'THE MICHIGAN DATEIY i ty tgan Datt-U, p Published every morning except Monday during the Unirersity yrr Wy the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial AsoclatiOn. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- tpblication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise r:edited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the 1Eost Office at Ann Arbor, Michiganu as second e niatter: Special rate of postage grantee by Third Aasistant- Postmaster General Subscription by carrier, $4.00; b mail, $4.. Off lees: Ann Arbor Pres Building, Mynad Street, Ann Arbor, higan. 1Pbon1es: Editorial, 4925i; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITORt RICHARD L TOWN ity Edltor. ........... ..................Carl Forsythe Lnltor-10 1l11ector................................each Coger, Jr. News kEdlt-r .....,.........................DandidJ. Nichol I ports Editor...................+.-......Sheldon C. Fullerton Ploinen'a sEdtor .........................Margaret M. Thompson lusistant News Editor ..........................Robert l. ierce our issue of October 23, which gave an account of the Forum, the first 7 inches were devoted to Mfr. Woodcock, 3 and one-half to Mr. Clancy, 2 and' one-half to Mr. Newkirk, z and one-half to the Rev. Holsaple, and i to Mrs. Vorse. In addition, another 5 and one half inches to a front page inter- view with Mr. Woodcock, a total of 12 and one- half inches out of 21. It looks as if Mr. Reimann were wrong again. Item Five. "Why didn't The Daily editors quote the statements of Mayor Newkirk who knew Ann Arbor saloon conditions and who knows Ann Arbor now?" Is Mr. Reimann blind? We refer again to the story about the Forum mentioned above, from which we will quote the following paragraphs: "Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, of Ann Arbor, was booed by the Forum when he said! near-beer is just as good as real beer. He men- tioned the case of a speakeasy owner who sold near-beer to his customers for two months and none or them knew the diffe-ence. 'Whisky,' stated the Mayor 'is better now than it was 57 years ago when I was attending the University.' Stating that he had seen only one intoxicated student in the streets of Ann Arbor in the last ten years, he con- cluded that one could not find nine thousand young men in the country that are as orderly as the stu- dents in the University of Michgan." The same statement by the Mayor, as well as other com- ments of his, were printed on page r on October 13, 1931. So much for the accusations against The Daily. From our own printed pages, we believe we have disproved all of Mr. Reimann's accusations. He evidently acted in the heat of the moment, and did not consider investigating what he charges to be true. , ik f. G ilfre t mw d A. U dnri en r Karl 2j~er _ _ _ .--t NIGHT EDITO RS:I elly J rrp= nerry E. Georee )"I GereA. 8.auter Sports Assistant John W. 'Thoms 11 .1. My.s .u jones REPORTERS R~xnley NV, Arnheir Fred A. Huber Lawson E. Becker Nornan Kraft Es'dwvard C.U umpbell Roland Martin C. Wil Iiaiml (Iarlpenler '1ler~ry Meyger Thomas Counellan Al ert . Newman l,. Jerome Pettit Dorothy Brockman Georgia Geisman Miriamn Carver A lice (Gilbert Beatrice Colin Mrtha Littleton Imuisre Crandall N~izabeth Long Elsie Fedman Yranoes Manchester Prudence Fortes " lizabeth Mann Jahn S. Townsend (harles A. Sanford John W. Pritchard Jost-JhllRenlihan (:..11art 1,01aal Bratckley Shaiw Parker It.Snyder G. 1t. Winters Margaret O'Brien ilillary Harden aorothy lwundell Elmna Wadsworth Josephine Woodhamno BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 'HARLES T. Kine.....................-....Business Manager LORRIS P. JOHNSON ...................- -...A sistant Manager Department Managers Wdvertising ..........................Vernon Bishop WN'ertising Cntrct s....................arr It1. Begley kivertising Setrvicc . ... . .... ................Syron C. Vedder 'ublications............................'.........'iliam T. Brown cots ......................... ..Richard Stratemeir Vomen's Busihess Manager .....................Ann W. Verner I I .LLd.LWJJS II ~1Uifl~.J1A ~~d~&'JL IALJJI dJ.J.