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January 23, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-23

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ery morning except Monday during the Un rusity year
SControl of Student Publications.
the W'stern Conference Editorial Aasocatlon-
ed Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-,
al news dispatkies credited to it or not otherwise
paper and the local news published herein.
the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, ssecond
Special rate of postage granted by Third Astant
by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.59
n Arbor Press Building, Maynar S treet Ann Abor.
neq: Edioral, 402 5; Busiess, 2124.
Telephone 4925
.... .Car; Forsythe
r... .................. .....Caronge ,
.. ............. Sheldon U. Fullerton
........ . ......argart M.Thopson
Editor.............. .. t L. P ct
th ,. Cullen Kennedy James inghs
euan Jerry E. IosentAl
Seibert George. .A. Stater .





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Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
elm~ Fred A. Huber
er t Norman Kraft
bell fRoland Martin
'penter Ilenry )Meyer
UL Albert H. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
ru Georgia Gei an
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances Aanchester
Elizabeth Mann

John S. Townasend
Ubarles A. alr
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Rlenihan
C. lJbirt $elixaf
&Ruckley Shaw
Park~er lR. Snyder
G. R.. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hiary harden~
Dorth Rnll

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Telephaone 2r214
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NSON ................... Assistant Manpyer
Department Managers
................ ..Vernon Bishop
acts .......................... Harry
......... .........lyrou C Vlddr
..... ....... ..... W illianlFT. Brawn
...................R aid Strate mir
Manager.....,...................Ann W. Verner

John xeyser
Arthur F. Kohn
Janes Lowe

Anne Marsha
mel Katharine Jackson
D~orothy Layi11
d Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Ilclen Olsen

,,Grafton W. Sharp
Donalo A. Johnston H
Don Lyon
Berard 1. Good
May Seefried
Sinnie Seng
,p. s p,
Katliryn Stork
,lare Unger
Wary Elizabeth Wate,


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xcellent work done by the student loan
ommittee, and the necessity of additional
is work is to be carried on, was forcibly
> the attention of the campus this week
nternent of. ian Bursley anent the pre-
ition of, these funds. More money is
;he committee is to carry on in a manner
it desires. . . .' .
es-like these,edfcation is an important
tudents are being trained to learn how
e conditions we.are now facing, and how,
to avoid them. A prominent New York
advocated a more extensive system of
:ation as one of the important measures
:ting the depression. And throughout
1, the University committee has disburs-
ian $250,000 in aiding needy and deserv-
>f the funds have come from alumni or.
sons interested in assisting educational
s. 'And now we have a proposal that
ganizations themselves assist in carry-
work. And why not?
long been the custom for graduating
leave memorials to the University.
present circumstances, what could be a
Lg memorial than a loan fund, to be paid
e committee as it sees fit? If each suc-
ass for the next five or ten years were to
contribution to this fund, the total niight
tore valuable to students coming after-
n the gifts which it has been customary
rid probably much more lasting. At any
ay this suggestion before the treasurers
rs of the present classes with a plea for,
published in this column ih ld not be .onst ued as
the edlitorial opm4jn of ihe~ Daily. Anonymous com-.
s will 1W diSrcg;a'dC. Ihe nmines of communicants
cr., be regarded as confidenutial upon request. Contrib-
isked t) be brief, conining themselves to less than 300
anchuria From China's Viewpoint
nt in particular which I should like to
der's attention is that "Japan's atti-
resent Manchurian troubles is being
ood by the United States and especially
e of Nations, but when all the facts In
case are brought to light, Japan will
pport of the world." The misunderstood
an in Manchuria is due to the sentiment-
nd propaganda to the world, since the be-
the present troubles, by the Young Chin-
s, most of whom have been educated in the
s of this country or other foreign coun-
do not have a real understanding of the
tal questions of their country," and, con-
r good friend Mr. Miwi, "These Chinese
alike most of the Japanese leaders, have a
vledge of English and are able to spread
nisinformation to the outside world, and
h it."
m that Japan is being greatly or in fact
sunderstood, not as Mr. Miwa meant. But
nost unimpeachable documentary evidence,
ossibly see how Japan can gain world con-

