expect to; be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate
e end of the present semester should pay their fees and return their
pts to the Recorder, School of Education, by Feb. 13.
Elizabeth B. Clark, Recorder.
ons of Rotarians now attending the University are asked to leave
names at the Registrar's Office, Room 107 Mason Hall, University
e 373.
JUniversity Women:' Out of respect to those who are studying for
iinations, all women students are requested not to move until the
end of Feb. 12 to 15.. Alice C. Lloyd.
Slections in Speech 43: Students who elected this course (Interpre-
e Reading, MWF at 8, in 302 Mason Hall, Professor Hollister) with-
having the prerequisite, Speech 32, given in the College Announce-
, must drop the course. This prerequisite will be strictly'enforced.
statements to the contrary are inaccurate and unauthorized. Any
ent who wishes to present reasons for ling excused from this re-
ment must see me personally. ,J. M. O'Neill.
English 1, Sections 42 and 46: Please turn in notebooks at time of
examinatin. R. Bliss.
Aero 7: All students taking Aero 7 call Mr. Upson at 5611 before
gay, Jan. 31, to make arrangements about final examination.

Political Science 51: The final ex-
amination for Sections 2 and 3 will
be held Thursday afternoon, Feb.
1 in 2023 A.H.
Political Science 113: The final
exanination will be held in 2225
A.H, Friday morning, Feb. 5.
Political Science 161: The final
examination will be held Wednes-
day morning, Feb. 3, in 2225 A.H.
Mechanical Engineering 32: The
final examinations will be given as
follbws: Sec. I, Saturday, Feb. 6, in
Room 223. Sec. II, Monday, Feb. 1,
Room 222. Call at W. E. Lay's. office
Saturday for copy of review ques-
Mathematics 1, 3, 5, and 7: Final
examinations for first semester,
1931-1932, will be held Thursday,
Feb. 11, 9-12, according to the fol-
lowiig schedule: Abernethy 231
A.H., Anning 1035 A.H., Baten 25
A.H., Coe 25 A.H., Copeland 1025
A.H.,,P. Field 1025 A.H., S. E. Field
1035 A.H., Fulton 35 A.H., Menge
231 A.. H., taiford 35 A.H., Van
Engen 1025 A.H., Wagner 25 A.H.
Sociology 51: Final examination
rooms: A-E, Room 25 Angell Hall;
F-L, 1025 Angell Hall; M-R, 101
Economics building; S-Z, 231 Angell
Psychology 31-Final Examina-
tion: Students whose initials are
from A through K, report to the
Natural Science Auditorium; from
L through S, report to the west lec-
ture room of the West Physics bldg.
Others report to Room 103 Romance
Languages building.
English 31 (Mr. Everett's Section)
Examin ation Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 9
o'clock in Room 2203 A.H.
Russian Literature 121: The ex-
amination will be held in Room 25
Angell Hall.
Education D14S: The final exam-
ination in the Correlated Course
Education D150 covering the mater-
ial given in the regular course,
Education B20 will be held Monday
afternoon, Feb. 1, in Room 2021
University High Sch6ol.
History 11, Group II: The final
examination will be Friday, Feb: 5,
from 9 to 12, in Natural Science

General rules regarding the J-
Hop and house parties, as agreed
upon by the J-Hop committee and
the Senate Committee, were an-
nounced yesterday by Hugh S. Bak-
er, chairman of the J-Hop commit-
1.Dancing must cease at 3:00 A.
M., and lights must be out in the
Intramural Building at3:30 A. M.
2. There shall be no spectators,
the only persons admitted to the
hall shall be those bearing tickets
issued by the Hop Committee.
5. Taxicab rates shall be arrang-
ed by the Student Council and
overcharges should be reported to
Edwa d'McCormick.
6. ontrol of lighting shall be in
the hands of the Hop Committee
and note delegated to the Orchestra
7. The floor committee shall be
responsible for the conduct of the
dancers and subjected to the orders
of any chaperon.
8. The Hop Committee shall be
responsible for the proper conduct
while in the gymnasium- of all of
those attending the Hop. Offenders
shall be ejected from the hall and
their names reported to the Judi-
cial Committee of Inter-Fraternity
9. Smoking in the gymnasium
except in the lobby, and the use,
possession, or showing the effect
of intoxicants, shall be considered
improper conduct.
10. Violations of the regulations
governing the Hop traceable to any
group, but not to individuals, shall
render the entire group liable to
11. No person shall re-enter the
' building after once leaving.
1. House Parties shall begin not
earlier than Friday morning and
end not later than Sunday at 6 P.