~i& U U. I THE SOCIAL CONTACT (Harvard Crimson) Qrvil Aronson Gilbert E. luorolcy Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker M~artha ,lane (Isasel Genevieve Field Maxine Flsehgrund GA allaneyer Mar harrinlan Assistants. J.14hn Keyser Arthur F. Kohn ,James Lowe Anne iarsha Eitharine Jackson Dorothy LoyIn Virginia McComb, Carolin Mosher lleeI(i Ols"en Grafton W. Sharp 1)onal A.Johnston II Don Lyon Bernard H. Good May Seefried Minnie Seng helen -Spencer ,;thryn Stork Clare Unger Mary Elizabeth W'atto NIGHT EDITOR-JERRY E. ROSENTHAL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1932 Concerning Reimann 's Letter T HERE apparently still exists some confusion among our readers as to the intents and pur- p +es of our prohibition editorials. As we rather plainly stated when the series began, they were intended to present our side of the question on ' national prohibition, that is, the 18th Amendment and the Jones and Volstead acts. They had noth- ing to do with what some people call the liquors situation on the University Campus. With this confusion set aside, we should like to take a little space and answer other "charges" against The Daily by one Lewis C. Reimann, con- tained in a letter to the Ann'Arbor Tribune, al- though supposedly a letter to The Daily. Item One is what Mr. Reimann terms "the conspiracy of The Daily editors to go 'wet' last fall." If by "wet," Mr. Reimann means anti-prohibition, he is mistaken. The Daily has, for the past four years at least, been anti-prohibition, and as president of the Washtenaw County Civic League, he should remember a communication on behalf of thator- ganization which appeared last summer (August 1) remonstrating with The, Daily for daring to adopt such a policy. Item Two. "It (The Daily) has even wrung any moisture there may have been in any dry meetings or utterances and published only what might have been favorable to the opponents of prohibition. It played up a single, sentence spoken by a speaker at the recent Civic League meeting as if the speaker were an out-and-out wet." We #presume he has eference to the story of this meet- ing which appeared on page 1 on January 8. The second paragraph ran as follows: "While senti- ment for a referendum was expressed by speakers the general attitude of the audience showed that this move did not meet with approval. There was a notable let-down in the enthusiasm of the group when the matter of a referendum was introduced." Certainly Mr. Reimann will acknowledge. that a proposal for a referendum in a dry meeting is something new. And Dr. Pittman in his address made an out-and-out 'declaration for a referen- dum in language which could not have been mis- understood. We challenge Mr. Reirnann to show where, in the above paragraph quoted, Dr. Pitt- man could be shown to be an out-and-out wet. Perhaps it is Mr. Reimann who regards Dr. Pitt- man as such for advocating a measure which in part admits sone element of truth in the idea that the American people are opposed to prohibition. Perhaps. Item Three. "Isn't there some truth in Senator Wheeler's statement that there appears to be a newspaper conspiracy for the wet cause?" .This point, as we havre brought out before, is ridiculous. Is it not perhaps the fault of the drys more than anybody else that people are dissatisfied with pro- hibition, and they resent the fact that people do oppose it? Is there any law which says citizens may not express their opinions on governmental policies? Mr. Reimann is doing the very thing i his letter which he charges newspapers with doing Is he not entering into a conspiracy, as he terms it, for the dry cause? Mr. Reimann shows a re- grettable lack of knowledge of the English lan guage and newspaper business maxims. Conspir acy, and we quote Mr. Webster, constitutes an « ,a,-, ,-~ .Mt~V11 M..4 ttrm _ TS it a crim ton a- A traditional advantage of the large college is that it attracts more able, more learned men to its faculty, than does a smaller institution. The rebuttal to this belief, so frequently heard, lies in the argu- ment that in a university of some size personal con- tact with instructors is impossible. This is, to a large extent, true. The intimacy between the teachers and the taught that is bred in a small college is one of its most priceless advantage, while it is well nigh impossible to establish any friendly acquaintanceship at an institution such as Harvard save by some arti- ficial stimulus. The University Teas give an opportunity to all students to meet their various professors in a social way. They were established so that faculty members could talk with undergraduates in an atmosphere somewhat less stilted and formal than the class room. While one can hardly expect lasting friendship to grow from these functions, they offer one of the few chances an undergraduate at Harvard has to enjoy of the prerequisites of a college education- HARD TIMES ON THE CAMPUS THE DETROIT STRING QUART A- Review by William J. Gorman The Detroit String Quartet ap- peared last evening in the second concert of the series sponsored by the Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor. Though they are in no sense a mature organization, they are in- dividually mature musicians, and playing as an ensemble they have given good account of themselves in good programs. It is a disappoint- ment, then, to read that their sec- ond engagement this year has been cancelled. It is even a bit bewild- ering