comparable only to that during the world war has
been placed on nes concerning Manchuria by the
Japanese Military. Many of our dispatches from
Mukden have been held up, while others have been
distorted by the deletion of phrases and some even
have been rewritten. The situation is complicated
further by the fact that all Chinese Communications
within Manchuria have been blocked by the Japanese
military and'the only telegraph facilities available
are those by the way of Tokyo."
"Even the mails are subject to strict censorship
by the Mukden censors."
A very interesting question which came up dur-
ing the discussion of the lecture given by Prof. Slos-
son was, "Why did the Chinese welcome the Japan-
ese Soldiers to Chinchow?" If I may again quote
spne Aericans who were on the spot when this
happened, one would immediately know that if the
Chinese peasants did not come out to welcome the
Japanese, as was prearranged by the airplanes in
droppingpam phlets, the city would have been bomb-
ed as it was once before and that other nearby cities
would have been bombed as well. Thus the inno-
cent civilians would suffer if they did not come out
and welcome the Japanese. As Japan even ignored
the immediate settlement of the attack on Consul
Charnberlain, the Official representative of the Unit-
ed States, and refused to make immediate :redress,
what would she do to the Chinese People? It is not
necessary for me to say what she did. You can im-
agine for yourself. To quote Dr. Sherwood Eddy in a
cablegram to the civilized world, dated October 14,
"I was present at the capture of Mukden. Evidence
of many witnesses interviewed fat the time and on
the siot points to ptremeditated, carefully prepared
offensive plan of the Chinese army without prokoving
any Chinese attack, producing bitter resentment
when China is suffering with flood disaster and world
preoccuied. Japanese troops not withdrawn, but all
strategic points southern Manchuria still held by
Japanese and Chinchow bombed. I testify to evi-
dence of efforts to establish puppet independent gov-
ernment in Manchuria under Japanese military con-
trol. I have forwarded sworn statements of inter-
views with Chinese leaders in Manchuria who testi-
fy to repeated pressure of the Japanese to induce
them to head independent governments."
If we merely go back into the history of Korea,
we see that it was an independent government, un-
til the friendly atttude of 'Japan lending help caus-
ed, before the world knew it, Korea to become Jap-
anese. I have but to quote another in order that Dr.
Sherwood Eddy may be substantiated, that of the
Upton Close's cablegram, to the New York Times.
Upton Close, as you all know, is a noted American
writeri "Foreigners in Mukden agree that the Jap-
anese attack was premeditated and unprovoked and
carried out with extreme ruthlessness for the pur-
pose of striking terror among Chinese everywhere."
This also substantiates my earlier claim that Japan
is carrying out things with extreme ruthlessness es-
pecially toward the Chinese. Contrary to Prof. Slos-
3on's analogy of Japan's intervention in China as
comparable with that of America in Latin America,
I have for your consideration, an article by the late
Prof. J. W. Jenks, to the New York Times, dated as
early as December 19, 1913. "With regard to the al-
leged analogy between China's position towards Jap-
-n and Mexico's position in relation to the United
States, I should like to say just this: What is fre-
luently referred to as the Asiatic Monroe Doctrine,
If it were for the protection and not the molestation
>f China, would not be, I think, unacceptable to
Americans who desire to help maintain a lasting
peace in Asia. Such a doctrine was, in fact, pre-
scribed and promoted by Mr. Hay and Mr. Root. But
the trouble is that certain Japanese who are now
advocating what' they call a Japanese Monroe Doc-

