4,a a113
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Strikes Continue i Vanelcia,
Malaga, and Seville;
Many Arrests.
Communist Movement in Tereul
Province Becomes
MADRID, Jan. 25.-(IP)-The Na-
tion-wide extremist movement to'
establish a proletarian dictatorship
appeared to have collapsed today
under the Government's policy of
stern repression, although serious
labor strikes continued at Malaga,
Sevilleand Valencia.
Hundreds of arrests were made
throughout Spain, and the police
and military forces were, inreadi-
ness for a spread of the strike
Declare Strike.-
A general strike was declared at
Lerid, and at Cordoba 4,000 indus-
trial workers walked out.
S Valencia extraordinary heavy
mil ary precautions failed to pre-
vent rioting. One civil guard was
wounded. The s t r i k e r s wrecked
and burned a street car and two
S.uto busses. D is p a t c h es from
towns near Cordoba indicated a
more serious movement.
In Beve troops occupied the
powei 'water and gas companies to
maie sure that the service would
be contlnued.
Situation Serious..
The Communist movement in
Casteel and Alcarisa in Teruel
Province assumed serious propor-
tions and It was necessary for mili-
tary reinforcements to be dispatch-
ed to subd 4 ters. m
seized the h
M n r ai e h m rp l f e s
n f7 s and hoist g theR
Demonstrators helped themselves
to a stock of dynamite near Alca-
risa and blew up telephone and
telegraph lines.
Government authorities in Mad-
rid declared tonight that the or-
ganizers of the movement had been
making preparations since last Oc-
Mary Gilson Compares Brith
Unemployment With U.S.
Comparing the British system of
caring for its jobless with the in-
activity of our government in these
matters, Mary Gilson, of the Uni-
versity of Chicago economics de-
partment last night advocated un-
employment insurance as the bet
means of "breaking our breadlines"
in a lecture at Natural Science au-
"Many different kinds of unem-
ployment insurance are offered, for
our observation," Miss Gilson s'aid.
"We have the opportnity to study
these experiments as they are
working in England, Germany and
Switzerland. Unemployment insur-
ance was introduced into England
in 1911, not as a political measure,
but because of general dissatisfac-
tion with existing conditions. The
burden of payment is shared by the
worker, the employer and the gov-
ernment. Since 1920 the govern-
ment has been forced to extend
benefits to unemployed whose in-
surance had run out. In 1930, the
MacDonald government had placed
these people in a separate class.
The two payments have become
very confused to the foreign ob-
The chief argument against the
British "dole" Miss Gilson said, is
that it demoralized the worker. She
admitted that the British workers
were demoralized. "But," she said,
"not because of unemployment in-
suran e but because of unemploy-
I ment."
... , -
Wood Seeks Record
in TrialSpeed Run
MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Jan. 25.-
(AP)-Gar Wood, veteran speed
boat czar and holder of the
Harmsworth Trophy, attained a
speed of 111.14 miles an hour in
a trial run in Indian Creek here
A breakdown in the timing de-
vice prevented further efforts to
lower the official world record
held by Kaye Don. Another at-
tempt at the record will be made
this morning. World records are
figured on an average over laps
hoth with and against the cur-
Pink Pajamas Stir Capital; Long
Declares Roosevelt Will
Defeat Democrats.
WASHING TON, Jan. 25.--(P)--
Huey P. Long changed his title
from "Governqr" to "Senator" to-
day amid all the stir that migh'
be expected of Louisiana's dynami.
political figure.
At a pre-breakfast interview, Mr
Long, clad in pink pajamas, pre.
dicted the Nomination of G o v
Roosevelt by' the Democrats wouldc
bring "certain defeat."
H-1 called for the selection of
Speaker Garner, Sen. Harrison, of
Mississippi; Sen. Robinson; of Ar-
kansas, or "Al" Smith.
A few hours later, dressed it
conventional and conservative grad
sack coat and gray striped trousers
he took the oath as Senator. H
of 1
N T D R E S P E E D K IN 6 D EFl C
Associate dPesh r
Federal circuit judge of Albu-
querque, N.M., Orie L. Philips, has
been suggested as possible succes-
ser of Oliver Wendell Holmes in the
supreme court.
Laval Offers Debt
Proposal to British
PARIS, Jan. 25.-(AP) -Premier
Laval has made a new debts and
reparations proposal to Great Brit-
ain predicted upon non-participa-
tion by the United States in any
settlement agreement, it was said
today in well-informed quarters.
In a long talk with Lord Tyrell,
the British ambassador, it was un.
derstood he suggested a short mior-
atorium on reparations to carry
over the American elections and
to expire before Dec. 15, when the
next French payment to the United
States is due.
Boi'h Other Occt
Less Seriousl
CHICAGO, Jan. 26.-
Lying at the point of de
ter a crash in which l
three companions were i
Eddie Stinson, America
continued to decline ea
,,day. The end is expect
CHICAGO, Jan. 25.-(
die Stinson, dean of Ai
f1iers, was reported 'd,
night at the Illinois
.ospital, where he was
after an airplane in w
,nd three other men we
ing a test flight crashed
son Park.
