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January 28, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-28

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I ,



'OL. XLIL No. 91



U[ U U I M . .
Veiss' Condition May
Determine Result
of Contest.

Where 300 British Convicts Rioted

Divers Make Desperate Efforts
to Reach Objects on Floor
of Dead Man's Bay.
Order Mine Sweeper Tedworth
to Devonport Carrying
Extra Divers.
PORTLAND, England, Jan. 27.-
(P)-Divers working in darkness
and swirling tides made desperate
efforts tonight to reach two objects
lying on the floor of Dead Man's


Victory. at Colimbus
Needed forTeam to
Remain in Race.
Evidently the powers that
drew up the WVestern Confer-
ence cage schedule held a
grudge against Michigan, or
else the breaks are all against
the Wolverines
Whichever the case may be,
the fact still remains that the
Maize and Blue, not satisfied
with just having met Minne-
sota, Northwestern, I1111li n o i s,
and Minnesota again, all in a
row, m ust btuck up aainst a
powrfudl Ohio State qintet at
coluimbus tonight in the last
game before the start of the
second semester.
Whether or not the Wolverines
will be succesful tonigt in their ef-
fort to stop the mi hty Buckeye
cagers depends a lot on the condi-
tion of Hank Weiss, an Ohioan him-
self, who has been under the wea-
ther. for the past few days with a
light attack of flu.
Gopher Game Hurt.
Should Weiss beatable to take a
patin the battle Michigan's
chances would be a g-eat deal bet-
ter than they will be if the diminu-1
tive.guard is kept on the bench.
Still under the defeat adminis-
tered to them by Minnesota last
Saturday, the Wolverines will go
into tonight's battle determined to
ma MVht remaini-ng
hope they have for at least a tie
Vor the Big Ten title.
With Northwestern having gone
throuigh the first haf of the Big
Ten schedule without a single de-
feat to mar its record, the Wolver-
ineschances appear to be rather
im. The Wildcats still have to
meet Purdue twice, and Ohio State
and Michigan once, however, which
means that the Purple will still
have a hard row to hoe before it
can claim the title.I
- Wildcat Scores Same.
a.oth Michigan's and Ohio State's
records against the Wildcats are
each the same. Each of these teams
dropped a one point decision to the
defending title-holders, , and both
of the games were played on North-
western's home court. On the basis
of these statistics there ,seems to
be little to choose between the par-
ticipants in tonight's game.
Should IWeiss be able to take his
regular place at guard, the lineup
will remain the same as it has been
in recent games. Williamson will
handle ,the other guard position,
Garner will jump center, and Dan-
iels and Eveland will take care of
the forward berths. In case Weiss
does not play Shaw will be in at
The Buckeyes wil put a conglom-
eration of veterans and sophomores
on the floor against "Cappy" Cap-
pon's outfit. While two hold-over
guards from last year's team re-
main to give the Ohio State quin-
tet a certain balance and experi-
ence that it needs to get far in
conference competition, the three
men upon whom the Scarlet and
Gray will depend to score most of
the points, will 'be ophomores.
Colburnn and Fuggitt are the two
Ohio forwards, while Conrad will
jump center. Colburn was easily the
star of the Buckeye team during its
early season games, but hasn't
been going as well in their last few
starts. If he is off form, Brown may
replace him, but it is alm'ost cer-
tain that Colburn will at least start.

... .


What was described as the most violent riot in British penal history
occurred in Dartmoor prison (shown above), old penal colony near
Plymouth in southern England, when prisoners' demands for sugar for;
their porridge were denied. .Two convicts were reported dead and many
wounded after an all-day fight lietween 300 prisoners and guards, in
which several main buildings were fired.




