I ESTABLISHED 1890 IC jOO Air U L. XLII. No. 83 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1932 M" '.,- - - -- ---------'.-.1___ _ _ ______ ICHIIG D I EIFE TS IL-LI ANVE HINTS AT PORARY DLAY DEBTS PARLEY LABOR HEADS AT RAIL PARLEY SENATE CONFEREES AGREE WITH HOUSE ON BANK MEASURE Wildcats, Hoosiers Win Big Ten Games 1-1 BIG. TEN STANDINGS ' .iwr 1 Nor thwesterni 50 .. , French and English' IR Elections Are Cited by Laval. as Reasons. FER WITH GERMANY Zeconstruction Bill Is First of Hoover's Economic Aid Proposals. WILL AID LAND BANKS Agricultural Supply Measure Among First Reported to House. Ohio State Michigan Purdue .. Minnesota Illinois ... Wisconsin Indiana Chicago Iowa . . . . . . . . . .. ..3 1 .............3 1 ........... .2 1 ........ . ..2 1 14 .............1 4 2 ..............1 4 .2 s Allied Debtors cited States for Debt Moratorium. A k I'A P'.RIS, Jan. 18-(/P)-The French government let it be known today that it was envisaging at least a provisional postponement of the Lausanne reparations conference. A semi-official note was issued at midnight after Premier Pierre La- val had talked with Leopold von Hoesch, German. ambassador to Paris. The elections due 'this year in France, Germany and the United States were given in the note as the reasons for the contemplated postponement of the conference, which is tentatively scheduled to1 meet next Monday. Impossible of - Solution. "The opinion is becoming more and more general in the intricate international sphere," the note said, "that it is impossible to arrive now at a detailed and definite solution of the problems of reparations and war debts. - "It seems to be agreed now in Paris and London," the note con- tinned. "to renew purely and simp- ly for the (German) Reich the Hoo- ver moratorium expiring July 1, 1932, and which would be prolonged. .ufder the same conditions forix.4 months or a year. "At the same time, the Europe debtors of the United States, who also, are creditors Hof Germany, would make a common declaration1 asking the American government to give them the same treatmeit1 as a condition of and during the new moratorium a c c o r d e d Ger-1 many. May be Without Object. j "If an accord can be established on these bases between the Young Plan signatories by the intermedi- ary of the chancellories, the Laus- anne conference will become pro- visionally without object, since the fundamentals of the problem will not be discussed before the end of the year by the interested govern- ents. "rUnder these conditions, a meet- ing of financial experts might well suffilce to proceed with elaboration of the convention necessary for a prolongation of t h e moratorium now in force." Alpha Nt Initiation , to Be Held Tonight Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma, literary forensic society, will hold its semi-annual initiation banquet tonight at 6:30 in the Women's League. Twelve initiaes will 1) taken into iemberiship. ELate Wire Flashes DETROIT, Jan. 18.-(P)--George J. Kolowich, former president of the State Bank of America, Ham- tramck, was sentenced in circuit court today to serve from 10 to 20 years for embezzlement. The state supreme court later granted a peti- tion that it hear arguments for a new trial and fix Kolowich's appeal bond at $25,000. PAW PAW, Jan. 18.-(P-A. O. Willesey, Vandalia, Mo., waived ex- amination when arraigned in jus- tice court today on a charge of kid- naping. He has confessed taken to Vandalia his 14-year-old daugh- ter, Bessie Brown, now the adopted daughter of Mrs. Maude Brown, of near here, a week ago. k BOMBAY, Jan. 18. -() -Police fired into a crowd of 500 natives today in the village of Gujerat, r near Peshawar, killing one person and wounding another. Shown above are presidents of three railway labor organizations as they gathered in Chicag for a conferenctwith rail executives regarding proposed wage cuts. Left to right: B. M. Je-Well of the railway employes' department of the American Federation of Labor; D. B. Robertson, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, and George M. Hirrison, of the Brotherhood of Rail and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes. J-HOP COMMITTEE CONSIDERS BANDS Tickets This Will Remain Week at Side on Sale Desk in Union Lobby. Although the committee which is in charge of the -J-Hop is still un- able to announce the orchestras' which will play at the function, the biggest social event of the year' on the 'campus, tickets will remain on sale at the side desk in the Union for the rest of the week to the campus at large. Several other orchestras besides' those of Isham Jones and Cab Cal- loway are being considered at the present time by the committee. It s probablethat negotiations with a band will be complete in the near future, according 'to Hugh S. Baker, '33E, chairman. Tickets will be priced at $7. They are printed in blue, with a picture of the Intramural building in the background. To avoid counterfeit- ing, they have both a stamped and an engraved University seal on them as well as the initials of Walter B. Rea, assistant to the Dean of Stu- dents. Favors, which are genuine Flor- entine