-n CY_ 4 w ra 4a113 S MEMBER ASSOCIATE PRESS "1 001 ', 1 1, wommi T PRICE FIVE :LII. 84 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1932 ES. IS CHOSEN EOANIZATION' BAKER, BARNES TO LEAD J-HOP CONGRESS DEBATES SUPPLY' MEASURES Land Banks Bill Near Approval as Recozstruction Goes to Conference. DRY LEADER I Formed ! II )N, Jan. 19.-(AI)- and genial force Ju- es Gates Dawes will antic Reconstruction its task of economic r -1 Hugh Baker, '33E, chairman of the 1933 'J-Hop committee, will have as his escort Dorothy Barnes, '32Ed, when he leads the grand march at the annual dance in the Intramural gymnasium Friday night, Feb. 12. Baker is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity and is from Decatur, Ill. Miss Barnes is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and is a resi- dent of Uniontown, Pa. )unced to- i-financier Y. Miean- rom Capi- rs it would ig $2,000,- g credit to al but had the ngress. Confer- ave the task of f e w divergent houses on how hould function. not expected to. BA N KIN G:SYTE[M Former President, it Magazine Article, Blames Crash on, Poor Judgment. NEW YORK~, Jan. 19.--(P)_-Cal- vin Coolidge says "a general, lack of judgment" contributed to thel corporation ychological idence, Mr. rporation's ees at the chang matic ge in present economic situatioi. per- Writing in the American Maga- zine, the former President discusses assa- conditions, praises the National e im- Banking System and denounces erved hoarders. on to "It is impossible to paint out any Con- general moral lapse, any wide- mary spread dishonesty," he says, -in treating the causes of the slump. take "The most we can say is that there to at- has been a general lack of judg- f the ment so widespread as -to involve Hugh practically the whole country. glum, "We have found out that we were rican not so big as we thought we were. We were riding too high. We shall have to keep nearer the ground. pital- We may not feel so elated, but we Banks ,shall be much safer. f ap- "Our National Banking System," nittee he declares, "is as sound as gen- enate erations of experience have been The able to make it." Move Comes as Result of Labor and Religious Disorders in Country. MAbRID, Jan. 19.-( P)-The re- ligious and labor disorders that have caused turmoil in many parts of Spain during the last few weeks resulted today in a cabinet order that Santiago Casares, minister of interior, used the defense law with "all severity" to preserve the peace. The disturbances have consti- tuted a revolutionary movement on the part of communistic elements, government officers declared. 'One phase of the movement, govern- ment authorities said, has been the1 succession of riots between Catho- lics and anti-Catholics.and numer-. ous attempts in various parts of Spain to burn churches. While the government moved to put down these disorders, it was learned authoratively that Presi- dent Niceto Alcala Zamora has signed a decree dissolving the Jes- uit order and taking over in the name of the government all of the society's property, estimated to to- tal $30,000,000. Reports were circulated in Mad- rid that a general strike through- out Spain might be called next Monday. Government forces were strengthened as a precautionary measure. SChmeling Agrees tQo Battle Jack Sharkey NEW YORK, Jan.,19. -(/P)-Maxl Schmeling made his peace today with the New York State Athletic Commission and the price he paid was adherence to, a promise made Ialmost I two years ago. The young' German, crowned hcafvyweight champion here after wining on a foul from Jack Shar- key in the Yankee Stadbim in June, 1930, formally promised to resume his feud with the Boston Sailorman before July 1. PASS DEFICIENCY BILL Representatives Support Beer Proposal Before Hearing of Senate Committee. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.--(P)-- Appropriation bills were on the* floors of both houses of Congress today, with the reconstruction measures packed off to conference. The federal land banks bill, in- tended to lift the pressure of mort- gages from malny homesteads, need- ed only House and Senate approv-I al of a conference report before it is ready for the PresideAt's sig- nature. The Senate today passed the first big , appropriation measure , the $126,000,000 deficiency bill. The House has already. approved it and it was sent to conference to smoothj out differences, the Senate bill carrying over $1,000,000 more than the House measure. The House debated the $175,000,- 000; supply bill for the agricultural department, the first of the sue- cession of regular appropriation measures. In the meantime, its ways and means committee promised it would have a tax measure framed by Feb. 1. Several representatives testified before a Senate committee in sup- port of bills to legalize beer and the House judiciary committee agreed