THE MICHIGAN DAILY SoN 1.QPT.C. TO HONOR lEST DILECE :mery, Holcomb, and Morse to Be Honored in Ceremony on Monday. Robert G. Emery, '34, will be} resented with a gold medal Man-I y as captain of the best drilled 0. T. C. company, Company D. J. Holcomb, '32, of Corpany F,as eutenant of the bestmdrilled squad, il receive a silver medal. The corporal of the best drilled quad, H. H. Morse, '34E, will also re- elve a silver medal. Members of his squad are J. A. Lucas, '34E, . H. Highley, '34E, J. D. O'Brien, 34E, R. L. Amsden, '34, A. W. Sears, 35E, Louis Antol, '35E, and D. J. Zeisinger. Each will receive a ronze medal. Best drilled freshmen to receive swards are D. D. Freise, W. R. Lapp, To Japanese Post SEITE NCE STUDET FO0 9CHECK FR 1 Gardinier Given One Lo 14 Years by Sample; Minimum Term Is Recommended. I RUSHING RULES ARE EXPLAINED (Continued from Page 1) noon on Saturday, March 5. ' The office will honor the bids and acceptances according to the re- spective orders of preference. Each house shall be awarded as near to, but not more than, the number of- men it has specified. At 6 o'clock Monday, March 7, Informal Discussion GIRLS FIND CLASS TOO HOT, SWOO. Meetings Preferred .- AT FEET OF HANDSOME INSTIIU by Education omenTwoRace for Door in One Pe-j TJO d)A~ B PL B ' h U F AWUR Charles Gardinier, student check the freshmen sha forger, yesterday was sentenced to fraternity houses a term of one to 14 years in Ionia pledged. At any state reformatory by Circuit Judge date, any freshman George W. Sample. The minimum at any time provi term was recommended. astically eligible. Coming here from Holcomb, N. Eligibility shall c Y., Gardinier committed an amaz- of credit and at Sing number of forgeries, the exact! total of v/hich will probably never a koawrn. In passing sentencew y Judg e Sampile Si ?todlthat it was O wih, regret that he was forced to ~~ imprfson the youth. ad1 The large number of felonies and the glaring manner in which they wrere committed made it incumbent uon him to take such a drastic points. A pledgei fter he has pas work and has at. of C. Cost of Livit Ten Per C WASHINGTON, Living last year ll report to the and be officially time after this n may be pledged ding he is schol- onsist of 11 hours least 14 honor l may be initiated sed 26 - hours of least an average ng Drops ent in 19311 Jan. 23.-(aP)- was cheaper by Women from various schools in- terested in education met informal- ly with members of the Education school faculty at 7:30 last night in the library rooms of the University Elementary school. This: is the second of a series of such meetings, designed to give such women an opportunity to meet faculty members. Rather than listen to speeches, the women want an opportunity to talk informally, it was said. DAIL Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN r ot tut Lottr at to eacn Their Destination. "Disconcerting, to say the least," imaned Glenn D. McGeoch, in-, structor in music history, as a fair member of the class crumpled in a dead faint at, his feet. It was the second time within one class period that a young lady had risen from her seat, made for the door, and swooned,-in mid- flight, as it were. .The door of the particular room in which music history is'given located at the front, to the spec er's left; to reach it one is fore to approach the teacher, and 1 misses' actions thus put them 1 erally at curly-haired, blue-e3 Mr. McGeoch's feet. "One was enough, two are tw too many," probably thought I legitimately discomposed lectur as he superintended the removal the second unconscious form. Tui ing to the windows, which he pi ceeded to open, McGeoch said the class, "You will kindly part the draft." Do men like to have women thegir feet? If this question w posed McGeoch, his answer wo in all probability show that he r realizes how much any situationc pends. on conditions under wh it occurs. R. S. Doerr, T. C. Smith, W. L. -r ยง Paine, R. L. Zapp, A. E. Farr, Mar- AssociatedPress Photo tin Newcomer, J. P. Sager, Stanley R. Ostler and Eugene W. Eitnier. JUnited States' Each member of thpany will receive aservice rib- ambassador to Turkey, is slated toi bon. fill the vacancy expected