!o .I
i}+rrns .Y r. n ' r ® n rrrrrr+ iWwr rrw r
DNS, Jan. 25.--(
w° . lUitEE I 11'101116w
Local Theatre to Begin Series
With Film Depicting
Life of Mozart.
German talkies will be introduced
ipto Ann Arbor at the Whitney'
theatre Sunday, with the presenta-
tion of "Die Foersterchristel" or
"The Forester's Daughter," a pic-
ture based on the life of Wolfgang
Nozart, the great German com-
poser. This offering will mark the
beginning of the regular presenta-
tion of German films by the thea-
Ann Arbor will be the smallest
city in the country possessing a
German talkie theatre. The small-
est at the present time is Cincin-
nati. In Detroit the pictures have
been offered with a large measure
of success by the Little Cinema
theatre. The shows have been very'
popular in other cities not only be-
cause of their novelty but because
of the excellent productions put
by UFA and other companies. The
German screen boasts a number of
excellent actors including Emil
Jannings late of Hollywood. Mar-
lene Dietrich was procured by the
American magnates from UFA.
Two shows will be offered nightly
at 7 and 9 o'clock at the Whitney
and Saturday and Sunday matinees
also are planned. In addition to
the German features a program of
short subjects in English will be
offered. The pictures will be pre-
sented under the direction of Louis
Gomberg, '31L, who will act as man-
ager of the theatre for the produc-
Performances will be offered at
the same prices prevailing in other
local theatres. Among the shows the
Whitney plans to bring here are
"Zwei Menschen" (Two Souls),
"Danton," "Die Lustige Weiber von
Wien" (The Merry Wives of Vienna)
and the popular "Zwei Herzen inM
Drei-Viertel Takt" (Two Hearts in
Three-Quarter Time). Invitations
are being sent to 150 prominent
residents for the opening perform
ance. Pror
Rouge and the other one in a
dentist's room at Jeanerette.
At Jeanerette, the dentist said:'
"I am Governor Paul N. Cyr."
At Baton Rouge, the mnan who
moved up from president pro
tempore of the State Senate to
lieutenant governor with the
backing of Huey P. Long, said
little, but moved into the execu-
tive mansion, took the oath and
"I am- Governor Alyin 0. King."
was escorted to the rostruM, b5
Robinson instead of by the other
Senator from his State, Edwin S
Broussard. Long a n d Broussarc
are political enemies.
Though he described himself a.,
"a little fish in a big pond," thE
t h i r t y-eight-year-old S e n a t o i
showed, immediately the self-as-
surance for which he is famous b3
walking up to, putting his arrr
around, or patting on the back
some of the more dignified and.
austere members of the Senate.
Chaperones Not Required to Bc
Faculty Members or
4 .w
The office of the Interfraternity
Council, located on the third floor
of the Union, will close Thursday.
Jan. 28, it was announced yesterday
by the council, and will remain'
closed for' the balance of the sem-.
Fraternities planning to hold
house parties between semesters
should file-their petitions for per-
mission before the closing date, it
was advised by the council presi
dent. Chaperones need not be
either a member of the faculty and
his wife or the mother and father
of one of the men belonging to the
First Bad Accident.
By a strange trick of fate, St
;on, whose career was relete w
.jerilous flying exploits dluring t:
,ioneering stage of aviation, ir
s first serious accident in an <
when the hazards of flying
been reduced to a minimum.
Beginning his career at the Ok
loch Field in St. Louis, where
was taught by his sister, Catherl
Stinson obtained a position as t
pilot on "jenny" planes--escril
by him as "little more than crate
His most breath-taking adventu
>ccured when he tried out one
the planes in New York a i
'nonths later and, while at an a:
rude of several thousand feet, 1
plane dropped an aileron and p
A the landing gear.
Lands Safely.
Unable to land the plane or
straightaway, and his gasoline si
ply quickly becoming deplet
Stinson headed the ship toward
rairoad right-of-way, nosed it do
to the embankment, then made
angular landing that kept the da
aged wing from dragging and tb
wverted death.
Stinson has the distinction
'laving spent more than 14,
hours in the air-more than a
other man in the history of aye
tion, according to records of t
Aeronautique Internationale.
Dealers Believe Auto
Show Will Bring Boo
DETROIT, Jan. 25.-(AP)--Throi
the medium of the thirty-first :
nual Detroit Automobile Show a
tomotive dealers are sowing
seed of what they, believe is go
to Abe a bumper crop of sales I
T h r e e thousand more visil
than on the same day last y
were attracted Sunday by the sl
,ind shining 1932models on disp
in Convention hall.
Housing Conditions in School of Music.
Nearly Intolerable, Daily Survey Shows
fra; ernity.
*, * *
are inadequate and a new build-
ing is needed.
The unanimous opinion of stu-
dents and faculty members alike
* * *
rooms, administration offices and
practice rooms as well as the head-
quarters for the University choral
Union. It was, revealed that class
Former Judge to Try
to Suppress Gangsters
CHICAGO, Jan. 25.-(P)--A one-
time teamster who came to Chi-
cago from Tennessee 30 years ago
A new service reco
set by The Daily Sa
night, January 16,
the Score Service of
responded to more t
telephone enquiries r
ing the score of the
gan-Northwestern I