to take up 'proposals for a prohibition referendum on Feb. 16. The commttee today ended hearr ings on impeachment charges brought by Rep. Patman, Dem., Tex., against Secretary Mellon, but delayed a vote indefinitely. A bill to abolish.ile farm board' was introduced by Sen. Thomas, Dem.,' Okla., and the House agri- cultural commitee on the advisi- bility of a joint investigation of the board. This inquiry is in the making but another one was assured today as the House directed its interstate co.mmerce committee to make a thorough study of ownership and control of public =utility holding companies and investment trusts. Attitude T owards United States Given- Among Reasons for Break. Associated Press P3o Bishop Ernest G. Richardson of Philadelphia, who- was elected' president of the Anti-Saloon League of America at the annual meeting; in Washington. A9NTF-SALOON GROUP -9 OOSRO L League Declare'sAginst Raskob Hone Rule' Idea for Liquor Control. WASHINGTON, Jan. l9.-(/X)-. Opposition to the home-rule liquor control 'proposal of Chairman John J. Raskob of the Democratic nat- ional committee was expresed to- day by the Anti-Saloon League in a formal declaration. The league, which said "Prohibi- tion iq not a partisan political is- sue," expressed "confidence in the President of the United States" as the chief law enforcement officer. "Let there be no mistake, Ras- kobian 'home-rule' means eventual- ly saloon rule," the league's decla- ration said. The declaration of policy was made public tonight at a banquet closing the prohibition organiza- tion's five-day convention. It covered six primary points, op- posing repeal, referendums, resub- mission, state control, modification, and beer proposals, and said "wets are trying to saddle on the tax- payers" expenses of their "feudal and hopeless" campaign. An assertion that the, south would deny its support to any pres- idential candidate either personal- ly a wet or running on a wet plat- form was made by Dr. A. J. Bar- ton, of Wilmington, N.C., chaVrman of the league's executive commit- tee. Ireland Has Worst Floods in 30 Years DUBLIN, Jan. 19.-;)-Ireland ns having the worst floocs in 39 year because of uninterrupted rpains which have inundated thousands of acres t farmland and forced many families out of their homes . The river Shannon, in the Dan- agher area, is higher than during the. serious floods of last fall, and for 20 miles along its banks the land is under water. In Ulster the whole countryside in County Derry along the Claudy River is like .a lake, and in North Mayo even the old-timers cannot recall so bad a flood. THE WEATHER Lower Michigan: Cloudy with lo- cal snow flurries; somewhat colder in west and north portions Wed- nesday; Thursday mostly cloudy, colder in extreme southeast por- i tions. Varsity HockeyT Team May ,Meet LILT VVJR"l:lL Polis hOlympics RV Michigan's hockey team has been invited to Cleveland, Ohio, to play the Polish Olympic team either Feb. 24 or 25. Floyd Rowe, '08E,9u I 6'" 0, Director of Recreation for the - Board of Education in Cleveland New Break M Lev wrote Fielding H. Yost and Coach Threatens Yazoo Lowrey yesterday in an effort to River Region. bring the Wolverines to Cleveland. ___ The Polish team requested games 45,000 AFFECTEI with the leading United States col- lege hockey teams and Mr. Lowe Red Cross and Co' immediately wrote here. Wisconsin, Guard Assist Minnesota and several eastern Wu rkerS teams have already arranged dates. Workers' with the Polish team. Mr. Rowe was GLENDORA, Miss., Jan. t the first Director of Intramural (A)-The Mississippi delta's t athletics at Michigan in 1914 and winter flood spread out overt went from here rto the position of territory, today, covering t director of athletics for the United sdnds of, acres of land and w States army in 1917. ing through streets of a d Mr. Yost replied to his request towns as marooned residents 0 yesterday pointing out that Mar- iously awaited the arrival of quette comes here Feb. 26 and 27. hmied national relief. This would prohibit matches in Thb havoc of the Tallahat Cleveland on either Feb. 24 or 25 river's multiple- levee br'eaks but a change of schedule might be last week, which sent residenti made to arrange for the Olympic the Tippo Basin in Tallahatu team it was learned last night. county climbing to their r .The conflicting dates have made awaitipg rescue, promised to be the scheduling a difficult job, but plicated in a new area folowir both Coach Lowrey and Mr. Yost 75-foot crevasse late Monday are in favor of the matches. 'the main east bank of Yazoo r _____________ __________-dike at Honey island. Three feet of waterr poured.