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January 19, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-19

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Dormitories for New
Students Termed
a Real Lack.
Observatory Conditions
'Itolerable'; New
Site Prepared.
(Cantinued from Page 1)
8 violations of the ruling were es-
tablished and discipncd. Failure
to attach tags was pun,'hed by the
withdrawal of c':ivin ) rivileges.
Probation was used as a discipiin-
ary measure for the personal use
of cars (with permit), and for ithe
social use of cars where the driv-
ing was done by non-students who
were not members of the students'
immediate families.
"The increasing of degree re-
quirements still appears the most,
desirable form of discipline, and
was used in the majority of the
more definite violations. One lio-
lation resulted in an accident, and
serious injuries to the occupants1
of the car; in this case the stu-
dent driver was suspended from the
University for the balance of the



tiainied by any general fraternity in]
over 15 year . Amo g the profes-I
eicnal fraternities, Nu Signa Nul
cd the medical groups with an
' rag e of 802, while Phi Delta
legal, 'had 74:4; and Alpha
a 1, had 80.9. Pi Beta
Phi led the sororities again last
year with a grade of 82.7. Organ-
izations falling below 70 for the
year were the three -general frater-
pities, Alpha Chi Rho, 68.3, Phil
-Kappa, 67.7, and Phi Delta Theta,
( 6.6; and the legal fraternity, Delta
Theta Phi, 67.7. Regarding scholar-
ship in the fraternities closed after
f Ia 1°iric f-h -ma~nv c"- t

"I believe that the number of . compiin of
therais he ep r aysfrth
disciplinary cases in'dicates a more "A compilation of grades for the
careful and conscientious supervi- five closed fraternties was made
sion of student driving rather than
a growing tendency to violate the Thrwagh an inerease inland value
ruling. During the past year, both of $235,150, in buildings of $2,678,-
of our officers displayed an en- 455, in land improvements of $296,-
couraging .amount of efficiency in 686, and in equipment additions of1
their efforts to enforce the regula- $564,833, the total evaluation of
tion, and their ability to do so ac- Uriversity property has increased,
counts for a large percentage of the daring the year 1930-31, i$3,775,125,
apprehended violators." according to the -president's report.i
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, in his The increase in land and build-!
report, says of the local fraternity ings is due mainly to the continued
liquor raid of a year ago: construction of the new Law quad-1
"Early in February the commit- rangle, given. by W. W. Cook, of thel
tee on student affairs found it nec- elass of 1880, 1882, the report says.
essary to suspend five fraternities
and to close their houses for the by the registrar-for the first se-
nester when the members were liv-
ing together in their houses, and.
The freshlnan class of 1930-31 for the second semester when they
had students representing 40 states, were living separately outside of
the District of Columbia, Canada, the houses. If such figures were
Bolivia, Hungary, the Irish Free available with respect to one houseI
state, Japan, Persia, Peru, and the {1 nly, they might not have any sig-j
Philippine islands, according to the nificance, but where as here the re-f
president's report, while statistics sults are similar for five differenta
of Registrar IraV. Smith show that organizations, it is not entirely out
total eiirollment during that year of place to suggest that there may
ircluded students representing all be some underlying reason why in
the states, as well as 47 foreign every instance the scholastic stand-*

in fual or in part during the same 1 expense of care chagged to public
period amounted to $97,119.93, while patients. The plan has now been
the number and amount of loans in operation for some months, the
outstanding increased from 1,349 report says, and has been even
s rmore satisfactory than was antici-
and $176,863.07 on September 1, pated. The additional cost to the
1930, to 1,564 and $195,493.57 on hospital for added general duty
September 1, 1931, the report re- nurses has not been so great as we
vealed. A , , r expected, however.
In 'the division of the report de- Rates in University hospital have
voted to the Law school, there isbeen changed as follows: charges
included a considerable section ye- to public patients in two and four
(erring to the new legal research bed rooms have been decreased 25
library, built from funds given the cents a day; one rate is being
University by the William W. Cook charted f o r room and nursing
estate, and to which the great col- rather than dividing these charges
lection of University law books wa as before; the bill for the day of
movedn during tho last days of the discharge for pay cases has been
spring semester. Dean Henry M. reduced by $1.00; no reduction has
Bates, of the Law school, says: been made of the combination room
'The completion of the new li- and nursing charge for pay pati-
brary building and the moving of ents with special nursing in private
our books into it' are causes of and semi-private rooms, in order
great relief, for thus an end was to help finance the above regula-
put to the stalkin'g fear of fire, tions; and finally, in the charge
which might easily have destroyed for physiotherapy, reductions have
the whole collection in the old been made which have been war-
building. Moreover, 30 to 40 percent ranted by the creation, through
of the collection was unavailable economies, of a favorable ratio be-
for use in the old building, which tween expense and revenue in this
was altogether too small to house department.
the collection. We may take just,
pride in the superb new building SCHOOL OF MUSIC
and its contents." ___