leather book covers, will be on display at Balfour's after Feb. 1, where they may' be obtailed by ticket holders. During the examin- ation period, tickets may also be secured at Balfour's., Work has been progressing on the decorations and booths. The { decorations will be different from 'those of the past several years, be- ing of the eighteenth century motif, consisting in the most part of sil- houettes, instead of a modernistic design. Plans for the booths are also being materialized and rules regarding them will be announced soon. THE WEATHER Lower Michigan: Generally fair Tuesday; Wednesday mostly cloudy followed by light rain or snow in north and west portions; somewhat warmer Wednesday. University Library Bookworm's Utopia If a student managed to read an average of two volumes a day, he would require more than a thousand years to bookworm his way through the bound volumes of the University libraries alone, with- out even glancing at thousands of unbound pamphlets, periodicals and miscellaneous reading matter.: This' is contained in the Presi- dent's report, published yesterday. The report lists the fact that there are 799,573 bound volumes on the shelves. Further statistics reveal the fact that had the bookworm started when Cicero was a power in Roman politics, about 70 B.C., he would just now be approaching the last of his books. TARIFF AND LIQUOR, MAY9 BE'-32 ISE Presidential Campaign to R on These Two Problems, Professor Aserts. Rest WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.--(P) - wne reconstruction bill was virtu- .lly through Congress tonight and anothecr needed only a gesture to send it to conference. The conferees on the federal land banks bill agreed on its pro- visions late today, the House fall- ing in line with the Senate amend- ment adding $25,000,000 to the orig- inal $100,000,000 of new capital for the system. Tlie 'additional sum is earmarked for the specific purpose of permitting the banks to lighten pressure on farmers with loans overdue. Senate Votes Out Item. r Before it let go of the -2,000,- 000,000 reconstruction bill, the Sen- ate defeated another attempt to make cities eligible for the loans which will go to financial and farm institutions. Two other measures of President Hoover's economic program are in committee. They would provide for establishing a system of home loan banks and a credit corporation to release funds held in insolvent banks. It is problematical, however, whether these will displace the steady- march of the regular ap- propriation bills. The first of the supply measures, that for agricul- ture, was reported to the House to- day. It calls for $175,443,000, a re- duction of $10,799,000 from budget bureau estimates. A representative of Secretary Mellon reiterated denial of im- peachment charges a g a i n s t the secretary of the treasury by repre- sentative Patman before a House. committee. Afterwards, Patman repeated them. Unemployed Bill Approved. A Senate sub-committee approv- ed a bill calling for $375,000,000 in direct federal aid to the unemploy- ed. The administration opposes all such measures. Another fight for judgeship nom- inations was foreseen as the Sen- ate judiciary committee decided to hold hearings on the nominations of Judge James H. Wilkerson and Kenneth MacIntosh to court of ap- peals benches. Labor is opposing them. WAITE CRITICIZES AMERICANCOURTS Alumni Told of the Advantages of Independent Judiciary (Specia to floe Daily) DETROIT, Jan. 18.-The Ameri- can system of criminal courts re- ceived severe condemnation from a comparison with th e procedural methods of England and the con- tinent in a talk here tonight by Prof:~ John Barker Waite, of the Michigan Law school, who address- ed a group of University of Michi- gan alumni associations at the Ho- tel Statler. "Law in Action" was the subject of Professor Waite's address, which dealt primarily with the advantages of the independent judiciary as it worked out in European nations. A detailed comparison of both the personnel and the methods of pro- cedure used in the administration of criminal justice was made be- tween the United States and other nations. Among other matters relating the criminal law procedural and en- forcement methods, Professor Waite pointed out distinct advantages in every way of the independent judi- ciary, whose tenure of office does not depend on polit/cal favor, MADISON, Wis., Jan. 18-(P)- SNorthwestern's undefeated quintet trampled another Western Confer- 2nce foe tonight to score a 28-24 win over Wisconsin and, to main- tain its place at the head of the Big Ten standings. F~or the sevcond time this se asont Wisconsin ade a good fight against the champion Wildcats, but lacked the punch late in the game to upset the leaders. BLOOMINGTON, Jan. 18. - (P) --Indiana gained its first Big Ten victory of the season here tonight when it overwhelmed the flounder- ing Iowa cawers, 35-27, to lift the Hoosiers out of the tie for the Con- ference cellar. After making s t r o n g fights against OhiorState and Northwest- ern in its first two games of the year, the green Hawkeye quintet was far outclassed by a Crimsoh