a THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY id~i~a ;J41t ,I Published every morning except Monday during the university year y the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated-:Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise redited in this paper and the local news published herein. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second lass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant ostmaster General- Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, fichigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR. RICHARD L. TOBIN ews, Editor. ...........David M. Nichol ditorial Director..........................Beach Conger, Jr. Ity Editor...................................Carl Forsythe ports Editor ..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton rVomen'sEditor ... .................. . .MargaretAtM. Thompson tcreen Reflections. ......................Bertram, J. Askwith ssistant News Editor................... .... ..Robert L. 'Pierce B. Gilbreth Goodman Karl Sciffer NIGHT EDITQRS J. Cullen Kennedy Denton C. Kunze t Georg Sports Assistants John W. Thomas niley Arnheim rn Bagley Nson E. Becker omas Connellan lph R. Cooper' ster M. Harrison trton Helper eph Hoffman ephine Woodhams iette Cummings othy Brockman na Wadsworth irjorie Thomson oagia Ceisman REPORTERS James Krotozyner Robert AMerritt Henry Meyer Marion Milczewski Albert Newman Jerome Pettit John Pritchard Joseph Renihan Beatrice Collins Ethel Arehart Barbara Hall Susan Manchester Margaret O'Brien Louise Crandall James Inglis, Jr. Jerry E. Rosenthal ;e A. Stauter John S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford Alfred Stresen-Reuter William Thal G. R. Winters Charles Woolner Brackley Shaw Ford Spikenxnan Parker Snyder Cile Miller Elsie Feldman Eileen Blunt Eleanor Rairdou Martha Littleton Prudence Foster BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ARLES T. KLINE..........................Business Manager RRIS P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager Department Managers rertising .............. ....Vernon Bishop ei-tising ................ ..................Robert B. Callahan vertising...... .........................William W. Davis we ........ ............... ............Byron C. Vedder blicationa.......................William TI. Brown culation .............. ....... ..arryIR. hBegley counts .... ...........................Richard Stratemeier men's Business Manager ...................Ann W. Verner Assistants il Aronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts bert E. Bursley Ferbert Greenstone i. A. Saltzstein [lard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke en Clark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp tlve Dalberg BernardF K H Good Cecil E. Welch bert E. Finn James Lowe thryn Bayless Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen nna Becker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough nevieve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts xine Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin permitted to drive cars without applying for per- mits. And now three more classes are exempted from the ban. Although this general trend by no means pre- sages the complete relaxation of the ban, it never- theless shows a more sensible interpretation of the ruling. To prohibit to all University students, regardless of age, a convenience which any 1.4- year-old high school student might avail himself of, seemed and was at first an extremely drastic step. And from this wholesale curtailment, flag- rant and unpunished violations resulted. The present administration, however, has seen fit to relax the rule more and more, seeking no doubt a medium which will maintain the spirit of the rule, yet permit certain students to drive. It is to be hoped that this gradual exemption will tend more to eliminate the frequent violations. of the ban which have existed in the past few years. Although the rule may seem unreasonable to the large majority of students, their goal of abolishing the regulation cannot be gained by its violation. A tendency on the part of the students to obey will gain them more in the end, and we may hope someday to have the ruling similar to that existing at an Eastern college, where finally seniors who had better than average scholastic grades were permitted to use their cars for any and all purposes. ]BOO0 I I The Daily has places on the staff for four or five students wh 10 odnot have enough time to do full-time work, but who would like to write re- views 'in the fields of drama, literature, music or art. Students who might be interested in this work are asked to visit the office of the editorial director between 3 and 4 o'clock any afternoon next week in the Press building on Maynard street. .0 The two latest additions to the Modern Li- brary Series are at hand-Willa Cather's "Death Comes for The Archbishop" (No. 191) and "A History of The Borgias" (No. 192) by Frederick Baron Corvo. The first book is well-known to the