Hoover Names 'Career Man'
Succeed W. C. Forbes as
Tokio Minister.


WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. - (/P) --
Joseph C. Grew of Hancock, N.H.,
ambassador to Turkey since 1927,
has been determined upon by Presi-
dent Hoover as the next ambassa-
dor to Tokio.
Grew is to succeed W. Caieron
Forbes, who is expected to re in-
quish his post in Japan be!fore long,
although officials are anxious that
he remain for the 'present in view
of the delicate Manchurian situa-

G PP lNIE ',
j9p PJE E

DailbLa' Atack
in Wo rne Victory
and Blue qu itet rece ved a mm-
ill-u of cha rs at the Wolverine
ci, the l4aiBe nd Uedefense
working together effectively to keep
the invaders outside the foul cir'-
cle except on rare occasions.
Wits Illinois taking an early 2-0i
lead, Michigan's entire team bom-
barded the rival goal to send seven
baskets and two fouls through the
hoop before the Ilmi-could score.
Daniels was good for three of these
baskets, while Williamsbn, Weiss,
Eveland, and Garner contributed
one apiece. Daniels and Qarner
ere responsible for the fouls.
Shortly before the half ended the
Illini nianaged to sink tbre o nore
points on a basket by ?4oore and .a
charity toss by Owen.
1 G F P T
Eveland, if .......... 1 0 1 2
Petrie, 11 ...........0 .0 1 0
Daniels, rf .......... 6 4 3 16
Hudson, rf.........0 0 0 0
Garner, c ...........2 1 3 5
Allen,c ............0 0 0 0.
Weiss,Ig..........1 0 0 2,
Shaw, lg ... .......0 0 0 0
Williamson, rg ......1 1 1 3
ITessmer, rg.........0 0 0 0







The attempt to reduce expenses
at University hospital for the pur-
pose of reducing the cost of hospi-
tal care of public patients is ex-
plained in the division of the re-
port prepared Dr. H. A.,Haynes, di-
rector. During the year 1930-31 a
total of 394,201 patients days of
service were rendered to patients,f
a figure 13,901 less than the totalI

A spirited plea for more adequate
quarters is voiced by Charles A.
Sink, president of the School of
Music, in which the now crowded
music department may be housed
more satisfactorily than at present.
The school is now housed in the
main building on Maynard street.,
which Sink terms "reasonably ade-j
quate, but so limited that only a
relatively small portion of the work


Native of Boston, Grew is a "ca-
reer man," has spent practically
his entire life in the diplomatic,
service, negotiated a treaty with
Turkey back in 1923, has attended
various important conferences and
represented the United States in
responsible posts.
As his successor at Angora, capi-
tal of Turkey, is being mentioned
Jefferson Caffery, now minister to
Colombia, also known as an able
diplomat. For the still,more impor-
tant vacancy coming in the spring;
the London ambassadorship, former
Senatoi Lawrence C. Phipps of
Lolorado is being strongly advocat-
ed. He would succeed Charles G.
Dawes, who has announced his in-
tention of resigning before even the
Geneva general conference on dis-'
armament is over. He is chairman
of the American delegation at that
Water Colors, Etchings,
Lithographs Exhibited