Writer Tells Things
as Seen That Make
Jp Personality.

gconsin Professor Contradicts,
Preuss' Stand on Embassy Litquor


Things he had seen in speech and
print-things that combine to make
up the term "personality"-were
pictured to an audience of 1,500
persons last night in Hill Auditor-
ium by Johp B. Kennedy associate
editor of Collier's.
Speaking on "What Makes Per-
sonality?," Kennedy first defined
the term, gave to the audience the
essential qualities of personality,
and then described, by means of
events he had "covered" and "in-
terviews" he had secured, the way
in which these qualities stood out.
He drew for his audience illus-
trations of events he had seen
while a newspaper reporter, rang-
ing from a championship prize
fight and the radio debut of Jack
Dempsey to the execution of a
youth at Sing Sing .and the Scopes
trial a few years ago in Dayton
Tenn.m,-inwhioh vhea late Willia.-
Jennings Bryan and Clarence Dar-
row were the leading legal counsels.
Although not pointing out in ro-
tation the'qualities of personality,
Kennedy pointed out four: a sense
of humor, satisfaction with one's
self, happiness in ne's work, and
friendship. These, he said, are the
things going to make up the per-
sonality-the outward expressed of
the inward self-the soul.
He also said that the present
machine, or industrial civilization,
of which we are a part, affords an
equal, if not a better, chance to
reveal one's personality.
This, he cautioned, didn't mean
that one had to attain fame or for-.
tune to reveal this personality.
iological Fraternity
Initiates 16 Members
Phi Sigma, national honorary
biological society, last night initiat-
ed 16 new members into the Mich-
igan chapter. Dean Wilber R. Hum-
phreys gave the principal address
of the evening on the subject,
"Scientist and Artist."
Faculty members initiated were
A. H. Stockard, and Dr. W. R. Tay.-
lor. Students initiated were Joseph
V. Anthony. grad.; Elzda U. Clover,
grad.; Harry F. Falls, '32; Lucille
K. Georg, '33; Frank A. Ineson,
grad.; Olga E. Kemeny, '32; Josiah
L. Lowe, grad.; John L. Meier, grad.;
George M. Moore, grad.; John C.
Salyer, grad.; David O. Scott, grad.;
Elizabeth B. Shull, grad.;, Claudia
H. Siple, grad.; and Ralph R. Wil-
son, '33.
Captain Among Those Suspend-
ed for Breaking Training.
YPSILANTI, Jan. 27.-I)-Coach
Elton J. Rynearson announced to-
night on the eve of a game with
Alma that four members of the
Michigan Normal College basketball
team, three df, whom have played
regularly, have been dropped for
violation pf training rules.
The four, who had played an im-
portant part in building up Nor-
mal's strongest quintet in history,
were suspended for the remainder
of the season. They are Capt. How-
ard Leach, of Jackson and Roy
Ostlund, of Traverse City, veteran
guards;' Gle'n Haidt, Manistee, im-
pressive sophomore forward, and

Contradiction of the stand taken
by Lawrence Preuss of the political
science department that the impor-
tation of liquor for the use of diplo-
mats is contrary to national and
international law has come from
Madison, Wis.
Prof. Pitman B. Potter, of the
University of Wisconsin political
science department, according to a
Big Ten News service dispatch, con-
tends that there is no precedent to
justify the prevention of the im-
portation of diplomatic liquors.
Quoting from the Wisconsin Daily.
Cardinal, the dispatch says:
"The importation of intoxicating
liquors by foreign diplomats is ab-
solutely legal and there is no
precedent to justify its prevention
according to Professor Potter of the
political science department and\
world-wide authority on interna-
tional law."


ment of Preuss, Professor Potter isI
unique among political scientists in
contending that national statutes
should bow before international
Several letters have been received
from diplomatic officials in Wash-
ington praising Preuss' treatment of
the subject as being absolutely
sound. The excuse for continuing to
allow the practice is summed up in
their statement, "policies of expe-
diency warp the law."
Henry Russel Speech Added to
Program;' -Plans - Near



