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January 27, 1932 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-27

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ICHICAGO, Jan. 26 - (P) - The of the National Association of Re-
I'RL1well-dressed rman for the spring tail Clothiers and Furnishers, after
and summer of 1932 will be garbed a check of probable demands in
a English Critic Traces History in a business suit of highly conser- leading cities from coast to coast. Gargoy
of Music to Prove vative pattern, but his neckwear Even 'in northern -states, it was Se
Sttmn.and sports outfit may be quite fiam- found, linen and seersucker suits
RStateent. boant are expected to be unusually popu-
Iierase.Asked by::oet;Ra 1ait
Committee; Would Distribute Tracing the historyofBritish is it is most apt to be of plain lar. Dealers in two northeastern
C t ; d stg hoB f abric, with perhaps a small pat- cities said the demand may reach (Co
Funds to Counties. music from its early beginnings in tern, yet he is more than likely to 50 per cent of their total summer clever a
folk dances, Percy Scholes, noted sport a pastel cravat. business vular.
LANS STILL TENTATIVE English authority, denied the as- nd more l its may be seen Sales of linen golf slacks, with It is
seriontha th Brtis ar no anext summer than in many a year. linen suits, also are expected to
Even linen knickers seem destined show a decided rise. A. leading select e
epcalSssion of Legislature,-t muiapel.
emusical people, to ieplace those of wool in most dealer in one city predicted that 75 men for
kbsible; Depends. an"RulingIn the sixteenth and seventeenth sections. per cent of the linen suits he sold ness ma
o b DpRicenturies," Scholes said, "the Brit- This forecast of spring and sum- would have a pair- 6f slacks. In the lications
verno were generally recgnied as mer styles in men's apparel was case of knickers, linen was favored student
made today by the style committee over wool to the extent of nine to hand in
LANSING, Jan. 26.-(IP)7-A pro- n_ peers in the field of music. Foreign __ ____- ---.- - one, in some cities. bers an
gram calling for a special session Asnaoed PressPhoto princes imported British musiciansI Worsted and unfinished worsteds tions.
of t l'l toincrasethe torA. o an i i~ry Wooleyand composers. The town band of TWU PROFESSORS are expected to lead the types of "We (
of the legislature to icrease the Sena(orliandcA A.Swanson, Vof irginia, andiDr. aryE. Woolley,Danzig smade up of British E LEAVES aterials ost popular for spring funco
state gasoline tax and grant addi- C prsident of Mt. lolyoke college ,as they sailed fromN = N York as d ae- players. ioand summer suits, with demand board o
tional state aid to counties may be gates to the world disarmament conference at Geneva, Switzerland, "Then came the decline. Opera, also for twists, flannels, tweeds, that cli
reconmiinded by Gov. Brucker by February 2. orchestral and chamber music be- Absences Granted to Moehliman cheviots and cassimeres. For young fundam
the special state committee study- ------ came popular and this type of mus- and Stephenson. men worsteds are to be extremely and goo
i>g Cvert road taxes. In an gall- ic, particularly opera never appeal- strong. student
day meeting Monday the committee f0 Ted to the English people. Great Professors Orlando W. Stephen- Retailers believe neat effects and editors
threshed out a tentative plan. fBritain's only contribution was in son and Arthur H. Moehlman of fine stripes will follow plain pat- are foll
It provides that the gasoline ta . the form of ballad operas. Germany terns in popularity, with some "The
be raised from 3 to 4 cents. The1 X-Ray to Help Doctors Dccide dominated the scene. The country the School of Education, have been checks, herringbones, self effects in this
new revenue, estimated at $7,000,- Baby's Chances. was divided into little states and granted their sabbatical leaves of and plaids. Scarcely any demand cellent
PQO a year, would be xiurned to ___each prince surrounded himself absence for next semester. for suits in pastel shades is antici- strong
thi counties to cut local road taxes. NEW YORK, Jan. 26.-(P)-Baby with a group of musicians. Each Motion pictures of places of his- pated. secure t
Thestte would loan not to exceed Pt Time Employnent Lowers 'a M wt r the X-ray court became a. musical center. When it comes to neckwear, there selectio
$ ,00 a year for five years to Ir tsDiana Moore entuner e aEngland, then as today, had only torical interest, schools, and nsti- will be no lack of color. Most re- latter w
co tiesoppressed by Covert road Workers' Pay Scale, today preparatory-perhaps-to a one musical center, London. Eng- tutions for the socially unfit will tailer say pastels are\likely to be quent n
obligations t Says Economist. 1,000-to-one gamble with death. land lost her musical reputation be taken by Professor Stephenson, in far greater demand than they frank1
Silent on Action._"I'd take the chance," said the and it was practically forgotten who plans thus to supplement ob- were a year ago. lems."
Gov. Brucker sat with the com- i 'The actual wage rate of the labor- 13-mnonth-old infant's mother, Mrs. that she ever had made any not- servational data which he will
mittee during part of its delibera- ing nman has diminished in greater Lillian Moore, "even ]f it were one able contributions to music.
tions. He declined to state whether proportion than the scale of prices, in a million. I think any mother "But the, nineteenth c e n t u r y gather from visits to such places.