soon in1 ----_ -- Tokyo through the retirement of Presbyterian Services Ambassador W. Cameron Forbes. t in Charge of Students --~W- ND (Continued from Page 1) HIGHWA Y MEET will be discussed by Rabbi Bernard Helle Foundation services this (Continued from Page 1) morning ithe League. At the to be held in the / afiiernoon of First. Baptist church, "Loyalty to Thursday, Feb. 18. the Christian Church," will be A preached by the pastor, Rev. R. At the opening meeting on Tuies- E~ir~ ayls~ t 630 . i., morning the main topic under. Eiward, Saylese At 6:30 p. ., Dr consideration will be signals and Bruceb Kinney, of Denver, will dis-their use as warnings for railways cuss "The Problems of the Ameri- croosings. At t h i s session also. can Indian." George G. Brown, assistant main- Services in the Bethlehem Evan- tenance engineer of the state high- gelical church will center on "The way department, and Captain Law- True Purpose of Life, the sermon rence A. Lyon of the safety and to be preached by Rev. Theodore R. traffic division of the department Schmale. The sermon topic of the of public safety will speak on, "State First Church Christ, Scientist, will Control of Traffic Signals a n d be, "Truith," Signs."' The welcome address " at The morning worship, at the Zion this opening will be delivesed by Luthern church, in charge of Rev. Dean H. C. Sadler of the engineer- B. C. Stellhorn, will be on "Mak- ing college and Professor Morrison ing Our Calling and Election Sure." wil preside. 'The Christian Home at Bethany" At the Highway Engineering Ses- will be discus.ed by Rev. C. A. sion to be held Tuesday, Feb. 16, Brauer of St. Paul's Lutheranat 1:30 P. M., C. M. Ziegler, deputy church. state highway commissioner of Michigan will preside. Jobless Local Youths Ben H. Petty of Purdue univer- Few,Csity will lead the discussion at this ,C _si y meeting with an address titled, Unemployment is not a serious "Highway Maintenance." C. E. Fos-- problempin t Ann Abo a faras ter, chief engineer of the state problem t Ann Arbors far asnd A - highway department; A. C. Benkel- cal youths are concerned. A re- man, engineer of research of the can t survey by the Youth comm s- state highway department, a n d Sion to determine the number of Phelps Vogelsang, forester of the oblessunde2 icated that the tate highway department will -all group is very limited.prsntasuonviushse The special- committee which of highway construction at this conducted the survey will continue or its investigation of depression con-se - ditions upon the young people of the city.T A recreational program has been M USICAL suggested by Prof. L. J. Carr of the' University sociology department, EVENTS member of the entertainment com- mittee. Alt programs are given in Hill Auditorium unless otherwise noted. TY~~WRITRS -PORTBLE' The afternoon concerts are given TYPEWRITERS-'PORTABL without admission charge'. New Seoat -Hnd Rebuilt, UNIVERSITY S Y M P H 0 N Y Snitb-Corona, Noiseless, ORCHESTRA, David E. Mat- Underwood, byal, Rigtn. tern, Conductor, January 24, lam 't*red. 4:15. op_ _ _ _ _ _DETROIT SYMPHONY OR-j I.L4 S. State St., Ann A'rbor. CHESTRA, Dr. Rudolf Siegel, Guest Conductor, January 25, 8:15. we rudeia fle sain eaier vas remanded for sentence several von e+7tr 1 /l v ov nninf fro- thn onvilt_ E 'C i i t J { i tames while Sample studied the neary upeent, JaYL un- case. try as a whole, than it was in 1930. The student was expelled from Every item in the cost of living the University immediately upon tumbled down, even rents, which his arrest. Police said that they are the slowest of all fixed costs were able to trace about one hun- to vield to the pressure of declin- dred orneries ato him. ing prices. ____________This was announced today by d r e d fCrg e r i e s h i m . t h e b u r e a u o f l a b o r s t a t i s t i c s , b a s e d Methodist Church Men on a study of 32 representative to Hear Jones, Fisher cities, nort , south, east and west. For all the drop, however, it still Dr. Ira T. Jones of Toledo, and cost nearly 46 per cent more to live in 1931 than it did in 1913. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will be the The actual figure for, the year's speakers at a stag dinner for Meth- average decline was 9.3 per cent, odist men and their friends at 6:30 with an index figure of 145.8 for o'clock Tuesday evening in the First December, 1931, against 160.7 for Methodist church. . December 1930, and 100 for 1931. A special musical program has The survey, split into six-month, been arranged for the occasion, periods, showed that during the with group singing under the di- last half of the year the decline in rection of Wray H. Congdon, and prices slowed somewhat as com- harp, marimbaphone and wind in- pared with the first half; that strument selections by Donald and food-stuffs dropped 3.4 per cent, obertByrn, of Detroit. clothing 7.2; rent 4.1, house fur- nishings goods 5.6 and miscellan- chairman, says the affair will have eous items 0.6. Light and fuel costs a "masculine flavor." The dinner "were up 1.6 per cent due to sea- will be served by high school boys. sonal influences. In charge of the dinner is A. L. ~__~ McDonald, while L. C. Reimann is chairmanof the publicity and fel- WHY BENLEFT WAVING ON lowship committee. ON THE PIER? Go with College Travel Club to BRUMM TO GIVE TALK Europe, Orient, or Around the World. 250 tours. $7.50 per day. Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour- Write for rotogravure booklet. nalism department will address the VON E. KNISELY Ann Arbor Exchange club Monday Oxford Aparts., E. Dearborn, Mich. evening at the Union. PLUMBING AND HEATING REPAIRING GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION CALL US FOR GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP ROBERT A, STEWARD 123 Adams Avenue Phone 5545 (Continued from Page 6) at 3011 A.H. The speaker will be E. C. Varnum, '33, who will discuss the elementary phases of mathematical or symbolic logic as developed by Russell and Whitehead. All inter- ested are cordially invited. V Phi Sigma: The Firot Semester Phi Sigma Initiation will be held at 7:30 p. i., Wednesday, Jan. 27, in Room 3024 Museums buildiing. Dean Humphreys, Professor of English and Assistant Dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts will talk on the subject: "Scientist and Artist." Alpha Kappa Delta : Photograph to be taken Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 7 p. m., at Spedding's. Tuesday, Room 302, Michigan Un- ion. Ppinion favorable to a student book exchange exists in many quar- ters. To accomplish anything this opinion must be united and put into action. Astrology Class of the Student Theosophical Club will meet at 7 p. m., Monday in Room 1020 A.H. At this time the horoscope of Mahatma Gandhi will be discussed. All interested are invited. 0 L S S 1 lP hE1111 I Tryouts for Girls' Chorus Parts in "Robin Hood," will be held in Room 216 School of Music, Tuesday, from 5 to 6. Members of the Uni- versity Girls' Glee Club need not try out. Socialist Club: All students inter- ested in starting a student book ex- change will meet at 7:30 p. m., OUR NUT MEAT CANDIES ARE SAS W ERO) NOTICE Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting, on - - Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1932, at 6:15, in MIMEOGRAPHING - All k i n d s. the Michigan Union. Illustration, editorial, mailing ____service. Mac Mirneo Service, Independents Attending J-Hop: 215 E. William. Phone 7464. 406 Meeting at Union Wednesday eve- TYPEWRITERS, all maesbought, ning, Jan. 27, at 7:15, in Room 302. TYP, eRteRSexcag~e, rbought, It is very important that you have old, rented , exchaned, prate. your ticket number by that time 0' D. ' 37c in order to make arrangements for your booth. TYPEWRITING AND MIMEO- - .GRAPHING promptly and neatly T Y PEW RI T E R 1 done. O. D. MORRILL, 314.clo. 11, Iakes - I e and; P6rble State St. 308c Sold Eenlted cV e dR ire- Lar'ge choice stoc. Esy : . EAT-Meal tickets $5.50 for $4.50 0,* Dl X( 0 R R L L Special Steak and Chop Dinner 40c. C Forest Inn 538 Forest Ave. +r ' S'-e St.p, A=nArbor. 409c , FOR SALE S COFFEE AND - L WA SHREPOSSESSED CARS-Buy from LFinance Company for balance AST DAILY due. 311 W. Huron. Phone 22001. Convince You-- - FOR SALE-Tux; size 37; reason- 6TE WAable; black overcoat. 736 Forest. Across from Michigan Theatre 3682. 