As early as 1913 it was clearly seen that Japan
aad other intentions than the merely commercial ex-
ploitation and other motives that historians and
.vorld diplomats can clearly see and read between
the lines.kf.
* * *
Diplomats of other countries, such as the Span-
sh delegate to the League of Nations, said, (Newt
Tork Times, Oct. 10, 1931) "I see great danger in a
.ation claiming the right to stay in a territory in
vhich one is not entitled to be on the plea of in-
ecurity." And further Dr. Buell, of the Foreign Pol-
cy Association, in New York Times, Oct. 25, 1931I
nays, "It would be a mockery of justice if a great1
Sower could deprive a small country of legal pro-
.cction by compelling it, at the point of a gun to
,ome to terms in direct negotiations." Which very
.early shows that at least Japan, as Mr. Miwa1
ays, does not talk but does deeds more specific
lnd which have a greater effect; and further, toc
luote Dr. Buell again in New York Times Oct. 16,(
.931 "The issue at stake in Manchuria is broaderI
han the interests of either China or Japan. TheI
ssue is whether the use of force by a great powern
n a comparatively weak country is to be submitted
.o some form of international control." Consequently
the question is whether or not we shall render the
nost sacred treaty of all, the Kellog Pact, into a
Diece of scrap paper or into a treasured instrument
or the prevention of war.
Quoting Paul S. Reinsch in "American Diplomat
n Peking" on what the Japanese Minister Hiokit
o China had said, "The present crisis through the
world virtually forces my government to take far
reaching action. When there is fire in. a jeweler's
shop, the neighbors cannot be expected to refraint
from helping themselves." This exactly coincidesI
witth the Japanese policy, as cabled by Dr. Eddy,
wl'ien China is afflicted with flood and the world pre-
occupied. Prof. W. W. Willoughby, in the North Am-
erican Review of August 1923, wrote: "In the first
place, it may, be said that the misfortunes or needs
of one State give to it no ethical moral right to
violate the. rights of another State, any more thanj
they justify, in private law, the seizure by one indi-1
vidual of another individual's property."
"It is universally recognized that a country has
the first claim upon the natural resources of its own
soil, and may rightfully exploit or conserve them in1
accordance with the economic needs of its own peo-
ple, whose needs rightfully take precedence over the
needs of other people."
Prof. Slosson's bandits I explain by quoting the
Pathfinder, a national weekly paper: "Who are these
strange Chinese'Bandits who seem to be so inexplic-
ably active right in the very sections toward which
the Japanese armies happen to be looking or mov-
ing? We even read of fights between these bandits
and Japanese troops. Usually bandits avoid soldiers,
police, sheriffs, constables and the like, preferring
to operate in quiet and unprotected places. But these
Chinese Bandits seem to be different. In truth, they
rather resemble those Chinese Pirates, rebels and
marauders of the past whose never-to-be-too-much-
condemned naughtiness resulted in European nations
being forced to seize large gobs of Chinese territory.
Right now these Bandits seem to be picking on Jap-
an exclusively, but when some future Caesar, Kaiser
or Czar of Europe starts conquering and expanding
it would be just like the Chinese bandits to begin
to bother and irritate him." And of course as report-
ed from Mukden, (under the Japanese control now)
General Shigeru Honjo sent the first military infant-
ry battalion of railway guards nofth with full equip-
ment, including tanks, machine guns and airplanes.
It is of further interest to the American public that
the Japanese are rioting in China and in a copy of
the Associated Press news from Tsingtao, China,