(Continued from Page 1)
states that "the executive commit-
tee shall consider it and, if approv-
ed by it and the executive faculty,
it shall bring the matter to the
President, who shall present it to
the Board of Regents. The Presi-
.dent and the Board of Regents
shall have full power to accept,
modify, or reject such applications."
Accept Three Resignations.
In matters concerning faculty
members, the Regents accepted the
resignations of Laurence M. Gould,1
of the geology department, and Dr.
D. M. Lichty, of the chemistry de-
partment. Dr. Gould, who was sec-.
ond-in-command of the Byrd Ant-
arctic Expedition, is to become the
head of the department of geology
at Carleton College. Dr. Lichty,
whose resignation becomes effect-
ive June 30,1 retires after many
years of service. The resignation of
Dr. W. R. Parker, head of the de-
partment of opthalmology of the
Medical School, effective June 30,
was also accepted. At the same time
the Regents appointed Dr. George'
Slocum to replace Dr. Parker, ad-
vancing Dr. Slocum from an asso-
ciate to a full professorship.
G. C. Pemberthy was appointed a
lecturer in surgery, and Prof. R. T.
Liddicoat, of the engineering col-
lege, granted sabattical leave for
the second semester. The Regent:
were notified that Prof. Edson R
Sunderland, of the Law School, will
not take the leave granted him fo:
the second semester.
Acknowledgement of gifts to the
University included: '360 volumes
from the library of C. H. Kauffman;
$400 from a University senior .to.
the student loan fund; $400 given
e rli Arb



Endeavors to Secure
of Drainage Mea
for Michigan.
Argument Hinges on :
of Terms in Prop
Glenn-Smith Bi

. assoctatetPres sPhoS to
Sir John Bolton Eyres-Monsell,
first lord of the British admiralty,
directed operations in attempt to
save the crew of 61 in the submar-
ine M-2, which failed to rise after
a dive in the English channel..

. I

Chinese Students' Club meeting'
at 7:30 p. m., in Lane Hall.
Wesley Hall: Sunday 12 M. Dr.,
Blakeman will lead the regular un-
dergrad group and Mr. Pryor will'
lead the graduate students.
At 6 p.m., Mr. Harold Brown will
have charge of the meeting. At this
time there will be a report given by
the students who attended the Stu-
dent Volunteer Convention a few,
weeks ago.
St. Andrew's Church Services:
9:30 a.m., Church School Service;
11 . m., Moaning Prayer and Ser-
mon; 5:30 p.m.,nEvensong. The Rev.
Duncan E. Mann. will ;preach this
Sunday at the 11 o'clock service.
Sunday, 8 a.m., Holy Communion;
Harris Hall: The class in "The
Christian Philosophy of Life," con-
ducted by Mr. Lewis will meet this
Sunday at 9:30 a.m., in the Hall.
Supper Sunday evening will be at
6:15. Mr. Sher Queraishi, an Indian
student, will speak to the students
at the .Hall this Sunday, evening at
7 o'clock. His topic is "Other Peo-
ples' Religions."
Baptist Students Guild, Sunday,
6:30 p. M., Rev. Bruce Kinney, D.D.,
of Denver, intimately associated
with the American Indian, will give
an. address. The public is invited.
Friendship hour for students, 5:30.
Liberal Student's Union: Sunday,
7:30 p.m., Dr. Walter Bergman of
Detroit Teachers College, formerly
on the University of Michigan fac-
ulty, will discuss "Developing Stu-
dent° Immunity to Propaganda."
John Ise Dinner: Those of the
L.I.D. Lecture Series Committee and
others who desire to have dinner

2. At least one of the chaperons
for each house party shall be a to be used for emergency<
parent of one of the active mem- women students; $100 from I
bers of the group or a member of exander W. Blair, of Detroit
the Senate with his wife. Excep- resenting the committee o
tions to this shall be made to the American Orinthological Uni
Inter-Fraternity Council. purchase of a bird picture f
3. The presence in-any house of University museum; and th
intoxicating liquors, or of any per- vate collection of law books o
son showing the effects of intoxi- E. C. Goddard, of the Law
eating loquors, shall be forbidden, to be use. as a nucleus for
4. There shall be no dancing in ulty collection of law books
any house after 1 A. M., after 12 completion of Hutchins Hall
o clock Saturday night. Continuation of finances 1
5. Each group shall be respon- Rockefeller Foundation to
1sle for ,the proper conduct of RtheerhFonatarmlessof
those attending its house party and the search fora harmless f
violations of these regulations must narcotic norphine, on whi
be reported to the Judiciary Com- Universities of Michigan an
mittce of the Interfraternity coun- ginia are cooperating, was ft
cil by that member of the group ly announced. The grant, $1
who signs, the pledge referred to per year, is divided between t
in paragraph 8 below, within twen- universities. The E. I du Pe
ty-four hours or the entire group Nemours fellowship in chemi(
will be liable to penalty. gineering, which carries a stip
6. The Judiciary Council of the. $750, has been renewed for th
Interfraternity council shall recom- 1932-33 it was announced.
mend to the proper University au- The I egents also acknowle
thorities penalties for either indi- gift of $10,000 from. the Cle
vidual or group. violations of these Museum of Art to aid in carry
regulations, work of the Waterman Exp(
7. Before permission be granted in Selucia in Mesopotamia
to any group to hold a Hop house fund, pledged and paid in, wE
party, a copy of these regulations en jointly by the museum a]
must be presented to the Secretary Cleveland citizens.'
of the Interfraternity council with
the follo~ing cause 'signed by an
authorized representative of that mends that a floor lamp be t
group, each booth as part of the fur
8. I, the undersigned, an author- The furniture for the booti
ized representative of............be taken into the Intre
.with a thorough Building only between the
... 4hr ..g of 10 o'clock in' the mornirn
u ndecrstanding of they above regu-of1 o'clock in 'the afnci
lation, do pledge the......to abide three o'clock in the aftern
and be bound by these regulations Frugay, Feb. 12th and remov
in the conduct of our Junior Hop 'urda, Feb. 13th.
house party for the year 1932.,-
A ruling of the Health Service
makes it necessary thlat individual
paper cups be used in serving
punch at the J-Hop. Punch will be
served only to those booths com-
plying with this order. Each booth
must furnish their own pinch
bowls and cups.
The decoration committee recomn-