team that had failed to show much power at all in its early Conference games. Additional Trials to Be Held in Laboratory Theatre Tonight. Efforts to make "Robin Hood," the inter-club light opera planned for next March the most ambitious production ever presented to a campus audience, will be continued this week with additional tryouts set for 8 o'clock tonight in the Lab- oratory Theatre. Results from the first tryouts held last week were very encourag- ing, Valantine B. Windt said yes- terday. The reason for the addi- tional tryouts today, he explained, is to give those who appeared last time, and any additional aspirants, a chance to prove their ability by presenting prepared material before the tryout committee. Those trying for musical roles are asked to have a 'song memor- ized and to bring the music for it to be played as an accompaniment, or have their own accompanist. Those interested in the straight dramatic parts are to have 10 or 15 lines memorized from some play that will demonstrate the particu- lar talent of the individual who is trying out. "This opera offers great oppor- tunitis both vocally and dramatic- ally and should prove an excellent experience for those who are select- ed to take part," Windt stated. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 18.- Prohibition' and the tariff will be the two main issues of the 1932 presidential campaign, in the opin- ion of Prof. William Anderson, head of the department of political science at the University of Minne- sota. "Although it probably will not be voiced openly by either party, the problem of enforcing or repealing the existing prohibition laws will be the most important issue," he declared. Many Republican votes will be cast for Democratic candidates at the next election, he predicted. I } i Smoker for Freshmen Postponed to Feb. 12 The Freshman Smoker which was to be held tomorrow night in the Union, has been postponed until Wednesday, Feb. 17 due to final ex- aminations. President Cites Need for Freshman Dormitories; New Observatory Necessary, His Report States By Karl Seiffert Terming the need for dormitories for freshmen "a very real one," President Alexander G. Ruthven, in his report to the Regents for the year 1930-31, which was pub- lished yesterday, says: "Not because suitable rooms are not available, but because the first year is one during which the stu- dent should receive assistance in adjusting himself and in organiz- ing work, it is highly desirable that these men be housed together." - Among other needs of the Uni- v'ersity are listed an endowment fund for the salary of a supervisor of religious activities, a new ob- ovtnrv _ nd endowment funds, lake has been acquired. Funds for erecting and equipping two domes should be made available as soon as possible that the activities of this important department may cease to be curtailed." The president's plan for the es- tablishment of a director of relig- ious activities is based on the fact that state universities have not as yet discovered a satisfactory meth- od of encouraging religious educa- tion or of providing training which will produce religious leaders or in- formed laymen. Not only are there objections to formal instruction in this field and to required courses, but experience shows that little can be accomplished by these methods." Borders Asks for 'Just' Treatment of Negro; S uv.gests T"heir Appointment as Instructors By Norman F. Kraft recommended the appointment of Warning the white people of the Negro. America that the' conditions to . "The Negro race," Borders said," is America's daily challenge. This which the Negro in this country is was once a southern problem but subjected will make him a menace in recent years we have seen the to our society, Karl Borders, secre- phenomenon of a Negro movement tary of the League for Industrial to our large northern cities. Detroit Democracy last night sounded a has had a 600 per cent increase in call for just treatment of our 'black its Negro population since 1910. brother' in his lecture at ,Natural Chicago has had a 600 per cent in- Science auditorium. , crease. The attempt at segregation "I too am an American!" These will not solve the question. The words selected from the works of Negro differs from us only in his a Negro poet expressed the keynote badge of color. of Borders' plea. "The Negro," he "The Negroes of America are a pointed out, "forms one-tenth of new race. They are a mixture of our population. He was brought many African bloods, the best blood here against his own will. He helped of the south and a large amount to build this country. The life-blood of Indian blood. They are called a of America has been poured into menace. People point to their race his veins. Now, he is asking, not for riots and .Communist membership. equality but for a share in our in- Why not? They are given the poor- dustrial and intellectual world. He est pay. They are the last hired and is demanding that he be allowed to the first fired. Labor organizations be the best that he can be." refuse them membershir." I ,losson to Discuss Manchurian Situation Optimistic aspects of the Man- A