- All-Campus 'Ensian a back country basin covering! .Sae Sart, T day proximately 410,000 acres in Lf Sale Starts Today Holmes, Yazoo and Humpb - counties. In the path of the Pledge stubs will be honored leased waters are the towns of I for the last time in be campus g'er Tchule, Keirn, Mileston' sale which will time held for ths Bee Lake. Residents of the dis Michiganensian today, tomorrow number between 7,000 arid 8,01 and' FiaynsHarr .oday, inmrrConviets Aid Farm Jiand and Friday, Harry R. Benjamin, Convicts and plantatioh wor '32, business manager for the labored to fill the levee gap to publication, announced yester- vent a complete inundation of day. section. The yearbook, which at pJs- Elsewh re in the delta, pai ent is priced at $450, .wil cost larly along the Tallahatchie r $3.50 with the stub. The coupons residents admitted C1efeat in I may be redeemed either on cam- month-old fight tQ keep the le pus or in the Michiganiensian of-' intact. Marooned on water-coy flee in the Press building. farms, 6r crowded into inadeq Illustrations of the cover for quarters 'in congested: ha:flf the annual are being displayed ed towns, they waited for pro on posters in the windows of ed boats to take them out to 1 various stores on campus. Blacki dry land. and red form the color scheme. In answer to calls for aid, Red Cross and the coast gi combined efforts to alleviate Y fering. Twelve staff workers' o national Red Cross were en i to the area to take charge of lief measures ,and the qa t g ordered eight crews and eight INITIATES ME tor lifeboats hurried to the ! frof Chicago and the gulf The guard boats will aug FEiserinan Are speakersthe admittedly inadequate cral Ruthven, EA pthe scene in the removal of at Forensic Banquet marooned to places of safety. at League. 45,000 Are Affected. An estimate of 45,000 pe Twelve men were made memberz have been affected by the fio of Alpha Nu literary forensic so. Gov. Theo. G. Bilbo said Mo: ciety, at a banquet given at the that "the condition of these p Women's league last night. Presi- is serious and their losses art dent Alexander G. Ruthven and calculable." Lyle Eiserman, national president The rampaging delta str of Kappa Phli Sigma, were the which began going ,Out, of bo speakers. before Christmas are still ri In speaking on "Adult Educa- but forecasters hope they beg tion," Dr. Ruthven eclared tha subside within the next few "the knowledge acq ied tirnoughi Some temporary imptove 'd t inl tre aieou -hasobeen shown in the morth not sufficient, study must not cease. isiana flood resulting from Ignorance may be bliss but it is a rises of the Quachita, Red and barrier to human progress. Mass er large rivers, but that se education is essential in a democ- has yet to experience mnuch h racy. Adult or continuous educa- 'river stages. tion will be the next great social E ioL brL a step.' EditorLabor.ead The following men were taken in- Will Lecture Ton* to membership: Nicholas Anikeef, w '34, Donald Blankert, '34, Stuart , Oscar Ameringer, editor of Bowern, '34, Charles Brownson, '34, American Guardian," will deli Donald Deyo, '35, James Eaman, '35; lecture at 7:30 d'clock tonigl Gilbert Groehm,,'33, Bernard Kon- Natural Science auditorium. opka, '34, Walter Morrison, '35, eringer is well known throu Wheaton Strom, '35, Fremont Voss. the country as a labor orgy '32, Robert Ward, '35. and is a prominent member c Socialist party. Called Failure , his signature. bolster land bank 0,000, with $25,000,- unt earmarked for l f mortgage instal\- 1 of needy farmers. Mr. Hoover's plans te budget advanced Ways and Means ich announced . it c increase bill ready by Feb. 1. rnmittee conducted b e Administration em of home loan' h the way financi. me-builder. Oppo- was heard today, Cody, of the Mort- ssn. of America, as- posal would lead to d further deprecia- ate values. Bulletins Council May Discuss Taxi Situation Tonight Delayed two ..days by the post- ponement of Monday nught's Com- mon council meeting, consideration of the amendment of the taxicab ordinance is expected to be resum- ed tonight. The death of former Alderman C. C. Freeman occasion- ed the delay, since the council ad- journed out of respect to him. Edward C. McCormick, Student council president. and S. Beach Conger and Carl S. Forsythe, edi- torial director and city editor of, The Daily, will attend the meeting to plead the students' cause. STUDENT'S LETTER HEIGHTENS LOCAL SINO-JAPANESE FEELING, SAYS SUEZ C (By Aasociacd Prema) I sday, January 19, 1932 NDOTTE-The city council' oday to remove Clayton C. an, suspended police chief, )f-ic for releasing slot ma- seized in raids and freeing ,ss of a gang shooting before osecutor's office could ques- m. Those and other charges >referred against Chapman pecial court of inquiry last SAGINAW-George Knapp, Sagi- naw pilot, brought his burning plane and one passenger safely to earth from an altitude of 1,500 feet, and extinguished the fire with a hand extinguisher. Neither Knapp5 nor W. Ruen Fisher, his passenger, was