. f
Publication in the Bulletin is egnstructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
the President until 3:30; 11;30 a. m. Saturday.
VOL. XLI. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1932 No. 87'
School of Music Symphony Orchestra: .The Schol of Music Sym-
pony Orchestra, David E. Mattern, Director, assisted by Helen Van
oon, '32SM, pianist, Highland Park, Elizabeth Bentley, '33SM, pianist,
vansville, Indiana, will give the following program, Sunday afternoon,
Hill Auditorium at 4:15 o'clock, to which the general public with the
:ception of small children is invited. The audience is requested to come
i time as the doors will be closed during numbers:..
Gretry-Mottl: Ballet Suite, Tambourin, Menuetto, Gigue (Orchestra)
hopin: First Movement from Concerto in F Minor, for piano and
chestra, (Elizabeth Bentley); Klughardt: Allegro vivace from Quintet,
p. 79; Eugene Hunter: Dance Humoresque Op. 1 No. 3; Scherzd Rondo
p. 6 No. 1, Wood Wind Ensemble under the directionof Nicholas Fal-
ne (Eugene Hunter, flute, Russell Raney, oboe, Lawrence Ashley, bas-
on, Frederick Ernst, clarinet, Philip Cox, horn) Wagner: "Dreams";
anek: Symphonic Variations for piano and orchestra (Helen Van
on); Tschaikowsky: Overture "1812" orchestra, assisted by members
the University Band and E. William Doty, organist.
Detroit Symphony Orchestra: Dr. Rudolf Siegel, distinguished
ermran Director, will preside over the Detroit Symphony Orchestra at
e organization's second appearance this season in the Choral Union
ries, Monday night, Jan. 25, at 8:15 o'clock. The following program'
l be presented:
Beethoven: Overture, IvLeonora" No. 2; Berlioz: Symphonie Fantas-
lue, Op. 14, 1. Visions and Passions (Largo) 2. A Ball (Balse-allegro non
oppo) 3. In the Country (Adagio) 4. The Procession to the Scaffold
llegretto non troppo) 5. A Witches' Sabbath (Larghetto allegro) R.
rauss: "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks", Op 28; Ravel: BEler.
A comprehensive Professional Examination in Education required by
e School of Education will be held this morning from 9 to 12 o'clock,
the Auditorium of the University High School. All undergraduates
ho are candidates for the teachers certificate in February are required
take this examination. Graduate students who are, taking their
aster's or doctor's degree are the only one's excused from this exam-
ation. C. O. Davis, Secretary, School of Education.
,University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
e Bureau has information in regard to the following openings in the
cited States Civil Service Commission:
Cytologist, $3,800 to $4,600;
Assistant Dentist (For women only), $2,600 to $3,200;
Associale Marine Engineer, $3,200;'
Assistant Marine Engineer, $2,600.
For further particulars, kindly call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.'
Freshmen of the Literary School: Will those who have not already7
id their class dues, please pay their1 respective class collectors: All
es should be paid before 'the end of this semester.'
New I.C.C. Chairman
Dr. Shull Says Inherited Qualities
More Important Than Environmental
Engineering Departments
Trip for 68 Students;
Lay in Charge.
hi Eta, meeting of pledges at 10 a. im.,
.- Everyone is expected to be present.'
lie tea will be due at that -time.
in the Zeta room ,n
The 35 cent assess-
Two Lectures Feature Program;
Many Applications
Received. -
Students will have an opportun-
ity on Monday to visit three large
automotive factories and attend
the automotive show and speci'al
meeting of the -Society of Auto-
motive' Egineers. The trip will be
in charge of Prof. W. E. Lay.
Buses will leave the engineering
arch at 7:45 o'clock Monday morn-
ing, provided through the coopera-
tion of the Oakland Motor Co., and
will stay with the group for the
day. At 9:15 the buses will arrive
at Pontiac, where the rear axle and
gear-cutting plant will be inspect-
ed. After that the Pontiac engine
and chassis plant and the General
Motors Truck corporation factory
will be visited.
To Attend Meeting.