that a "musical" community' has always so badly supported the little chamber music that has been offered it that the Chamber Music Society has always been on the verge of collapse and has now been forced to make a negative move. Last night's concert opened with a performance of Beethoven's Ten- th Quartet in E Flat major. The first three movements of this quar- tet are very complex-definitely suggestive of the difficult syntheses Beethoven was to make in the quar- tet form at the end of his life. This is most clearly true of the adagio introduction to the first movement. With its strange, vibrant quality, this section gives what is a char- acteristic effect of the last quar- tets-the effect of being nearly sta- tic-a single state of mind, trem- bling with all the feeling it has managed to seize into unity. The Detroit Quartet had not fully mas- tered this introduction; ,it was very uncertainly established. The secnd movement, one of Beethoven's most profound adagios, was better played. This is full of the effect Beethoven was always making to see his suffering as beau- ty (which might be called the ideal Adagio synthesis). The profundity lies in Beethoven's extraordinary integrity. He never belies the sheer quantity and the intensity of his suffering. He never disguises the terrible anguish he feels as he re fleets on his suffering, as he strives toward the ideal of seeing its beau- y and value, .of seeing it-as he later so clearly saw it-as the con- dition of his creative strength. Mo- zart always made the "Adagio syn- thesis"-except in occasional things like the G minor viola quintet- with more ease and serenity be- cause he had a different approach to music than did Beethoven; he didn't believe that musical expres- sion involved full faithfulness to personal experience, full personal integrity. There were c e r t a i n Forms (certain ways of thinking and feeling) to be filled; and Mo- zart filled them with those feelings from his personal experience which could be accommodated to those Forms. Beethoven f o u n d these forms too shallow; he felt that to include his most important feelings they shad to be expanded. When Beethoven made his syntheses-and very often, even insuch surpassing things as the Adagio to the Ham- merklavier Sonata, he failed-they were more inclusive than any pre- vious to his time. The Beethoven Adagio-and the one in this quar- tet is one of the best-is more com- plete and more profound than any music, with the possible exception of the music Bach wrote when he looked at the life of Christ. The Scherzo (called a Presto) is characteristic and one of the better ones. It is quite possible that the performers played the scherzo with too light, too Mozartean a touch; thus not integrating it with the ferocious, headlong energy of the trio. The final.movement is certain- ly bad anti-climax. These suave and neat variations on a Hayden s theme have, I think, no relation to the first three movements. The Warner Suite was quite plea- J sant unpretentious music. Mr. War- e ner thought the credulity of a v North Cornwall community so very - charming that he entertained their - fancies and with a Debussy quasi- e descriptive technique he expressed n what it\felt like. His expression is o so competent that we find it easy e and entertaining to be credulous of e these moonlight myths. The playing e seemed very neat. h Milhaud's quartet was a great, - disappointment. Each of the three s movements seemed badly organized d and frequently at a loss as to how n to keep going. The predominant 1 emotion was a warm tenderness (St. Louis Post Dispatch) When the college year opened, a common report from university centers was that tuition could be paid in wheat, corn, livestock, and almost anything else a student might have. Generally speaking, en- rollments were as large as ever, but everyone con- nected with academic life knew the year would hold tests much sterner than those of examination rooms. The signs have been borne out. Reports of straitened circumstances of student groups were frequent as the Christmas vacation began. At the University of Illinois, for example, a bank in the campus business district closed, tying up the meager funds of hun- dreds of students. A survey conducted by two uni- versity professors revealed many-so destitute that the administration authorized issuance of meal tickets to those not able to buy food. It is not to be denied that these are hard times for boys and girls working their way through school, but it is no lessstrue that the needy student has been with us always. Many now in places of trust and importance, as they read' of free meal tickets for hungry students, must have thought through the years to lean days when such a gift would have been manna from heaven. C MU U INE N -Letters pul