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January 28, 1932 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-28

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)lication. In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.




No. 91

Faculty Meeting, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The
lar February meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 1, in Room 2225,,
ell Hall, beginning at 4:10 p. m.
1. Contination of Report of Administrative Board.
2. Informal Reports from Advisers to Students, Professors Hussey,
Van der Velde. .
3. Report on Grouping for Fina: Examinations.
I., Discussion of Announcements of Requirements for Admission
andidacy in Degree Programs.
5. Miscellaneous Business. John R. Effinger, Dean.
Voice Recital: Kate Keith Field, Senior vocal student in the School
usic, will give the following program, to which the general public
vited, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Friday afternoon, Jan. 29, at
o'clock. Accompaniments will be played by Louise Nelson:
Caccini: Amarilli, rhia bella; A. Scarlatti: Gia it sole dal gange;
-Ferrari: Un verde praticello senza piante; Jo dei saluti ve ne
do mille; E tanto c'e' perical ch'lo ti lasci; O si che non sapeno
rare; Debussy: Air de Lia; Schumann: Widmung; Waldesgesprach;
z: Madchen mit dem roten Mundchen; Brahms: Sonntag; O musst
doch den weg z'uruck; Botschaft, Goossens: Searching For Lambs;
a Thou Art Dead; Holst: Things Lovelier; Now in These Fairylands;
nd: Spring Sorrew; Quilter: Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind.
School of Education-Second Semester Registration: Students who
planning to enter the School of Education for the second semester
register on Feb. 11, 12, 13 (8 to 12:30 only), and 15. Blanks may be
'ed from the Recorder of the School of Education, Room 1437, Uni-
ty Elementary School.
Students who plan to transfer to- the School of Education at the
ining of the second semester \ill be required to present at least a
sional transcript from the school from which they are transferring.
School of Education-February Seniors: All students completing re-
ments for degrees gnd Teachers' Certificates at the end of the pre-
semester should pay their fees for diplomas and Certificates by Feb.
Blanks may be secured at the 'Recorder's Office of the School of
ation, Room 1437, University Elementary School.
.andidates for Teachers' Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the
hers' Certificate fee may now be secured at the Recorder's Office of
chool of Education, Room 1437, University Elementary School. All
ntd who expect to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate
e tn of the present semester should pay their fees and return their
pts to the Recorder, School of Education, by Feb. 13.
Elizabeth B. Clark, Recorder.
Jniversity Loan .Committee: The Loan Committee will meet Friday,
29, at .1:30 p. m., in Room 2, University Hall.- Students who have
applications with the Office of the Dean of Students should call
fat office for an appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley,,Chairman.
JUiversity Women: Out of respect to those who are studying for
iinatons, all women students are requested not to move until the,
:end of Feb. 12 to 15.. Alice C. Lloyd.
University Women and Househeads: House rules are in force during
xamination period. Closing hours are as prescribed in House Rules
on C. Girls may obtain out-of-town permission from their house-
s when they have finished all their examinations. Permission to be
it from Ann Arbor before that time should be obtained from the
of the Dean of Women. Alice C. Lloyd.
notice to Candidates Who Expect to Receive the M.A. Degree in
ry in June, 1932: Please consult with Professor Aiton concerning
anguage requirement for this degree.

for the degree in February should pay the diploma fee before the close
of the semester.
Elections in Speech 43: Students who elected this course (Interpre-
tative Reading, MWF at 8, in 302 Mason Hall, Professor Hollister) with-
out having the prerequisite, Speech 32, given in the College Announce-
ment, must drop the course. This prerequisite will be strictly enforced.
Any statments to the contrary are inaccurate and unauthorized. Any
student who wishes to present reasons for being excused from this re-
quirement must see me personally. J. M. O'Neill.
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32-Examination Rooms: Spanish 1, N.S. Auditor-
ium; Spanish 31, 103 Romance Languages; Spanish 2, 32, in Room 231
Angell Hall.
French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 41 71, 111, 112, 153, 154-Examnation Rooms:
French 1, N.S. Auditorium; French 2. 11, in 205 Mason Hall; French 31
A.M., West Physics Lect.; French 31 P.M., 23 Angell Hall; French 32, in
103 Romance Languages; French 41, 71, in 231 Angell Hall; French 111,
112, 153, 154, West Gal. A.M. Hall.. .
Room Schedule, Examination in Eng. I and II, Feb. 1, p.m.: 25 A.H..
Helm, Butchart; 35.A.H., Hoag; 231 A.H., Abbot, Weimer; 1025 A.H.,
Baker, Ott; 1035 A.H., Everett; 2003 A.H., Walter and Schenk; 2023 A.H.,
Stevens; 2225 A.H., Wells, Davis, Curtis; 205, M.H., Hornberger, Wetzel,
Bebout; 103 R.L., Binkley, Morris Tenney; Natural Science Aud., Bader.
-Swain, Bliss, M. Williams, Rowe, Proctor, Peterson.
German-Room Schedule for Final Examinations, Feb. 4, p. m.:
Course'1: Eaton, Wild Willey, Gaiss, Van Duren, Graf, Stillman, in Na-
tura Science Auditorium; Stearns, Van de Luyster, 1025 Angell Hall;
Diamond, 1035 Angell Hall; Reiclart, 231 Angell Hall.
Course 2: Stearns, Van de Luyster, 1025 Angell H61.
Course 31: Diamond, Van Duren, 231 Angell Hall; Graf, Reichart,
Stillman, 2225 Angell Nall.
Permits for J-lop House Parties may be secured at the side desk of
the Union until Feb. 9, 1932. All permits are to be issued under the rules
of the 1933 J-Hop Committee and the Interfraternity Council.
University Women: Will all eligible University Women who would
like to obtain a League activity point by working n the League Candy
Booth the second semester please get in touch with May Seefried or
Anne Macintyre, at 22591?
Michigan Technic: There will be a meeting of the entire staff at 7:30
Thursday evening. This is an important meeting and all staff men are
urged to be preseit. Bazley W. Johnson, Mng. Editor.
Observatory Journal Club meets at 4:15, in the Observatory lecture
room. Dr. Hazel M. Losh will review the article "On the Behavior of
Certain Simple Multiplets in Stellar Spectra" by Shajn. Tea will be
served at 3:45 o'clock.-
Women's Swimming Class for wives of Faculty Members and friends,
opening session tonight at 8:15. Classes will be under the direction of
Assistant Coach MacMahon. For information call Union or 8505.
Psychological Journal Club meets at 7:30 p. h., in Room 3126 N.S.
Professor Shepard will discuss his most recent work with the white rat.