The visit to the automotive show
at 5 o'clock will be climaxed
at the Book Cadillac h ot el1
where, through the courtesy of the
Society of .Automotive Engineers,
the group will hear two lectures,
one by Dr. Phillips Thomas, re-
search engineer of the Westing-
house Co., who will speak on "Elect-
rons at ;Work and, at Play." H.
Horning, president of the Wauke-
sha Motor Co., will deliver the oth-
er lecture on the subject, "Theory
of Engines and Fuels." r
Professor Lay' said yesterday that
he had about 100 applicatios for
the trip but accomodations for on-
ly 68 by bus. There are, however
many private carsewhich are going
and might be able to take care of
the overflow. Over 100 free tickets
for the automotive show are ob--
tainable, Professor Lay stated.
Rest During Examination Period
to Be Followed by Busy
Spring Season
Band activities for the semester
will cease next week and, immedi-
ately following the examination
period, will resume again with pre-.
parations for a busy concert season,
Nicholas D. Falcone, director of the
band, said yesterday.
Several concerts are planned for
the 70-piece organization, he said,
and it is expected that aloig with
the Easter and annual spring con-
certs, out-of-town trips will also be
made. M
A variety of musical, number is
also anticipated for the season, the
director having arranged so that
no number having been played in
the last few years will be repeated.
Musical compositions of importance
will also be played by the band.
Last year, Ravel's "Bolero" proved
to be the sensation of the year in
local musical circles.
More Than 750 Copies
of Radio Talk Mailed
More than 750 copies of a talk
on "The Electrolytic Dissociation
Th'eory, given by Prof. Alfred L.
Ferguson, of the1chemistry depart-
ment on Jan. 13, have been sent
out on request to various listeners
by the \University broadcasting
"The Contribution of Oriental Cul-
ture to the Youth of Today." Miss
Frances Sperry will lead devotions.
At 12 o'clock Dr. Blakeman and
'Mr. Pryor will hold the regular
classes for undergrads and grad-
St. Andrew's Church Services: 8
a. m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a. m.,
Church School Service; 11 a. M.,
Morning Prayer and Sermon; 5:30
p. m., Evensong. The Rev. William
L. Wood of the Episcopal Theologi-
cal School, Cambridge, Mass., will
preach at the 11 o'clock service on
"The Practicality of Other-World-
Beta Kappa Rho, informal dancing party at the Women's Athletic
lilding from 9 to 12 p. m
* Masonic Students meeting of the Craftsmen Club, 7:30 p. n., at the
asonic Temple. The 'Ensian picture will be taken Sunday, Jan.'24, at
a. in., at Dey's Studio.
Economics 171 (W. A. Paton): Room assignment for the hour exam-
iationMonday, Jan. 25, 1932 at 1 p. Al.:
L-R-1025 A.H.
S-Z-25 A.H.
University Symphony Orchestra: Important rehearsal on Sunday
orning at 9 o'clock, Hill Auditorium. Band members rehearse at 9:30.i
Michiganensian Editorial and Business Staff: Sophomore picture
ill be taken at Spedding's Studio, Monday, Jan. 25, at 4:30 p. in.
Frosh Frolic Committee: First meeting will be held Sunday, Jan. 24,
oom 306 of the Ur\on, 4:30 p. m.
Members of the L.ID. Lecture Series Committee: Those who wish to
ve dinner with Miss Gilson Monday at 6 o'clock should meet at the
eague at that time. The dinner will be held in the cafeteria.
Hindustan Club: Election of the new officers will be held Sunday at
15 in ,Lane Hall. All Indian students are requested to be present.
Mary Gilson, Economics Department University of Chicago, will
>eak on "Breaking the Breadlines-Unemployment a Problem with a
ltltion," at 8 o'clock Monday evening, Natural Science Auditorium.
bis is the third lecture in the discussion series sponsored by the League
r Industrial Democracy.
Mr. W. B. Rice, Supervisor of the Payette National Forest, Idaho,
ill lecture on the work of the United States Forest Service at 9 a. in.,
id 11,a. m., on both Monday and Tuesday, Room 2039 Natural Science
uilding. All interested are invited, and students in forestry are urged
be present.
Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer will speak Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. He will lead the Religious Forum
id the topic will be: "The Church Approach to the University."
Harris Hall: On Sunday evening at 7 o'clock the Reverend William
Wood of the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
ill deliver the final address in the series given at the Hall during the
ist week, on "The Vision of God and our Modern Civilization." Supper
ill be -erved at 6:15.
Mr. Lewis' class in the "Christian Philosophy of Life," will meet as
sual at 9:30 Sunday morning.
Ass'oeta ted Press Photo
Claude R. Poter, of Iowa, a Dem-
ocrat, is the new chairman of the
interstate commerce, commission.
He succeeds Exra Brainerd, Jr., of
Honolulu Aroused by Another
Criminal Attack; Seek
Escaped Convict.
HONOLULU, Jan. 22.-(I)-With
Honolulu aroused by another at-
tack upon a wonan the grand
jury studied evidence today against
the four persons accused of lynch-
ing the suspected assailant of a
navy officer's wife and the legis-
lature added to sits pile of legal
reforms to curb the city's crime
Police searched the city for Dan-
i e 1 Lyman, escaped murderer,
whom Mrs. Toka Okazaki, 29-
year-old Japanese, identified as the
man who attacked her Wednesday
Inight,after-binding her escort to
'a railroad track.
Officers were ordered to shoot
rather than take chances if, Ly-
man, sought since his escape from
prison Dec. ,31, offered resistance.
The' car he stole from Mrs. Oka-
zaki's escort was found in a resi-
dential section of the city.
Sixteen witnesses remained to ap-
pear before the grand jury, which
heard a'like number Thursday in
its inquiry into .the slaying of
Joseph Kahahawai, for which Mrs.
Granville Fortescue, her son-in-
law Lieut. Thomas F. Massie, and
two navy enlisted men are held.-
Members of the navy shore pa-
trol, the Japanese maids of Mrs.
Fortescue and Mrs. Massie and
Edward Ulii, cousin 'of the slain
man, who said he saw his abduc-
tion, were among those summoned.
Jamnes' F. Gilliland, city and
county attorney, who is presenting
the case to the gr d jury, reveal-
ed he had received three threaten-
ing letters from persons in con-
tinental United States.
Dr. Btuce in Charge
of Numerous Duties
(Continued from Page 2)
4. Michigan Schoolmasters' Club.
5. Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters.
6. Board in Control of Athletics.
7. Michigan Interscholastic Press
Independent organization with
headquarters at Ann Arbor:
1. League of Mchigan Munici-
Prizes to Be Given
for Essays on Peace
Three cash prizes amounting to
$600 are being offered by the New
History Society for the best manu-
scripts, written by undergraduate
students of the colleges and uni-
versities of the United States, on
"How Can the Colleges Promote
Worl Peace?"
The first prize will be $300; the
second, $200, and the third $100, it
was announced.
All manuscripts are to be sub-
mitted between Jan. 5 and April 5,
1932 and all papers are to contain
not more than 1,200 words. Fur-
ther information concerning the
contest mnay be obtained by writing
to The New History Society, World
Peace Committee, 132 East 65th
Street, w York City, New York.
Heredity is a more important fac-
tor in our lives than environment,
declared Dr. Franklin Shull, of the
zoology department yesterday in a
radio talk over the University-of-
the-Air -broadcast.
The qualities which are due to
heredity are permanent, going on
{ from generation to generation with-
out any attention, he said, while
those due to environment must be
developed anew by the efforts of
each generation.
Although not always apparent,
all our qualities are inherited from
Russians Start Second 5-Year
Plan; First Unfinished.
MOSCOW, Jan. 22. - 0P) - The
"final uprooting" of capitalism i
Russian villages now is officially
chronicled as the most important
result of the first Five-Year Plan.
Instructions have been issued to
begin the second plan, in which
workers, it was declared, would fare
two or three times better than un-
der the first.