injured. GRAND RAPIDS-A letter to the stockholders of the 'Grand Rapids Railroad Co., operating street cars here, said today a bondholder's pro- tective committee "is about to ini- tiate proceedings for foreclosure of the first mortgage, which will un- doubtedly result in the early ap- Ill feeling between the 25 Japan- ese and 92 Chinese students in the University, has been instigated by trouble in Manchuria and heighten- ed by a recent campus opinion, written by Takehisa Miwa, a grad- uate student from Yokohama, Jap- an, Robert Suez a special student from Shanghai, China, president of the Chinese Students' club, stated yesterday. Much, resentment is felt by his countrymen because of the article but no immediate trouble is im- minent, he said. Suez added that affairs between the Japanese and Chinese in America had not as yet reached their climax. The paragraph in Miwa's article that is particularly objectionable to the Chinese is as follows: "The misunderstood state of Japan in Manchuria is due to the sentimen- tal appeal and propaganda to the world, since the beginning of the present troubles, by the Young Chinese leaders, most of whpm have been educated in the universities of this country or other foreign countries, and do not have a realr understanding of the fundamental questions of their own country. These Chinese leaders, unlike mostt of the Japanese leaders, have a good knowledge of English and are able to spread a lot of misinforma- tion to the outside world, and get by with it." , Suez stated last night that Japan was "grossly misunderstood" but1 not in the way that Miwd meant. He said that he could not possibly see how Japan could gain world1 confidence. He stressed the point that it is Japan and not China who is try- ing to spread misinformation. "If Japan had an air tight case against1 China, why didn't she let the world know what was happening in China (Manchuria as our friends the+ Japanese prefer to call it). A cen- sorship comparable only to that during the world war has been placed on news concerning Man- churia by the Japanese military forces." Japanese soldiers marching 'into China shortly will sever diplo- matic relations with Japan, the Kuomin--official CTh in e(s e news agency--announced in Nanking last night. Meanwhile, Chinesetofficials hoped for further action by the United States in the Manchurian conflict. "A new Washington conference" to discuss such action was advocated by Sun Fo, premier of the Nanking, government. I An official'Chinese spokesman, de- clared Japan had been "imperti- nent" to the United States and "in- sulting" to China in its reply to Secretary of State Stimson's note invoking the nine-power treaty and the Kellogg pact in the Manchur- ian affair. Mr. Henry Pu-Yi, former boy em- peror of China, came back in the picture again by way of Shanghai dispatches reporting the Chinese government had decided to order his arrest. The order might be difficult to carry out, as Pu-Yi is in closely guarded retirement near Port Ar- thur in Manchuria, far away fron Chinese authorities. Mukden dis- patches said he was being advocat- ed for the post of first president o: the new Manchurian government to be established, if present nego- tiations are successful, with the ad- vice and assistance of Japan. Glass Hurts Tibbett During Performance NEW YORK, Jan. 19.--(/P)-Law- rence Tibbett nursed a painful foot C t it A League Cannot Be - in Manchuria Case, Says Slosson Formal declaration of war by either Japan or China having been so far prevented, therLeague of Na- tions cannot yet be termed a fail- ure, it was pointed out by Prof., Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, in a lecture on "Man- churia; America, and the League of Nations" which he delivered yes-, terday afternoon under the aus- pices of the Tolstoy league, the League of Nations association, and the Disarmament committee. Professor Slosson dwelt further recognized legal ownership, and of nationality of inhabitants, the dis- puted territory unquestionably ap- pertains to China. Japanese claims, it was stated, are based only upon her investments, and are exactly. the same as those held by the Unit- ed States on certain Caribbean is- lands. Professor Slosson emphasized the significance of Secretary Stimpson's action in formally requesting Japan to take definite action in evacuat- ing Manchuria, pointing out that zA. /vIF r w A rt. Less Than-a Mill WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. -( Presidentf Hoover's private for was estimated at less thin a n\ dollars in the house today by Wood, of Indiana, chairman o Republican National. Congress Committee. Mr. Wood, ranking Repub member of the House Apprc tions Committee, opened the d on the Agriculture Departn $175,000,000 supply bill for the fiscal year with a demand for ductibn in salaries of Goverr employees.