Sixty-eight telegrams tand letters
were released today by James H.
McBurney, member of the speech
department and manager of the
Michigan High School Debating
league, informing 68 Michigan high
schools and 400 high school debat-
ers that their 1931-32 record in de-
bating has won them the Univer-
'sity of Michigan wall plaque tro-
phy awarded for excellence in de-
bating by the Detroit Free Press.
The Ann Arbor High School team,
coached by Miss Ethel Wisehart, is
one of the schools to receive the
These schools will compete in the
elimination series of the debating
league, which will terminate in the
state championship debate et Ann
Arbor on April 29. ,This debate,
which brings the two ranking
schools in the League ,here to de-
termine the state championship, is
an event at the University which
attracts large crowds annually. This
year the debate will take place dur-
ing the session of the Michigan
School Masters club at Ann Arbor
over the week-end of the 29 of
Political Science Journal Club
meets in the Bureau of Govern-
ment, Law building, 3 to 5 p. m.

Comes to you Sparkling, Fresh and Pure
Remember it is just as essential that the water you drink be pure as
is that your food be of highest quality.
Arbor Springs Water is Not Surpassed.
Delivered to your home in case lots of 6 2-quart bottles. We can al
supply you with chemically pure distilled water.
416 West Huron Phone 82


For exam time


-a, good luncheon

m -a

excellent din-

ner helps a lot .

Members 'of Thursday Group of
Dean's Luncheon Club are request-
ed to be present at the meeting
today. Dr. 0. S. Duffendack will
give a demonstration and talk on
Liquid Air.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon dinner at
6 p. m., Michigan Union.
Judiciary Committee of the In-
terfraternity Council meets tonight
at 7:30, Room 2,. University .Hall.o
All members please be prompt.
Theosophical Society will give a
pot luck supper at 6:30 p. m. All
those interested in theosophy are
Freshman Girls' Glee Club: There
will be a very important, short
meeting tonight in the League. All
members must be present.

. .


fin gerle's today!


Friday, 9 till 1:0




---- _



(Three for two Dollars)
1932 World.Telegram Almanac, 60c




t6 the Music of



McFarland Twins

be Offered in the Second Semester-French 160, French Roman-
A brief survey of the principal French writers of the first half of
eteenth century. This course will meet Saturday mornings. Two
credit.h Open only to graduates. Students wishing to elect this
are urged to consult the in- -_-
r, C. A. Knudson, before the ---
ng of the semester. j ai




and their radio orchestra


III, , I


b ~ ~ -

ndidates for the Doctor's De-
in Chemistry: The preliminary
nination in organic chemistry
be held on Jan. 29, at 1 p. at.,
n 151 Chemistry building.
Iitical Science 107, Final Ex-
ation, Feb. 11, 2 p. m.: Section
om 2003, A.H.; S3ction 2, Room
A.H.; sections 3 and 4, Room
A. H.
story 11-Lecture Section 1:
1 examination Wednesday, Feb
L2. Mr. Long's sections will meet
31 A.H. Mr. Slosson's and Mr.
s sections willsmeetgin N.S.
nal Examinations: Geography 1
8, 1932, 2-5. Prof. James' sec-
in Room 1035 A.H. Mr. Ken-
s sections in Room 25 A.H. Mr.
ie's sections in Room 25 A.H.
Davis' sections, Room 1035 A.H.
ography 2, Feb. 8, 1932, 2-5, in
n 35 A.H.
ography 31, 10 .o'clock section,
9, 1932, 9-12, in Room 18 A.H.
ograhpy 31, 11 o'clock section,
1, 1932, 9-12, in Room 18 A.H.,
ography 165, Feb. 9, 1932, 2-5,
n 18 A.H.
aminations. in all other courses
be held in the rooms inwhich
classes meet and at the time
vn on Examination Schedule.
niors - Literary College and
ol of Music: Those who prob-
will complete the requirements



World's Famous

boy Violinist

Tlhur",Feb. 4




A limited numbcr of tickets still
available at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50 each, at School of Music
office Maynard Street.

Michigan League Ballroom


Dances During Exam Period
at the League


Feb. 5

Feb. 6


America's Best College Ballroom Where


A Wl. 4L4 mm w - -mh Ak M-..- _ A' &N A doAf

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