Under the second plan, the living
standards are to be raised and the
people supplied with two or three
times the principal necessaries of
life they had during the operation
of the first plan, which the Soviet
hopes to complete this year.
The instructions were contained
in reports of Vyacheslaff M. Molo-
tov, president of the council of
people's commissars, and V. V. Ky-
bi'shev, vice-president of the coun-
The second Five-Year Plan, the
report said, would be a completion
of the first, which was prepared as
a basis for the morepowerful
growth of Socialist de'elopment in
the Soviet Union. It placed heavy
ind)iistry on a firm footing and
transformed Russia from a country
of little agriculture into the largest
farming nation in the world through
the application of collectivism and
machine 'technic.
Shouts to Psy iatrist Witness
to Leave Room Because He
Talked About Her.'
Jan. 22.-(P)-The fast moving pa- '
rade of state witnesses, on whose
testimony Arizona hopes to claim
the life of Winnie Ruth Judd on
the gallows, is unnerving the once
apparently calm and confident de-
The state, tracing the crimson
trail of two trunks in which- Mrs.
Judd allegedly placed the bodies
of her two victims, Agnes Anne
Le Roi and Hedvig Samuelson, is
rapidly completing its case and the
effect of the testimony has made
the slender, blue-eyed defendant a
nervous, emotional figure in the
co rtroom.
When a prosecution psychiatrist,
Dr. Joseph Catton of San Francisco,
walked by her chair Thursday she
sprang to her feet.
"Get out of here. I won't have
you near me!" she shouted. "You
talked about me. I wn't have ;it."
The outburst caused a, brief com-
motion. Dr. Catton, on re-enter-
ing the courtroom, was careful to'
choose another door;, one that was
the greatest distance from Mrs.
The first state witness detailed
the last living moments of 'Mrs. Le
Roi and Miss Samuelson and the
asserted impersonation by Mrs.
Judd of Mrs. Le Roi in ,placing a+
telephone call. Others. traced the
trunks from the Le Roi-Samuel-
son home to the railway station.
Mrs. Ernest A. Smith, an em-
ploye of the clinic where Mrs. Le'
Roi was engagedas technician, tes-
tified she received a telephone call
the day following the slaying of
Mrs. LeRoi.
our ancestors, said Dr. Shull. One"
may possess characteristics which
are obvious in his parents, or which
they were never suspected of hav-
ing. This is due to the fact that
inheritance is of a very complex
"Some people find this conclusion
very depressing," Dr. Shull stated.
"They feel that, if they .have de-
veloped some of their natural abil-
ities and have made a success of
life, they ought to be rewarded by
having these developments trans-
mitted to their children.
"They would probaby~be disap-
pointed, however, if their wish were
granted. They forget that if suc-
cesses were transmitted, so would
failures be transmitted; and it re-
quires a very self-satisfied person
to feel that he' has made only suc-
cesses, or even that he has made
more successes than failures. The
preponderance is probably on the
side of failures, and only a supreme
self-conceit precents us frompre-
ognizing that fact.
"Ambitions should be carefully
checked ,against inherited quali-
ties," Dr. Shull warned, "to see that
they are possible and that other
ambitions are not more readily
"When everybody has found one
of the useful places for which his
inhrited traits fit him, the world
will be a happy place."
This talk was given at the request
of students of the James Couzens
Agricultural School at Bath, Mich.
Governor's Brother Works Hard
for Murray's Nomination
for President.
BERTH'OLD, N.D., Jan. 22.-(P)-
A farmer who finds winter work a
bit slack right now set about elect-
ing his brother President today.
Permission to enter Gob. W. H.
"Alfalfa Bill" Murray inthe state
primlary election hasn't come yet,
but George T. Murray, proud to
call himself a "dirt farmer," says
he is certain the governor will
speak, affirmatively before voters
express themselves March 15.
In his home community Murray
has been active in politits, local
and State. Now he believes "brother
Bill" is the man to lead the na-
tion to better times. He plans an
active campaign for the close rela-
tive he hasn't seen in 25 years.