6 9 28


Four Choral Union Programs to
Be Offered Before
March 7.
Three artists and one organiza-
tion will take part on the four re-
Siiainig Choral Union concerts
scheedAed -to close with the recital
by Rosa Ponselle on March 7.
The first of the four will take
place next Monday night with Dr.
Rudolph Siegel, famous composer-
conductor, leading the Detroit Sym-
phony orchestra as guest conductor.
Dr. Siegel is noted as the conductor
of Konigsberg Akademie or iestra
and city director at Crefild and
conductor of the Konzertverein,
This concert will be the second one
of the series for the Detroit organ-
ization, Ossip Gabrilowitsch having
conducted a concert before Christ-
Yehudi Menuhin will be the sec-
ond attraction. The youthful boy-
violinist will be making his premier
performance in Ann Arbor and it
is expected that the fame that he
has achieyed in the East will be
sustantiatedj here.
Appearing othe third program
Will be Percy Grainger, veteran of
many Choral Union concerts who
also appeared on the series last
The only feminine song recitpl of
the season wily be provided Mar. 7,
-when Rosa Ponselle, leading prima
donna of the Metropolitan Opera,
will give a concert climaxing the
season. This will be her first ap-
pearance here in a number of years
and from - advance indications a
sel-out audience will'hear her.
May 18, 19, 20 and 21 will bring
the 39th annut May Festival with
the Chicago Symphony orchestra,
the Chora.l Union and Children's
chorus taking part as well as bril-
hant supporting artists.
Prfessor James Gives
Lectures at Wisconsin
Prof. Preston E. James, of the
geography department, has retuyn
ed from Madison, Wis., after giving
two lectures there. The first was
given to graduate students of the
University of Wisconsin in a sem-

E. Kamp, If........
G. Fencl, if.......
Bennet, rf .......
Bartholomew, .rf
Hellmich, c ........
Moore, c..........
R. Kamp, lg .. .. .
Theobald, lg......
Owen, rg .. . ..... .





The University enrollment for the
,same period from the state of Mich-
igan totalled 8,519 for the regular
and summer sessions,) while the 10
states sending the largest repre-
sentations were Ohio, 949; New
York, -826; Illinois, 581; Pennsyl -
vania, 395; Indiana, 384; New Jer-
'sey, 133; Wisconsin, 105; Missouri,
100, and entucky 99.
second semester. This action wasI
taken by the committee in view of
the position of the University rela-
tive to the use of intoxicating liquor
in fraternity houses, viz., that it
knowingly cannot permit the poses-
sion or use of such liquor in these'
houses and that a violation of this,
rule will lay the offending organi-
zation open to such disciplinary
measures as the University officials
deem it necessary to impose. It3
was recognised that many entire-
ly members of five groups would be
pen,alized for something with which
they personally had nothing to do,
but the position taken by the Uni-
versity is that every member of a

Tigfwas materially better when the of the previous year. By cutting can be conducted therein," and inE
members w e r e living separately down the number of employees t rooms .at the rear of Hill auditor-1
outside their fraternity houses than the hospital it has been possible to
when they were living together in meet the decrease in income, the isfactory because of the fact that
them." report says, and states that the old' h ft th
The report continues to say that plan of engaging special nurses for when lectures or other activitiesJ
w, hena functioning in accog-dance .vecry benill dpatients has, of uslasateyears, aegigo nteadtru l
nfound unsatisfactory, because musical work must be suspended.1
with their ideals as set forth in beenusetn addition, the report registersE
t heir constitutions and- ritualn, fra- of the high expense involved in the adn offre' es1tng fo
ternities are a tremendous asset to paying nurses to care for one or the fact that much 'valuable music
the University, but that they should two patients only. In this connec- is stored i iadequate storage;
regulate their houses in such a, tion the report says:
mganer thatit would not se mr 'It was therefore decided, after places, as well as the danger of<
manner that it would not be more consultation with the nursing de theft apd breakage because of theK
difticult for their members to do fact that there is much equipment1
their best work while living in them of necessity left unguarded. In con-1
rather than when living outside. Nearly $315,400 in gifts were re- cluding, Sink says:
ceived by the University during the "The effect of much a situation (
952LOANS MADE year 1930-31, according to the presi- is most depressing and distressing'(
dent's report. This amount, how- to both students and faculty and"
ever, does not include certain gifts is far from conducive to best efforts
Dean Bursiey's report states, re- whose value cannot be estimated or best results. It has been due only
garding student loans, that during nor anou its o money actually re- ;to the admirabie patience of teach-
last year there was a distinct in- ceived from gifts made in other ers and students that open rebel-
crease in the number of students years, The actual total received lion has not broken out. The situa-
desiring assistance from the loa'r, during the year from gifts, not all tion -is intolerable. On behalf of
funds, which he attributes to the of which, howewr, are new, is $731,- the board of directors of the' Uni-
economical condition of the coun- 000, according to the year's finan- versity Musical society and the fac-
try. According to this report.the cial report. ulty and students of the school, I
number and amount of past-due strenuously urge that attention be
loans have also increased, since, partment executives; and on the directed to this serious and import-
many borrowers have found it im- advice of the hospital executive ant matter at the earliest possible
possible to meet their loans as they staff, whose nembers are heads of moment."
came due. Concerning this condi- the professional departments, that In the report of the literary col-
tion, the dean says: the following experiment might be lege there is included a table list-
"While this is a cause for con- made. The general-duty staff of ing the number of withdrawals
cern on the part of the lo n com- the hospital was supplemented with from that school during the year
mittec, the committee feels con-' a limited group of mobile nui'ses and the reasons for leaving the
fident that as soon as conditions ,who could be assigned to any ward University. A total of 376 were
improve, payments will be resumed, having very ill patients. This group graduated from the literary school,
so that the percentage of ultimate of nurses was to take the place of 66 left because the parents were
loss will not be materially increas- special nurses whose cost had.pre- requested to withdraw the students,.
ed. viously been charged to the indi- 0 were placed on probation, 17 weren
A total of 952 loans was made vidual patients." listed "not to return," 3 were ad-
during the year from September 1, The report continues to say that vised to withdraw, 3 were suspend-
1930 to September 1, 1932, amount- the pincipal advantage of the new ed, 17 left because of illness, while
ing to $112,429.65. The loans paid plan is the great reduction in the 209 resigned.