416 A Trial Will ROAST 620 East Liberty Street LT L - ,. ,, . {. 0 UDEN GRAVEL Phone 7112, Killins Gravel Co. 293 ' iFOR RENT WELL lighted; steam heated; ,suite of rooms; suitable for two met1. students in a modern brici hnmi;xi -n anv (L ,+ M 7:170 tvunj diuu nu u- c' i , f ': ' . L . . - f 4 ._ , a S- -- i &,"emu rm..... III ! I' '' I The Oratorical Association. presen Is I aie s e Today, 1:30-11:00 NOW! 4.}a ,, ,x 0 (~zaout9ictuV PERCY SCHOLES of London, University Lecture, "British Contributions to Music," Men- delssohn Theatre, Tuesday, Jan- l ary 26, 4:15. DR. SIGFRID KARG-ELERT, Guest Organist, January 27, 4:15. KATE KEITH FIELD, Soprano, January 29, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. MABEL ROSS RHEAD, Pianist, January 31, 4:15r YEHUDI MENUHIN, Violinist, February 4, 8:15. THELMA LEWIS, Soprano, Feb- ruary 14, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. WARREN ALLEN, Guest Organ- ist, February 10, 4:15. SCHOOL OF MUSIC TRIO, Hanns Pick, Violopcellist, Was- sily Besekirsky, Violinist, Joseph Brinkman, Pianist, February 7, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. PERCY GRAINGER, Pianist, February 19, 8:13. WASSILY BESEKIRSKY, Vio- linist, MABEL ROSS RHEAD, Pianist, in Sonata Recital, Feb- ruary 21, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, David E. Mat tern, Conductor, February 25, 4:15. JOSEPH BRINKMAN, Pianist, rebrautary 28, 4:15. CHARLOTTE LOC K W O O D, Guest Organist, March 2, 4:15. LOUISE CUYLER, Violinist, and MAUD OKKELBERG, Pianist, in Sonata Recital, March 6, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. ROSA PONSELLE, Soprano, March 7, 8:15. JOSEPH BRINKMAN, Pianist, and HANNS PICK, Violon- cellist, in Sonata Recital, March 13, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. I I l .pg Speaking on John B. I } X ; i i r s i 5'. c a Wh.t A Program! home; near to campus ari gown town; rent reasonable. Phone 23418. 504 E. Catherine. 408 LARGE, front suite for 3 or 4 boys. Also 1 single and 1 double room. Reasonable prices. Shower baths. 803 S. State. Phone -6110. 404 MODERN furnished and unfur- nished apartment; 3 rooms and bath; close to campus; reason- able. 419 N. State. Phone 5380. 380 FOR RENT: ROOMS FOR MEN! SINGLE $3.50 DOUBLE $2.50 Hot and cold running water in each room. Maid service. We furnish all bed linens. Showers. Lounging room with radio. FLETCHER HALL .Opposite Intramural Building 378c COMPLETELY furnished apart- ment with private bath and shower; also two large double rooms available now; steam heat, shower, garage. Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington. , 414c SINGLE room $3.50; double $2.50; private home. Dial 8735. 405c IN desirable location; one suite and single; reasonable price. 429 'S. Division. 409 F O R R E N T-Nicely furnished room; soft water; two blocks from campus; small private fam- ily. 2-2427. 833 Tappan Ct. 410 FOR RENT-Near campus and hospital; pleasant front room; second semester..Phone 8181. 411 NICELY furnished roo' for lady roomer. Fireplace and cooking priviledges. Garage. Available. Phone 22829. 413 FOR-RENT-Suite for two or three, first floor, steam heat, private entrance, close tq campus. Also single room. Very reasonable. 1317 Washtenaw. Phone 4354. 420 F OR RE N T-Second semester; double room with private bath; no other roomers; steam heat. Phone 3817. 419 FOR RENT-Single room in quiet home. Garage available. 1430 {White. 418 . LOST LOST -Saturday night between Palmer Field House and Madison street, blue and silver earring. Phone 4546. 401 BROWN leather notebook 4"x7" lost. Contained music course notes. M. E. Dunn. Phone 4018. "What Makes Personality o,{ EFredric MARCH Miriam Hopkins Rose Hobart,1 : You have heard ML. Kennedy as radio announcer for Collier's Radio Hour. You have read his articles as AND TULANE vs. U. . C. ENTIRE GAME-PLAY BY PLAY In Regular and Slow Motion Action Greatest tom . % p\ I I associate editor of Collier's. Now hear him in person- ill*Auditorium Only . a ; romantic genius like March couIld bring you the suprcine thrills of this classic of classics.Castof 500. I .- EXTRA TOM HOWARD, Wednesdfav Jan. 27 1 Wqmfflmwm lopy-AdPWIFTe, . P.