rense and Passing Is Instrumental in Illini N G. MEN Signs Contract P Economy in Majors BOB MILLER, TANK SQUAD CAPTAIN, Increases. Holdouts LEAD TEAM IN TITLE DEFENSE OFUREST UCONFERENULCE Ruth and Terry Still Refuse ForWth Leading Breasts rofk to Sign for 1932 UnderAy , Amazing Form Northwestern Cagers Set Pace Price-Slashed Contracts. j Artists inContry. Point Total in Big Ten Race With By Wilbur J. Myers Tiag Invaders. Five Victories. By Sheldon C. Fullerton When it comes to this "like fath-Tr - -- Let it be known as .the year of er, like son" idea in regard to Wol- Anse coupled with r .Two victories by the title-defend- the holdout! What with salary cuts verine athletic competition, there is ty of the players ng Norwesternutoppureduced rosters, and the numerous one man who has received littleud theCildctaianthDtopiflth BigJournalistic exploitation on this Stu.dy I C% Ten basketball race with the sea- other restrictions on major league ossiblitya eisat in t cach'C ansible for Michi-snn-urtrw. sba emsha haebn possibility, and he is a captain at coach "Ch ,nil o ih-~. son one-quarter won baseball teams that have been that. This man is Capt. Bob Miller, ighss -16 upset over the Michigan lost their first contest adopted in the interest of economy, 32leader of one o h e ting his sq :onday night. of the season on Saturday night it looks like a bad winter for the 16 tank teams Michigan has ever hadheir pace appon was so well when they bowed to the champions club owners that will pilot their He is the son of Judge Guy A. Milt by a 21-20 score, while the Lonberg teams in the pennant races next ler of Detroit who used to pitch coached outfit continued their un- summer. for the Wolverine nine back in his In gener ist the Illini, con- beaten streak by winning from Wis- y powerful Purdue ,consin for the second time this Already faint rumblings have yug rd Ceajor th agrpcr fteeutosStarted at Culer. f the mnajr e the first stri year, taking the Badgers into camp been heard of the eruptions Capt. Miller, a likeable, unassum- relay tea 28roi4ng onay that are to come when some of Syester28 to 24 on Monday. ing fellow, hails from Detroit North- basing mu State Wins Third. the game's more tempermental er, but he first broke into the ni tean displayed hisold Ohio State won their third con- stars receive their 1932 conm wet thro niday'gae tak- secutiVe game on Saturday samp- trcsSon fthtem where hie preped before coming to Several o ing the ball un- ao c zzY ing Iowa, over whom they have won already mailed out the con- Ann Arbor. His consistently fine through b der t ; e basket two, of their three victories. On tracts, and it is significant that ticularly i and th ossing it in Rookie pitcher of the St. Louis points the Buckeyes are deadlocked only a few have been returned the honor of leading his teammates sure-fire ac- Cardinals, who is recovering from with Northwestern for the top pos with players' signatures upon of his cor v e r e le a d e r a minor operation that he under- tion but the latter has played twice them. collegiate title this year. Allen's .gn1ys.hsrm .With the shifting of Johnny ,.almost a ne p oiion a h ful player on the Art Slhires type, Michigan rallied from her defeat Outstanding among the stars that Schmeiler, Capt. Miller is now new position has already signed his 13contrct to stop the vaunted Illinois team by have refused to come to terms thus ranked as number-one breast u 'eli forwardtchalked and is anxiously awaiting his chance a 28-16 margin. It was the third far are Babe Ruth and Bill Terry. stroke man on the Wolverine squad. the meet with the Wolverines onstrated pis t to stand the National league batters win in four starts for the Wolves The Bambino has turned down an It is in this event that he has done' secondhis old s pints, the exac O their heads. and it served to put them in sec- offer of $70,000 for a single season his best work. And that work was t present Millerankids for bers amount-whihond place. In the other game on contract, but has stated that he not so bad either, considering th plae in the Big Ten rankings for The imp the ntire Illini Monday Indiana won a battle for wbuld sign at that figure if the con- fact that at one time he held the the event on the basis of his per- Howell sin quintet was able the cellar position from Iowa. trect were made to run for two world's record for the 200 yard formance last year, as well as the of the tea to count. Daniels' ANeither team having won a game, years. Terry, after refusing to ac- breaststroke. Achieving this honor same place in the National Inter- training accounted for to the Hoosiers a r e undoubtedly cept a 40 percent decrease in his last year in the dual meet at Wis- collegiate records for the past sea- run Satur the great passing cheered by their 35-27 victory. payroll, has been issued an ultimas inthe u in a time of 2:34 son. On the trip east during, the of Perry d o Maizeand Blue lLeaders to Clash. tum either to sign or to quit the for the 60-yard pool, a new record holidays, - he came through with stars, for in with marked lySeaturday ght's gaes wil sure- game. for the event, but it was only to several fine performances, but was then beat nNdthewtes tetwo nbeaten Whiletherewillsti be see his teammate Schmeiler, cut a beaten in the dual with Spence, stretch. Entire Squad Will Entrain This teams, Northwestern a n d Ohio While there will s till be littl more off that time later in the former Rutgers stellar swimmer. He was amazing fans Afternoon for Practice State, clash at Evanston. Michigan plenty of fireworks popping be- season. This same record was low- easily outdistanced the best that The Wi naking the rest of also has a chance to strengthen fore all of the 1932 contracts ered to 2:25 4-5 this last month by New York University could offer in ate track aam was perform- on Minnesota Rink. her position as she journeys to have been received, a few of Leonard Spence of the N. Y. A. C. in the way of opposition. 1932 after that leaves litle Minneapolis to meet Minnesota for the men who came through in s to the power of Coach Lowrey will take his full the second time. The Wolverines great style last year will be ntet. Hank Weiss squad to Minnesota this afternoon emerged victorious in the first coh- slated for salary raises. Ver- in order that the team may prac- test between these two teams. Chi- non Gomez, Joe Cronin, Joe cago, who has lost two games in Vosmik, Earl Averill; Earl Webb, tice on the Gopher's rink before asmany starts, will battle a badly Johnny Stone, and Vic Frasier the opening Big Ten match tmor- battered Illinois court squad in the in the American League are all y row night at Minneapolis. The sec- other contest carded for Saturday. slated for salary increases. )nd of the to-game series will be Although Iowa has not pulled 1 t ,played Friday night. out a conference victory the Hawk- In the National league increases Six forwards will entrain this af- eye quintet has shown a great deal are likely to be given to such men , t ternoon Ied by Michigan's greatest of scoring power and can be count- as Paul Derringer, Johnny Vergez, aasn obntoKihCos ed Con to cause trouble during the Pepper Martin, and Ed Brandt. It 4 pasn combination, Keith Cross- man and Emerson Reid. Joe Frun- last half of the season. is interesting to note that two ,of k~~ pang endt casetrublsdrigte eperMarin adJEoeant. t in kes or Harold Sindles will probably ' baseball's most notorious 'self-styled & gthesrtgpsgmn yon Marquette and Wisconsin will stars, Art Shires and Jerome "Diz- geth Reid and Crossman. David meet in football next fall for the zy" Dean, usually so willing to hold K. dmDANIELS Ait Reid.tand Cr s Dv Ir first time since 1919, though they out for just what they think they r and Artz complete thelist of f ar-n The Downtown Store for ichigan ei o h o no nSaedfrM cia e perfec __11tion, with wards. . have met annually in other sports are worth, have both come to terms" 1' V . [yV' 4 II ?f k 3 Il . 'ii. ' ( {! G i I I , .:.. HOSE-VALUES TO 75c ...... ...39c I1 I