We would call a special session of despite the fact that wages have who wouldn't, would be a coward." brought a revival of British music. The motion picturs will form a
he- legislature if such action is decreased little "on paper," asserted Little Diana, confronted with a Oratorio and symphonic music was basis for curricular and extension
formally recommended by the com- Prof. Max Handman of the eco- life of idiocy unless science can re- produced. The compositions dis- work in the Education school next
mittee. nomics department, in an interview lieve the pressure of the too-firmly played an emotional quality, At the fall. Leaving Ann Arbor on March
The governor said he will make yesterday. knit skull about her cramped brain, present time they are of a non- 2, he will visit Algiers, the Nile, and
i. d necision after the committee's Although there has been little cries a little, coos a little and smiles emotional type. The influence of various points in Greece, Italy,TRTING TODAY
recommendations have been sub- change in the amount per hour ee much. She is physically perfect, Ameiican jazz is being felt. The Switzerland, France, and southern
iitted to a state-wide conference wages, Professor Handian explain- but has been backward in mental future is in your hands." England. He has been 4 t the Uni-
of tax and highway officials, he ed, part time employment has be- development. . $c oles denied the assertion that versity for 15 years.
h~s -calfed to convene here Feb. 15. come so general, where there is em- There was a consultation of four the Puritans frowned on music and Professor Moehlman has as yet
The ~revenue from the added cent ployment, that the total earnings doctors -Monday. None of them forbado its use during their per- made no definite plans.
of gasoline tax would be returned of a worker in any given day are would discuss the case, but Mrs. iod of power in England. He point--- -
tothe. counties in the same propor- not enough to enable him to main- Moore-who is only 19 years old-- ed out that Cromwell, Milton and Discovery of Element
tJ s4at? highway funds now are tam as high a scale of living as said one of the four surgeons had Binya were all music-lovers. They
distriued-that is, on theo basis formerly, even in view of decreased opposed the operation. were opposed only to church mus- Confirmed by Chem=srs
Of, autonobile registrations. The commodity prices. The X-ray examination todaylic, he said. He ventured the opin---
cou ties would continue to use the The increased amount of part was to determine if there is enough ion that the Mayflower carried ATLANTA, Jan. 26.-(iP)-Discov--
present sighway apportionment of time employment is indicated by h brain matter to enable little Diana musical instruments. 1 ery of the elusive chemical element
more than $11,000,00 a year. recent survey in Philadelphia, where to develop into. -a normal child. Scholes "illustrated" his lecture 87, reported in 1930 for the first
The extra $7,00 ,000 would be re- the number of part time workers Should the answer be negative, the with phonographic recordings. Be- time by Dr. Fred Allison, of Auburn,
turned the counties with a Statu- increased, in 1931, 150 per cent over doctors said, there would be little gmnng with the rather weird pipes Ala., is confirmed in a report of Dr. -
tory pr~pvision that it must be used the figures in 1930, as against an purpose in operating at all. The and tabors of early .folk music, he J. L. McGhee, of Emory University,
iiobject ofvtheopt itimnst btouexpande
for highway purposes, the object iycrease of 80 per cent in absolute object of the operation to expand presented in order the choral songs Ga., to the journal of the American WITH EDWARD EVERE
beig to finance local highway work unemployment. the skull to permit the brain to de- of the Roman Catholc and Angi- Chemical Society. Element 87 is EXTRA ADDED
,and =cuton7ocalrad -taxes. Wage rates, Professor Hndman velop. can periods, Puritan secular com- the last of the 92 elements to beEGstNbe
Counties Seek Loans. pointed out, have suffered little -positions, hymns of the "judgment found. DGARKENEDY
It was estimated the counties diminution in such fields as the Thiree Leading Singers day" type, early efforts at serious Dr. Allison, head of the depart- C0EDY HIT.
aiost likly to .seek loans to reptire building industries, but in the steel instrumental music, the beautiful ment of psychics at Alabama Poly- RL CARPENTER
Covert obligations would be Ma- industries, for example, there has on May Festival Curd compositions of Purcell, emotional technic Institute, announced the AND BX TD R
combs Oakland, Berrien and Mon- been considerable negative change. -music ofthe Victorian Renaissance discoveryof element 87, a metal,
r9e. They would have to repay the Wage rates required by labor unions (Continued from Page 1) and the modern type. The modern and named it "Virginium" for his
state fromtheir share of state aid have continued on paper only; the has also been acclaimed by music selection presented was a composi- native state of Virginia, "Virgin- COMING SATU
revenues and might have to under- unions are willing to take cuts in critics. He is a former student i tion of the composer, Lambert. It ium" was found by means of a C.A RU LE "R
go a restriction in state construction exchange for more employment, if the University and was well-knowAi consisted of a peculiar hash of jazz magneto-optic machine the Auburn H :,S. U1"UGGLES in1R" I
within their boundaries during the only on a part-time basis. here as a member of the Glee club, and good music and excited a good professor built after many years ofAA. d
tenure of the loan. ----- : Baromeo was praised recently by deal of humor i the audience- experiments.AW
.A third phase oftheasuggested Prix s £r>tudt ,I Edward Moore, critic of the Chi-
Qyria-l of Highway 'finances Was o s cago Tribune, as having one of ;the
discussedbut no. agreement was Offered by Magazine finest voices in the Chicago com
reported. It provided that the terms , pany
of thie. McNitt bill- providing for Fifty dollar prizes each for the Negotiations are pending with
absorption of township roads by best editorial, article, short sketch numerous other celebrities whose
the counties be advanced so ,the and book review written by under- inames are expected to be announc-
counties would start at once receiv- graduate college students will be ed soon.P.-.
ing,$4,000,000 a year for this pur- awarded by the New Republic na- -_-
pose tional magazine.
With e added revenue from the The contest will end on April 1.
gasoline tax and the increased Manuscripts should be sent care of
township road appropriation the Contest gditor, The New Republic; LAST TIMES TODAY
countiaes could take over the town- 412 West 21st Street, . New York
sip systems at once, backers of city, for judgment by New Republic
the plan contended. editors.

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