aid to
Dr. Al-
t, rep-
f the
on, for
or the
ie pri-
f Prof.
a fac-
by the
aid in
orm of
eh the'
d Vir-
he two
ont de
cal en-
Pend of
e year
dged a
ing on
a. The
as giv-
nd five

Admiralty StatemenS Confirms;
Report That 61 Men
Are Lost.3
PdRTLAND England, Jan. 29.--
(P)-The last straw of hope for the
rescue alive of any of the 61 men
and officers who went down with
the'British submarine M-2 on Tues-
day was snatched away today by
the publication of an admiralty
statement saying it was no longer,
possible to hope.!
The statement, which was based
upon a report of the rear admiral
in charge-of submarines, said, how-
ever, that the search of the sea
floor for the ill-fated submarine
would be continued.
The' object sought by the divers
Thursday on the theory it might'
be the M-2 was found to be an old1
wreck, the admiralty said, and the
succeeding search will be conduct-
ed at another spot where a former
sweep brought up two submarine'
hand flags in a canvas case.
Relatives Lose -Last Hope.
Distressed wives and relatives of
the men, groups of whom have been
waiting tearfully but hopefully at
the gates of the dockyard here
since the search began, lost their
last crumb of comfort with the ad-
miralty's announcement.
Desperate efforts were made on
Thursday night to reach what was
thought to be the submarine; al-
though even then thespark ofnhope
was feeble and almost out. Divers
risked their lives time after time,
in a stormy sea, to reach the bot-
tom of the eighteen-fathom area
in the channel where the submarine
was believed to be lying.
$28 and up
Suit. Pressed, 20c
All kinds alterations at cost
1319 South University

An amendment to 1
Smith bill, which provi
appropriation of $100
federal funds to be loan(
age districts at three p
terest, and is now being
by Congress, has been si
the House rules commit
Phil C. Pack, '18, of 1
in an endeavor to brin
under the provisions, it
ed yesterday upon his r
The Glenn-Smith bill
mit the refinancin o
district bond issues whic
faulted or area on the v,
ing so and Pack's amei
fines the term "default"
that drainage district
be considered in default
of tax receipts theref
districts issued thereon,
be received an amount
ent to satisfy interest r(
Under Michigan laws,
ed, drainage district b(
a direct obligation of
when the districts .ta:
pay interest and prii
ments. Hence, federal i
not be available to this
after the entire county
unable to pay the bond
by spreading the enth
the real property of th
Oakland County it
Oakland county alone
ed indebtedness for dra
than 10 millions of +
Pack stated, and that
been virtually bankrupt
In Washtenaw county,
tion is far less seriou.
bonded indebtedness foi
ing slightly under $3,00
ever, all bond issues 't
county to default, ' it v
that all taxpayers, both
without drainage dist:
be required to make thi
would also be highly pi
the future sale of mun'
as well. g
Passage of, the meast
mean that Michigan di
tricts may refinance, f:
funds, and pay only 3
against the 5 1-2 to 6
terest now being paid 1


7 A. M.-2 A. M.
Steak Dinners. .50c, 75c, $1
Chicken Dinners to Order
Special Hamburgers ....

611 1.'


-dance tonight
be hut's seven

with Mr. Ise should meet in the
first floor lounge of the League at
six o'clock sharp. The dinner will
be held in the League cafeteria.

00 %F op A

rits for 3-H1op House Parties may be secured at the side desk of
lion until Feb. 9, 1932.- All permits are to be issued under the rules
1933, J-Hop Committee and the Interfraternity' Council.C

Geology 31: Room Schedule for final examination, Feb. 1, A.M.
A-M inclusive in Room 25 A..
N-Z inclusive in Room 2082. N.S., the Mineralogical Lecture .Room.



__ 7

w-a p




tical Science 1: The final examination in this course will be given
'ollowing rooms in kngell Hall
Dorr's sections in Room 25.
alderwood's sections held in --

piece band - reuel'
ken yon at one piano
- huby moran at the
other, piasno...
-come and enjoy
a pleasant evening
A- down& -- ~ -- _

McCaffree's sections in Room
Cuncannon's sections held in
Pollock's sections in Room


Continuing our long established poliCy,

we wil

i IIIi

pay the best prices for your used text books-either


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