American reading public. The latter is a fascinat- ing account of that interesting family, prominent in the 15th and 16th centuries. The Modern Library, incidentally, offers an excellent opportunity for the student to start his own library. Publications for the next four months have already been announced. In October: Bal- zac's "Droll Stories" and Six Plays by Corneille and Racine. November: Casuals of the Sea" by William McFee, and "The Travels of Marco Polo," edited, with an introduction, by Manuel Komroff. December: "Tono Bungay" by H. G. Wells, arnl "The Sex Problem in Modern Society" by John Francis McDermott. January: "Crime and Punish- ment" by Dostoyevsky, and "The Magic Moun- tai'' by Thomas Mann. All priced moderately at 95 cents each. In addition, three books have already been issued in the Giant Series, texts too long to be published in the usual format. They are 'War and Peace" by Tolstoi; "The Life and Letters of Samuel Johnson','," by Boswell; ad "'Les Miserables," by Victor Hugo. These cost $i. 0 For local "New Yorker" fans, Minton, Balch announce the publication of "Now You're Going to Buy a Book," a book of drawings by Helen . Hokinson. Now that all the publishers have gone on record that there is no depression in the world of books, it is quite fitting that Miss Hokinson's work should appear just in time to epitomize their optim ismr. -RC I CIREEN JREFLUECTOS I WHAT'S GOING ON TUESDAY Theatres At the Majestic-"The Star Wit- ness" with Walter Huston and Chic Sale. Michigan - Constance Bennett and Ben Lyon in "Bought." Wuerth-William Boyd and War- ner Oland in "The Big Gamble." Freshmen English Composition examination for all except Engineers and Archi- tects at 9:25 o'clock this morning in Hill auditorium. Engineers meet at 9:30 o'clock this morning in Room 348 West En- gineering building. English content examination at 10:45 o'clock in Hill auditorium. Pre-professional conferences, in all schools and colleges at 2:00 o'- clock. The first general assembly will be held at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium General Assembly-Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven will deliver the prin- cipal address welcoming new stu- dents to the university. Dean Jo- seph A. Bursley and Dean Alice C. Lloyd will also speak. Upperclassmen-Registration be- gins and classification continues. WEDNESDAY Theatres Michigan - Constance Bennett and Ben Lyon in "Bought." Majestic-Barbara Stanwyck in "The Miracle Woman." Wuerth-"Too Young to Marry" with Loretta Young ' Assigned Engineering groups be- gin classification. School of Music freshmen meet for aptitude.tests at 8:00 o'clock in the morning at the School of Music auditorium. Mass Sing to be held at 8:00 o'- clock in Hill auditorium. Upperclassmen-Registration and Classification continue. THURSDAY Theatres Michigan - Adolph Menjou in "The Great Lover." Majestic-"The Miracle Woman" with Barbara Stanwyck. Wuerth-Loretta Young in "Too Young to Marry." Freshmen Scholastic aptitude test at 8:00 o'clock in Hill auditorium for first ye'ar students. Architects meet at 10:00 o'clock with advisors to begin classification. Lawn Party from 3 to 6 o'clock at the home of Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, 2107 Hill Street. Lecture-Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will speak at 8:00 o'clock in Hill auditorium. Upperclassmen-Registration and Classification continues. FRIDAY Theatres Michigan - Adolph Menjou in "The Great Lover." Majestic-"The Miracle Woman" with Barbara Stanwyck. Wuefth-Loretta Young in "Too Young to Marry." Freshmen )U Ltl )n 4n ax Night Editor-KARL SEIFFERT Assistant-JERRY ROSENTHAL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1931 Freshmen and The Fraternities Uppermiost in the minds of most fraternity men at this time is the prospect of this year's rushing campaign -the number of men to b pledged and the methods by which to do it. And naturally, the regulations of the Interfraternity Council will be read for the first time by many students. This measure, important though it is to fraternities, is doubly important to the freshman the entering class of ,r935. Although we hold brief for the present system, as detailed in a rather explicit manner in th Constitution of the Interfraternity Council, w recognize that the system will at least be in force for the remainder of this year, and hence th cooperation of all fraternities, as well as the fresh- men, will be necessary in order to give the new order a fair trial. Any slight hint as to violation by one house will cause many others to do the same, and the rules will fall as quickly as they were erected, with fatal results. For this reason it is vitally important that every fraternity on the campus obey the regulations to the very letter as any deviation from the proper course will prob- ably result in an even niore cut-throat rushing season than existed under last year's methods' For this reason, we take this opportunity to announce a policy of cooperation to the fullest extent with