The immediate project is circu-
lation of petitions so the governor
may be entered as a Democratic
candidate before the Feb. 13 filing
deadline. Murray anticipates no
"I am doing this," he said, "not
only because I think my brother\
is deserving of the nomination but
because I believe him to be most
competent for the office.
"He knows every word in the
federal constitution and helped
frame the constitution of the state
of Oklahoma. Besides, he has had
wide experience in public office, in-.
cluding his terms in congress.
"A man can't go wrong if he
knows what's in the constitution
and William H. is one of the keen-
est constitutional minds in the
country today."
Scholes Will Discuss
British Music Tuesday
Percy A. Scholes, distinguished;
British authority on music appre-
ciation, will give a lecture on the
"British Contribution to Music"
Tuesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Scholes, advocate of progressive
musical activities, is making an ex-
tensive tour of the country. He is'
well known in American musical
circles as well as in England. ' He
has written several musical 'books
of note, including' the popular
"Everyman 'and His Music."
He is the founder and editor of
several music 'publications, among
them, "The Music Teacher," and
"Youth and Music." He holds the
office of music critic for the British
Broadcasting Co.' and also organ-
ized the Anglo-American musical
conference at Lausanne.
General Principles Are Resi
of Five Years' Labor
by Governments.
Draft Contains $ix Parts; Ba
Poison Gas and Limits
War Materials.
GENEVA, Jan. 22.--(P)-Lead
of the nations gathering here F
ruary 2 for the first world disarn
ment conference after 13 years
efforts in the cause of perman
peace will look back at the stri
tures they have erected.
Before them rill lay the dr
convention'for reduction and" li
tation of all types of armament
the basis of a more pretentious b'
wark against war.
Draft Gives Groundwork.
This draft-which lays down g
eral principles only-is the res
of five years' labor by the goye
ments of the United States, So
Russia and Turkey with diplomi
of League of Nations' memt
Part one of the& dr-aft conventi
provides that the number of i
in the land, naval and air feri
shall be limited. Trained reser1
are left without direct numert
Part two provides for limitati
of war materials,
Part three provides limitatin
"the total annual expendture"
land; sea and air forces.
Part;four: tGovernens en
to exchange full information sli
ing the total number of effectiv
Bans Poison ras.
Part five pledges the nations
abstain from the use in war
asphyxiating, poisonous or sini
gases" and to re'frain from a
teriological warfare.
Part six sets up a perinamf
disarmament 4 mnislon to sup
d s r a e t po mi so tovise the operatioxi of the discrn
ment convention, it provides a:
"escape clauses" to permit rels
tion of terms of the treaty.
emergencies and it perpetuates t
restrictions imposed' by the Pa
peace treaties upon Germany a
her cqnquered allies.
The "first substantial polithl
structure looking toward perni
nent organization of peace by art
reduction wa the Versailes Tres
of 1919 which includest.h Leagu
U. S. Ratification Lacking.
As the United States declined
ratify this treaty, most of the st
sequent. advances in organizi
world peace and security ha
taken place outside the league
order that American cooperati
might. be~btaindt
The first real step in arms reg
lation came at Washington in 19
when Great Britain, France, ItS
and Japan joined the 'United St #
in limiting battleship tonnage.
By the Lodarno agreemeh,'ts
1924, Great Britain and Italy ~
carne guarantors.of the security
France and ermaryagainst I
vasion of one by the other.
Then the Briand-Kellogg Pact
1928 engaged almost al countr
of the world to resort only to pa
fic means for settlement or d
putes. 't
Naval power was again subject
to rdstrictions in the Treaty
London, 1930. America, Great Br
an and Japan agreed to limit th
total or "global' tonnage in fig
ing ships.
a lmm oearanCe SALE!
. ........
Liberal Student's Union, Sunday
erring, Professor Carl D. LaRue
11 speak on "Humanism for Emp-
Souls." Refreshments and danc-
. Unitarian Church.
Wesley Hall, Sunday, 6 p. n., Mrs.
ederick B. Fisher will speak at
e devotional service. Her topic is
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