Water colors by Paul Rohland,
New York artist, are now on exhibit
on the ground floor exhibition cases
in the architectural building, Etch-
ings and lithographs by Caroline
Speare Rohland are also featured.
Rohlond is well known for his
paintings of fdowers and for his
landscapes, many of his present
works having been painted on a re-
cent Virginia tour. He is repre-
sented in the Barnes collection of
mcdern art at Merion, Pa., and re-
cently four of his water colors, from
the same group as is being shown
here, were added to the Whitney
Museum of America art.

Total..............6 4 13 16
Referee-Lane (Cincinnati); Um-
pire-Molony (Notre Dame).
Delta Tau Delta--24, Delta:Alpha
Epsilon 11.
Beta Theta Pi 11, Alpha Chi Rho
Alpha Sigma Phi 13, Alpha Kap-
pa Lambda 2.
Delta Sigma Pi 10, Chi Phi 0.
Kappa Nu 15, Alpha Tau Omega
Hermitage 2, Alpha Delta Phi 0.
Theta Xi 2, Alpha Omega 0.
Chi Psi 26, Delta Kappa Epsilon


fraternity must accept responsibi-
ity for the conduct of his group I
as a whole, as long as he enjoys thel
group privileges."
Regarding fraternity and sorority
scholarship Dean Bursley's report
reveals the fact that for the sec- j
ond successive year Triangle stood
at the head of the fratjernities, with
an average grade of 81.0. This grade
is, according to the report, the
highest, with one exception, ob-



TYPEWRITERS, all make, boug"hit,
sold, rented. exchanged. repaired.
O. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State.
GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done. O. D. MORRILL, 314 So.
State St. - 308c
NOTICE-Will the person who has
wrong reefer acquired by ex-
change in Library Wednesday
please call 4618 for adjustment.

SINGLE $3.50 DOU3bE $2,50
Hot and cold running water i
each room. Maid service. We

'ROOM with private bath for one
or two adults. No other roomers.
Phone 3877. 39%
LAUNDRY-So'f water. 21044.
Towel, frnc,2 ;o ks rned,

furnish all bed linens. Showers. 271c
Lounging room with radio.
#204 orth , Main Phone 3916
Opposite Intramural Building fBuy a cash card .and save 10%
378c 2000









425 S. DIVISION-Large suite, two

-Phone 7112, KI'llins Gravel Co.

sirable third floor studio room
for one or two men beginning
first of next semester. 417 East
Huron St. 398

or three boys, near campus.
duced price. -Phone 22352.




1 in

FOR RENT-Modern furnished and
unfurnished apartment; 3 rooms
and bath; close to campus; rea-


LOST--White gold Swiss wrist
watch, initials G. E. M. on back.








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