revolvers as they thronged into the building and
the Chinese fled." They also burned the headquarters
of the Kuomintang."
Of the terrorism charged to Japan are these,
described by the Special correspondent to the New
York Times, Mr. Hallet Abend, "Great confusion at
way points, but at the small stations between Chin-
chow and Shanhaikwan the utmost confusion and
ruthlessness prevails.' It may be noted the word
ruthlessness is used by different persons again, and
continuing, "Most of the railway stations have been
looted and ruined with the Chinese station masters
declaring the Japanese guilty." It is not conclusive
to have the Chinese say so, but "many instances
were seen by three foreign observers of Japanese
burning station benches, railways and furniture, in
some places even keeping bonfires alight with piles
of station records and unsold tickets." This then
again verifies the statements of the Chinese Station
masters, and to proceed further, "Railway safes have
been blown open and the money taken. At Tungh-
sienchuang, twenty-five Chinese policemen were con-
fined in a room fifteen feet square. They had been
held for forty-eight hours and were terrorized, fear-
ing execution." and continuing, "below Paimaitzu a
train proceeding northward, attempting to reopen
traffic and commanded by a British railway official,
met the Japanese who seized the locomotive and
cars, forced more than 100 terrified Chinese pass-
engers and the entire Chinese train crew to disem-
bark in the snow in freezing weather and told them
to walk home."
0 * 0
"The next station was twenty-five miles away,
and the Japanese, merely handed the evicted per-
sons asses through the Japanese sentry lines. But
three foreigners-one British railway official, a
sightseer and a newspaper correspondent - were
permitted to remain in a warm coach, the news-
paperman having .refused to leave without a depor-
tation order." And further, "Bayonets at Foreign-
ers' throats. Two stations northward of Shanhai-
kwan three Japanese with fixed bayonets jerked
open a compartment door and jumped in with bay-
onets in trench fighting position, the points being
within four inches of the foreigners' throat and kept
there while the Japanese parleyed a long time. One
false move unquestionably would have meant death
to the foreigners." After the long parley, a British
subject opened the door and attempted to pass into.
the corridor, but was met outside by a guard with
cocked revolver, which was pressed against the Brit-
on's ribs for another long parley."
Robert Suez.
A Freshman Sees Red,
Blows Hot and Cold
To The Editor:
The present freshman class has been made the
object of considerable criticism and ineffective ha-
rangue because of its disregard of the custom of
wearing pots. We have been considered unruly,
cocky, and disrespectful because of our failure to
acquiesce with the wishes of the upperclassmen to
preserve the customary wearing of the pots. Speak-
ing as a freshman, I can see a strong defense for the
scattered attacks which have been directed against
our class and our actions.
Personally, I would like. to wear a pot. I would
like to feel that for the present yearlIam a freshman,
and to make the most of it. I would like to uphold
every sensible tradition which is required upon our
entrance into the University. That is all very fine
and patriotic. But spe!king practically, why should
we? I can see no reasdn for wearing pots. There is
no one to make us wear them. The pots are uncom-
fortable, easily lost, and ridiculous in unseasonable
weather. Briefly, there is no sense in it. Most frosh
would wear pots of their own volition if the matter
were left to them. All frosh would wear pots of neces-
sity if they were compelled to don them. Neither
situation exists. The so-called official organization
to control student activities have decided that the
frosh shall wear pots. They have gone to considerable
trouble to notify the public of their activities, but it
can be frankly said that they are totally incapable of
enforcing any such measure. There was no reason
to fear a group of sophomnores one-half the size of
our class; we are not awed by censored lists or weak
postcards; we most certainly are not afraid of a self-
important organization composed' of effervescent
politicians and publicity hounds.
The present situation is a shame. We are missing
the fun and experience of really being initiated into
the University, and the upperclassmen are fast losing

their authority and prestige with the-incoming class.
Fraternities kowtow to us, and we like it. Why don't
they give us the cold shoulder and put us in our
places? Second semester they will, you say. Igo they
won't. They will be helpless with the fear that we
will turn in our pledge buttons and further embarass
the house. Tpe upperclassmen are obviously helping
us in every way possible to have a good time. That's
all very nice and comfortable, but a trifle disgusting.
We want to get something out of our freshman year
and look back upon it as an event, not as a social
introduction. Make us wear our pots! We'd like to!
Though poorly directed and based on a nearly
worn-out theme, "Ladies of the Big House" boasts at
least three players who bring the production far
above the average. Sylvia Sidney, in particular, does
a highly praiseworthy job as the feminine lead. .
Miss Sidney has the capacity of being innocently
attractive enough to arouse the sympathy of her
audience without overflowing into the horrifying
sweetness of many other young actresses of her type,
while her talent in highly emotional drama leaves
little room for criticism. In this show she is the
young wife, who, with her husband has been con-
victed of murder. Of course they are innocent, and
everything comes out all right in the end, but even
with such an overwhelming handicap as that Miss
Sidney puts over the s ow .in truly commendable
Gene Raymond is the husband. He is fairly good,
hit+ ,nc. ofhi c.mont is. h carl rnhiz, nnnan ,.rnr~n

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