"From the point of view of con Entertainment plans for Spring1
stitutional law, the contention that Homecoming neared completion to-l
importation is illegal is sound," he day when it was announced thata
declared. "However, international the Henry Russel lecture would be
la~w and courtesy have always held at 4:15 o'clock on 'riday, May
superceded national law in such 6, the first day of the affair, in the
cases." Natural Science, auditorium.
Preuss stated yesterday that he Other features previously plan-
has had a discussion recently with ned for the occasion are Cap Night,
Professor Potter which terminated which will be held on Friday in
without agreement on the dip}oma- Sleepy Hollow, a dual track meet3
tic liquor situation. An exhaustive with Illinois, to take place Satur-
thesis on this subject by Preuss ap- day afternoon, a fathers and sons
peared recently in the Michigan banquet at the Union and a moth-
law review in which he purported ers and daughters luncheon at the,
to prove that there was no prece- League.
dent in international law which The plans have been drawn up
would indicate that it was a breach by the heads of student organiza-
of comity or usage to search the tions with the assistance of Joseph;
luggage or imports of diplomats. In A. Bursley, dean of students, and
fact he cited cases where this was T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of
regularly resorted to. the Alumni association..
Even granting the point that T h e Henry Russel endowment
diplomatic liquor for the' United was established in 1920 by bequest{
States embassies in Washington is of Henry Russel, '73. Its purpose
in acord with international law, was to provide additional compen-
there still remains the controversial sation to the instructing staff of
point whether international law the University. In 1925 it was de-
should supercede national consti- terminated by the regents that 250
tutional law. AccorcGng to the state- dollars be given every year to a
- - -lecturer \selected from the faculty
deemed to have attained highest
distinction in toe field of scholar.-
SI ship. Prof. Jesse Reeves was re-
cently chosen as the speaker for
C this year.
Twenty-five dollars is also award-
ed to the man on the faculty of the
---rank of associate professor or in-
Action by U.S., England Likely structor who shows the greatest
as Authorities of Shanghai promise for the future. The winner
asof the award will be announced
Submit to Ultimatum. at the lecture.
Spring Homecoming was held for
(B the Associated Press) the first time last year with the
While both the United States and purpose of providing an opportun-
Great Britain gave "serious con- ity for returning alumni to see the
sideration" to the controversy at University under normal operating
Shanghai, the Chinese authorities conditions, according to Hugh R.
of 'that important pori prepared Conklin, '32E, president of the Un-
the way Wednesday for capitula- ion, one of the organizations spon-
tion to Tokio's ultimatum that an- soring the affair. It is believed
ti-Japanese agitation be stamped that alumni often do not se the
out. University as it really is during Fall
What the United States would Homecoming because of the natur-
do to relieve the tense situation al excitement of a football week-
was not indicated, but some Wash- end.
ington officials predicted a move of
very definite character.-IK' * toSp
Manila reported that ships of
the United States Asiatic fleet were Annual Rumrnage Sqle,
prepared to sail for Shanghai.
Chinese sources in Shanghai said A rummage sale is being sponsor-
the municipal government had or- ed by the Kiwanis club today at 209
dered the National Salvation So- East Washington street for the
ciety closed. The society was one benefit of the children of the Uni-
of the 'leaders in the boycott that versity hospital. This is an annual
.1-l -_ - _! _ 1 > - -