the Interfraternity Council in the en- forcement of the rushing regulations. Complete publicity in The Daily will be given to all viola. tions of the rules, with respect to the individual as well as the organizations concerned. This is the only manner in which underhand rushing tac- tics can be combatted, and we shall welcome every opportunity to assist the Council in its work. - The whole-hearted support of all houses will be essential this fall. Disobedience of the rules will net them .nothing more than publicity and punishment, since it will be impossible to benefit financially from a violation of the order. The same holds true for the freshmen. The period of transi- tion is the time during which the financial burden will be felt most by the houses, and that period will be over as soon as the work of the first semester has been concluded. The system which will be in force this fall was adopted almost unani- mously by the members of the Council upon the passage of the ruling by the Senate Committee, and it will be their duty to uphold it until they find a more feasible substitute. New Exemptions Under The Auto Ban e 1, E, e e e -e Premier stage attractions will be added to Michi- gan theater programs this year, under a system that will assure only the best acts for student patrons, it has been announced by Jerry Hoag, manager. Whenever available, "headliners" will be booked in addition to screen Teatures, Hoag says. If it is impossible to get an outstanding act, none will be t presented. Thus only the best entertainers will be - seen. Possibilities are Waring's Pennsylvanians, Duke Ellington, Eric Zardo and other well-known names. Fifi D'Orsay, Don Cummings, and Carl Freed's com- edy orchestra are already signed for shows soon. Harry Langdon in person will appear September 28. continuing to the following Wednesday, with I Joan Crawford in "This Modern Age" on the screen. Langdon will bring his company 1'with him in an act reported to be * * uproariously funny. Langdon's fame in the movies extends back many years. Coming to the screen lots with a vaude- ville reputation, with his two-reel comedies he gained immediate popularity. Shortly before the ad- ""' vent of the talkies he graduated . into feature-length comedies, and .he has continued into the articu- ,O4 cwt late films. The Michigan orcnestra this year probably will be a modern rhythm band, peppier than the usual vaudeville theater orchestra. If it proves a satisfac- tory accompaniment to the stage acts it will be re- tained permanently, Hoag says. At the Michigan... Constance Bennett and Ben Lyon feature the attraction at the Michigan for the first part of this week-"Bought." A rather sordid drama, it leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth, and is not what you would want to see for an evening's entertainment if looking solely for entertainment. The acting is excellent, if that is what you want to see, the bitter taste being the fault of the story rather than that of the actors. An excellent cast, admirably directed, you'd really better not miss it. At the Majestic... At the Majestic, we have until Wednesday Chic Sales, Walter Huston and several other notables in iCr - 4n F t ETTĀ±L..,.. . fl i I Mathematics examination f o r first year men at 8:00 in the mor- ning in Hill auditorium. Architects complete classification. Lecture-Dr. Howard Lewis will address women students at 11 o'- clock in room 319 West Medical building, on "Women in Scientific Work." Library science conferences for women at 11 o'clock in room 407 General library. Engineers continue classification. Lawn party at the home of Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, 2107 Hill Street, for those who did not attend Thursday. Mixers-First year men students of the different colleges meet at 8:00 o'clock at the Michigan union for informal entertainment and re- freshments. Literary students in the assembly hall. Engineers in the main dining room. Architects in rooms 316 to 318. Pharmacologists rooms 319 to 321. Physical Educa- tion students in rooms 323 to 325. Mixer: Freshmen women will be entertained from 8:30 to 10 o'clock at the Michigan League. Upperclassmen - Upperclassmen conclude registration classification and other routine work. SATURDAY Theatres Majestic-"Dirigible" with Jack Holt. Michigan - Adolph Menj ou in "The Great Lover." Freshmen The following buildings and de- With the opening of school,' the authorities in charge of the auto ban enforcement announced that three new causes for issuing permits had been recognized. These three classes will be con- stituted of students that are (z) over 28 years old, (2) students who are taking less than 5 hours work each semester, and (3) students who have the rank of teaching assistant in the University. When first introduced at the University, the auto ban was extremely strict, and exceptions to the rule were few. But under the administration of the Student Council, violations were many. With the installation of an assistant dean in .. F .....- 1Z A 1___ LL