Bay in the hope that one or the Arbor to take over the direction of
other might be the British subma- "Robin Hood," which will be pre-
rine M-2. sented by the combined dramatic
and musical organizations of the
The m i n e sweeper Tedworth, University.
equipped with special decompres-
sion chambers and the latest apri-
ances for deep sea diving, was sud-
denly ordered to come from Devon- DO YOURIDE?
port with extra divers. This gave
rise to a suggestion that the M-2, If So, Gargoyle, Out Today,
missing since yesterday mornng, May Solve Your Problems.
had been found, but there was no
confirmation from the searching Do You ride horseback?
The cables of mine sweepers, Why?
searching for the missing subma- How often?
rine with its 60 men-or their bod- Gargoyle has gone equestrian and
ies- inside, located the object, the if you answer to "boots and sad-
Admiral reported. s dles" every so often, the February
Imperil j;ives. issue, appearing today in order to
Divers imperiled their lives ;in take everyone's mind off impend-
repeated descents, but thus far had
been unable to reach bottom. ing exams, ught to prove interest-
Diving w a s to be continued ing w i t h its questionnaire on
throughout the night. horses, spurs, tramps and saddles.
Despite the intensive search, In order to assist customers, how
scarcely with a parallel in British ever, the staff has obligingly an-
naval history, no trace had been swered all questions.;
found on the surface water of oil But for those who don't look so
bubbles or anything that normal- good in breeches asd spurs, there
ly. indicates a submarine is lying in are thirty and one-half morepages
the depths below, in the magazinewhich might ap-
The rescue flotilla was concen- pa They nain humrtam-
trated to the west of Portland Bill, puspeal Talk,heycartoons, sketchese-Ca
famous headland,. around w h i c h changes and advertisements.
sweep some of the most treacher- To be more specific, those who
ous tides and currents in the seven read more than the leading article
seas. The flotilla was commanded will find Dr. William H. Hobbs is
by Admiral C. J., C. Little, the .ad- the. subject for "Encomia." They
miral in charge of British subma- will also find the unusual pertin-
rines. ent comments on drammer, music,
Tedworth Well Equipped. and sports.
The - Tedworth, possibly, was or' Campus Talk,, featuring "Humph
dered to join the rescue flotilla to of the Month" which treats of pol-
assist in the search of the divers, itics in general, sophomores in par-
its special decompression chain- ticular, is longer than usual show-
bers permitting the divers to be ing, logically, that more interest-
gradually relieved of the effects of ing things than usual have hap-
working under air pressure at the pened.
bottom of the sea. Tom Powers has. taken for his
One of the salvage officers to- subject this month - Miss Mildred
night said he had about given up Todd, who is to be featured with
hope that any of the men would be Alan Handley in Play Prodution's I
brought up alive. He added that coming production.
much depended on whether the M42 ---______
had been damaged and filled with Will Broadcast JHop'
water. If her hull is whole, he said,
there might be enough air to keep Music on WXYZ, WJR
the men alive for a few more hours.
Over in, France an Admiralty Radio broadcasts of the musr
Office man waited fof' the captain for the J-Hop have been arranged
of a coasting 'steamer to arrive. It with stations WXYZ and WJR, De-
was reported that the-captain had trdit, it *as announced yesterday
seen the M-2 go down stern first. by Hugh Baker, chairman of the
Wives of members of the crew dance conmittee. Paul Whiteman
received telegrams from the skipper will be heard from 12 o'clock till
of the Dolphin, mother shipof the 1:30,o'clock over the Detroit Free
M-2, saying he was afraid the sub- Press station and Russ Morgan will
marine crew was lost. The women play for his own station, WXYZ.
had waited for hours in fog and Since the Pontiac automobile
rain, crowding the waterfront to company is sponsoring the White-
watch the salvage vessels. One of man program, negotiations for a
them, the wife of the top stoker, chain broadcast of the "King of
had a baby three days ago. Jazz" are pending and it is expected
The M-2 was supposed to be a that within ten days a network of
good'diver and she carried a small various stations extending from
seaplane. Her communication de- Chicago to Philadelphia will be ar-
vices were of the latest type. ranged.
"It is to be hoped that exagger- to railroads, will direct its efforts
ated fears for the condition of bus- chiefly toward prevention of fail-
ure and correction of insolvency of
IeswlIe lae y h 200 smaller banks, inasmuch as larger
1000,000 now made available through city institutions are in a more li-
the Reconstruction Finance corpor- quid condition.
ation," said Prof. Leonard L. Wat- Asked about the marketability of
kins of the economics department the Reconstruction corporation's
in an interview yesterday. bonds and notes, Professor Watkins
The most critical phase of the stated: "They should be market-
present depression, said Professor able, because the government's
Watkins, has been" the threatened guarantee is behind them. If, how-
breakdown of confidence in our ever, it is found that the sale of
banking system. Public alarm oc- these securities is not large enough
casioned by bank failures has re- to finance the corporation, the
sulted in large withdrawals of de- treasury department is authorized
posits, and this has caused furth- to purchase the bonds."
er failures. This situation has The organization has a prece-
placed all banks in jeopardy, and dent in the War Finance corpora-
they have sought to protect them- tion, which was established in 1918
selves by building up large cash and continued until 1924. 'It made

Rooms Rented?

Other persons are
renting their rooms for
the second s e m e s t e r
through the facilities of
The Michigan Daily


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